ArcticTypescript ================ * Wizzard for project creation (create .ts file to activate). * syntax highlighting * auto completion * live error highlighting * fast access to errors via shortcuts and clicks * refactoring (beta) * jump to declaration * quick info * build system *for Typescript 1.5* * view build result.js * snippets * filesGlob support (on_save only) Errors? See [Common Errors and Solutions][errorfaq] first, then [issue][issues] a bug report. ![Images of ArcticTypescript]( [issues]: [errorfaq]: Commands and Shortcuts ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Shortcut | Action | |--- |--- | | `Ctrl`+ `Space` | trigger code completion. | | `Alt` + `Shift` + `E` `E` | error view | | `Alt` + `Shift` + `E` `H` | jump to 1st error | | `Alt` + `Shift` + `E` `J` | jump to 2nd error | | `Alt` + `Shift` + `E` `K` | jump to 3rd error | | `Alt` + `Shift` + `E` `L` | jump to 4th error | | `F1` | show details about type under cursor | | `F2` | refactor under cursor
(beta: enable in settings first) | | `F4` | jump to declaration | | `F8` or `Ctrl`+`B` | Build the project. | | `Shift`+`F5` | reload (do this if autocompletion
is missing something or after
tsconfig.json changes) | * Goto Anything -> "ArcticTypescript: Terminate All Builds" if build is stuck * snippets: see below Example Projects ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * [Brower example without modules][example_basicbrowser]: compile to single file * [AMD-Modules][example_amd]: only compiling, no example index.html * [AMD-Modules with tests for Browser][example_amdtest] **FEATURED**: index.html for app and test.html for tests * [Nodejs][example_commonjs]: only compiling * [Nodejs with test][example_commonjstest]: automatic text execution with mocha after build * [Simplest concat example][example_singleout]: everything will be compiled to out.js * [Simplest example][most_simple]: empty tsconfig.json `{ }`. Every .ts file will be compiled by itself. Not the ideal solution for multiple .ts files. Use [Simplest concat example][example_singleout] instead. [example_amdtest]: [example_basicbrowser]: [example_commonjstest]: [example_singleout]: [example_amd]: [example_commonjs]: [most_simple]: Settings ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- You need to configure typescript using a `tsconfig.json` file. Place this file in your project folder or at least in some parent folder of your source files. Minimal Example `tsconfig.json`: { "compilerOptions": { "out": "out.js", "sourceMap": true, "target": "es5" }, "files": [ "main.ts" ], } `"files" : []` : Define the files which should be compiled. **At least 1 file is required.** You only need to specify the file from the top / root of your internal reference tree (your main.ts). But it does no harm to specify more files. **Alternative**: use `"filesGlob" : []` (see below) More `compilerOptions`: * `target` (string) 'es3'|'es5' (default) | 'es6' * `module` (string) 'amd'|'commonjs' (default) * `declaration` (boolean) Generates corresponding `.d.ts` file * `out` (filepath) Concatenate and emit a single file * `outDir` (folderpath) Redirect output structure to this directory * `noImplicitAny` (boolean) Error on inferred `any` type * `removeComments` (boolean) Do not emit comments in output * `sourceMap` (boolean) Generates SourceMaps (.map files) * `removeComments` (boolean) Do not emit comments to output. * `sourceRoot` (folder) Optionally specifies the location where debugger should locate TypeScript source files after deployment * `mapRoot` (folder) Optionally Specifies the location where debugger should locate map files after deployment * `preserveConstEnums` (boolean) Do not erase const enum declarations in generated code. * `suppressImplicitAnyIndexErrors` (boolean) Suppress noImplicitAny errors for indexing objects lacking index signatures. All pathes are relative to `tsconfig.json`. These are exactly the options for the typescript compiler: Refer to `tsc --help`. Decide between: * `out='outfile.js'` : Then use ```/// ``` to spread your code. [Example][example_singleout] * `outDir='built/'` and `module='amd'`: Use ```import s = require('second')``` to spread your code. [Example][example_amd] ### filesGlob ################################################################## [Atom-TypeScript][atomts] provides a feature called [filesGlob][at-tsconfig]. ArcticTypescript mimics that feature. Create a `filesGlob` list next to the `files` list. Everytime you **save** `tsconfig.json` the files will be updated. Example: { "compilerOptions": { }, "filesGlob": [ "./**/*.ts", "!./node_modules/**/*.ts" ] } [at-tsconfig]: ### ArcticTypescript settings ################################################## You can configure ArcticTypescript as well (type, default): * `enable_refactoring` (boolean, false) Disabled by default (still beta) * `activate_build_system` (boolean, true) * `auto_complete` (boolean, true) * `node_path` (string, null) If null, then nodejs must be in $PATH * `tsc_path` (string, null) If null, it will search a `node_modules` dir with typescript installed or use ArcticTypescript's `tsc` * `error_on_save_only` (boolean, false) * `build_on_save` (boolean, false) * `show_build_file` (boolean, false) show the compiled output after build * `pre_processing_commands` ([string], []) * `post_processing_commands` ([string], []) Where to store these settings: * For personal settings across all typescript projects: + GUI: Menu -> Preferences -> "Settings - User" -> `['ArcticTypescript'][KEY]`. This is the file `/Packages/User/Preferences.sublime-settings`. + GUI Menu -> Preferences -> Package Settings -> ArcticTypescript -> "Settings - User" -> `[KEY]`. This is the file `/Packages/User/ArcticTypescript.sublime-settings`. * For personal, project specific settings + GUI: Menu -> Project -> "Edit Project" -> `['settings']['ArcticTypescript'][KEY]`. This is the file `.sublime-settings`. * If you are not part of a team or for settings for everyone or for project specific settings if you don't have created a sublime project + `tsconfig.json ['ArcticTypescript'][KEY]` Example Settings in project file `mytsproject.sublime-settings`: { "folders": [ { "file_exclude_patterns": ["*~"], "follow_symlinks": true, "path": "." } ], "settings": { "ArcticTypescript": { "pre_processing_commands": ["node .settings/.components"] "post_processing_commands": [ "node .settings/.silns.js", "r.js.cmd -o .settings/.build.js", "cat ${tsconfig}", "echo a\\\\nbc | cat" ] } } } The working directory for all commands is `${tsconfig_path}`. They will be executed using `subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=True)`. shell=True -> You can use pipes, ... You can use variables for the string values: * [Sublime Variables][sublime_variables] * All your compilerOptions, e.g. `${outDir}` * `${platform}` : sys.platform = "linux" | "darwin" | "nt" * `${tsconfig}` : the path to tsconfig.json * `${tsconfig_path}` : the folder of tsconfig.json [sublime_variables]: Snippets ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Type `` and press `TAB` to insert snippet: ``: feature * `typescriptsnippets` : Print this list into file as **short reference**. * . * `cls` : class with constructor * `ctor` : constructor * `get` : public getter * `set` : public setter * `prop` : public getter and setter * `met` : public class method * . * `imp` : `import a = require('b')` * `ref` : `/// ` * . * `do` : do while loop * `for` : `for (…; i++) {…}` * `forl` : `for (… .length; i++) {…}` * `forb` : `for (…; i--) {…}` backwards loop (faster?) * `forin`: for … in … loop * . * `f` : `function a(b) {c}` * `r0` : `return false;` * `r1` : `return true;` * `ret` : `return a;` * . * `ie` : if … else … * `if` : if … * . * `log` : `console.log();` * `to` : `setTimeout(() => {}, 500);` * `sw` : switch … case: … default: * `thr` : `throw "";` Installation ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- You need [Sublime Text 3][sublime3], [Package Control for Sublime 3][pc_install], [node.js][nodejs], and optionally [Typescript][typescript] (ArcticTypescript also provides a compiler). Install ArcticTypescript: Open Sublime --> Goto Anything --> `Package Control: Install Package` --> `ArcticTypescript` Install the [AutoFileName][autofilename] plugin for completion of `/// ` [sublime3]: [pc_install]: [nodejs]: [typescript]: [autofilename]: Credits ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Typescript tools][typescripttools] for codecompletion and live errors. I'm using the same error icons as [SublimeLinter][sublimelinter]. I took inspiration from [Atom TypeScript][atomts]. [typescripttools]: [sublimelinter]: [atomts]: Notes for Upgraders / People which used T3S before ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is a clone of the Typescript T3S Plugin, but with a lots of changes. If you switch to ArcticTypescript, please: - read this readme - uninstall T3S - delete the *.sublime-workspace files in your projects - close all file tabs in your old T3S Projects - update your key binding overrides, The new key is 'ArcticTypescript' Compatibility ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sublime Text 2 is not supported anymore: Use the T3S plugin instead of this one for Sublime Text 2 users. Build system may not work if you have installed typescript < 1.5 your projects node_modules / package.json. Workaround until typescript 1.5 is installed: Set the dependency in `package.json` to `"typescript": "git+ssh://"`. Important Changes ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- v0.7.0: * Variable replacements for post or pre processing commands now require curly braces: `${tsconfig}` * Typescript 1.5 beta v0.6.0: * Dropped .sublimets, x.sublime-project. Compiler options belong to tsconfig.json * Many internal changes. Report if something is broken. * README rewrite * ProjectWizzard * filesGlob v0.5.0: * You will need a new config file called tsconfig.json * Updated to TS 1.5 via typescript-tools (switching to tsserver will come soon) * Dropped support for Outline view, since typescript-tools has dropped support for this. This feature will come back again with tsserver. v0.4.0: * build system: (relative) paths with spaces are now enclosed in "" automatically * > If you used additional "" to workaround the issue, you have to remove them, refer to messages/0.4.0.txt v0.3.0: * relative root files now have a different base directory * The default shortcut to switch to the error view changed to: CTRL + ALT + E * There are 4 new shortcuts to jump to the first four Errors: CTRL + ALT + E + H (or J, K, L)