/* * Copyright (C) 2016-2024 phantombot.github.io/PhantomBot * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ /** * youtubePlayer.js * * This is version 2 of the youtube player. * */ (function() { var playlistDbPrefix = 'ytPlaylist_', randomizePlaylist = $.getSetIniDbBoolean('ytSettings', 'randomizePlaylist', false), announceInChat = $.getSetIniDbBoolean('ytSettings', 'announceInChat', false), activePlaylistname = $.getSetIniDbString('ytSettings', 'activePlaylistname', 'default'), baseFileOutputPath = $.getSetIniDbString('ytSettings', 'baseFileOutputPath', './addons/youtubePlayer/'), songRequestsEnabled = $.getSetIniDbBoolean('ytSettings', 'songRequestsEnabled', true), songRequestsMaxParallel = $.getSetIniDbNumber('ytSettings', 'songRequestsMaxParallel', 1), songRequestsMaxSecondsforVideo = $.getSetIniDbNumber('ytSettings', 'songRequestsMaxSecondsforVideo', (8 * 60)), stealRefund = $.getSetIniDbBoolean('ytSettings', 'stealRefund', false), voteCount = $.getSetIniDbNumber('ytSettings', 'voteCount', 0), playCCOnly = $.getSetIniDbBoolean('ytSettings', 'playCCOnly', false), voteArray = [], skipCount, lastSkipTime = 0, playlistDJname = $.getSetIniDbString('ytSettings', 'playlistDJname', $.botName), /* enum for player status */ playerStateEnum = { NEWPAUSE: -3, NEW: -2, UNSTARTED: -1, ENDED: 0, PLAYING: 1, PAUSED: 2, BUFFERING: 3, CUED: 5, KEEPALIVE: 200 }, /* @type {PlayerClientInterface} */ connectedPlayerClient = null, /* @type {BotPlayList} */ currentPlaylist = null, _voteLock = new Packages.java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock(); /** * @function reloadyt */ function reloadyt() { songRequestsMaxParallel = $.getIniDbNumber('ytSettings', 'songRequestsMaxParallel'); songRequestsMaxSecondsforVideo = $.getIniDbNumber('ytSettings', 'songRequestsMaxSecondsforVideo'); playlistDJname = $.getIniDbString('ytSettings', 'playlistDJname'); announceInChat = $.getIniDbBoolean('ytSettings', 'announceInChat'); stealRefund = $.getIniDbBoolean('ytSettings', 'stealRefund', false); voteCount = $.getIniDbNumber('ytSettings', 'voteCount', 0); playCCOnly = $.getIniDbBoolean('ytSettings', 'playCCOnly', false); } /** * @function loadPanelPlaylist */ function loadPanelPlaylist() { var keys = $.inidb.GetKeyList('yt_playlists_registry', ''), count = 0; $.inidb.RemoveFile('ytPanelPlaylist'); for (var i in keys) { count++; $.inidb.set('ytPanelPlaylist', count, keys[i].replace('ytPlaylist_', '')); } } /** * @function createDefaultPl */ function createDefaultPl() { $.inidb.set('ytPlaylist_default', '1', 'vY_kyk8yL9U'); $.inidb.set('ytPlaylist_default', '2', 'q_Wk_dn-jEg'); $.inidb.set('ytPlaylist_default', '3', '5WRZ-bC5XzE'); $.inidb.set('ytPlaylist_default', '4', '9Y5CCHacHfk'); $.inidb.set('ytPlaylist_default', 'lastkey', '4'); } /** * @function loadDefaultPl */ function loadDefaultPl() { if (currentPlaylist === null && connectedPlayerClient !== null) { /** Pre-load last activated playlist */ currentPlaylist = new BotPlayList(activePlaylistname, true); /** if the current playlist is "default" and it's empty, add some default songs. */ if (currentPlaylist.getPlaylistname().equals('default') && currentPlaylist.getplaylistLength() == 0) { /** whatfunk - Waves FREE CC0 No Copyright Royalty Free Music */ try { currentPlaylist.addToPlaylist(new YoutubeVideo('vY_kyk8yL9U', $.botName)); } catch (ex) { $.log.error("YoutubeVideo::exception: " + ex); } /** CYAN!DE - Scorpion FREE Electro House Music For Monetize */ try { currentPlaylist.addToPlaylist(new YoutubeVideo('q_Wk_dn-jEg', $.botName)); } catch (ex) { $.log.error("YoutubeVideo::exception: " + ex); } /** SmaXa - We're Coming In FREE Creative Commons Music */ try { currentPlaylist.addToPlaylist(new YoutubeVideo('5WRZ-bC5XzE', $.botName)) } catch (ex) { $.log.error("YoutubeVideo::exception: " + ex); } /** Static Love - Choices FREE Pop Music for Monetize */ try { currentPlaylist.addToPlaylist(new YoutubeVideo('9Y5CCHacHfk', $.botName)) } catch (ex) { $.log.error("YoutubeVideo::exception: " + ex); } } } } /** * @class * @description This class holds information about a youtube video. * @param {string} searchQuery * @param {string} owner * @throws {Exception} * @requires PlayerClientInterface */ function YoutubeVideo(searchQuery, owner) { var videoId = '', videoTitle = '', videoLength = -1, license = 0, embeddable = 0; this.found = false; /** * @function getVideoId * @returns {string} */ this.getVideoId = function() { return videoId; }; /** * @function getOwner * @returns {string} */ this.getOwner = function() { return owner; }; /** * @function getVideoLength * @returns {number} */ this.getVideoLength = function() { var attempts = 0; if (videoLength != -1) { return videoLength; } var lengthData = $.youtube.GetVideoLength(videoId); if (lengthData[1] == 123 && lengthData[2] == 456 && lengthData[3] === 7899) { throw 'Live Stream Detected'; } // only try 2 times. // No point in spamming the API, we'll hit the limit. // If we try more than 2 times, that's 2 times on each song. while (lengthData[0] == 0 && attempts <= 2) { lengthData = $.youtube.GetVideoLength(videoId); attempts++; } if (lengthData[0] == 0) { return 0; } videoLength = lengthData[0]; return lengthData[0]; }; /** * @function getVideoInfo * Sets the member values for embeddable and license. */ this.getVideoInfo = function() { var videoInfo = $.youtube.GetVideoInfo(videoId); license = videoInfo[0]; embeddable = videoInfo[1]; }; /** * @function getVideoLengthMMSS * @returns {String} */ this.getVideoLengthMMSS = function() { var min, sec; if (videoLength == -1) { videoLength = this.getVideoLength(); } min = (videoLength / 60 < 10 ? "0" : "") + Math.floor(videoLength / 60); sec = (videoLength % 60 < 10 ? "0" : "") + Math.floor(videoLength % 60); return min + ":" + sec; }; /** * @function getVideoLink * @returns {string} */ this.getVideoLink = function() { return 'https://youtu.be/' + videoId; }; /** * @function getVideoTitle * @returns {string} */ this.getVideoTitle = function() { return videoTitle; }; /** START CONTRUCTOR YoutubeVideo() */ if (!searchQuery) { throw "No Search Query Given"; } searchQuery = searchQuery.trim(); if (!owner.equals(playlistDJname)) { owner = owner.toLowerCase(); } /* Redefine searchQuery to check the cache, if it doesn't exist in the cache, * this is simply extracting the ID from the searchString which is one way * of looking up videos via the YouTube API. Also, strip any query parameters * from what should be URLs. We do not wish to do this at the non-URL level * as someone might be searching for a song using an ampersand. */ if (searchQuery.includes('/watch') && searchQuery.includes('v=')) { searchQuery = searchQuery.substring(searchQuery.indexOf('v=') + 2); if (searchQuery.includes('&')) { searchQuery = searchQuery.substring(0, searchQuery.indexOf('&')); } } else if (searchQuery.startsWith('https://youtu.be/')) { searchQuery = searchQuery.substring(17); if (searchQuery.includes('?')) { searchQuery = searchQuery.substring(0, searchQuery.indexOf('?')); } } if ($.inidb.exists('ytcache', searchQuery)) { var jsonString = $.getIniDbString('ytcache', searchQuery); var jsonData = JSON.parse(jsonString); videoId = jsonData["id"]; videoTitle = jsonData["title"]; videoLength = jsonData["time"]; } else { var data = null; var attempts = 0; // We do not need an infinite loop here. 2 attempts is enough. // If we loop more we might hit the limit. // Since we need to look x times for each songs. do { data = $.youtube.SearchForVideo(searchQuery); attempts++; } while ($.strlen(data[0]) < 11 && data[1] != "No Search Results Found" && attempts <= 2); // Hit 5 trys and nothing was found if ($.strlen(data[0]) < 11) { throw 'No data returned.'; } videoId = data[0]; videoTitle = data[1]; if ($.equalsIgnoreCase(videoTitle, 'video marked private') || $.equalsIgnoreCase(videoTitle, 'no search results found')) { throw videoTitle; } this.getVideoLength(); var jsonData = {}; jsonData["id"] = videoId + ''; jsonData["title"] = videoTitle + ''; jsonData["time"] = videoLength; var jsonString = JSON.stringify(jsonData); $.inidb.set('ytcache', videoId, jsonString); } this.getVideoInfo(); if (license == 0 && playCCOnly) { throw 'Video is not licensed as Creative Commons (ID: ' + videoId + ')'; } if (embeddable == 0) { throw 'This video is not allowed to be embedded (ID: ' + videoId + ')'; } /** END CONTRUCTOR YoutubeVideo() */ } /** * @class * @description This class loads a playlist and takes care of managing currently playing songs and songrequests. * @param {string} playlistName * @param {boolean} loadDefaultPlaylist * @return {boolean} * @requires YoutubeVideo */ function BotPlayList(playlistName, loadDefault) { var previousVideo = null, currentVideo = null, playListDbId = playlistDbPrefix + playlistName, defaultPlaylist = [], // @type { Integer[] } defaultPlaylistReadOnly = [], // @type { Integer[] } requests = new Packages.java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentLinkedQueue, // @type { YoutubeVideo[] } requestFailReason = ''; this.playlistName = playlistName; this.loaded = false; /** * @function importPlaylistFile * @param {String} * @param {String} * @return {String} */ this.importPlaylistFile = function(listName, fileName, sender) { var importedList = [], importCount = 0, failCount = 0, playlistFailCount = 0, spaceMacther = new RegExp('\\s'); if ($.inidb.exists('yt_playlists_registry', 'ytPlaylist_' + listName)) { if ($.fileExists("./addons/youtubePlayer/" + fileName)) { $.say($.whisperPrefix(sender) + $.lang.get('ytplayer.command.importpl.file.start')); importedList = $.readFile("./addons/youtubePlayer/" + fileName); for (var i = 0; i < importedList.length; i++) { var item = $.jsString(importedList[i]); if (item.includes('&list')) { $.log.error("importPlaylistFile::skipped [" + item + "]: playlist links not allowed"); playlistFailCount++; continue; } else if (spaceMacther.test(item) || item.trim().length === 0) { // match for spaces or an empty line. if (item.trim().length > 0) { $.log.error("importPlaylistFile::skipped [" + item + "]: can not contain spaces"); } failCount++; continue; } try { var youtubeVideo = new YoutubeVideo(item, 'importPlaylistFile'); $.inidb.set(playlistDbPrefix + listName, importCount, youtubeVideo.getVideoId()); importCount++; } catch (ex) { $.log.error("importPlaylistFile::skipped [" + item + "]: " + ex); failCount++; } } $.inidb.set(playlistDbPrefix + listName, 'lastkey', importCount); if (playlistFailCount > 0) { return $.lang.get('ytplayer.command.importpl.file.success.plerror', importCount, failCount, fileName, listName, playlistFailCount); } else { return $.lang.get('ytplayer.command.importpl.file.success', importCount, failCount, fileName, listName); } } else { return $.lang.get('ytplayer.command.importpl.file.404', fileName); } } return $.lang.get('ytplayer.command.importpl.file.registry404', listName); }; /** * @function loadNewPlaylist * @return {Boolean} */ this.loadNewPlaylist = function(listName) { if ($.inidb.exists('yt_playlists_registry', 'ytPlaylist_' + listName)) { this.playlistName = listName; playListDbId = playlistDbPrefix + listName; this.loadPlaylistKeys(); connectedPlayerClient.pushPlayList(); } }; /** * @function getplayListDbId * @return {String} */ this.getplayListDbId = function() { return