# 8/31/21 - 9/2/21 ## 8/31/21 ### Attendance: ☑ Brody, ☑ Derek, ☑ Jack ### Goals: - Design Lift robot. - Dissasemble and reorganize our parts. ### Accomplished: - ☑ Design Lift robot. - ☑ Dissasemble and reorganize. #### How: - Derek cadded the Lift robot using the application Blender and began building the drive base. Below are pictures of the CAD. ```{admonition} Parts Order With the Lift design, there are many parts thats we have to order, so we will be slowed for a while but are on pace to have the drive base finished by this week. ``` - A very important part of every new season is to reorganize our materials and tools from last season. While Derek was designing Brody and Jack disassembled our Change Up robot from last season. #### Why: - Following our September schedule, we will need to finalize the robot by the end of September so we have enough time to practice driving and create autonomous routines. ### Plans for next Practice: - Continue building drive base. ```{important} Last Edited on 8/31/21. ``` ## 9/1/21 ### Attendance: ☑ Brody, ☑ Derek, ☑ Jack ### Goals: - Continue building the drive base. ### Accomplished: - ☑ Build half of the drive base. #### How: - Derek continued building the drive base based off the CAD designed yesterday. - The two crosbars on the robot are for general stability. Having two as opposed to one is better because it removes the ability for the bars to twist which would degrade the quality of the robot causing it to overtime decrease in consistency. The bars are also very important for the other subsystems because they keep them straight and alligned which will help the lifts have less friction. #### Why: - While converting the CAD into a physical robot Derek is taking extra time to make sure it is all correct. Since we have alloted this entire week for building the drive base we are making sure to maximize our time to ensure the utmost quality in the drive base since it is arguably the most important mechanism. ### Plans for next Practice: - Complete drive base. ```{important} Last Edited on 9/1/21. ``` ## 9/2/21 ### Attendance: ☑ Brody, ☑ Derek, ☑ Jack ### Goals: - Complete drive base. ### Accomplished: - ☑ Complete drive base. #### How: - With half of the drive base completed from yesterday, Derek finished building the second half. #### Why: - While ensuring top quality, we are following our schedule as planned to make sure we will be ready to compete in October. - To reduce the friction in the drive base, Derek tests every piece we use. He checks to make sure each axle is straight, and that all the bearings allow the axles to spin with the least amount of friction. Derek also makes sure that the spacing is as perfect as possible by using CAD and also adjusting the spacing one washer at a time. ```{admonition} Note: By taking extra time inspecting each piece thoroughly, Derek ensures the quality of the drive base which increases the consistency and longevity of the drive base. ``` ### Plans for next Practice: - Begin building the lifts. ```{important} Last Edited on 9/2/21. ```