############################################################################## # maali cygnet file for VASP ############################################################################## read -r -d '' MAALI_MODULE_WHATIS << EOF The Vienna Ab initio Simulation Package (VASP) is a computer program for atomic scale materials modelling, e.g. electronic structure calculations and quantum-mechanical molecular dynamics, from first principles. For further information see https://www.vasp.at/ EOF # specify which PrgEnv we want to build the tool with #MAALI_TOOL_CRAY_PRGENV="$MAALI_DEFAULT_CRAY_INTEL_PRGENV" MAALI_TOOL_CRAY_PRGENV="$MAALI_DEFAULT_CRAY_GCC_PRGENV $MAALI_DEFAULT_CRAY_INTEL_PRGENV" # specify which cpus to target MAALI_TOOL_CRAY_CPU_TARGET="$MAALI_DEFAULT_CRAY_PES" # specify which compilers we want to build the tool with MAALI_TOOL_COMPILERS="$MAALI_DEFAULT_COMPILERS" # URL to download the source code from MAALI_URL="" # Be sure to put the patches into the tarball rather than using maali. # The directory name within the tarball should be vasp.$MAALI_TOOL_MAJOR_MINOR_VERSION. E.g. vasp.5.3 and not vasp.5.3.5. # Location of the source code. MAALI_DST="$MAALI_SRC/$MAALI_TOOL_NAME.$MAALI_TOOL_VERSION.tar.gz" # put a string here to help identify the patch level. VASP_VERSION='' # where the unpacked source code is located if [ $MAALI_TOOL_VERSION \< 5.4.4 ]; then MAALI_TOOL_BUILD_DIR="$MAALI_BUILD_DIR/$MAALI_TOOL_NAME.$MAALI_TOOL_MAJOR_MINOR_VERSION" else MAALI_TOOL_BUILD_DIR="$MAALI_BUILD_DIR/$MAALI_TOOL_NAME.$MAALI_TOOL_VERSION" fi # type of tool (eg. apps, devel, python, etc.) MAALI_TOOL_TYPE="apps" # tool pre-requisites MAALI_TOOL_PREREQ="cray-fftw" #vasp does not like craype-hugepages2M # tool build pre-requisites - not added to the module, only needed for building (loaded after MAALI_TOOL_PREREQ) MAALI_TOOL_BUILD_PREREQ="cray-mpich cray-libsci" # for auto-building module files MAALI_MODULE_SET_PATH=1 # restrict the module to a specified group MAALI_MODULE_RESTRICT_GROUP='vasp' ############################################################################## function maali_build { # Unload for Intel MKL if [ "$MAALI_COMPILER_NAME" == "intel" ]; then maali_run "module unload cray-libsci" fi cd "$MAALI_TOOL_BUILD_DIR" maali_run "mkdir -p $MAALI_INSTALL_DIR/bin" if [ $MAALI_TOOL_MAJOR_MINOR_VERSION \< 5.4 ]; then SRC="${MAALI_TOOL_BUILD_DIR}" makefile=makefile.linux_ifc_P4 # Compile VASP lib tar xf "$MAALI_SRC/$MAALI_TOOL_NAME.$MAALI_TOOL_MAJOR_VERSION.lib.tar.gz" cd "$MAALI_TOOL_NAME.