[简体中文](README_CN.md)| English # Tutorials ## Install - [Install FastDeploy Prebuilt Libraries](en/build_and_install/download_prebuilt_libraries.md) - [Build and Install FastDeploy Library on GPU Platform](en/build_and_install/gpu.md) - [Build and Install FastDeploy Library on CPU Platform](en/build_and_install/cpu.md) - [Build and Install FastDeploy Library on IPU Platform](en/build_and_install/ipu.md) - [Build and Install FastDeploy Library on KunlunXin XPU Platform](en/build_and_install/kunlunxin.md) - [Build and Install on RV1126 Platform](en/build_and_install/rv1126.md) - [Build and Install on RK3588 Platform](en/build_and_install/rknpu2.md) - [Build and Install on A311D Platform](en/build_and_install/a311d.md) - [Build and Install on Huawei Ascend Platform](en/build_and_install/huawei_ascend.md) - [Build and Install FastDeploy Library on Nvidia Jetson Platform](en/build_and_install/jetson.md) - [Build and Install FastDeploy Library on Android Platform](en/build_and_install/android.md) - [Build and Install FastDeploy Serving Deployment Image](../serving/docs/EN/compile-en.md) ## A Quick Start - Demos - [Python Deployment Demo](en/quick_start/models/python.md) - [C++ Deployment Demo](en/quick_start/models/cpp.md) - [A Quick Start on Runtime Python](en/quick_start/runtime/python.md) - [A Quick Start on Runtime C++](en/quick_start/runtime/cpp.md) ## API - [Python API](https://baidu-paddle.github.io/fastdeploy-api/python/html/) - [C++ API](https://baidu-paddle.github.io/fastdeploy-api/cpp/html/) - [Android Java API](../java/android) ## Performance Optimization - [Quantization Acceleration](en/quantize.md) ## Frequent Q&As - [1. How to Change Inference Backends](en/faq/how_to_change_backend.md) - [2. How to Use FastDeploy C++ SDK on Windows Platform](en/faq/use_sdk_on_windows.md) - [3. How to Use FastDeploy C++ SDK on Android Platform](en/faq/use_cpp_sdk_on_android.md) - [4. Tricks of TensorRT](en/faq/tensorrt_tricks.md) - [5. How to Develop a New Model](en/faq/develop_a_new_model.md) - [6. How to Develop C API for a New Model](en/faq/develop_c_api_for_a_new_model.md) - [7. How to Develop C# API for a New Model](en/faq/develop_c_sharp_api_for_a_new_model.md) ## More FastDeploy Deployment Module - [Deployment AI Model as a Service](../serving) - [Benchmark Testing](../benchmark)