Scenario \"Creation of a TEI-based corpus\"KlausIllmayerOEAW-ACDHSusanneHaafBBAWPiotrBaĆskiIDS Mannheim, CLARINPARTHENOSClarin
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Created from scratch
Creation of a TEI-based corpus
This scenario explains the steps to take, in order to
create a corpus based on the TEI tagset. As of today, the TEI guidelines have become a de
facto standard for text annotation, providing solutions for a great variety of text and
phrase structures, information on content types, linguistic information on words or
phrases, etc. In many digital text collections and digital edition projects annotation has
been based on the TEI. Linguistic corpora based on TEI may thus be re-used in projects of
other disciplines as well or may themselves benefit from the wide range of already
existing resources.Linguistics