--- layout: post title: > Easily embed flickr images into posts tagline: > Easily embed many resources from around the web with Embedly. flickr: url: http://www.flickr.com/photos/tonyfast/15198543551/ deck: http://www.slideshare.net/tonyfast1/the-materials-data-scientist references: - http://embed.ly/ #0 - http://embed.ly/embed/features/providers #1 --- # Embed.ly [Embed.ly]({{page.references[0]}}) is a service that provides its users to embed content from endpoint urls for [250 services]({{page.references[1]}}). It is is easy to test url's by modifying the ``href`` in the HTML embed code below {% capture embedly %} {% highlight html %} crop_template {% endhighlight %} {% endcapture %} {{embedly}} ## On ``research-pages`` I added features for **Flickr** images and general **embedly** links. See [``_includes``](https://github.com/Materials-Informatics-Lab/research-pages/tree/gh-pages/_includes) > **Why both when they do the same thing?** Be specific. It will save time down the line. Use the following liquid syntax in your posts and pages. {% capture html %} {% highlight html %} {% raw %} # Show Flickr Image {% include flickr.html url='http://www.flickr.com/photos/tonyfast/15198543551/' %} # Try A SlideShare Presentation Use the general embedly include statement. {% include embedly.html url=page.deck %} {% endraw %} {% endhighlight %} {% endcapture %} {{html}} # Examples in Action ## Flickr Embed {% include flickr.html url='http://www.flickr.com/photos/tonyfast/15198543551/' %} ## SlideShare Embed {% include embedly.html url=page.deck %} Modifications to the styling can be gleaned from the [embedly code generator](http://embed.ly/code).