####################################################################################### # # # PowerShell script to communicate with the FTP server in AVM's bootloader # # # ####################################################################################### # # # Copyright (C) 2010-2016 P.Hämmerlein (packages@yourfritz.de) # # # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # # GNU General Public License under # # http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html # # for more details. # # # ####################################################################################### Param([Parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 0, HelpMessage = 'the IP address, where EVA is awaiting our compliments (holding the apple behind her back), defaults to')][string]$Address = "", [Parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 1, HelpMessage = 'an optional script block, which will be executed in the context of an active FTP session')][ScriptBlock]$ScriptBlock, [Parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 2, HelpMessage = 'specify this switch, if you request write access to MTD2, which is usually the boot-loader partition and should not get overwritten without explicit intention')][switch]$WriteBootloader ) $Global:LogoutBeforeClose = $False ####################################################################################### # # # check the reply of the server for the expected error code # # # ####################################################################################### function ParseAnswer { Param([Parameter(Mandatory = $True, Position = 0, HelpMessage = 'the answer from device')][System.Object]$answer, [Parameter(Mandatory = $True, Position = 1, HelpMessage = 'the message ID to look for')][String]$expected ) if ($answer.GetType().ToString() -eq "System.Object[]") { for ($i = 0; $i -lt $answer.Count; $i++) { $line = $answer[$i] if ($line.GetType().ToString() -eq "System.String" -and $line.Length -gt 0 -and $line.StartsWith($expected)) { return $True } } } else { if ($answer.GetType().ToString() -eq "System.String" -and $answer.Length -gt 0 -and $answer.StartsWith($expected)) { return $True } } return $False } ####################################################################################### # # # read response text from EVA (with a short delay before the 1st read starts), until # # no more data is available and return the read lines as string array # # # ####################################################################################### function ReadAnswer { if ($DebugPreference -eq "Inquire") { $DebugPreference = "Continue" } # a large buffer to hold potential answers ... they should never reach 4 KB in one single read from the FTP control channel $inputBuffer = New-Object System.Byte[] 4096 # the whole conversation is ASCII based here $encoding = New-Object System.Text.ASCIIEncoding [String]$lines = [String]::Empty; # short hold, it seems that too early access attempts are unsuccessfully Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 100 $debug = $False while ($Global:EVAStream.DataAvailable) { $bytesread = $Global:EVAStream.Read($inputBuffer, 0, 4096) $lines = [String]::Concat($lines, $encoding.GetString($inputBuffer, 0, $bytesread)) if ($bytesread -gt 0) { $debug = $True } } $lines -split "`r`n" if ($debug) { Write-Debug "Response:`n$lines`n================" } } ####################################################################################### # # # write a command to the control channel # # # ####################################################################################### function SendCommand { Param([ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()][Parameter(Mandatory = $True, Position = 0, HelpMessage = 'the command string to be sent to the server')][string]$command ) if ($DebugPreference -eq "Inquire") { $DebugPreference = "Continue" } # simple as possible, write and flush - could be done without the function call $Global:EVAWriter.WriteLine($command) $Global:EVAWriter.Flush() Write-Debug "Sent`n$command`n================" if ($command.ToUpper() -eq "QUIT") { $Global:LogoutBeforeClose = $False } } ####################################################################################### # # # read a single value from the urlader environment # # # ####################################################################################### function GetEnvironmentValue { Param([ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()][Parameter(Mandatory = $True, Position = 0, HelpMessage = 'the requested variable')][String]$name ) SendCommand "GETENV $name" $answer = ReadAnswer if (ParseAnswer $answer "200") { $answer | Where { $_ } | ForEach { if ($_ -match "^(?'name'$name) *(?'value'.