playListDbId; }; /** * @function getRequestFailReason * @return {String} */ this.getRequestFailReason = function() { return requestFailReason; }; /** * @function setCurrentVideo * @param {YoutubeVideo} youtubeVideo */ this.setCurrentVideo = function(youtubeVideo) { currentVideo = youtubeVideo; }; /** * @function addToPlaylist * @param {YoutubeVideo} youtubeVideo * @param {string} [targetPlaylistName] * @return {number} */ this.addToPlaylist = function(youtubeVideo, targetPlaylistName) { if (!youtubeVideo) { return -1; } var newKey; targetPlaylistName = (targetPlaylistName ? targetPlaylistName : this.playlistName); if (this.videoExistsInPlaylist(youtubeVideo, targetPlaylistName)) { return -2; } if (targetPlaylistName) { newKey = (!$.inidb.exists(playlistDbPrefix + targetPlaylistName, 'lastkey') ? 0 : parseInt($.getIniDbString(playlistDbPrefix + targetPlaylistName, 'lastkey')) + 1); $.inidb.set(playlistDbPrefix + targetPlaylistName, newKey, youtubeVideo.getVideoId()); $.inidb.set(playlistDbPrefix + targetPlaylistName, 'lastkey', newKey); } if (targetPlaylistName.equals(this.playlistName)) { this.loadPlaylistKeys(); connectedPlayerClient.pushPlayList(); } return newKey; }; /** * @function deleteCurrentVideo * @returns {Number} */ this.deleteCurrentVideo = function() { var keyList = $.inidb.GetKeyList(playListDbId, ''), i; for (i = 0; i < keyList.length; i++) { if (!keyList[i].equals("lastkey")) { if ($.getIniDbString(playListDbId, keyList[i]) == currentVideo.getVideoId()) { $.inidb.del(playListDbId, keyList[i]); break; } } } connectedPlayerClient.pushPlayList(); if (this.loadPlaylistKeys() > 0) { this.nextVideo(); } return this.getplaylistLength(); }; /** * @function deleteVideoByID * @param {String} * @returns {Number} */ this.deleteVideoByID = function(videoId) { var keyList = $.inidb.GetKeyList(playListDbId, ''), i, isCurrent = false; for (i = 0; i < keyList.length; i++) { if ($.getIniDbString(playListDbId, keyList[i]).equals(videoId)) { if (currentVideo !== null && $.getIniDbString(playListDbId, keyList[i]) == currentVideo.getVideoId()) { isCurrent = true; } $.inidb.del(playListDbId, keyList[i]); break; } } this.loadPlaylistKeys(); connectedPlayerClient.pushPlayList(); if (isCurrent && this.loadPlaylistKeys() > 0) { this.nextVideo(); } }; /** * @function deletePlaylist * @returns {boolean} */ this.deletePlaylist = function(listName) { if ($.inidb.exists('yt_playlists_registry', 'ytPlaylist_' + listName)) { $.inidb.del('yt_playlists_registry', 'ytPlaylist_' + listName); $.inidb.RemoveFile('ytPlaylist_' + listName); return true; } return false; }; /** * @function getCurrentVideo * @returns {YoutubeVideo} */ this.getCurrentVideo = function() { return currentVideo; }; /** * @function getPlaylistname * @returns {string} */ this.getPlaylistname = function() { return this.playlistName; }; /** * @function getplaylistLength * @returns {Number} */ this.getplaylistLength = function() { return defaultPlaylist.length; }; /** * @function getReadOnlyPlaylistData * @returns {String}[] */ this.getReadOnlyPlaylistData = function() { return defaultPlaylistReadOnly; }; /** * @function getPreviousVideo * @returns {YoutubeVideo} */ this.getPreviousVideo = function() { return previousVideo; }; /** * @function getRequestList * @returns {List}{YoutubeVideo} */ this.getRequestList = function() { return requests.toArray(); }; /** * @function getRequestAtIndex * @returns {YoutubeVideo} */ this.getRequestAtIndex = function(index) { var requestsArray = requests.toArray(); if (index > requestsArray.length) { return null; } return requestsArray[index]; }; /** * @function getRequestsCount * @returns {Number} */ this.getRequestsCount = function() { return requests.size(); }; /** * @function jumpToSong * @param playlistPosition * @return {boolean} */ this.jumpToSong = function(playlistPosition) { playlistPosition--; if (!requests.isEmpty()) { if (currentPlaylist.getRequestAtIndex(playlistPosition) == null) { return false; } previousVideo = currentVideo; try { currentVideo = currentPlaylist.getRequestAtIndex(playlistPosition); } catch (ex) { $.log.error("YoutubeVideo::exception: " + ex); return false; } } else { if (defaultPlaylistReadOnly.length == 0 || defaultPlaylistReadOnly.length < playlistPosition) { return false; } previousVideo = currentVideo; try { var playListIndex = defaultPlaylistReadOnly[playlistPosition]; currentVideo = new YoutubeVideo($.getIniDbString(playListDbId, playListIndex), playlistDJname); } catch (ex) { $.log.error("YoutubeVideo::exception: " + ex); return false; } } connectedPlayerClient.play(currentVideo); this.updateCurrentSongFile(currentVideo); if (announceInChat) { $.say($.lang.get('ytplayer.announce.nextsong', currentVideo.getVideoTitle(), currentVideo.getOwner())); } skipCount = 0; _voteLock.lock(); try { voteArray = []; } finally { _voteLock.unlock(); } return true; }; /** * @function findSongByTitle * @param String * @return (boolean} */ this.findSongByTitle = function(songTitle) { if (!requests.isEmpty()) { var videoTitle = null, requestsArray = requests.toArray(), match = false; for (var i in requestsArray) { videoTitle = requestsArray[i].getVideoTitle(); if (videoTitle.toLowerCase().indexOf(songTitle.toLowerCase()) >= 0) { previousVideo = currentVideo; try { currentVideo = currentPlaylist.getRequestAtIndex(i); match = true; } catch (ex) { $.log.error("YoutubeVideo::exception: " + ex); return false; } break; } } } else { if (defaultPlaylistReadOnly.length == 0) { return false; } for (var i in defaultPlaylistReadOnly) { try { examineVideo = new YoutubeVideo($.getIniDbString(playListDbId, defaultPlaylistReadOnly[i]), playlistDJname); if (examineVideo.getVideoTitle().toLowerCase().indexOf(songTitle.toLowerCase()) >= 0) { previousVideo = currentVideo; currentVideo = new YoutubeVideo($.getIniDbString(playListDbId, defaultPlaylistReadOnly[i]), playlistDJname); match = true; break; } } catch (ex) { $.log.error("YoutubeVideo::exception: " + ex); return false; } } } if (!match) { return false; } connectedPlayerClient.play(currentVideo); this.updateCurrentSongFile(currentVideo); if (announceInChat) { $.say($.lang.get('ytplayer.announce.nextsong', currentVideo.getVideoTitle(), currentVideo.getOwner())); } skipCount = 0; _voteLock.lock(); try { voteArray = []; } finally { _voteLock.unlock(); } return true; }; /** * @function loadPlaylistKeys * @returns {number} */ this.loadPlaylistKeys = function() { var keyList = $.inidb.GetKeyList(playListDbId, ''); defaultPlaylist = []; defaultPlaylistReadOnly = []; for (var i = 0; i < keyList.length; i++) { if (!keyList[i].equals("lastkey")) { defaultPlaylist.push(keyList[i]); } } defaultPlaylist = (randomizePlaylist ? $.arrayShuffle(defaultPlaylist) : defaultPlaylist); for (var i = 0; i < defaultPlaylist.length; i++) { defaultPlaylistReadOnly.push(defaultPlaylist[i]); } this.loaded = true; return keyList.length; }; /** * @function nextVideo * @return {YoutubeVideo} */ this.nextVideo = function() { if (!connectedPlayerClient) { return null; } exception = true; while (exception) { previousVideo = currentVideo; if (!requests.isEmpty()) { currentVideo = requests.poll(); exception = false; } else { if (defaultPlaylist.length == 0) { if (this.loadPlaylistKeys() == 0) { return new YoutubeVideo('r9NsG7pMwNk', playlistDJname); } return new YoutubeVideo('r9NsG7pMwNk', playlistDJname); } try { var playListIndex = defaultPlaylist.shift(); currentVideo = new YoutubeVideo($.getIniDbString(playListDbId, playListIndex), playlistDJname); exception = false } catch (ex) { $.log.error("YoutubeVideo::exception: " + ex); exception = true; } } } connectedPlayerClient.play(currentVideo); this.updateCurrentSongFile(currentVideo); if (announceInChat) { $.say($.lang.get('ytplayer.announce.nextsong', currentVideo.getVideoTitle(), currentVideo.getOwner())); } skipCount = 0; _voteLock.lock(); try { voteArray = []; } finally { _voteLock.unlock(); } return currentVideo; }; /** * @function preparePlaylist * @return {boolean} */ this.preparePlaylist = function(playlistName) { $.inidb.set('ytSettings', 'activePlaylistname', playlistName); if (!$.inidb.exists('yt_playlists_registry', playListDbId) || !$.inidb.FileExists(playListDbId)) { $.setIniDbBoolean('yt_playlists_registry', playListDbId, true); $.inidb.AddFile(playListDbId); } return true; }; /** * @function removeSong * @param {String} YouTube ID * @return {String} */ this.removeSong = function(youTubeID) { var songTitle = null, requestsArray = requests.toArray(), i; for (i in requestsArray) { if (requestsArray[i].getVideoId().equals(youTubeID)) { songTitle = requestsArray[i].getVideoTitle(); requests.remove(requestsArray[i]); break; } } return songTitle; }; /** * @function removeUserSong * @param {String} * @return {String} */ this.removeUserSong = function(username) { var songTitle = null, requestsArray = requests.toArray(), i; for (i = requestsArray.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (requestsArray[i].getOwner().equals(username) && songTitle == null) { songTitle = requestsArray[i].getVideoTitle(); requests.remove(requestsArray[i]); } } return songTitle; }; /** * @function requestSong * @param {string} searchQuery * @param {string} requestOwner * @return {YoutubeVideo} */ this.requestSong = function(searchQuery, requestOwner) { var keys = $.inidb.GetKeyList('ytpBlacklistedSong', ''); if (!$.checkUserPermission(requestOwner, undefined, $.PERMISSION.Admin) && (!songRequestsEnabled || this.senderReachedRequestMax(requestOwner))) { if (this.senderReachedRequestMax(requestOwner)) { requestFailReason = $.lang.get('ytplayer.requestsong.error.maxrequests'); } else { requestFailReason = $.lang.get('ytplayer.requestsong.error.disabled'); } return null; } try { var youtubeVideo = new YoutubeVideo(searchQuery, requestOwner); } catch (ex) { requestFailReason = $.lang.get('ytplayer.requestsong.error.yterror', ex); $.log.error("YoutubeVideo::exception: " + ex); return null; } if (this.videoExistsInRequests(youtubeVideo)) { requestFailReason = $.lang.get('ytplayer.requestsong.error.exists'); return null; } if (this.videoLengthExceedsMax(youtubeVideo) && !$.checkUserPermission(requestOwner, undefined, $.PERMISSION.Admin)) { requestFailReason = $.lang.get('ytplayer.requestsong.error.maxlength', youtubeVideo.getVideoLengthMMSS()); return null; } for (var i in keys) { if (youtubeVideo.getVideoTitle().toLowerCase().includes(keys[i])) { requestFailReason = $.lang.get('ytplayer.blacklist.404'); return null; } } requests.add(youtubeVideo); var playerState = connectedPlayerClient.checkState(); if (playerState == playerStateEnum.UNSTARTED || playerState == playerStateEnum.ENDED) { this.nextVideo(); } return youtubeVideo; }; /** * @function senderReachedRequestMax * @param {string} sender * @returns {boolean} */ this.senderReachedRequestMax = function(sender) { var currentRequestCount = 0, requestsArray = requests.toArray(), i; sender = sender.toLowerCase(); for (i in requestsArray) { if (requestsArray[i].getOwner() == sender) { ++currentRequestCount; } } return (currentRequestCount >= songRequestsMaxParallel); }; /** * @function updateCurrentSongFile * @param {YoutubeVideo} youtubeVideo * Note that the trailing space is for any broadcasting software which is "wrapping" * the text constantly in a loop. */ this.updateCurrentSongFile = function(youtubeVideo) { var writer = null; try { writer = new Packages.java.io.OutputStreamWriter(new Packages.java.io.FileOutputStream(baseFileOutputPath + 'currentsong.txt'), 'UTF-8'); writer.write(youtubeVideo.getVideoTitle()); } catch (ex) { $.log.error('Failed to update current song file: ' + ex.toString()); } finally { if (writer !