--- title: "Contribute to this Website" #date: "2018-11-19" lastmod: "2018-11-19" header_image: "/img/keyboard-closeup.jpg" description: "Contribututions to our website are welcome and encouraged from community members! This page describes how to get started." images: - "/img/ogp-preview-keyboard-500.jpg" include_toc: true tags: ["website", "hugo"] aliases: - "/contribute" --- # Overview: How to Contribute 1. Fork the [GitHub repo][website_repo] that houses the content for the website. You will need an account on GitHub to do this. 1. Make edits to your own fork, preferably on a _branch other than_ `main`. 1. Optionally, run a local copy of [Hugo][hugo_site] to verify the site renders as expected. 1. Open a [Pull Request][pull_request] against the original repo. 1. The website will automatically publish once the PR is merged. # Static Site Generation This website is built using a [static site generator][static_generator] that creates HTML pages by combining markdown content with HTML templates. * This site uses [Hugo][hugo_site] for the site generator. * All the source asset files (markdown content, HTML templates, images) are in a [repository on GitHub][website_repo]. Page content is written in [Markdown][markdown], a simplified way to format text that is easier to use than HTML. Markdown file names typically end with an extension of `.md`. Hugo looks for content pages under the `content` directory of the project root. Most new page additions should be placed under `content/post`. > For an example of markdown content see what is used to render [this very page][this_page]. ## Run Hugo Locally Instructions for getting started with Hugo can be found in the `README.md` of the root of the [website repo][website_repo]. ## Open a Pull Request GitHub has [comprehensive documentation][github_help] on using Git and GitHub tools. See [here][pull_request] for details on opening a pull request. If you have further questions, please don't hesitate to ask in our Slack group. [hugo_site]: https://gohugo.io/ [website_repo]: https://github.com/PDXPythonPirates/pythonpirates.org [static_generator]: https://www.staticgen.com/ [markdown]: https://guides.github.com/features/mastering-markdown/ [github_help]: https://help.github.com/ [pull_request]: https://help.github.com/articles/creating-a-pull-request/ [this_page]: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/PDXPythonPirates/pythonpirates.org/master/content/post/contribute-to-website.md