*)$") { Write-Output $Matches["value"] } } } } ####################################################################################### # # # set/unset a single value in the urlader environment # # # ####################################################################################### function SetEnvironmentValue { Param([ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()][Parameter(Mandatory = $True, Position = 0, HelpMessage = 'the variable name')][String]$name, [Parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 1, HelpMessage = 'the value to set, a missing value leads to an UNSETENV command issued')][String]$value ) if ($value -eq $null -or $value.Length -eq 0) { $cmd = "UNSETENV $name" } else { $cmd = "SETENV $name $value" } SendCommand $cmd $answer = ReadAnswer return $(ParseAnswer $answer "200") } ####################################################################################### # # # reboot the device # # # ####################################################################################### function RebootTheDevice { SendCommand "REBOOT" $answer = ReadAnswer return $(ParseAnswer $answer "221") } ####################################################################################### # # # switch to the alternative partition set, no reboot command is issued # # # ####################################################################################### function SwitchSystem { $current = GetEnvironmentValue "linux_fs_start" # default value, if it's not set if ($current -eq $null -or $current.Length -eq 0) { $current = "0" } Write-Verbose "current setting - linux_fs_start=$current" # switch to the alternative value if ($current -ne "1") { $new = "1" } else { $new = "0" } Write-Verbose "new setting - linux_fs_start=$new" # set the new value if (SetEnvironmentValue "linux_fs_start" $new) { Write-Verbose "new value set successfully" return $True } else { Write-Output "Error setting new value for 'linux_fs_start' to '$new'." Write-Output $Error return $False } } ####################################################################################### # # # get the whole environment as file from the device # # # ####################################################################################### function GetEnvironmentFile { Param([Parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 0, HelpMessage = 'the name of file to read, defaults to "env"')][String]$name = "env" ) # set binary transfer mode SendCommand "TYPE I" $answer = ReadAnswer if (-not (ParseAnswer $answer "200")) { $ex = New-Object System.IO.IOException "Error setting binary transfer mode." Throw $ex } # set media type to SDRAM, retrieving is only functioning in this mode SendCommand "MEDIA SDRAM" $answer = ReadAnswer if (-not (ParseAnswer $answer "200")) { $ex = New-Object System.IO.IOException "Error selecting media type." Throw $ex } try { $file = New-TemporaryFile $fname = $file.FullName } catch { $fname = [System.IO.Path]::GetTempFileName() } if (ReadFile $fname $name) { if (-not ($file)) { $file = Get-Item -Path $fname } Get-Content $file } Remove-Item $file } ####################################################################################### # # # upload a file to the flash of the device # # # ####################################################################################### function UploadFlashFile { Param([ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()][Parameter(Mandatory = $True, Position = 0, HelpMessage = 'the file, which has to be uploaded')][String]$filename, [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()][Parameter(Mandatory = $True, Position = 1, HelpMessage = 'the target partition name (e.g. MTDx)')][String]$target ) # set binary transfer mode SendCommand "TYPE I" $answer = ReadAnswer if (-not (ParseAnswer $answer "200")) { $ex = New-Object System.IO.IOException "Error setting binary transfer mode." Throw $ex } # set media type to flash, we want to write to this memory type SendCommand "MEDIA FLSH" $answer = ReadAnswer if (-not (ParseAnswer $answer "200")) { $ex = New-Object System.IO.IOException "Error selecting media type." Throw $ex } if (-not (WriteFile $filename $target)) { $ex = New-Object System.IO.IOException "Error uploading image file." Throw $ex } return $True } ####################################################################################### # # # start the device from an in-memory image # # # ####################################################################################### function BootDeviceFromImage { Param([Parameter(Mandatory = $True, Position = 0, HelpMessage = 'the file containing the image to be loaded')][String]$filename, [Parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 1, HelpMessage = 'limit memory size for the uploaded image')][bool]$limitedMemory = $True, [Parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 2, HelpMessage = 'memory size value to use in MByte, default value is 128')][int]$limitMemoryTo = 128 ) if ($DebugPreference -eq "Inquire") { $DebugPreference = "Continue" } if (-not (Test-Path $filename)) { $ex = New-Object System.Management.Automation.MethodInvocationException "The specified file cannot be found or accessed." Throw $ex } $fileattr = Get-Item "$filename" $filesize = $fileattr.Length if ($filesize -eq 0) { $ex = New-Object System.Management.Automation.MethodInvocationException "The specified file is empty." Throw $ex } $memsize = GetEnvironmentValue "memsize" $originalmemory = $memsize / 1024 * 1024 # check, if memsize is a multiple of 32 MB, else it's already changed by an earlier attempt $rem = $memsize % (1024 * 1024 * 32) if ($rem -ne 0) { $ex = New-Object System.Management.Automation.MethodInvocationException "The memory size was already reduced by an earlier upload, restart the device first." Throw $ex } if ($limitedMemory) { # set memory size to defined limit $memsize = 1024 * 1024 * $limitMemoryTo } else { $memsize = $memsize / 1024 * 1024 } # compute the needed size values (as strings) Write-Debug $("Memory size found : 0x{0:x8} ({1} MB)" -f $originalmemory,($originalmemory / 1024 / 1024)) Write-Debug $("Memory size used : 0x{0:x8} ({1} MB)" -f $memsize,($memsize / 1024 / 1024)) Write-Debug $("Image size found : 0x{0:x8} ({1} MB)" -f $filesize,(($filesize + 512) / 1024 / 1024)) $newsize = $memsize - $filesize $newmemsize = "0x{0:x8}" -f $newsize Write-Debug "Set memory size to : $newmemsize" $firstbyte = 0x80000000 $startaddr = "0x{0:x8}" -f [System.Int32]$($newsize + $firstbyte) $endaddr = "0x{0:x8}" -f [System.Int32]$($newsize + $firstbyte + $filesize) Write-Debug "Set MTD RAM device to: $startaddr,$endaddr" # set the new environment values if (-not (SetEnvironmentValue "memsize" "$newmemsize")) { $ex = New-Object System.IO.IOException "Setting the new memory size failed." Throw $ex } if (-not (SetEnvironmentValue "kernel_args_tmp" "mtdram1=$startaddr,$endaddr")) { $ex = New-Object System.IO.IOException "Setting the temporary kernel parameters failed." Throw $ex } # set binary transfer mode SendCommand "TYPE I" $answer = ReadAnswer if (-not (ParseAnswer $answer "200")) { $ex = New-Object System.IO.IOException "Error setting binary transfer mode." Throw $ex } # set media type to SDRAM, we'll start from memory SendCommand "MEDIA SDRAM" $answer = ReadAnswer if (-not (ParseAnswer $answer "200")) { $ex = New-Object System.IO.IOException "Error selecting media type." Throw $ex } try { if (-not (WriteFile $filename "$startaddr $endaddr")) { # try to reset environment settings $memory = "0x{0:x8}" -f $originalmemory SetEnvironmentValue "memsize" $memory SetEnvironmentValue "kernel_args_tmp" # throw error returned by WriteFile $ex = New-Object System.IO.IOException "Error uploading image file, Writefile() returns 'False'." Throw $ex } } catch { $local_ex = $_.Exception # try to reset environment settings $memory = "0x{0:x8}" -f $originalmemory SetEnvironmentValue "memsize" $memory SetEnvironmentValue "kernel_args_tmp" # throw new exception $ex = New-Object System.IO.IOException "Exception thrown by WriteFile() function: '$local_ex.Message'." Throw $ex } return $True } ####################################################################################### # # # write a file to the FTP server, the needed preparation have to be done before this # # function is called (set transfer mode, select target media type) # # # ####################################################################################### function WriteFile { Param([Parameter(Mandatory = $True, Position = 0, HelpMessage = 'the file name, where the data will be read')][String]$filename, [Parameter(Mandatory = $True, Position = 1, HelpMessage = 'the parameters for the "STOR" command')][String]$target, [Parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 2, HelpMessage = 'the command to be used for passive data transfers, defaults to "P@SW"')][String]$passive_cmd = "P@SW" ) # do not write to MTD2, if it's not explicitly enabled if ($target.ToUpper().CompareTo("MTD2") -eq 0 -and -not $WriteBootloader) { $ex = New-Object System.IO.IOException "Write access to bootloader partition is locked." Throw $ex } if ($DebugPreference -eq "Inquire") { $DebugPreference = "Continue" } Write-Debug "Uploading file '$filename' to '$target' ..." # ensure file is readable try { $path = Resolve-Path $filename $file = [System.IO.File]::Open($path, "Open", "Read") } catch { $ex = New-Object System.IO.IOException "Unable to locate or open input file." throw $ex } # set passive mode SendCommand $passive_cmd $answer = ReadAnswer if (-not (ParseAnswer $answer "227")) { $ex = New-Object System.IO.IOException "Error setting passive transfer mode." Throw $ex } # parse passive mode answer: 227 Entering Passive Mode (192,168,178,1,12,10) into named capture groups if ($answer[0] -match "^227 Entering Passive Mode \((?'a1'[0-9]{1,3}),(?'a2'[0-9]{1,3}),(?'a3'[0-9]{1,3}),(?'a4'[0-9]{1,3}),(?'p1'[0-9]{1,3}),(?'p2'[0-9]{1,3})\).