
 * frameworks/av
b92a4fc  Merge tag 'android-9.0.0_r40' of https://android.googlesource.com/platform/frameworks/av into HEAD  [Henrique Silva]

 * frameworks/base
4527c61  Merge tag 'android-9.0.0_r40' of https://android.googlesource.com/platform/frameworks/base into HEAD  [Henrique Silva]
eef962b  Volume Rocker Wake [1/2]  [rascarlo]
e7ff514  Introduce QS clock  [00day0]
4585bbe  Sony Settings icon Signed-off-by: Dixzz <vishusatyam36@gmail.com>  [Dixzz]
109eaee  Kang Volte icon from PixysOS  [Dixzz]
a9fdaa2  Powermenu Torch option [1/2]  [LorDClockaN]
ef606dd  base: volume key music control [1/2]  [maxwen]

 * system/bt
849387d  Merge tag 'android-9.0.0_r40' into HEAD  [Henrique Silva]
ee9469e  Explicit SBC Dual Channel (SBC HD) support  [ValdikSS]
172a010  Increase maximum Bluetooth SBC codec bitrate for SBC HD  [ValdikSS]
 * frameworks/base
1c929ebf  base: volume key music control [1/2]  [maxwen]
5ac437e  Powermenu Torch option [1/2]  [LorDClockaN]
225564e  SystemUI: Add tile to show volume panel  [swapsCAPS]
db4abb4  More surprises for users  [Dixzz]
0f71d06  Ignore vendor overlays that must be on system/overlay  [Henrique Silva]
aa03438  base: Volume dialog timeout (1/2)  [Davor Bertovic]
9525c3f  Volume panel: Fix incorrect positioning  [a.derendyaev]
e741d70  Volume panel: Add notification volume row if unlinked  [Anushek Prasal]
d637cee  Code improvements for expanded volume panel  [Giuseppe Maggio]
1ca6a15  Volume panel: Visual improvements  [Anushek Prasal]
5677a6a  base: Redo expanded volume panel for 9.x  [HrX03]
ed1f5a5  Volume panel: Do the same with less  [Alex Cruz]