{ "grid_label":{ "grid_label":{ "gm":"global mean data", "gn":"data reported on a model's native grid", "gna":"data reported on a native grid in the region of Antarctica", "gng":"data reported on a native grid in the region of Greenland", "gnz":"zonal mean data reported on a model's native latitude grid", "gr":"regridded data reported on the data provider's preferred target grid", "gr1":"regridded data reported on a grid other than the native grid and other than the preferred target grid", "gr1a":"regridded data reported in the region of Antarctica on a grid other than the native grid and other than the preferred target grid", "gr1g":"regridded data reported in the region of Greenland on a grid other than the native grid and other than the preferred target grid", "gr1z":"regridded zonal mean data reported on a grid other than the native latitude grid and other than the preferred latitude target grid", "gr2":"regridded data reported on a grid other than the native grid and other than the preferred target grid", "gr2a":"regridded data reported in the region of Antarctica on a grid other than the native grid and other than the preferred target grid", "gr2g":"regridded data reported in the region of Greenland on a grid other than the native grid and other than the preferred target grid", "gr2z":"regridded zonal mean data reported on a grid other than the native latitude grid and other than the preferred latitude target grid", "gr3":"regridded data reported on a grid other than the native grid and other than the preferred target grid", "gr3a":"regridded data reported in the region of Antarctica on a grid other than the native grid and other than the preferred target grid", "gr3g":"regridded data reported in the region of Greenland on a grid other than the native grid and other than the preferred target grid", "gr3z":"regridded zonal mean data reported on a grid other than the native latitude grid and other than the preferred latitude target grid", "gr4":"regridded data reported on a grid other than the native grid and other than the preferred target grid", "gr4a":"regridded data reported in the region of Antarctica on a grid other than the native grid and other than the preferred target grid", "gr4g":"regridded data reported in the region of Greenland on a grid other than the native grid and other than the preferred target grid", "gr4z":"regridded zonal mean data reported on a grid other than the native latitude grid and other than the preferred latitude target grid", "gr5":"regridded data reported on a grid other than the native grid and other than the preferred target grid", "gr5a":"regridded data reported in the region of Antarctica on a grid other than the native grid and other than the preferred target grid", "gr5g":"regridded data reported in the region of Greenland on a grid other than the native grid and other than the preferred target grid", "gr5z":"regridded zonal mean data reported on a grid other than the native latitude grid and other than the preferred latitude target grid", "gr6":"regridded data reported on a grid other than the native grid and other than the preferred target grid", "gr6a":"regridded data reported in the region of Antarctica on a grid other than the native grid and other than the preferred target grid", "gr6g":"regridded data reported in the region of Greenland on a grid other than the native grid and other than the preferred target grid", "gr6z":"regridded zonal mean data reported on a grid other than the native latitude grid and other than the preferred latitude target grid", "gr7":"regridded data reported on a grid other than the native grid and other than the preferred target grid", "gr7a":"regridded data reported in the region of Antarctica on a grid other than the native grid and other than the preferred target grid", "gr7g":"regridded data reported in the region of Greenland on a grid other than the native grid and other than the preferred target grid", "gr7z":"regridded zonal mean data reported on a grid other than the native latitude grid and other than the preferred latitude target grid", "gr8":"regridded data reported on a grid other than the native grid and other than the preferred target grid", "gr8a":"regridded data reported in the region of Antarctica on a grid other than the native grid and other than the preferred target grid", "gr8g":"regridded data reported in the region of Greenland on a grid other than the native grid and other than the preferred target grid", "gr8z":"regridded zonal mean data reported on a grid other than the native latitude grid and other than the preferred latitude target grid", "gr9":"regridded data reported on a grid other than the native grid and other than the preferred target grid", "gr9a":"regridded data reported in the region of Antarctica on a grid other than the native grid and other than the preferred target grid", "gr9g":"regridded data reported in the region of Greenland on a grid other than the native grid and other than the preferred target grid", "gr9z":"regridded zonal mean data reported on a grid other than the native latitude grid and other than the preferred latitude target grid", "gra":"regridded data in the region of Antarctica reported on the data provider's preferred target grid", "grg":"regridded data in the region of Greenland reported on the data provider's preferred target grid", "grz":"regridded zonal mean data reported on the data provider's preferred latitude target grid" }, "version_metadata":{ "CV_collection_modified":"Thu Mar 28 15:37:58 2024 -0700", "CV_collection_version":"", "author":"Paul J. Durack ", "grid_label_CV_modified":"Fri Sep 8 18:12:00 2017 -0700", "grid_label_CV_note":"Issue395 durack1 augment grid_label with description (#401)", "institution_id":"PCMDI", "previous_commit":"908bb4e3885ae09cd4155a3a0914635de1d42a26", "specs_doc":"v6.2.7 (10th September 2018; https://goo.gl/v1drZl)" } } }