Digitization scenario Frank Uiterwaal NIOD-KNAW Reinier de Valk DANS-KNAW PARTHENOS

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This Google doc: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1K_JSaML4bjXPNs83JB00UVnO8OpniwJiX4UkYeifCAw/edit#.

Digitizing textual material The digitization process of original objects lies at the core of many activities in the digital humanities field. The way in which a source is digitised, determines to a large extent what kind of information can be gathered from this virtual replica. While there are many complimentary processes which can enrich the the object (metadating, adding augmented layers etc.), these data will build upon the digital fascimile. Social Anthropology and ethnology History Philosophy and Sociology of Sciences Library and information sciences
Digitisation station