gametitle=Echo Night: Beyond [PAL] (SLES_534.14) BBF8C3D6 [Widescreen 16:9] gsaspectratio=16:9 author=El_Patas and Arapapa description=Renders the game in 16:9 aspect ratio //Force turn on Internal Widescreen //01 00 00 00 00 00 00 3F patch=1,EE,202b4001,byte,00000001 patch=1,EE,00146EA4,word,3C023F1F //3C023F00 Zoom //patch=1,EE,00146EA0,word,3C033FA0 //3C033F70 Y-FOV [60 FPS] author=PeterDelta description=Might need EE Overclock at 130%. Select 60 Hz patch=1,EE,E001001E,extended,0028A348 patch=1,EE,0028A348,extended,0000003C [Performance Fix] author=PeterDelta description=Remove flashlight shadows improving performance. patch=1,EE,001471C4,word,3C020000 //3C023F80