await ea.addElementsToView(); // 等待所有图片都加载完成 const quickAddApi = app.plugins.plugins.quickadd.api; const fs = require('fs'); const path = require('path'); // const activeFile = app.workspace.getActiveFile(); const { exec } = require('child_process'); let settings = ea.getScriptSettings(); //set default values on first run if (!settings["ocrModel"]) { settings = { "ocrModel": { value: "Paddleocr", valueset: ["Paddleocr", "TextExtractor", "无"], description: "选择 OCR 模型,有本地的 Paddleocr(需要本地文件)、Obsidian 的 Text Extractor 插件 API", }, "PaddleocrPath": { value: ".obsidian/paddlleocr/", description: "选择 paddlleocr 文件夹路径下的 文件" }, }; ea.setScriptSettings(settings); } // 图片的OCR并不会记录在Yaml区而是记录在自定义数据中 const getImgOCR = async (imageEls) => { // 图片计数 let n = 0; // 汇集所有文本集合 const allImageText = []; const allImageEls = []; for (let el of imageEls) { const currentPath = ea.plugin.filesMaster.get(el.fileId).path; const file = app.vault.getAbstractFileByPath(currentPath); // 获取图片路径 const imagePath = app.vault.adapter.getFullPath(file.path); // console.log(`获取图片路径:${imagePath}`); // !初始化 let ocrText = ""; n++; if (!el.customData) { el.customData = { ocrText: "" }; } if (el.customData["ocrText"]) { // console.log(`图片已存在OCR文本`); ocrText = el.customData["ocrText"]; } else if (settings["ocrModel"].value === "Paddleocr") { // new Notice(`图片OCR中......`); // 执行Paddleocr,如果报错则会保留ocrText的值 const scriptPath = `${basePath}/${settings["PaddleocrPath"].value}`; console.log(scriptPath); await runPythonScript(scriptPath, imagePath) .then(output => { // 在这里处理Python脚本的输出 console.log(output); let paddlleocrJson = JSON.parse(output); let paddlleocrText = => item.text); ocrText = paddlleocrText.join("\n"); new Notice(`第${n}张片已完成OCR`, 2000); }) .catch(error => { new Notice(`Paddleocr识别失败,跳过`); ocrText = "..."; console.error(error); }); } else if (settings["ocrModel"].value === "TextExtractor") { const text = await getTextExtractor().extractText(file); new Notice(`第${n}张片已完成OCR`, 500); ocrText = processText(text); } // 更新数据源,存储在元素中 if (ocrText === '...' || ocrText === '◻◻◻◻◻◻') { el.customData["ocrText"] = "..."; } else { el.customData["ocrText"] = ocrText; // 收集提取的信息 allImageText.push(ocrText); allImageEls.push(el); } await ea.addElementsToView(false, false); } ea.copyViewElementsToEAforEditing(imageEls); await ea.addElementsToView(false, true); return { allImageText, allImageEls }; }; const getFileText = (files, fileEls) => { const allFileText = []; const allFileEl = []; for (let el of fileEls) { const filePath = getFilePath(files, el); if (!filePath) continue; if (filePath.endsWith(".md") && !filePath.endsWith("")) { // 读取文件内容 const markdownText = getMarkdownText(filePath); allFileEl.push(el); allFileText.push(`${filePath}:\n\n${markdownText}`); } } return { allFileText, allFileEl }; }; // 获取Frame元素 const frameEls = ea.getViewElements().filter(el => el.type === "frame"); // 获取文本元素 const textEls = ea.getViewElements().filter(el => el.type === "text" && el.text.length >= 4); // 获取嵌入文档元素 const fileEls = [...ea.getViewElements().filter(el => el.type === "embeddable"), ...ea.getViewElements().filter(el => el.type !== "embeddable" && &&"\]\]"))]; // 获取文件文本 const files = app.vault.getFiles(); const { allFileText, allFileEl } = getFileText(files, fileEls); // 获取图片元素 const imageEls = ea.getViewElements().filter(el => el.type === "image"); const imgOcrEls = imageEls.filter(el => el.customData && el.customData["ocrText"]); const imgOcrErrorEls = imgOcrEls.filter(el => el.customData["ocrText"] === "..."); const imgOcrNum = imageEls.length - imgOcrErrorEls.length; const imgUnOcrNum = imageEls.length - imgOcrEls.length; const zoom = [10, 10, 3, 3]; const icon = ["✒", "💬", "🖼", "📝"]; // 获取库的基本路径 const basePath = (app.vault.adapter).getBasePath(); // 综合选项 const choices = [`${icon[0]}全局搜索(${textEls.length + imgOcrNum + fileEls.length}-${imgUnOcrNum})`, `${icon[1]}文本数据(${textEls.length})`, `${icon[2]}图片(OCR)(${imgOcrNum}-${imgUnOcrNum})`, `${icon[3]}嵌入文档(${allFileEl.length})`,]; const choice = await utils.suggester(choices, choices); if (choice === choices[0]) { if ((imageEls.length - imgOcrEls.length) >= 1) { new