import os import time import string import sys import cPickle from collections import defaultdict class RecursiveDict(object): """Class for making it easier to edit dictionaries containing other dictionaries in a recursive structure. """ def __init__(self, input_dict): """Pass in the dictionary to use. Parameters: input_dict (dict): Dictionary to use. """ self.input_dict = input_dict def write(self, path, value=None, overwrite=True, overwrite_end=True): """Write to a dictionary recursively using a list. Will return True if successful or False if not. Parameters: path (list): A list containing the structure on how to get to the value. value (any or None): The value to write to the end of the dictionary. If None, the value will be taken as the last value from the path. Defualt: None overwrite (bool): If overwriting other values such as strings is allowed when building the structure. Defualt: True overwrite_end (bool): If overwriting the final value is allowed if it exists. Will automatically set to True if overwrite is also True. Defualt: True """ if overwrite: overwrite_end = True #Get value from last item in path if not provided if value is None: value = path[-1] path = path[:-1] path_len = len(path)-1 reduced_dictionary = self.input_dict #Build the path (or check it's not overwriting anything) for i in range(path_len): key = path[i] if reduced_dictionary.get(key, None) is None: reduced_dictionary[key] = {} if not isinstance(reduced_dictionary[key], dict): if overwrite: reduced_dictionary[key] = {} else: return False if i < path_len: reduced_dictionary = reduced_dictionary[key] #Write value if (isinstance(reduced_dictionary, dict) and reduced_dictionary.get(path[-1], {}) == {}) or overwrite_end: reduced_dictionary[path[-1]] = value return True return False def get(self, path): """Get the values contained in a recursive structure. Uses the reduce function but just makes it more conveniant. Parameters: path (list): A list containing the structure on how to get to the value. """ return reduce(dict.__getitem__, path, self.input_dict) def split_list(x, n): """Split a list by n characters.""" n = int(n) if n: return [x[i:i+n] for i in range(0, len(x), n)] else: return ['' for i in x] def flatten_list(x): """Convert nested lists into one single list.""" return [j for i in x for j in i] def get_max_dict_keys(x): """Return a list of every key containing the max value. Parameters: x (dict): Dictionary to sort and get highest value. It must be a dictionary of integers to work properly. """ if x: sorted_dict = sorted(x.iteritems(), key=operator.itemgetter(1), reverse=True) if sorted_dict[0][1]: return sorted([k for k, v in x.iteritems() if v == sorted_dict[0][1]]) return [] def join_words(x): return ''.join(ucfirst(i) for i in str(x).strip().split()) def ucfirst(x): x = str(x) return x[0].upper() + x[1:] def list_to_text(value, connector='', comma=',', last_comma=False): """Convert a list into a readable format. If 'to' or '-' is given as a connector, only the first and last list values will be used. >>> list_to_text([0,1,2,3,4,5]) '0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5' >>> list_to_text([0,1,2,3,4,5], 'and') '0, 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5' >>> list_to_text([0,1,2,3,4,5], 'to') '0 to 5' >>> list_to_text([0,1,2,3,4,5], '-') '0-5' >>> list_to_text([2]) '2' """ value = [str(i) for i in value] if len(value) == 1: return value[0] elif value: if connector: if connector in ('to', '-'): if connector == 'to': connector = ' to ' return value[0] + connector + value[-1] return (comma+' ').join(value[:len(value)-1]) + ' ' + connector + ' ' + value[-1] else: return (comma+' ').join(value) return '' class TimeThis(object): """Class that can be used to output the time taken. It may be used with the 'with' command, which will time everything within the indent. Example: import time, random with TimeThis() as t: time.sleep(0.47) print 'Sleep 1: {}'.format(t.output()) time.sleep(0.91) print 'Sleep 2: {}'.format(t.output()) time.sleep(1.234) Sleep 1: 0.47 seconds Sleep 2: 1.38 seconds Total time taken: 2.62 seconds """ def __init__(self, current_time=None, print_time=True): """Pass in a custom time if needed. Parameters: current_time (int, float or None, optional): Input a custom time to use instead. print_time (bool): If the total time should be printed at the end of the execution. """ self.current_time = current_time self.print_time = print_time def __enter__(self): """Executed when TimeThis is used with the 'with' command.""" = self.current_time or time.time() return self def __exit__(self, *args): """Executed after TimeThis has been used with the 'with' command. Three values are passed in but don't seem to relate to anything. """ if self.print_time: print "Total time taken: {}".format(self.output()) def current(self): """Return float of time taken.""" try: return time.time() - except AttributeError: return 0.0 def output(self, auto=True, accuracy=2, decimals=None, years=True, days=True, hours=True, minutes=True, seconds=True): """Return a formatted version of the time taken. Parameters: days (bool): If returning number of days is allowed. hours (bool): If returning number of hours is allowed. minutes (bool): If returning number of minutes is allowed. seconds (bool): If returning number of seconds is allowed. auto (bool): If the returned values should be limited in length. For example, if something takes 3 days, you don't need to know to the nearest