gametitle=Urban Chaos - Riot Response (PAL-M5) (SLES-53991) [Widescreen 16:9] gsaspectratio=16:9 author=ElHecht // 16:9 patch=1,EE,00655260,word,3c013f40 // 00000000 hor fov patch=1,EE,00655264,word,34210000 // 00000000 hor fov // 16:10 //patch=1,EE,00655260,word,3c013f55 // 00000000 hor fov //patch=1,EE,00655264,word,34215555 // 00000000 hor fov // 16:9 and 16:10 modifications // no need to change anything here! all modifications are calculated // based on the hor fov value in the upper 16:9/16:10 section patch=1,EE,0018f550,word,08195498 // e7a40000 patch=1,EE,0018f554,word,00000000 // c7b40070 patch=1,EE,00655268,word,4481f000 // 00000000 patch=1,EE,0065526c,word,461e2102 // 00000000 patch=1,EE,00655270,word,e7a40000 // 00000000 patch=1,EE,00655274,word,c7b40070 // 00000000 patch=1,EE,00655278,word,08063d55 // 00000000