$MAALI_TOOL_MAJOR_VERSION.lib" export FC='ftn' export CFLAGS='-Os' export CPP='gcc -E -P -C -DLONGCHAR $*.F >$*.f' if [ "$MAALI_COMPILER_NAME" == "intel" ]; then export FFLAGS='-Os -FI' elif [ "$MAALI_COMPILER_NAME" == "gcc" ]; then export FFLAGS='-O1' export FREE='-ffree-form -ffree-line-length-none -FR -lowercase' export NOFREE='-ffixed-form' fi maali_run "make -e -f $makefile" cd ${MAALI_TOOL_BUILD_DIR} else # >= 5.4 SRC="${MAALI_TOOL_BUILD_DIR}/src" makefile=makefile if [ "$MAALI_COMPILER_NAME" == "intel" ]; then cp arch/makefile.include.linux_intel makefile.include else if [ $MAALI_TOOL_VERSION \< 5.4.4 ]; then cp arch/makefile.include.linux_gfortran makefile.include else cp arch/makefile.include.linux_gnu makefile.include fi fi fi # Fix buggy file. 5.3.2. Fixed in 5.4.1. if [ $MAALI_TOOL_MAJOR_MINOR_VERSION == 5.3 ]; then sed -i -e '/INTEGER IP, LMBASE, ISPIRAL, ISPINOR, NLIIND, NIS, NT, LMMAXC, NI, INDMAX, L, IND/ s/L, IND/L, LM, IND/' ${SRC}/nonlr.F fi # Fix buggy file. 5.3.3 if [ $MAALI_TOOL_MAJOR_MINOR_VERSION \< 5.4 ]; then sed -i -e '/do_dbg/ s/3I)/3I5)/' ${SRC}/spinsym.F sed -i -e "/'Hf','Ta','W'/ s/W/W /" ${SRC}/vdwforcefield.F sed -i -e '/WRITE (APP , / s/I)/I5)/' ${SRC}/finite_diff.F sed -i -e '/write(7,/ s/(I,/(I5,/' ${SRC}/fcidump.F fi # Fixed in 5.4.1. if [ "$MAALI_COMPILER_NAME" == "gcc" ]; then if [ $MAALI_TOOL_MAJOR_MINOR_VERSION == 5.3 ]; then sed -i -e '/USE us/ s/USE us/USE us, only : setdij_, augmentation_charge/' ${SRC}/us.F fi fi # Compile VASP... ################################################## export FC='ftn' # -heap-arrays used to be needed to stop runing out of memory. if [ "$MAALI_COMPILER_NAME" == "intel" ]; then #Note that we are using the fftw module and not Intel's fftw interface. export OFLAG='-O2 -ip' export OFLAG_HIGH='-O3 -ip' if [ $MAALI_TOOL_MAJOR_MINOR_VERSION \< 5.4 ]; then export FFLAGS='-FR -names lowercase -assume byterecl -align array32byte -align dcommons -align rec32byte ' export CPP_='./preprocess <$*.F | /usr/bin/cpp -P -C -traditional >$*$(SUFFIX)' export CPP_PAWSEY='-DMPI -DHOST=\"Magnus\" -DIFC -DCACHE_SIZE=4000 -DPGF90 -Davoidalloc -Dkind8 -DMPI_BLOCK=64000 -Duse_collective -DscaLAPACK -Ddo_loops -Drandom_array -DnoSTOPCAR -DLONGCHAR ' else export FFLAGS='-FR -names lowercase -assume byterecl -align array32byte -align dcommons -align rec32byte ' export CPP_PAWSEY='-DMPI -DHOST=\"Magnus\" -DIFC -DCACHE_SIZE=4000 -DPGF90 -Davoidalloc -DMPI_BLOCK=64000 -Duse_collective -DscaLAPACK -Duse_bse_te -Duse_shmem -Dtbdyn ' export OBJECTS='' # export OBJECTS='fftmpiw.o fftmpi_map.o fftw3d.o fft3dlib.o' fi export FCL='${FC} -mkl=sequential' # Intel MKL # export FFTW_INC='$(MKLROOT)/include/fftw' export BLAS='-mkl=sequential' export LAPACK='' export SCALAPACK='-lmkl_scalapack_lp64 -lmkl_blacs_intelmpi_lp64' # radial.F needs to be compiled with low optimisation with Intel 14. # nonl.F does not like -fno-alias with Intel 14. if [ $MAALI_TOOL_MAJOR_MINOR_VERSION \< 5.4 ]; then cat <> ${SRC}/$makefile radial.o : radial.F \$(CPP) \$(FC) \$(FFLAGS) -O1 -prec-div -c \$*\$(SUFFIX) nonl.o : nonl.F \$(CPP) \$(FC) \$(FFLAGS) -O2 -ip -unroll-aggressive -opt-prefetch -use-intel-optimized-headers -no-prec-div -c \$*\$(SUFFIX) EOF else cat <> ${SRC}/$makefile radial.o : radial\$(SUFFIX) \$(FC) \$(FREE) \$(FFLAGS) -O1 -prec-div \$(INCS) -c \$*\$(SUFFIX) EOF fi elif [ "$MAALI_COMPILER_NAME" == "gcc" ]; then export FFLAGS='-ffree-line-length-none -fno-second-underscore -FR -lowercase' if [ $MAALI_TOOL_MAJOR_MINOR_VERSION \< 5.4 ]; then export CPP_='./preprocess <$*.F | /usr/bin/cpp -P -C -traditional >$*$(SUFFIX)' export CPP_PAWSEY='-DMPI -DHOST=\"Magnus\" -DIFC -DCACHE_SIZE=4000 -Davoidalloc -Dkind8 -DMPI_BLOCK=64000 -Duse_collective -DscaLAPACK -Ddo_loops -Drandom_array -DnoSTOPCAR -DLONGCHAR ' else export CPP_PAWSEY='-DMPI -DHOST=\"Magnus\" -DIFC -DCACHE_SIZE=4000 -Davoidalloc -DMPI_BLOCK=64000 -Duse_collective -DscaLAPACK -Duse_bse_te -Dtbdyn' fi export OFLAG='-O2' export FC='ftn -ffree-line-length-none' export FCL='${FC}' # Cray libsci export BLAS='' export LAPACK='' export SCALAPACK='' export OBJECTS='' export INCS='' fi # End of compiler-specific options. ################################################## if [ $MAALI_TOOL_MAJOR_MINOR_VERSION \< 5.4 ]; then export LIB="-Lvasp.5.lib -ldmy ${MAALI_TOOL_BUILD_DIR}/vasp.5.lib/linpack_double.o -L\$(FFTW_DIR) -lfftw3 \$(SCALAPACK) \$(LAPACK) \$(BLAS)" export INCS='-I$(FFTW_INC)' elif [ $MAALI_TOOL_VERSION \< 5.4.4 ]; then export LLIBS="-L\$(FFTW_DIR) -lfftw3 \$(SCALAPACK) \$(LAPACK) \$(BLAS)" export INCS='-I$(FFTW_INC)' else export FFTW=`echo $FFTW_DIR | sed 's/\/lib//'` # export FFTW=$FFTW_DIR # export MPI_INC=/opt/gfortran/openmpi-1.10.2/install/ompi-1.10.2-GFORTRAN-5.4.1/include fi export FFT3D='fftmpiw.o fftmpi_map.o fftw3d.o fft3dlib.o' export CC_LIB='${CC}' ################################################## # Compile it without additional options. echo ${VASP_VERSION} > ${MAALI_INSTALL_DIR}/VERSION export CPP_OPTIONS='$(CPP_PAWSEY)' if [ $MAALI_TOOL_MAJOR_MINOR_VERSION \< 5.4 ]; then export CPP='$(CPP_) $(CPP_PAWSEY) -DNGZhalf' maali_run "make -e -f $makefile clean" maali_run "make -e -f $makefile" maali_run "install -m 750 -g vasp vasp $MAALI_INSTALL_DIR/bin/vasp" else maali_run "make -e -f $makefile veryclean" maali_run "make -e -f $makefile" maali_run "install -m 750 -g vasp bin/vasp_gam $MAALI_INSTALL_DIR/bin" maali_run "install -m 750 -g vasp bin/vasp_ncl $MAALI_INSTALL_DIR/bin" maali_run "install -m 750 -g vasp bin/vasp_std $MAALI_INSTALL_DIR/bin" fi ################################################## # This would be a great place to compile additional VASP binaries with customisations. ################################################## # if this is a system build we need to restrict it to the appropriate group if [ "$MAALI_SYSTEM_BUILD" == "YES" ]; then maali_run "chmod 750 $MAALI_INSTALL_DIR" maali_run "chgrp $MAALI_MODULE_RESTRICT_GROUP $MAALI_INSTALL_DIR" maali_run "chmod 750 $MAALI_INSTALL_DIR/bin" maali_run "chgrp -R $MAALI_MODULE_RESTRICT_GROUP $MAALI_INSTALL_DIR/bin" fi } ##############################################################################