*$") { $data_addr = [System.Net.IPAddress]::Parse($($Matches["a1"]+'.'+$Matches["a2"]+'.'+$Matches["a3"]+'.'+$Matches["a4"])) $data_port = ( [System.Int32]::Parse($Matches["p1"]) * 256 ) + [System.Int32]::Parse($Matches["p2"]) } # open connection and stream try { $connection = New-Object System.Net.Sockets.TcpClient $data_addr, $data_port $stream = $connection.GetStream() } catch { if ($stream) { $stream.Close() } if ($connection) { $connection.Close() } return $False } try { SendCommand "STOR $target" $answer = [String]::Empty while ($answer.Length -eq 0) { $answer = ReadAnswer } if (ParseAnswer $answer "150") { $sending = $True # CopyToAsync is .NET 4.5 and above (as stated by MSDN), but it seems to be available in 4.0 (W7/PS3/CLR4.0) # # $PSVersionTable # Name Value # ---- ----- # PSVersion 3.0 # WSManStackVersion 3.0 # SerializationVersion # CLRVersion 4.0.30319.42000 # BuildVersion 6.2.9200.16481 # PSCompatibleVersions {1.0, 2.0, 3.0} # PSRemotingProtocolVersion 2.2 # $copytask = $file.CopyToAsync($stream) $waiting = $False $waitloops = 21 while ($sending -or $waiting) { if ($copytask.IsCompleted) { $stream.Close() $file.Close() $connection.Close() $sending = $False # try to get an answer from the device after closing the data stream and the connection, the response from the device was # very late during my tests $waiting = $True $waitcount = $waitcount - 1 if ($waitcount -le 0) { $waiting = $False } if ($waiting) { Write-Debug "Waiting for control channel message for $waitcount seconds ..." } } $answer = [String]::Empty $answer = ReadAnswer if (ParseAnswer $answer "226") { $sending = $False $result = $True $waiting = $False } elseif (ParseAnswer $answer "553") { # may only occur while we're uploading an in-memory image $sending = $False $result = $False $waiting = $False } elseif (ParseAnswer $answer "120") { # log busy messages too - but there shouldn't be sent an additional command at control channel so far Write-Debug "The device seems to be still busy yet (message '120' received from control channel) ..." } if ($waiting) { Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 1000 } } } } catch { $ex = $_.Exception $result = $False if ($sending) { $stream.Close() } Throw $ex } if ($file) { $file.Close() } if ($connection) { $connection.Close() } return $result } ####################################################################################### # # # read a file from the FTP server # # # ####################################################################################### function ReadFile { Param([Parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 0, HelpMessage = 'the file name, where the data will be stored; defaults to the pipeline, if no value is given')][String]$filename, [Parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 1, HelpMessage = 'the (virtual) file name, defaults to "env"')][String]$name = "env", [Parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 2, HelpMessage = 'the command to be used for passive data transfers, defaults to "P@SW"')][String]$passive_cmd = "P@SW" ) if ($DebugPreference -eq "Inquire") { $DebugPreference = "Continue" } # set passive mode SendCommand $passive_cmd $answer = ReadAnswer if (-not (ParseAnswer $answer "227")) { $ex = New-Object System.IO.IOException "Error setting passive transfer mode." Throw $ex } # parse passive mode answer: 227 Entering Passive Mode (192,168,178,1,12,10) into named capture groups if ($answer[0] -match "^227 Entering Passive Mode \((?'a1'[0-9]{1,3}),(?'a2'[0-9]{1,3}),(?'a3'[0-9]{1,3}),(?'a4'[0-9]{1,3}),(?'p1'[0-9]{1,3}),(?'p2'[0-9]{1,3})\).*$") { $data_addr = [System.Net.IPAddress]::Parse($($Matches["a1"]+'.'+$Matches["a2"]+'.'+$Matches["a3"]+'.'+$Matches["a4"])) $data_port = ( [System.Int32]::Parse($Matches["p1"]) * 256 ) + [System.Int32]::Parse($Matches["p2"]) } # if no file name was specified, we'll use a temporary file and write its content to the pipeline later if ($filename.Length -eq 0) { try { $tempfile = New-TemporaryFile $filename = $tempfile.FullName } catch { $filename = [System.IO.Path]::GetTempFileName() $tempfile = New-Item -Name $filename } } else { $tempfile = $null } # open connection and stream try { $connection = New-Object System.Net.Sockets.TcpClient $data_addr, $data_port $stream = $connection.GetStream() } catch { if ($stream) { $stream.Close() } if ($connection) { $connection.Close() } return $False } # open target file try { $file = [System.IO.File]::Open($filename, "Create", "Write") } catch { $ex = New-Object System.IO.IOException "Error opening output file." Throw $ex } # set timeout on input stream, no more data means end of file $stream.ReadTimeout = 500 # start transfer SendCommand "RETR $name" $answer = ReadAnswer if (ParseAnswer $answer "150") { if (-not (ParseAnswer $answer "226")) { $receiving = $True # receive data stream while (-not $stream.DataAvailable) { Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 