second. accuracy (int): Maximum number of values to return with the auto setting. decimals (int or None): Number of decimals to show on the last value. leave as None to show up to 2 decimals for each number, or 3 if the number is below 1. Tests: >>> t = TimeThis(123456789.987654321) >>> t.output() 3 years and 333.17 days >>> t.output(years=False, days=False, hours=False) 2057613 minutes and 9.99 seconds >>> t.output(accuracy=3) 3 years, 333 days and 4.11 hours >>> t.output(decimals=0) 3 years and 333 days >>> t.output(auto=False, days=False) 3 years, 7996 hours, 6 minutes and 51.99 seconds """ if self.current_time is not None: current_time = float(self.current_time) else: current_time = self.current() accuracy = int(max(1, accuracy)) current_time = max(current_time, -current_time) num_decimals = decimals start = None output_number = [] output_text = [] all_times = [] all_names = [] #Calculate time if years: num_years = current_time / 31556926 current_time -= int(num_years) * 31556926 all_times.append(num_years) all_names.append('year') if days: num_days = current_time / 86400 current_time -= int(num_days) * 86400 all_times.append(num_days) all_names.append('day') if hours: num_hours = current_time / 3600 current_time -= int(num_hours) * 3600 all_times.append(num_hours) all_names.append('hour') if minutes: num_minutes = current_time / 60 current_time -= int(num_minutes) * 60 all_times.append(num_minutes) all_names.append('minute') if seconds or not all_times: all_times.append(current_time) all_names.append('second') #Build list of values, limited by accuracy if auto is True for i in range(len(all_times)): if auto and len(output_number) > accuracy-1: break if output_number or int(all_times[i]): output_number.append(all_times[i]) output_text.append(all_names[i]) #Fix for if time is less than 1 second if not output_number: output_number.append(all_times[-1]) output_text.append(all_names[-1]) if num_decimals is None: decimals = 3 if num_decimals is None: decimals = 2 #Format the numbers so that only the last number has decimals final_number = str(round(output_number[-1], decimals)).split('.') output_number = [int(i) for i in output_number[:-1]] + [final_number[0]] if decimals: use_decimals = num_decimals is not None or self.current_time is None output_number[-1] += '.' + final_number[1].ljust(decimals if use_decimals else 0, '0') #Join the text and numbers together output = ['{} {}{}'.format(output_number[i], output_text[i], 's' if str(output_number[i]) != '1' else '') for i in range(len(output_number))] return list_to_text(output, 'and') def make_file_path(path): path_split = [i[::-1] for i in path.replace('\\\\', '\\').replace('\\', '/')[::-1].split('/', 1)] folder_path = path_split[1] if '.' not in path_split[0]: folder_path += '/' + path_split[0] try: os.makedirs(folder_path + '/') except WindowsError: pass return os.access(folder_path, os.W_OK) class NewConfigParser(object): """Read or write to a config file. This was mainly coded as an alternative to ConfigParser, as it was causing too many problems for something relatively simple. Main Parameters: section (str): The headers in the config file to group the options. option (str): The name of each value. value (str, bool, float, int, None): Value to store. Example config.ini: [Section1] Option1 = Value1 Option2 = Value2 [Section2] Option1 = Value3 Instead of the functions such as .getfloat(), the option name will be modified if the value is boolean, integer or float. This is case sensitive, and relies on the option names to be capitalised, with the first letter being lowercase if the input is not a string. This is done automatically by the code, just be careful when manually editing the file. For example: some int = 42 will change to 'iSomeInt = 42' some int = '42' will change to 'SomeInt = 42' If a comment is used, the above will only apply if a value is also given. This is because a line may only be temporarily commented out, so may still need the stored value at a later date. ;a comment will stay as ';a comment' ;a comment = 42 will change to ';iAComment = 42' If there is no value, it will be used as None. TextOption will be read as {'TextOption': None} TextOption = None will be wrote as 'TextOption' """ allowed_types = (unicode, str, bool, float, int, type(None)) prefixes = {'b': bool, 'f': float, 'i': int} comment_markers = (';', '!') def __init__(self, config_filename): self.config_filename = config_filename self.refresh() def refresh(self): """Read all values from config file. This is done once each time NewConfigParser is used, to avoid having to read the file each time the user needs a single value. """ try: with open(self.config_filename, 'r') as f: config_contents = except IOError: config_contents = None self.config_data = defaultdict(dict) current_section = None if config_contents: for i in config_contents: #Skip empty lines if not i: continue #Mark new section if i[0] == '[' and i[-1] == ']': current_section = i[1:-1] else: if current_section is None: print 'error' break else: if '=' in i: #Get if comment then treat like a normal value comment_marker = '' if any(i.startswith(j) for j in self.comment_markers): comment_marker = i[0] i = i[1:] option_split = (j.strip() for j in i.split('=', 1)) option, value = option_split #Convert value to correct type value_type = self.prefixes.get(option[0], str) #Fix to work with boolean values, since # bool('False') == True if value_type == bool: value = value.lower() not