# 10/5/21-10/7/21 ## 10/5/21 ### Attendance: ☑ Brody, ☑ Derek, ☑ Jack ### Goals: - Continue AWP autonomous ### Accomplished: - ☑ Finish AWP autonmous #### How: - Jack finished the AWP auton routine today. The autonomous takes a total of 9 seconds so we have six seconds to spare. With this extra time we might also work on grabbing one of the three yellow goals as well. - This autonomous is really fast because Jack converted the movement from the first alliance goal to the second from 4 separate movments into 1 continuous movement. Jack believes that performing one action will be more accurate then doing 4 smaller movements because the more movements that happen the more error buildup is possible. #### Why: - We decided to just focus on the AWP autonomous today since Jack was able to make sure quick progress on the auton. With this routine finished for the rest of the month all we have to do is continue running it to make sure it is consistent. ### Plans for next Practice: - Begin working on the Elimination match autonomous. ```{important} Last Edited on 10/5/21. ``` ## 10/6/21 ### Attendance: ☑ Brody, ☑ Derek, ☑ Jack ### Goals: - Begin working on the Elimination match autonomous. ### Accomplished: - ☑ Improve AWP autonomous. ### How: - Instead of starting to work on the second autonomous routine, Jack improved the AWP autonomous by grabbing a neutral mobile goal after completing the AWP requirements. Since we now score a neutral mobile goal our autonomous scores 23 points instead of 3. This improved autonomous routine will allow us to be able to score both the AWP as well as the most likely win the autonomous phase in the match. ### Why: - Improving our AWP autonomous is worth delaying the second autonomous because it will strengthen our chances of placing high in the rankings because it will allow us to both gain the extra win point as well as win more autonomous phases giving us the highest chance of maxing out the two most important scoring criteria. #### Plans for next Practice: - Start driver practice. ```{important} Last Edited on 10/6/21. ``` ## 10/7/21 ### Attendance: ☑ Brody, ☑ Derek, ☑ Jack ### Goals: - Start driver practice. ### Accomplished: - ☑ Start driver practice. - ☑ Map out the Elim match auton. #### How: - Derek starting practicing by just driving around getting accustomed to grabbing and scoring all the mobile goals in the zones and on the platforms. - Derek's goal for the October tournament is to score 290 in driver. To do this Derek will have to elevate 6 goals(240pts), score one in a home zone(20pts) and park(30pts). - While Derek drove, Jack mapped out the routine for the Elim match auton. The robot will start on the right side and grab the far right neutral mobile goal and score it, then turn and grab the middle neutral goal, for a total of 40 points. ```{figure} ././_images/october/twoGoal.png --- width: 600px name: twoGoal.png --- A mapping of the Elim auton. ``` #### Why: - We have not begun practicing skills runs yet because Derek first needs to drive the robot casually since he has not had enough practice to be comfortable driving the robot. Once he is used to driving the robot, Derek will start practicing skills runs. - To better use our time, Jack mapped out the auton routine while Derek was driving since Jack will be able to start finetuning the routine next week. ### Plans for next Practice: - Begin testing the Elim match auton. ```{important} Last Edited on 10/7/21. ```