state("CelestialMechanica") { int time : "CelestialMechanica.exe", 0x00593F40; } // CelestialMechanica.exe+593F40 init { vars.cinematic = true; } startup { settings.Add("gametime_user", true, "Game Time", null); settings.Add("autostart_user", false, "Autostart/Reset", null); } reset { if (settings["autostart_user"]) { return (current.time == 27 || vars.cinematic); // 27 is strangely the value for menu // 45 is the value for cinematic } } start { if (settings["autostart_user"]) { return (current.time > 45 && vars.cinematic == false); } } update { if (settings["autostart_user"] || settings["gametime_user"]) { if (current.time > 45 && vars.cinematic) { vars.cinematic = false; } } } split { // Didn't found the adress :'( } gameTime { if (settings["gametime_user"]) { print(current.time.ToString()); if (vars.cinematic == false) { return TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(current.time*10); } // Time is in centiseconds for some reason } }