#!/bin/bash set -e export LC_ALL="en_US.UTF-8" if [ "$1" == "--testnet" ]; then pac_rpc_port=17111 pac_port=17112 is_testnet=1 else pac_rpc_port=7111 pac_port=7112 is_testnet=0 fi arch=`uname -m` version="" old_version="" base_url="https://github.com/PACCommunity/PAC/releases/download/v${version}" if [ "${arch}" == "x86_64" ]; then tarball_name="PAC-v${version}-linux-x86_64.tar.gz" binary_url="${base_url}/${tarball_name}" elif [ "${arch}" == "x86_32" ]; then tarball_name="PAC-v${version}-linux-x86.tar.gz" binary_url="${base_url}/${tarball_name}" else echo "PAC binary distribution not available for the architecture: ${arch}" exit -1 fi echo "################################################" echo "# Welcome to PAC Masternode's server setup #" echo "################################################" echo "" read -p 'Please provide the external IP: ' ipaddr read -p 'Please provide masternode genkey: ' mnkey while [[ $ipaddr = '' ]] || [[ $ipaddr = ' ' ]]; do read -p 'You did not provided an external IP, please provide one: ' ipaddr sleep 2 done while [[ $mnkey = '' ]] || [[ $mnkey = ' ' ]]; do read -p 'You did not provided masternode genkey, please provide one: ' mnkey sleep 2 done echo "###############################" echo "# Installing Dependencies #" echo "###############################" echo "" echo "Running this script on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS or newer is highly recommended." sudo apt-get -y update sudo apt-get -y install git python virtualenv ufw pwgen echo "###############################" echo "# Setting up the Firewall #" echo "###############################" sudo ufw status sudo ufw disable sudo ufw allow ssh/tcp sudo ufw limit ssh/tcp sudo ufw allow $pac_port/tcp sudo ufw logging on sudo ufw --force enable sudo ufw status sudo iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport $pac_port -j ACCEPT echo "" echo "###############################" echo "# Get/Setup binaries #" echo "###############################" echo "" if test -e "${tarball_name}"; then rm -r $tarball_name fi wget $binary_url if test -e "${tarball_name}"; then echo "Unpacking $PAC distribution" tar -xvzf $tarball_name chmod +x paccoind chmod +x paccoin-cli echo "Binaries were saved to: $PWD/$tarball_name" rm -r $tarball_name else echo "There was a problem downloading the binaries, please try running again the script." exit -1 fi echo "###############################" echo "# Configure the wallet #" echo "###############################" echo "" echo "The .paccoincore folder will be created, if folder already exists, it will be replaced" if [ -d ~/.paccoincore ]; then if [ -e ~/.paccoincore/paccoin.conf ]; then read -p "The file paccoin.conf already exists and will be replaced. do you agree [y/n]:" cont if [ $cont = 'y' ] || [ $cont = 'yes' ] || [ $cont = 'Y' ] || [ $cont = 'Yes' ]; then sudo rm ~/.paccoincore/paccoin.conf touch ~/.paccoincore/paccoin.conf cd ~/.paccoincore fi fi else echo "Creating .paccoincore dir" mkdir -p ~/.paccoincore cd ~/.paccoincore touch paccoin.conf fi echo "Configuring the paccoin.conf" echo "rpcuser=$(pwgen -s 16 1)" > paccoin.conf echo "rpcpassword=$(pwgen -s 64 1)" >> paccoin.conf echo "rpcallowip=" >> paccoin.conf echo "rpcport=$pac_rpc_port" >> paccoin.conf echo "externalip=$ipaddr" >> paccoin.conf echo "port=$pac_port" >> paccoin.conf echo "server=1" >> paccoin.conf echo "daemon=1" >> paccoin.conf echo "listen=1" >> paccoin.conf echo "testnet=$is_testnet" >> paccoin.conf echo "masternode=1" >> paccoin.conf echo "masternodeaddr=$ipaddr:$pac_port" >> paccoin.conf echo "masternodeprivkey=$mnkey" >> paccoin.conf echo "###############################" echo "# Running the wallet #" echo "###############################" echo "" cd ~/ ./paccoind sleep 60 is_pac_running=`ps ax | grep -v grep | grep paccoind | wc -l` if [ $is_pac_running -eq 0 ]; then echo "The daemon is not running or there is an issue, please restart the daemon!" exit fi echo "###############################" echo "# Running the sentinel #" echo "###############################" echo "" git clone "https://github.com/PACCommunity/sentinel" cd sentinel virtualenv ./venv ./venv/bin/pip install -r requirements.txt venv/bin/python bin/sentinel.py sleep 3 crontab 'crontab.txt' cd ~/ ./paccoin-cli getinfo echo "Your masternode server is ready!" echo "Don't forget to run the masternode from your cold wallet!"