##0.7.35 + `LastLedgerSequence` is set by default on outgoing transactions. This refers to the last valid ledger index (AKA sequence) for a transaction. By default, this index is set to the current index (at submission time) plus 8. In theory, this allows ripple-lib to deterministically fail a transaction whose submission request timed out, but whose associated server continues to emit ledger_closed events. + Transactions that err with `telINSUF_FEE_P` will be automatically resubmitted. This error indicates that the `Fee` supplied in the transaction submission request was inadquate. Ideally, the `Fee` is tracked by ripple-lib in real-time, and the resubmitted transaction will most likely succeed. + Added Transaction.iff(function(callback) { }). Callback expects first argument to be an Error or null, second argument is a boolean which indicates whether or not to proceed with the transaction submission. If an `iff` function is specified, it will be executed prior to every submission of the transaction (including resubmissions). + Transactions will now emit `presubmit` and `postsubmit` events. They will be emitted before and after a transaction is submitted, respectively. + Added Transaction.summary(). Returns a summary of a transaction in semi-human-readable form. JSON-stringifiable. + Remote.requestAccountTx() with `binary: true` will automatically parse transactions. + Added Remote.requestAccountTx filter, map, and reduce. ```js remote.requestAccountTx({ account: 'retc', ledger_index_min: -1, ledger_index_max: -1, limit: 100, binary: true, filter: function(transaction) { return transaction.tx.TransactionType === 'Payment'; }, map: function(transaction) { return Number(transaction.tx.Amount); }, reduce: function(a, b) { return a + b; }, pluck: 'transactions' }, console.log) ``` + Added persistence hooks. + General performance improvements, especially for long-running processes.