Notice(`💡全局搜索中存在${imageEls.length - imgOcrEls.length}个未OCR的图片没被检索`); } let allElText = []; let allElements = []; // 获取图片文本 const { allImageText, allImageEls } = await getImgOCR(imageEls.filter(el => el.customData && el.customData["ocrText"])); // 获取文本文本 const allTexts = => { if (el.frameId) { const frameElement = frameEls.find(frame => === el.frameId); return `Frame-${}:\n\n${icon[1]}${el.text}`; } else { return `${icon[1]}${el.text}`; } }); // const { allFileText, allFileEl } = getFileText(files, fileEls); allElText = [ ...allTexts, => `${icon[2]}${img.replace(/\n+/g, "◼")}`), => `${icon[3]}${txt}`) ]; allElements = [ ...textEls, ...allImageEls, ...allFileEl]; // 因为Excalidraw的utils.suggester建议框有数量限制,这里选用QuickAdd的api const selected = await quickAddApi.suggester( => `${txt}` + `\n`.repeat(2)), allElText); const index = allElText.indexOf(selected); const selectedElement = allElements[index]; if (selectedElement) { // 执行跳转到选定元素的操作 api = ea.getExcalidrawAPI(); api.zoomToFit([selectedElement], zoom[0]); } return; } // 💬文本搜索 if (choice === choices[1]) { const selectedElement = await quickAddApi.suggester( => { if (el.frameId) { const frameElement = frameEls.find(frame => === el.frameId); return `Frame-${}:\n\n${icon[1]}${el.text}` + `\n`.repeat(2); } else { return `${icon[1]}${el.text}` + `\n`.repeat(2); } }), textEls); if (selectedElement) { // 执行跳转到选定元素的操作 api = ea.getExcalidrawAPI(); api.zoomToFit([selectedElement], zoom[1]); } return; } // 🖼图片搜索 if (choice === choices[2]) { console.log(`检测到${imgUnOcrNum}张图片未进行OCR识别...OCR识别中`); const { allImageText, allImageEls } = await getImgOCR(imageEls); const selectedElement = await quickAddApi.suggester( => `${icon[2]}${txt.replace(/\n+/g, "◼")}` + `\n`.repeat(2)), allImageEls); if (selectedElement) { // 执行跳转到选定元素的操作 api = ea.getExcalidrawAPI(); api.zoomToFit([selectedElement], zoom[2]); } return; } // 📝嵌入文档搜索,目前只支持embed格式 if (choice === choices[3]) { // const { allFileText, allFileEl } = getFileText(files, fileEls); const selectedElement = await quickAddApi.suggester( => `${icon[3]}${txt}` + `\n`.repeat(2)), allFileEl); if (selectedElement) { // 执行跳转到选定元素的操作 api = ea.getExcalidrawAPI(); api.zoomToFit([selectedElement], zoom[3]); } return; } // 调用 Text Extractor 的 API function getTextExtractor() { return app.plugins.plugins['text-extractor'].api; } // 格式化文本 function processText(text) { // 替换特殊空格为普通空格 text = text.replace(/[\ue5d2\u00a0\u2007\u202F\u3000\u314F\u316D\ue5cf]/g, ' '); // 将全角字符转换为半角字符 text = text.replace(/[\uFF01-\uFF5E]/g, function (match) { return String.fromCharCode(match.charCodeAt(0) - 65248); }); // 替换英文之间的多个空格为一个空格 text = text.replace(/([a-zA-Z])([\u4e00-\u9fa5])/g, '$1 $2'); // 删除中文之间的空格 text = text.replace(/([0-9\.\u4e00-\u9fa5])\s+([0-9\.\u4e00-\u9fa5])/g, '$1$2'); text = text.replace(/([0-9\.\u4e00-\u9fa5])\s+([0-9\.\u4e00-\u9fa5])/g, '$1$2'); text = text.replace(/([\u4e00-\u9fa5])\s+/g, '$1'); text = text.replace(/\s+([\u4e00-\u9fa5])/g, '$1'); // 在中英文之间添加空格 text = text.replace(/([\u4e00-\u9fa5])([a-zA-Z])/g, '$1 $2'); text = text.replace(/([a-zA-Z])([\u4e00-\u9fa5])/g, '$1 $2'); return text; } // 获取文件路径下的 md 中的文本(排除 Yaml) function getMarkdownText(filePath) { // 获取文件的完整路径 const fileFullPath = app.vault.adapter.getFullPath(filePath); // 读取文件内容 const fileContent = fs.readFileSync(fileFullPath, 'utf8'); // 排除首行YAML区域 const markdownText = fileContent.replace(/---[\s\S]*?---\n*/, '').replace(/\n\n/, "\n"); return markdownText; } // 由文件列表和 el 元素获取文件路径(相对路径) function getFilePath(files, el) { let files2 = files.filter(f => path.basename(f.path).replace(".md", "").endsWith(\[\[/, "").replace(/\|.\*]]/, "").replace(/\]\]/, "").replace(".md", ""))); let filePath = => f.path)[0]; console.log(filePath); return filePath; } // 运行本地 Python 文件 function runPythonScript(scriptPath, args) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const command = `python "${scriptPath}" "${args}"`; exec(command, (error, stdout, stderr) => { if (error) { console.error(`执行命令时发生错误: ${error.message}`); reject(error); } if (stderr) { console.error(`命令执行返回错误: ${stderr}`); reject(stderr); } resolve(stdout.trim()); }); }); }