ID of the planet these entries are for A set of entries that belong to this planet The ID of this entry Name of this entry The curiosity this entry belongs to Whether this entry is a curiosity Whether to hide the "More To Explore" text on this entry When the parent of this entry is determining whether its "More To Explore" text should appear, this child entry will be ignored. Ignore more to explore if a persistent condition is `true` If this fact is revealed, show the Alt picture. Alt photos use the same file name as default but suffixed with "_alt" Rumor facts for this entry Explore facts for this entry Child entries within this entry The ID of this rumor fact The source of this rumor, this draws a line in detective mode Displays on the card in detective mode if no ExploreFacts have been revealed on the parent entry Priority over other RumorFacts to appear as the entry card's title Whether to hide the "More to explore" on this rumor fact The ID of this explore fact Whether to hide the "More to explore" text for this fact The text content for this fact Display alt-text given a certain fact is revealed The text to display if the condition is met The condition that needs to be fulfilled to have the alt text be displayed