author: Patrick Merlot summary: Building your own codelabs id: building-your-own-codelabs categories: education,best-practices environments: Codelabs status: draft feedback link: analytics account: UA-72074624-2 # Building your own codelabs ## Overview of the tutorial Duration: 0:30 This tutorial shows you how to create and host your own codelabs on GitHub. In this tutorial you will do the following: * setup your own codelabs plateform. * create your very first codelab tutorial. Prerequesites * Install [go]( * install [npm]( and [Node.js]( to quickly boot up a http server. Negative : This tutorial will only describe how to serve your codelabs on GitHub. It doesn't describe [codelab components]( (styling for steps and inline surveys) nor the more recent [custom elements]( neither how to deploy on [other platforms]( ## Install `claat` Duration: 10:00 The CLaaT project, **Codelabs as a Thing**, is the tool behind codelabs that gives developers around the world a hands-on experience with Google products. This project has been implemented as a volunteer project by a small group of dedicated Googlers who care deeply about this kind of “learning by doing” approach to education and it is [opened for anyone to use]( So before building codelabs-based tutorials, you will need to install `claat`, the tool that will convert your formatted tutorial (from a Google Docs or from a markdown file) to a codelab. Follow these instructions for installation: []( Test your installation by typing `claat --help`. If the help doesn't show up, make sure you properly installed go. ## Generate your tutorial as markdown Duration: 5:00 You can use this tutorial as an example of markdown-based codelabs. * Download this file to serve as template or example: []( * Change the content of the tutorial * Generate your tutorial into a "codelab" from your markdown by replacing "CODELAB-NAME" with the name of your file: `claat export --prefix "../../" -o docs` * Build all the required dependencies and render the generated codelabs as it/they would appear in production: `cd docs && claat build` Eventually you can also serve the final app in a simple web server for viewing exported codelabs locally: `claat serve` It takes no arguments and presents the current directory contents. ## Generate your tutorial in a Google Docs Duration: 5:00 Official instructions are [here]( I haven't tried yet as I am a big fan of Markdown, but this might be a quicker way to build more elaborate tutorials. ## Deploy your codelabs on GitHub Duration: 5:00 * Go to the GitHub repository that will host your codelabs (e.g. []( * Click on the **Settings** tab at the top of the page * Scroll down to the **GiHub Pages** section * Selecting the **Source** to be "**master branch /docs folder**" and clicking **Save** will activate GitHub Pages. GitHub generates a url to the HTML content served (e.g. []( Congratulations! Your generated codelabs under `docs/` are now hosted by GitHub ;)