{ "name": "YungRamen Fresh Random OC Cookies Token 2", "description": "Hey! I'm Nicholette aka YungRamen (facebook.com/plebmilk) aka 97numb (soundcloud.com/plebmilk). This is my first attempt at a CubeSpawn Maker aethstetic. CubeSpawn Maker is the first Makerverse Minimum Viable Product, where players can build robots from cubes, like Legos, to make the Platonic Forms necessary unlock The Doors to Perception. Players will be able to mint their own solutions and sell them to others. We get paid to game, but it's also Nootropic, deep. Like when Alex Jones jumps on the Joe Rogan podcast. When James Jones told me about CubeSpawn I felt it we could take back control of our own destiny. Like I could reach into my computer, uncover this black box in front of me, and glitch the systems of control. Make it natural and human again. The art is the window screenshot from Patrick's MacBook when I showed it to him for the first time. It's a snapshot of the creative process, delivered fresh to you like cookies from the oven. We're working on making all this art available as a skin/wallpaper across the Multiverse. VaporWave should be available to all, no matter ther playing style.", "image": "https://brec.io/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/IMAGE-2019-03-17-01_37_20.jpg", "properties": { "simple_property": "YungRamen Fresh Random OC Cookies Token 2 issued by brec.io" } }