gametitle=Army Men - RTS (PAL-Unk)(SLES-50706) DAB59034 [Widescreen 16:9] gsaspectratio=16:9 author=Arapapa description=Renders the game in 16:9 aspect ratio //3D Scene which is proceeding automatically //803f013c 00188144 9000b17f patch=1,EE,001a37f4,word,3c013fab //3c013f80 Fov //003f013c 00088144 080002c6 patch=1,EE,001a3834,word,3c013f05 //3c013f00 Zoom //Game Play //803f013c 00a08144 43480200 patch=1,EE,001a32fc,word,3c013fab //3c013f80 Fov //003f013c 00388144 080000c6 patch=1,EE,001a3734,word,3c013f05 //3c013f00 Zoom //Render fix //803f013c 00188144 43200146 //patch=1,EE,0020d2ec,word,3c013fab //3c013f80 //Odd Zoom (able to avoid rendering fix) //803f013c 00a08144 patch=1,EE,0020cf5c,word,3c013fb0 //3c013f80 [50 FPS] author=PeterDelta description=Might need EE Overclock at 130%. patch=1,EE,003F5974,word,00000000 //00000001