Sublime-PEPE-Assembly ===================== A [Sublime Text 2/3]( plugin for PEPE Assembly. Provides syntax highlighting. ![2015-08-03_23-46-42]( Features -------- * Syntax highlighting according to PEPE's Manual. * Snippets for basic loop creation, push and pop helper and function creator. Requirements ------------ * [Sublime Text 2/3]( on your computer. * [Package control]( installed. Installing --------------- * Open [Sublime Text 2/3]( * `Ctrl+Shift+P` * Select `Package Control: Install Package` * Search for `PEPE Assembly` * Click enter and install How to Use ---------- * Open [Sublime Text 2/3]( * `Ctrl+Shift+P` * Select `Set Syntax: PEPE Assembly` Some more info ------------------ * I'm not an expert on regex so my syntax definition may not be the best, nor have the best practices, but it works. Maybe in the future I will take the time to learn more regex and improve it. * This is a syntax definition for assembly that works on a processor called PEPE which was designed by my [_Introduction to Computer Architecture_]( [teacher]( Thus you should only use it if you are actually developing for it. * I made this because I needed something like it when I was having my [ _Introduction to Computer Architecture_]( class, so I decided to help the ones who are going to have it next year by making a syntax definition for them. Resources --------- PEPE's Manual: Source-code ----------- License ------- This project is licensed under the terms of the [MIT license]( Please see []( for more information.