gametitle=Fatal Frame * NTSC-K * SCPS-56008 * BCF04BF3 // Project Zero [Widescreen 16:9] gsaspectratio=16:9 author=nemesis2000, pgert and Devina - ported by arapapa // 16:9 widescreen by nemesis2000 patch=1,EE,00189E54,word,3C013F40 // 3C013F80 // cutscenes by pgert patch=1,EE,001856D4,word,3C013F40 // 3C013F80 // Cut-scene Render fix // 0045013c 00208144 280040e6 patch=1,EE,001856c8,word,3c0145C0 // 3c014500 // FMV fix by nemesis2000 patch=1,EE,001822B8,word,24027100 patch=1,EE,001822C8,word,24027100 patch=1,EE,001822D0,word,24091E00 // Lens Flare's fix - Modified based on PAL (0,875 instead of 0,75) - better. patch=1,EE,00137154,word,3C013F12 // 3c013f00 patch=1,EE,00135b10,word,3C01428C // 3c0142a0 patch=1,EE,00135bf4,word,3C01410C // 3c014120 patch=1,EE,00135bbc,word,3C014128 // 3c014140 patch=1,EE,00135b78,word,3C0141A8 // 3c0141c0 // HUD Y-FoV //patch=1,EE,0015dd74,word,3c013ec0 // 3c013f00 // ========== [Disable Blurry Bloom effect] // 6666f643 0000803f 0000803f patch=1,EE,2035210C,extended,00000000 [Disable Dark Filter effect] // 00002044 0000e043 0000803f 0000803f 00000000 00000000 (10) patch=1,EE,2035258C,extended,00000000 [Disable Post-Process and Noise effect] // 00002044 0000e043 0000803f 0000803f 00000000 00000000 (8) patch=1,EE,2035241C,extended,00000000 [No-Interlacing] author=asasega patch=1,EE,20234e64,extended,00000000