peripheral.find("modem", function receive_file() local id,data = rednet.receive("redmusic") local file ="song.mp3", "w") file.write(data) file.close() rednet.broadcast("Received","redmusic") end function play_file() local dfpwm = require("") local speaker = peripheral.find("speaker") local decoder = dfpwm.make_decoder() for chunk in io.lines("song.mp3", 16 * 1024) do local buffer = decoder(chunk) while not speaker.playAudio(buffer) do os.pullEvent("speaker_audio_empty") end end end function receive_songs() while true do print("Waiting for the next song to be sent") receive_file() print("Playing Song..") play_file() end end function send_songs(file_name,id) local file =,"r") local data = file.readAll() file.close() print("Waiting for listener..") repeat rednet.broadcast(data,"redmusic") id,output = rednet.receive("redmusic",1) until output == "Received" print("File sent!") end print("Welcome to RedMusic!") response = ... if response == nil then print("You need to pass an argument, either 'receive' if you want the computer to wait for songs to be trasmitted or the path of the song to transmit the chosen song.") elseif response == "receive" then receive_songs() elseif fs.exists(response) then send_songs(response) else print("Invalid arguments.") end