library(simglm) library(lme4) library(paramtest) ### STEP1: DECLARE THE FOLLOWING FUNCTION WITH THE CUSTOMIZED ENTRIES mlm_test <- function(simNum, lv2, lv1) { data_str <- "cross" fixed <- ~ 1 + x1 + x2 + x1:x2 ##model is specified in this step fixed_param <- c(0, 0.3, 0.3, 0.3) ## population-level fixed effects (i.e. regression coefficients) random <- ~ 1 ## which element of the model is random random_param <- list(random_var = c(pi^2/27), rand_gen = 'rnorm', ther_sim=TRUE) ##the variance of the random effect cov_param <- list(dist_fun = c('rchisq', 'rbinom'), ### distribution of the covariates var_type = c("level2", "level1"), ## which covaraite is Level 1 and which is Level 2. Must match the order opts = list(list(df=1), ## in which they were declared just 1 line above. list(size=1, prob=0.5))) ## suitable parameters for the distributions. In this case, degrees of freedom ##(df) for the chi-square and size and probability for the binomial. fixed1 <- ~ 1 + x1 + x2 + x1:x2 ### must look exactly as above. The only diffrence is the random effects part. fixed_param1 <- c(0, 0.3, 0.3, 0.3) random1 <- ~ 1+x1 random_param1 <- list(random_var = c(pi^2/27, 0.3), rand_gen = 'rnorm', ther_sim=TRUE) cov_param1 <- list(dist_fun = c('rchisq', 'rbinom'), var_type = c("level2", "level1"), opts = list(list(df=1), list(size=1, prob=0.5))) ## simulates 1st data set (needed for the likelihood ratio test of random effects) dat11<-simglm::sim_glm(fixed = fixed, fixed_param = fixed_param, random = random, random_param = random_param, cov_param = cov_param, k = NULL, n = lv2, p = lv1, data_str = data_str, outcome_type = 'logistic') ## simulates 2nd data set (needed for the likelihood ratio test of random effects) dat22<-simglm::sim_glm(fixed = fixed1, fixed_param = fixed_param1, random = random1, random_param = random_param1, cov_param = cov_param1, k = NULL, n = lv2, p = lv1, data_str = data_str, outcome_type = 'logistic') datz1 <- dat11[,-c(1,5:9,11)] ##optional step. extracts the only relevant output from simglm(). Needs to be changed datz2 <- dat22[,-c(1,5:10,12)] ##manually if the model changes so the right columns are extracted colnames(datz1) <- c("x1", "x2", "x1x2", "y","id") ##optional step. re-names the columns colnames(datz2) <- c("x1", "x2", "x1x2", "y","id") return <- tryCatch({ ### all the (nested) models are fitted to make sure the likelihood-ratio tests are possible mod0 <- glm(y ~ 1 +x1 + x2 + x1x2, data=datz1, family="binomial") mod1 <- lme4::glmer(y ~ 1 +x1 + x2 + x1x2 + (1|id), data=datz1, family="binomial") mod1.5 <- lme4::glmer(y ~ 1 +x1 + x2 + x1x2 + (1|id), data=datz2, family="binomial") mod2 <- lme4::glmer(y ~ 1 +x1 + x2 + x1x2 + (1|id) + (0+x1|id), data=datz2, family="binomial") p1 <- coef(summary(mod2))[2,4] p2 <- coef(summary(mod2))[3,4] p3 <- coef(summary(mod2))[4,4] test1<-as.numeric(2*(logLik(mod1)-logLik(mod0))) ##likelihood ratio tests test2<-as.numeric(2*(logLik(mod2)-logLik(mod1.5))) sig1 <- p1 <.05 sig2 <- p2 <.05 sig3 <- p3 <.05 sig4 <- pchisq(test1,1,lower=FALSE)<.05 sig5 <- pchisq(test2,1,lower=FALSE)<.05 return(c(sig1, sig2, sig3, sig4, sig5)) }, error=function(e) { return(c(sig1=NA, sig2=NA, sig3=NA, sig4=NA, sig5=NA)) }) return(return) } ######### creates list of sample sizes at Level 1 and Level2 ######### power_mlm <- grid_search(mlm_test, params=list(lv1=seq(from=10, to=100, by=1), lv2=seq(from=10, to=110, by=20)), n.iter=10000, output='data.frame', parallel="snow", ncpus=8) a1<-data.frame(results(power_mlm) %>%group_by(lv1.test,lv2.test)%>% summarise(power=mean(X1, na.rm=TRUE),na=sum( a2<-data.frame(results(power_mlm) %>%group_by(lv1.test,lv2.test)%>% summarise(power=mean(X2, na.rm=TRUE),na=sum( a3<-data.frame(results(power_mlm) %>%group_by(lv1.test,lv2.test)%>% summarise(power=mean(X3, na.rm=TRUE),na=sum( a4<-data.frame(results(power_mlm) %>%group_by(lv1.test,lv2.test)%>% summarise(power=mean(X4, na.rm=TRUE),na=sum( a5<-data.frame(results(power_mlm) %>%group_by(lv1.test,lv2.test)%>% summarise(power=mean(X5, na.rm=TRUE),na=sum(