import { Algorithm, Jose, makeJwt, Payload, setExpiration } from "./deps.ts"; import { AuthRepository, Configuration } from "./types.ts"; export type RepositoryDependencies = { configuration: Configuration }; const defaultConfiguration: Configuration = { algorithm: "HS512" as Algorithm, key: "SET-YOUR-KEY", tokenExpirationInSeconds: 120, }; /** * Generates, gets and stores (in-memory) jwt tokens for a userId */ export class Repository implements AuthRepository { private storage = new Map(); private configuration: Configuration; /** * @param dependencies object with Repository dependencies */ constructor( dependencies: RepositoryDependencies = { configuration: defaultConfiguration, }, ) { if (dependencies.configuration.key === defaultConfiguration.key) { throw new Error("You need to set the jwt key"); } this.configuration = dependencies.configuration; } /** * Retrieves the stored token for the provided userId * * @param userId the userId to retrieve the token for */ async getToken(userId: string) { const token =; if (!token) { return Promise.reject("Could not get token for that userId"); } return token; } /** * Generates and persists the token for the provided userId * * @param userId the userId to generate the token for */ async generateToken(userId: string) { const payload: Payload = { iss: "museums", exp: setExpiration(this.configuration.tokenExpirationInSeconds), user: userId, }; const header: Jose = { alg: this.configuration.algorithm, typ: "JWT", }; const token = await makeJwt( { key: this.configuration.key, header, payload }, ); return token; } }