# Hookblime Hookblime lets you easily add hooks to execute your own scripts on file events. Hook scripts are executed by the user's default shell\*, giving you the possibity of using shell-scripting oneliners. ## Supported events These are the currently supported events: * on_new: Executed when a new file tab created. * on_load: Executed when an existing file is opened. * on_close: Executed when a tab is closed. * on_pre_save: Executed before a file is saved. * on_post_save: Executed after a file is saved. ## Configuration Hookblime can be configured at any level of the [Sublime's settings hierachy](http://www.sublimetext.com/docs/2/settings.html), both in global and scoped ways. All configuration must be set in an entry called "hookblime", containing a dict for each global hook and scope. Each scope must contain its desired hooks. Each hook dict must have a "cmd" string value with the script to execute, and can have an optional boolean entry called "replace_filename" which if true, makes the plugin replace the string "%(file_name)" with the current file's path. Note that on_new and on_close hooks can be triggered by non-saved files, in which cases an empty path will appended. If both global and scoped hooks are matched, only the later would be executed. Sample configuration: "hookblime" : { "source.python" : { "on_post_save" : { "cmd": "python_saved %(file_name)", "replace_filename": true } }, "on_new" : { "cmd": "global_hook_new_tab" } } \* The working directory of the scripts is always the user's home.