in ('false', '0') else: value = value_type(value) option = comment_marker + option else: option = i.strip() value = None self.config_data[current_section].update({option: value}) #Convert back to normal dict self.config_data = dict(self.config_data) self.original_config_data = dict(self.config_data) def get_sections(self): """Returns a list of section names.""" return self.config_data.keys() def get_options(self, section): """Returns a list of option names for the section.""" try: return self.config_data[section].keys() except KeyError: raise ConfigParserError("config section not in file") def get_value(self, section, option): """Returns the value of an option. Basically this uses read(), it's just here to follow on from get_sections() and get_options(). """ if section is None: raise ConfigParserError("config section not in file") if option is None: raise ConfigParserError("config option not in file") return, option) def read(self, section=None, option=None): """Read data from the config. If section or option is left as None, all of them will be read. If it is unable to find the section or option, an error will be raised. """ if section is not None: try: section_data = self.config_data[section] except KeyError: raise ConfigParserError("config section not in file") if option is not None: try: return self.config_data[section][option] except KeyError: raise ConfigParserError("config option not in file") return section_data return self.config_data def _rewrite_file(self, remove_comments=False): """Convert the dictionary of values into a list and write to the file. A backup file will also be written and deleted, so in the case of an error it can be recovered. Parameters: remove_comments (bool): If comments should be ignored when writing the file. Note that this cannot be undone and all existing comments will be wiped. """ backup_filename = '{}.tmp'.format(self.config_filename) #Build flat list with all the values config_file_list = [] for section in self.config_data: if config_file_list: config_file_list.append('') config_file_list.append('[{}]'.format(section)) for option in self.config_data[section]: value = self.config_data[section][option] if value is not None: option += ' = {}'.format(value) config_file_list.append(option) if remove_comments: config_file_list = [i for i in config_file_list if not any(i.startswith(j) for j in self.comment_markers)] file_data = '\r\n'.join(config_file_list) #Make copy of backup file if it exists if os.path.isfile(backup_filename): old_config = NewConfigParser(backup_filename).config_data current_config = NewConfigParser(self.config_filename).config_data new_backup_name = '{}.{}.old'.format(self.config_filename, int(time.time())) if old_config != current_config: with open(new_backup_name, 'w') as f: f.write(file_data) print ('Temporary file exists and contains different data, ' "saved it as '{}'.").format(new_backup_name) #Write to backup file with open(backup_filename, 'w') as f: f.write(file_data) #Overwrite main file with open(self.config_filename, 'w') as f: f.write(file_data) #Delete backup file os.remove(backup_filename) def write(self, data, update_values, write_values, remove_comments=False): """Write the required input to a config file. A dictionary containing all values (including ones not written because of write_values) will be returned. Parameters: data (dict): Dictionary storing the values to write to the config. The keys are the section names, and values should store another dictionary of the corresponding option names and values. Example: data = {'Section1': {'Option1': 'Value1', 'Option2': 'Value2'}, 'Section2': {'Option1': 'Value3'}} update_values (bool): If existing values should be updated with the new value. write_values (bool): If non existing values should be added to the dictionary. remove_comments (bool): See NewConfigParser._rewrite_file() """ #Check all values are the correct type if not all(all(type(i) in self.allowed_types for i in v.values()) for k, v in data.iteritems()): raise ConfigParserError("invalid value type") reversed_prefix = {v: k for k, v in self.prefixes.iteritems()} all_data = defaultdict(dict) original_config_data = cPickle.dumps(self.config_data.copy()) for section in data: #Add section if it doesn't exist if section not in self.config_data: if write_values: self.config_data[section] = {} else: print 'not found' continue #Write or update values for option in data[section]: value = data[section][option] #Format option name to contain value type option_no_prefix = option if value is not None: comment_marker = '' if any(option.startswith(i) for i in self.comment_markers): comment_marker = option[0] option = option[1:] option = join_words(option) option_no_prefix = option value_type = type(value) if value_type in reversed_prefix: option = reversed_prefix[value_type] + option option = comment_marker + option #Update value if option in self.config_data[section]: if update_values: self.config_data[section][option] = value stored_value = self.config_data[section][option] all_data[section][option_no_prefix] = stored_value #Write value else: all_data[section][option_no_prefix] = value if write_values: self.config_data[section][option] = value #Only rewrite file if needed changed_data = original_config_data != cPickle.dumps(self.config_data) #if update_values or write_values or remove_comments: if changed_data or remove_comments: self._rewrite_file(remove_comments) self.refresh() return dict(all_data)