#+TITLE: Pokemon Red Disassembly Map Tools #+AUTHOR: Lumage Never mind this, just use [[https://github.com/pret/pokemon-reverse-engineering-tools/blob/0e1798937a4bf723813574281d0dc12c471c9199/pokemontools/map_editor.py]] +/This set of tools is unfinished (as of 13 July 2017): writing values of any kind is not yet possible/+ ** +About+ +This is a set of powershell commands for dealing with map files from the [[https://github.com/pret][pret]] disassembly of Pokémon Red/Blue+ +Access the disassembly repository here: [[https://github.com/pret/pokered]]+ ** +Command Overview+ | Command | Description | |----------------+-----------------------------| | map | Summarizes map information | | mapheaders | Get tileset/dimensions info | | mapconnections | Get overworld connections | | mapdata | Get map blocks | *** +To be implemented+ | Command | Description | |------------+----------------------------------------------| | mapobjects | Get +border tile+, warps, signs, and objects | | mapmusic | Get music played on map | | maptext | Get map text definitions | | mapscript | Get script file associated with map | +In-depth help is available from Powershell's Get-Help cmdlet+ ** +Usage+ +First, you'll need a copy of the [[https://github.com/pret/pokered][disassembly]].+ +Make a directory for it, preferably with the root folder named "pokered" (optional).+ +Download these files, specifically ~pokeredmaps.ps1~ and ~mapnamedictionary.csv~ + +to some location.+ +From Powershell, if you are inside your disassembly directory and it is + +named "pokered", ~$basepath~ should automatically set itself correctly when + +you run ~pokeredmaps.ps1~. Otherwise, set the directory manually by running+ +~map~ with the ~-basepath~ parameter.+ +*Note: As some commands* ~map~ *will call have not been implemented, you may get some error output when running it. Please ignore this.*+ +Powershell may prevent you from running downloaded scripts. If so, run+ #+BEGIN_SRC powershell Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted #+END_SRC +Or, explicitly unblock the script from its properties menu and use a + +tighter restriction policy such as ~RemoteSigned~+