from pwn import * from string import * from base64 import * import time import json r=remote('',11337) r.recv() def getCipher(): r.send('1\n') r.recv() r.send('1234\n') time.sleep(0.1) res = r.recv().split('\n')[0].split(':')[1].strip() return res def xor(s1,s2): return ''.join([chr(ord(a)^ord(b)) for a,b in zip(s1,s2)]) def getBlock(): b64 = getcipher() time.sleep(0.3) s = b64decode(b64) s= s[(len(s)/64)*64:] b = (len(s)+1)/4-1 if b == -1: b += 16 return b, b64decode(b64)[-4:] def check(keyarr, cipher): lst=[] for kn in keyarr: try: dc = b64decode(xor(kn , cipher)) if len(dc) == 1 and dc=='}': lst.append(kn) elif len(dc) == 2 and dc=='"}': lst.append(kn) elif '"}' in dc and dc[0] in (letters + digits): lst.append(kn) except: pass return lst xor_key = '' for i in range(0,16): c2='' c1='' while True: block, c1 = getBlock() if block == i: break while True: a, c2 = getBlock() if a == block and c1 != c2: break keyarr=[] keyarr.append(xor(c1 , b64encode('}'))) keyarr.append(xor(c1 , b64encode('"}'))) for i in (letters+digits): keyarr.append(xor(c1 , b64encode(i+'"}'))) lst = check(keyarr, c2) while len(lst) > 1: while True: a, c2 = getBlock() if a == block and c1 != c2: break lst = check(lst, c2) xor_key += lst[0] print xor_key finish = b64decode(getcipher()) a,b = divmod(len(finish),len(xor_key)) decrypt = b64decode(xor(finish,xor_key*a + xor_key[:b])) print print decrypt print print json.loads(decrypt)['flag']