# 3/1/22 - 3/3/22 ## 3/1/22 ### Attendance: ☑ Brody, ☑ Derek, ☑ Jack ### Goals: - Finetune Left + Right AWP autons. - Create Elim Bracket Autons (Old Elim + Middle Goal). - Finetune skills auton. - Continue driver practice. - CREATE Remote Interview. ### Accomplished: - ☑ Finetune Left + Right AWP autons. - ☑ Create Elim Bracket Autons (Old Elim + Middle Goal). - ☑ Finetune skills auton. #### How: - Today Jack worked on the autonomous programs and has fintuned the match autons to ensure that they will be consistent. One change we made though is we will no longer go for both neutral goals in the elimination bracket since the recent changes to our robot have made securing the second goal too inconsistent. We still have the autonomous in case we need to resort to it for a match but our plan will be to either use the middle goal elim auton or one of the 1/2 AWP autons that grab one neutral goal instantly. - Jack also worked on finetuning the skills autonomous and has slightly altered the routine to score more rings. We will continue to try and elevate 5 goals but now our robot will also try and score 16 rings total for an extra 48 points bringing our maximum skills score to 248. #### Why: - We are not focusing on the 2 goal elim auton anymore since we do not have enough time to focus on it rather than the skills auton. We decided that the 2 goal autonomous is not as important as bettering our skills auton because we will benefit a lot more from a high scoring skills auton than one more match auton. Since we do rings now it is possible for us to win a match even if we lose out on the mobile goal advantage. ### Plans for next Practice: - Contine skills auton practice. - Continue driver practice. ```{important} Last Edited on 3/1/22. ``` ## 3/2/22 ### Attendance: ☑ Brody, ☑ Derek, ☑ Jack ### Goals: - Contine skills auton practice. - Continue driver practice. ### Accomplished: - ☑ Contine skills auton practice. - ☑ Continue driver practice. #### How: - Today Jack continued finetuning the skills auton. He limited the speed of backing up to grab the third goal since the quality of grab will determine the accuracy of the auton after that. - Derek continued practicing driving today and was struggling to get >310 run three times in a row. Derek and Brody are going to design a new strategy that will allow him to be more consistent. #### Why: - Jack finetuned grabbing the third goal because it is the least consistent part of the autonomous. When this part fails the second half of the auton becomes very inconsistent. Fixing this movement will be very important. - Since Derek has been unable to score over 310 with our original driver route, he wants to design a new more consistent route. Derek and Brody will work together to find the most consistent route for Derek. ### Plans for next Practice: - Ensure all autons work. - Design new driver route. - Continue driver practice. ```{important} Last Edited on 3/2/22. ``` ## 3/3/22 ### Attendance: ☑ Brody, ☑ Derek, ☑ Jack ### Goals: - Ensure all autons work. - Design new driver route. - Continue driver practice. ### Accomplished: - ☑ Ensure all autons work. - ☑ Design new driver route. - ☑ Continue driver practice. #### How: - Today Jack tested all 6 auton programs to make sure they work properly. Since we plan on pairing with our sister team 9447B for the elim bracket it is very important that we get 1st place in the qualifying rounds. All auton programs work correctly. - Today Derek and Brody created a new driver route that should be more consistent. The new route has Derek grab both alliance goals mimicking the full AWP auton. Then Derek will drive past the neutral goals scoring 5-8 rings on one goal then elevate both. #### Why: - Since Derek chose to change to a new driver routine he will require the whole day to get used to the routine so instead of working on the skills auton Jack tested all the autonomous programs to make sure that all the match autons are ready for the tournament. - Derek spent the day just running through the new routine. His new routine is slightly more consistent but he much more confident with this routine. ### Plans for next Practice: - Redesign intake hood. - Prepare for CREATE. ```{important} Last Edited on 3/3/22. ```