100 } try { $copytask = $stream.CopyToAsync($file) while ($receiving) { $answer = ReadAnswer if (ParseAnswer $answer "226") { $receiving = $False } elseif ($copytask.IsCompleted) { $receiving = $False } } } catch [System.IO.IOException] { # usually our expected timeout, because the connection will not be closed by EVA # Write-Debug "Timeout from network stream" $receiving = $False } finally { $stream.Close() } } else { # short data transfer only, already done try { $stream.CopyTo($file) } catch [System.IO.IOException] { # timeout means EOF } finally { $stream.Close() } } } elseif (ParseAnswer $answer "501") { Write-Output "Invalid file name '$name'." return $False } # close file if ($file) { $file.Close() } if ($connection) { $connection.Close() } if ($tempfile -ne $null) { Get-Content $tempfile Remove-Item $tempfile } else { return $True } } ####################################################################################### # # # handle login into the EVA session # # # ####################################################################################### function Login { Param([Parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 2, HelpMessage = 'the user name to be used to login')][String]$username = "adam2", [Parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 3, HelpMessage = 'the needed password')][String]$password = "adam2" ) $loggedIn = $False $loopRead = $True # write the "USER" command SendCommand "USER $username" $i = 0 for ($i = 0; $i -lt 10 -and $loopRead; $i++) { # ReadAnswer has a delay embedded (100 ms), so hang tight, but be patient (10 loops max. => 1 second delay) $answer = ReadAnswer if (ParseAnswer $answer "331") { SendCommand "PASS $password" } elseif (ParseAnswer $answer "230") { $loggedIn = $True $loopRead = $False } elseif (ParseAnswer $answer "530") { $loopRead = $False } } return $loggedIn } # init our globals and clear any pending errors $Global:EVAConnection = $null $Global:EVAStream = $null $Global:EVAWriter = $null $Error.Clear() # connect now try { # create socket and connect to EVA, this will hold up the device in the "bootloader state", until a "REBOOT" command is issued $Global:EVAConnection = New-Object System.Net.Sockets.TcpClient $Address, 21 # get the underlying stream $Global:EVAStream = $Global:EVAConnection.GetStream() # open a stream writer for the control channel $Global:EVAWriter = New-Object System.IO.StreamWriter $Global:EVAStream } catch { Write-Host "Error connecting to remote host $EVA_IP`n$($Error[0].ToString())." if ($Global:EVAWriter -ne $null) { $Global:EVAWriter.Close() $Global:EVAWriter = $null } if ($Global:EVAStream -ne $null) { $Global:EVAStream.Close() $Global:EVAStream = $null } if ($Global:EVAConnection -ne $null) { $Global:EVAConnection.Close() $Global:EVAConnection = $null } Exit } $answer = ReadAnswer if (ParseAnswer $answer "220") { if (Login) { $Global:LogoutBeforeClose = $True SendCommand "SYST" $answer = ReadAnswer if (ParseAnswer $answer "215 AVM EVA") { try { if ($ScriptBlock) { $ScriptBlock.Invoke() } else { ##################################################################################### # # # place your orders here, you may use the provided subfunctions or build your own # # command chain # # # ##################################################################################### # # Possible actions are: # # GetEnvironmentFile [ "env" | "count" ] # GetEnvironmentValue # SetEnvironmentValue [ ] # RebootTheDevice # SwitchSystem # BootDeviceFromImage # UploadFlashFile # # or you use some lower-level functions (some aren't useful here, it's simply too # late to login - e.g.) like these: # # SendCommand # ReadAnswer # ParseAnswer # ReadFile # WriteFile # Login # # You may specify your own script block as 2nd argument to this script file, in this # script block you may use the low- and high-level functions from above. # ##################################################################################### # # # end of "changeable" section, if you modify something outside, please do not ask # # or blame the author # # # ##################################################################################### } } catch { if ($Global:LogoutBeforeClose) { SendCommand "QUIT" $answer = ReadAnswer $Global:LogoutBeforeClose = $False } throw $_.Exception } } else { Write-Verbose "Unexpected FTP server found:`n$answer" if ($Global:LogoutBeforeClose) { SendCommand "QUIT" $answer = ReadAnswer $Global:LogoutBeforeClose = $False } } } else { Write-Verbose "Unable to login to EVA." } } else { Write-Verbose "Unexpected answer '$answer' from remote host." } # be gentle and close our open stream and socket $Global:EVAWriter.Close() $Global:EVAStream.Close() $Global:EVAConnection.Close() $Global:EVAWriter.Dispose() $Global:EVAStream.Dispose() $Global:EVAConnection.Dispose() $Global:EVAWriter = $null $Global:EVAStream = $null $Global:EVAConnection = $null