/** * Update a v5 Installation to v6 */ component { function init(){ variables.util = shell.getUtil(); variables.cwd = getCWD(); variables.tempFolder = variables.cwd & "__temp"; variables.targetVersion = "6"; if( directoryExists( variables.tempFolder ) ){ directoryDelete( variables.tempFolder, true ); } directoryCreate( variables.tempFolder ); // Directory copy excludes variables.excludes = [ ".tmp", ".DS_Store", ".git" ]; return this; } /** * Run the updater */ function run( version ){ // Override the incoming version if needed if( !isNull( arguments.version ) ){ variables.targetVersion = arguments.version; } print.blueLine( "This task will update your ContentBox 5 installation to a ContentBox 6 installation." ) .blueLine( "Please make a backup of your source and your database now. " ) .line() .redLine( "Here are some files that will be overwritten by the updater. We will create .bak files for you.") .redLine( "Make sure you copy back your customizations to your new files:") .redLine( "- Application.cfc" ) .redLine( "- config/Coldbox.cfc") .line() .toConsole(); var ready = ask( "Are you ready to continue (yes/no)?" ); if ( listFindNoCase( "n,no", ready ) ) { print.blueLine( "Bye Bye!" ); return; } // Install ContentBox print.blueLine( "Downloading ContentBox v#variables.targetVersion# assets to __temp folder..." ).toConsole(); command( "install contentbox-site@#variables.targetVersion#" ) .inWorkingDirectory( variables.tempFolder ) .run(); print.greenLine( "√ ContentBox assets downloaded!" ).toConsole(); // Update ColdBox print.blueLine( "Uninstalling current version of ColdBox..." ).toConsole(); command( "uninstall coldbox" ).run(); print.blueLine( "Installing latest version of ColdBox 7..." ).toConsole(); command( "install coldbox@^7.0.0 --save" ).run(); print.greenLine( "√ ColdBox Updated!" ).toConsole(); // Update ContentBox print.blueLine( "Uninstalling current version of the ContentBox module..." ).toConsole(); command( "uninstall contentbox" ).run(); print.blueLine( "Installing ContentBox v#variables.targetVersion#" ).toConsole(); command( "install contentbox@#variables.targetVersion# --save" ).run(); print.greenLine( "√ ContentBox v#variables.targetVersion# Installed!" ).toConsole(); // ContentBox Bin directory installation print.blueLine( "Moving new ContentBox bin folder to root..." ).toConsole(); if( !directoryExists( variables.cwd & "bin" ) ){ directoryCreate( variables.cwd & "bin" ); }; copy( variables.tempFolder & "/bin", variables.cwd & "bin" ); print.greenLine( "√ ContentBox bin folder installed!" ).toConsole(); // New ColdBox 7 Modules Folder print.blueLine( "Moving new ColdBox config modules folder to config..." ).toConsole(); if( !directoryExists( variables.cwd & "config/modules" ) ){ directoryCreate( variables.cwd & "config/modules" ); }; copy( variables.tempFolder & "/config/modules", variables.cwd & "config/modules" ); print.greenLine( "√ ColdBox config modules folder installed!" ).toConsole(); // Copy over new files replaceNewSiteFiles(); // Remove temp folder directoryDelete( variables.tempFolder, true ); // Run Migrations print.blueLine( "Migrating your database to version: #variables.targetVersion#..." ).toConsole(); command( "run-script contentbox:migrate:up" ).run(); print.greenLine( "√ Database migrated!" ).toConsole(); // Final Comment print.boldRedLine( "√ Eureka! You are now ready to startup your engines and run ContentBox v#variables.targetVersion#!" ) .toConsole(); } function replaceNewSiteFiles(){ print.blueLine( "Starting to deploy new files..." ).line().toConsole(); var files = [ ".cfconfig.json", "server.json", "Application.cfc", "readme.md", "config/Coldbox.cfc" ].each( ( thisFile ) => { if( fileExists( variables.cwd & thisFile ) ){ print.blueLine( "Backing up #thisFile#..." ).toConsole(); fileCopy( variables.cwd & thisFile, variables.cwd & thisFile & ".bak" ); } print.blueLine( "Installing new #thisFile#..." ).toConsole(); fileCopy( variables.tempFolder & "/" & thisFile, variables.cwd & thisFile ); print.greenLine( "√ New #thisFile# Installed!" ).toConsole(); } ); print.line().greenLine( "√ New files deployed!" ).line().toConsole(); } /** * DirectoryCopy is broken in lucee */ private function copy( src, target, recurse=true ){ // process paths with excludes directoryList( src, false, "path", function( path ){ var isExcluded = false; variables.excludes.each( function( item ){ if( path.replaceNoCase( variables.cwd, "", "all" ).findNoCase( item ) ){ isExcluded = true; } } ); return !isExcluded; }).each( function( item ){ // Copy to target if( fileExists( item ) ){ print.blueLine( "Copying #item#" ).toConsole(); fileCopy( item, target ); } else { print.greenLine( "Copying directory #item#" ).toConsole(); directoryCopy( item, target & "/" & item.replace( src, "" ), true ); } } ); } }