# if you change any of the services you will need the services header. services: # mount PEcAn web folder into web server, this allows for # editing code in PHP and immediatly test the new code. pecan: volumes: - ${HOME}/git/pecan/web:/var/www/html/pecan - ${HOME}/git/pecan/docker/config.docker.php:/var/www/html/pecan/config.php # mount PEcAn folder into executor, this allows for sending # a rebuild command to rebuild the executor for development. executor: volumes: - ${HOME}/git/pecan/Makefile:/pecan/Makefile - ${HOME}/git/pecan/base:/pecan/base - ${HOME}/git/pecan/modules:/pecan/modules - ${HOME}/git/pecan/models:/pecan/models # expose database to localhost for ease of access postgres: ports: - 5432:5432 # For BETY development, modify files on local machine. Do # a `touch tmp/restart.txt` to reload BETY with new code. bety: volumes: - ${HOME}/git/bety:/home/bety - ${HOME}/git/bety/docker/database.yml:/home/bety/config/database.yml - ${HOME}/git/bety/docker/config.ru:/home/bety/config.ru # Allow to do a docker-compose build for this specific model # for testing purposes. sipnet: build: context: . dockerfile: models/sipnet/Dockerfile # if you change any of the volumes you will need the volumes header. volumes: # use a local subfolders in data folder to store the volumes. traefik: driver_opts: type: none device: ${HOME}/docker/pecan/traefik o: bind postgres: driver_opts: type: none device: ${HOME}/docker/pecan/postgres o: bind rabbitmq: driver_opts: type: none device: ${HOME}/docker/pecan/rabbitmq o: bind pecan: driver_opts: type: none device: ${HOME}/docker/pecan/pecan o: bind portainer: driver_opts: type: none device: ${HOME}/docker/pecan/portainer o: bind