############################################################################## # maali cygnet file for VASP ############################################################################## # !!!!! WARNING !!!!!! # Parallel compilation of this software does not behave correctly. Compile with only one core. # !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! read -r -d '' MAALI_MODULE_WHATIS << EOF The Vienna Ab initio Simulation Package (VASP) is a computer program for atomic scale materials modelling, e.g. electronic structure calculations and quantum-mechanical molecular dynamics, from first principles. For further information see https://www.vasp.at/ EOF MAALI_TOOL_CPU_TARGET="$MAALI_DEFAULT_CPU_TARGET" # specify which compilers we want to build the tool with ## NOTE on GCC compiler: at present the CPU component of the build can only be performed ## with gcc/9.2.0, and the GPU component can only be built with gcc/8.3.0, ## so there is a double module swap in the maali_build function below MAALI_TOOL_COMPILERS="$MAALI_DEFAULT_GCC_COMPILERS" MAALI_TOOL_CUDA_COMPILERS="$MAALI_DEFAULT_CUDA_COMPILERS" MAALI_TOOL_MPI_COMPILERS="$MAALI_DEFAULT_CUDAMPI_COMPILERS" MAALI_CUDA_BUILD_ONLY=1 # URL to download the source code from MAALI_URL="" # Be sure to put the patches into the tarball rather than using maali. # The directory name within the tarball should be vasp.$MAALI_TOOL_MAJOR_MINOR_VERSION. E.g. vasp.5.3 and not vasp.5.3.5. # Location of the source code. MAALI_DST="$MAALI_SRC/$MAALI_TOOL_NAME.$MAALI_TOOL_VERSION.tar.gz" # put a string here to help identify the patch level. #VASP_VERSION='' # where the unpacked source code is located MAALI_TOOL_BUILD_DIR="$MAALI_BUILD_DIR/$MAALI_TOOL_NAME.$MAALI_TOOL_VERSION" # type of tool (eg. apps, devel, python, etc.) MAALI_TOOL_TYPE="apps" # tool pre-requisites MAALI_TOOL_PREREQ="intel-mkl/2019.0.5 intel-tbb/2019.0.5 magma-gpu/2.5.3 fftw/3.3.8" # for auto-building module files MAALI_MODULE_SET_PATH=1 # restrict the module to a specified group MAALI_MODULE_RESTRICT_GROUP='vasp' ############################################################################## function maali_build { cd "$MAALI_TOOL_BUILD_DIR" maali_run "mkdir -p $MAALI_INSTALL_DIR/bin" # Have to swap because some fortran code gives error with previous gcc versions.. module swap gcc gcc/9.2.0 export CUDA_ROOT=$MAALI_CUDA_HOME export MAGMA_ROOT=$MAALI_MAGMA_HOME sed -e '6 i -DCMAKE_Fortran_COMPILER_SUPPORTS_CONTIGUOUS=FALSE\\'\ -e 's|/opt/gfortran/libs/|${MAALI_SYSTEMINTELTBB_HOME}/lib/intel64/gcc4.7 -L ${MAALI_SYSTEMINTELMKL_HOME}/lib/intel64|'\ -e 's/-lrefblas/-ltbb -lmkl_tbb_thread -lmkl_intel_lp64 -lmkl_cdft_core -lmkl_blacs_openmpi_lp64 -lmkl_core -lmkl_blas95_lp64/g'\ -e 's/-ltmglib -llapack/-lmkl_lapack95_lp64/'\ -e 's/-lscalapack $(BLACS)/-lmkl_scalapack_lp64/'\ -e 's|?= /opt/gfortran/fftw-3.3.4-GCC-5.4.1|= ${FFTW_HOME}|'\ -e 's|?= /usr/local/cuda|=$(CUDA_HOME)|'\ -e 's/-lcuda / /'\ -e '77 d'\ -e '78 d'\ -e '80 d'\ -e 's/_30/_60/g'\ arch/makefile.include.linux_gnu > makefile.include maali_run "make all" module swap gcc $MAALI_COMPILER maali_run "make gpu" maali_run "make gpu_ncl" mv bin/* $MAALI_INSTALL_DIR/bin } ##############################################################################