#!/bin/bash export LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8 set -e version="" echo echo "################################################" echo "# Welcome #" echo "################################################" echo echo "This script will update PAC to the latest version (${version})." echo find_paccoin_data_dir() { echo '*** Finding $PAC data-dir' DATA_DIR="$HOME/.paccoincore" if [ -e ./paccoin.conf ] && [ -e ./governance.dat ] && [ -e ./peers.dat ] && [ -d chainstate ] && [ -d blocks ] && [ -d database ]; then DATA_DIR='.'; elif [ -e $HOME/.paccoin/paccoin.conf ] ; then DATA_DIR="$HOME/.paccoin" ; elif [ -e $HOME/.paccoincore/paccoin.conf ] ; then DATA_DIR="$HOME/.paccoincore" ; fi if [ -e $DATA_DIR ] ; then cd $DATA_DIR rm -f banlist.dat governance.dat netfulfilled.dat budget.dat debug.log fee_estimates.dat mncache.dat mnpayments.dat peers.dat cd fi CONF_PATH="$DATA_DIR/paccoin.conf" } stop_paccoin() { echo '*** Stopping any $PAC daemon running' INSTALL_DIR='' is_pacd_enabled=0 # Check if running with systemd if [ $(systemctl is-active pacd.service) == "active" ] ; then is_pacd_enabled=1 sudo systemctl stop pacd.service elif [ $(systemctl is-active paccoind.service) == "active" ] ; then sudo systemctl stop paccoind.service # paccoin-cli in PATH elif [ ! -z $(which paccoin-cli 2>/dev/null) ] ; then INSTALL_DIR=$(readlink -f `which paccoin-cli`) INSTALL_DIR=${INSTALL_DIR%%/paccoin-cli*}; # Check current directory elif [ -e ./paccoin-cli ] ; then INSTALL_DIR='.' ; # check ~/.paccoin directory elif [ -e $HOME/.paccoin/paccoin-cli ] ; then INSTALL_DIR="$HOME/.paccoin" ; # check ~/.paccoincore directory elif [ -e $HOME/.paccoincore/paccoin-cli ] ; then INSTALL_DIR="$HOME/.paccoincore" ; fi is_pac_running=`ps ax | grep -v grep | grep paccoind | wc -l` if [ $is_pac_running -eq 1 ]; then if [ ! -e $INSTALL_DIR/paccoin-cli ]; then killall -9 paccoind 2>/dev/null else $INSTALL_DIR/paccoin-cli stop 2>&1 >/dev/null fi fi INSTALL_DIR="$HOME/.paccoincore" } check_crete_swap() { echo "*** Checking if a swapfile exist" is_swap_on_system=`swapon -s | wc -l` if [ $is_swap_on_system -lt 2 ]; then swap_size=1024 echo "*** Swapfile not found, creating a ${swap_size}M swapfile." sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/var/swapfile bs=1M count=$swap_size sudo chmod 600 /var/swapfile sudo mkswap /var/swapfile sudo sed -i.bak -e '/\/var\/swapfile/d' /etc/fstab echo /var/swapfile none swap defaults 0 0 | sudo tee -a /etc/fstab sudo swapon -a free -h fi } download_binaries() { arch=`uname -m` base_url="https://github.com/PACCommunity/PAC/releases/download/v${version}" if [ "${arch}" == "x86_64" ]; then tarball_name="PAC-v${version}-linux-x86_64.tar.gz" binary_url="${base_url}/${tarball_name}" elif [ "${arch}" == "x86_32" ]; then tarball_name="PAC-v${version}-linux-x86.tar.gz" binary_url="${base_url}/${tarball_name}" else echo "PAC binary distribution not available for the architecture: ${arch}" exit -1 fi mkdir -p $INSTALL_DIR cd $INSTALL_DIR if test -e "${tarball_name}"; then rm -r $tarball_name fi echo "*** Downloading $tarball_name" echo wget --no-check-certificate --show-progress -q $binary_url if test -e "${tarball_name}"; then echo '*** Unpacking $PAC distribution' tar -xzf $tarball_name 2>/dev/null chmod +x paccoind chmod +x paccoin-cli echo "*** Binaries were saved to: $INSTALL_DIR" rm -r $tarball_name echo "*** Adding $INSTALL_DIR PATH to ~/.bash_aliases" if [ ! -f ~/.bash_aliases ]; then touch ~/.bash_aliases ; fi sed -i.bak -e '/paccoin_env/d' ~/.bash_aliases echo "export PATH=$INSTALL_DIR:\$PATH ; # paccoin_env" >> ~/.bash_aliases source ~/.bash_aliases else echo "There was a problem downloading the binaries, please try running again the script." exit -1 fi if [ -e $HOME/paccoind ]; then rm $HOME/paccoind ln -s $INSTALL_DIR/paccoind $HOME/paccoind fi if [ -e $HOME/paccoin-cli ]; then rm $HOME/paccoin-cli ln -s $INSTALL_DIR/paccoin-cli $HOME/paccoin-cli fi if [ -e $HOME/paccoin-qt ]; then rm $HOME/paccoin-qt ln -s $INSTALL_DIR/paccoin-qt $HOME/paccoin-qt fi } update_sentinel() { echo "*** Updating sentinel" was_sentinel_found=0 currpath=$( pwd ) if [ -d ~/sentinel ]; then was_sentinel_found=1 cd ~/sentinel git pull cd $currpath fi } backup_wallet() { is_pac_running=`ps ax | grep -v grep | grep paccoind | wc -l` if [ $is_pac_running -gt 0 ]; then echo "PAC process is still running, it's not safe to continue with the update, exiting." echo "Please stop the daemon with: './paccoin-cli stop' or, if running through systemd: 'sudo systemctl stop pacd.service' (or paccoind.service), then run the script again." exit -1 else currpath=$( pwd ) echo "*** Backing up wallet.dat" backupsdir="pac_wallet_backups" mkdir -p $backupsdir backupfilename=wallet.dat.$(date +%F_%T) cp ~/.paccoincore/wallet.dat "$currpath/$backupsdir/$backupfilename" echo "*** wallet.dat was saved to : $currpath/$backupsdir/$backupfilename" fi } install_and_run_systemd_service() { echo "*** Starting the PAC service" PAC_SERVICE_NAME="paccoind.service" if [ $is_pacd_enabled -eq 1 ]; then PAC_SERVICE_NAME="pacd.service" fi CURRENT_USER="User=$USER" EXEC_START_CMD="ExecStart=$INSTALL_DIR/paccoind -daemon -conf=$CONF_PATH -datadir=$DATA_DIR -pid=/run/paccoind/paccoind.pid" PAC_SERVICE_URL="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/PACCommunity/PAC/master/contrib/init/paccoind.service" wget --no-check-certificate --show-progress -q -O $PAC_SERVICE_NAME $PAC_SERVICE_URL sed -i "/User=/c $CURRENT_USER" $PAC_SERVICE_NAME sed -i "/ExecStart=/c $EXEC_START_CMD" $PAC_SERVICE_NAME sudo cp $PAC_SERVICE_NAME /etc/systemd/system/$PAC_SERVICE_NAME sudo systemctl enable $PAC_SERVICE_NAME sudo systemctl start $PAC_SERVICE_NAME sleep 5 echo echo "*** The PAC service succefully started!" echo "*** Some of the available options: start, stop, restart or status." echo "*** Example: 'systemctl status ${PAC_SERVICE_NAME}'" echo systemctl status -n 0 --no-pager $PAC_SERVICE_NAME echo paccoin-cli getinfo rm $PAC_SERVICE_NAME echo echo "==> PAC Updated!" echo "==> Remember to go to your cold wallet and start the masternode, cold wallet must also be on the latest version (${version})." } stop_paccoin find_paccoin_data_dir download_binaries check_crete_swap update_sentinel backup_wallet install_and_run_systemd_service