public class PaymentCallbackController : Controller { // The user is redirected to paymentcallback/user/orderRef={guid}&orderNumber={string}&confirmationUrl={url} after having successfully supplied their payment information in PayEx public RedirectResult User(string orderRef, string orderNumber, string confirmationUrl) { UrlBuilder confirmationUrlBuilder = new UrlBuilder(confirmationUrl); // Get the cart for the current user Cart cart = new CartHelper(Cart.DefaultName).Cart; PayExPayment payExPayment = GetPayExPayment(cart); // If the cart doesn't contain a PayExPayment, something has gone wrong if (payExPayment == null) return ErrorResult(confirmationUrlBuilder, null); // If the PayExPayment doesn't contain an OrderNumber, something has gone wrong if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(payExPayment.OrderNumber)) return ErrorResult(confirmationUrlBuilder, null); // If the PayExPayment OrderNumber doesn't equal the orderNumber from the queryString, something has gone wrong if (!payExPayment.OrderNumber.Equals(orderNumber)) return ErrorResult(confirmationUrlBuilder, null); PayExPaymentGateway gateway = new PayExPaymentGateway(); string transactionErrorCode; // Complete the PayEx payment bool processed = gateway.ProcessSuccessfulTransaction(payExPayment, orderNumber, orderRef, cart, out transactionErrorCode); bool created = false; if (processed) // If the payment was successfully completed, you can create a Purchase Order created = CreatePurchaseOrder(cart, payExPayment, orderNumber); if (!created) return ErrorResult(confirmationUrlBuilder, transactionErrorCode); // Redirect the user to an order confirmation page confirmationUrlBuilder.QueryCollection.Add(ParameterName.OrderNumber, orderNumber); return new RedirectResult(confirmationUrlBuilder.ToString()); } // This action is used for transactional callbacks: public HttpStatusCodeResult Index(string orderRef, [Bind(Prefix = ParameterName.PayExTransactionNumber)] string transactionNumber, [Bind(Prefix = ParameterName.PayExTransactionRef)] string transactionRef) { // Check that the request comes from a valid PayEx IP: // The IP should not be hardcoded, this is only an example! if (Request.ServerVariables["REMOTE_ADDR"] != "") return new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(orderRef)) return new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest); string orderNumber; Cart cart = GetCartByOrderRef(orderRef, out orderNumber); if (cart == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(orderNumber)) return new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest); PayExPayment payExPayment = GetPayExPayment(cart); PayExPaymentGateway gateway = new PayExPaymentGateway(); string transactionErrorCode; // Complete the PayEx payment bool success = gateway.ProcessSuccessfulTransaction(payExPayment, orderNumber, orderRef, cart, out transactionErrorCode); if (success) return new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.OK); else { // If an order has already been created, maybe you'd want to cancel it if the callback wasn't successful? } return new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest); } /// /// Returns a Cart based on the PayEx orderReference /// /// PayEx orderReference /// Order number /// Cart private Cart GetCartByOrderRef(string orderRef, out string orderNumber) { var parameters = new OrderSearchParameters { SqlMetaWhereClause = "", SqlWhereClause = "OrderGroupId IN (SELECT OrderGroupId FROM OrderFormPayment WHERE TransactionType LIKE 'Authorization' AND Status LIKE 'Pending')" }; var options = new OrderSearchOptions { Classes = new StringCollection { "ShoppingCart" }, CacheResults = false, RecordsToRetrieve = 10000, Namespace = "Mediachase.Commerce.Orders" }; var carts = OrderContext.Current.FindCarts(parameters, options); foreach (var cart in carts) { var payment = GetPayExPayment(cart); if (payment == null || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(payment.PayExOrderRef)) continue; if (payment.PayExOrderRef.Equals(orderRef)) { orderNumber = payment.OrderNumber; return cart; } } orderNumber = string.Empty; return null; } /// /// Creates an error URL containing detailed information about the error that occured /// /// UrlBuilder containing the confirmation URL /// Error code returned from PayEx /// A RedirectResult containing the error URL private RedirectResult ErrorResult(UrlBuilder confirmationUrlBuilder, string transactionErrorCode) { confirmationUrlBuilder.QueryCollection.Add("error", "true"); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(transactionErrorCode)) { if (transactionErrorCode.Equals("CardNotAcceptedForThisPurchase")) confirmationUrlBuilder.QueryCollection.Add("declined", "true"); } return new RedirectResult(confirmationUrlBuilder.ToString()); } /// /// Returns a PayExPayment for the given cart, if one exists /// /// Cart /// The PayExPayment gor the given cart private PayExPayment GetPayExPayment(Cart cart) { if (cart.OrderForms == null || cart.OrderForms.Count == 0 || cart.OrderForms[0].Payments == null || cart.OrderForms[0].Payments.Count == 0) return null; List payments = cart.OrderForms[0].Payments.Where(p => p is PayExPayment).ToList(); payments = PaymentTransactionTypeManager.GetResultingPaymentsByTransactionType(payments, TransactionType.Authorization).ToList(); if (payments.Any()) return payments.First() as PayExPayment; return null; } /// /// Creates a purchase order with the given order number and deletes the cart /// /// Cart /// Payment /// orderNumber /// Boolean indicating success or failure private bool CreatePurchaseOrder(Cart cart, Payment payment, string orderNumber) { try { using (TransactionScope scope = new TransactionScope()) { PaymentStatusManager.ProcessPayment(payment); cart.OrderNumberMethod = c => orderNumber; PurchaseOrder purchaseOrder = cart.SaveAsPurchaseOrder(); cart.Delete(); cart.AcceptChanges(); purchaseOrder.AcceptChanges(); scope.Complete(); } return true; } catch (Exception e) { // Add your own logging return false; } } }