== null) { writer.close(); } } }; /** * @function videoExistsInPlaylist * @param {YoutubeVideo} youtubeVideo * @param {string} targetPlaylistName * @returns {boolean} */ this.videoExistsInPlaylist = function(youtubeVideo, targetPlaylistName) { var keyList = $.inidb.GetKeyList(playlistDbPrefix + targetPlaylistName, ''), i; for (i in keyList) { if (!keyList[i].equals("lastkey")) { if ($.getIniDbString(playlistDbPrefix + targetPlaylistName, keyList[i]) == youtubeVideo.getVideoId()) { return true; } } } return false; }; /** * @function videoExistsInRequests * @param {YoutubeVideo} youtubeVideo * @returns {boolean} */ this.videoExistsInRequests = function(youtubeVideo) { var i, requestsArray = requests.toArray(); for (i in requestsArray) { if (requestsArray[i].getVideoId() == youtubeVideo.getVideoId()) { return true; } } return false; }; /** * @function videoLengthExceedsMax * @param {YoutubeVideo} youtubeVideo * @returns {boolean} */ this.videoLengthExceedsMax = function(youtubeVideo) { return (youtubeVideo.getVideoLength() > songRequestsMaxSecondsforVideo); }; /** START CONTRUCTOR PlayList() */ if (!this.playlistName) { return this.loaded; } this.preparePlaylist(this.playlistName); if (loadDefault) { this.loadPlaylistKeys(); } /** END CONTRUCTOR PlayList() */ } /** * @class * @description This class acts as interface between the javascript and any connected player clients */ function PlayerClientInterface() { var client = $.ytplayer, playerPaused = false; /** * @function pushCurrentSong */ this.pushCurrentSong = function() { var jsonData = {}; jsonData['currentsong'] = { "requester": currentPlaylist.getCurrentVideo().getOwner() + '', "song": currentPlaylist.getCurrentVideo().getVideoId() + '', "title": currentPlaylist.getCurrentVideo().getVideoTitle() + '', "duration": currentPlaylist.getCurrentVideo().getVideoLengthMMSS() + '' }; client.sendJSONToAll(JSON.stringify(jsonData)); }; /** * @function pushPlayList */ this.pushPlayList = function() { var jsonList = {}, playList = [], jsonString, jsonData, youtubeObject, videoId, videoTitle, videoLength, youTubeDbId, i; if (currentPlaylist) { jsonList['playlistname'] = currentPlaylist.getPlaylistname() + ''; jsonList['playlist'] = []; playList = currentPlaylist.getReadOnlyPlaylistData(); for (i = 0; i < playList.length; i++) { youTubeDbId = $.getIniDbString(currentPlaylist.getplayListDbId(), playList[i]); if ($.inidb.exists('ytcache', youTubeDbId)) { jsonString = $.getIniDbString('ytcache', youTubeDbId); jsonData = JSON.parse(jsonString); videoId = jsonData["id"]; videoTitle = jsonData["title"]; videoLength = jsonData["time"]; min = (videoLength / 60 < 10 ? "0" : "") + Math.floor(videoLength / 60); sec = (videoLength % 60 < 10 ? "0" : "") + Math.floor(videoLength % 60); videoLength = min + ':' + sec; jsonList['playlist'].push({ "song": videoId, "title": videoTitle, "duration": videoLength }); } else { try { youtubeObject = new YoutubeVideo(youTubeDbId, $.botName); videoId = youtubeObject.getVideoId() + ''; videoTitle = youtubeObject.getVideoTitle() + ''; videoLength = youtubeObject.getVideoLengthMMSS() + ''; // Store in the YTCache so that we do not have to hit the API again later. jsonData = {}; jsonData["id"] = videoId; jsonData["title"] = videoTitle; jsonData["time"] = youtubeObject.getVideoLength(); jsonString = JSON.stringify(jsonData); $.inidb.set('ytcache', videoId, jsonString); jsonList['playlist'].push({ "song": videoId, "title": videoTitle, "duration": videoLength }); } catch (ex) { $.log.error('YouTube API Failed Lookup: Playlist [' + jsonList['playlistname'] + '] Index [' + playList[i] + '] YT ID [' + youTubeDbId + '] Error [' + ex + ']'); } } } client.sendJSONToAll(JSON.stringify(jsonList)); } }; /** * @function pushSongList */ this.pushSongList = function() { var jsonList = {}, requestList = [], youtubeObject, i; if (currentPlaylist) { jsonList['songlist'] = []; requestList = currentPlaylist.getRequestList(); for (i in requestList) { youtubeObject = requestList[i]; jsonList['songlist'].push({ "song": youtubeObject.getVideoId() + '', "title": youtubeObject.getVideoTitle() + '', "duration": youtubeObject.getVideoLengthMMSS() + '', "requester": youtubeObject.getOwner() + '' }); } client.sendJSONToAll(JSON.stringify(jsonList)); } }; /** * @function play * @param {YoutubeVideo} youtubeVideo */ this.play = function(youtubeVideo) { client.play(youtubeVideo.getVideoId(), youtubeVideo.getVideoTitle(), youtubeVideo.getVideoLengthMMSS(), youtubeVideo.getOwner()); }; /** * @function getVolume * @returns {number} */ this.getVolume = function() { return client.getVolume(); }; /** * @function setVolume * @param {number} volume */ this.setVolume = function(volume) { volume = parseInt(volume); if (!isNaN(volume)) { client.setVolume(volume); $.inidb.set('ytSettings', 'volume', volume); } }; /** * @function togglePause * @returns {boolean} */ this.togglePause = function() { client.pause(); playerPaused = !playerPaused; return playerPaused; }; /** * @function checkState * @returns {Int} */ this.checkState = function() { return parseInt(client.getPlayerState()); }; } /** * @event yTPlayerRandomize */ $.bind('yTPlayerRandomize', function(event) { var EventBus = Packages.tv.phantombot.event.EventBus, CommandEvent = Packages.tv.phantombot.event.command.CommandEvent; EventBus.instance().postAsync(new CommandEvent($.botName, 'ytp', 'togglerandom')); }); /** * @event yTPlayerDeletePlaylistByID */ $.bind('yTPlayerDeletePlaylistByID', function(event) { currentPlaylist.deleteVideoByID(event.getYouTubeID()); }); /** * @event yTPlayerSongRequest */ $.bind('yTPlayerSongRequest', function(event) { var request = currentPlaylist.requestSong(event.getSearch(), $.ownerName); if (request != null) { connectedPlayerClient.pushSongList(); } }); /** * @event ytPlayerStealSong */ $.bind('yTPlayerStealSong', function(event) { var youTubeID = (event.getYouTubeID() + ''), refundUser = $.jsString(event.getRequester()).toLowerCase(), retval; if (youTubeID.length > 1) { retval = currentPlaylist.addToPlaylist(new YoutubeVideo(youTubeID, $.ownerName)); } else { refundUser = currentPlaylist.getCurrentVideo().getOwner().toLowerCase(); retval = currentPlaylist.addToPlaylist(currentPlaylist.getCurrentVideo()); } if (stealRefund && retval != -2 && refundUser.length > 1) { if (!$.isBot(refundUser) && !$.equalsIgnoreCase(playlistDJname, refundUser)) { if ($.inidb.exists('pricecom', 'songrequest') || $.inidb.exists('pricecom', 'addsong')) { var isMod = $.checkUserPermission(refundUser, event.getTags(), $.PERMISSION.Mod); if ((((isMod && $.getIniDbBoolean('settings', 'pricecomMods', false) && !$.isBot(refundUser)) || !isMod))) { var refund = $.getIniDbString('pricecom', 'songrequest'); if (refund == 0) { refund = $.getIniDbString('pricecom', 'addsong'); } refund = parseInt(refund / 2); if (refund > 0) { $.inidb.incr('points', refundUser, parseInt(refund)); $.say($.lang.get('ytplayer.command.stealsong.refund', $.viewer.getByLogin(refundUser).name(), refund, (refund == 1 ? $.pointNameSingle : $.pointNameMultiple))); } } } } } }); /** * @event yTPlayerLoadPlaylist */ $.bind('yTPlayerLoadPlaylist', function(event) { currentPlaylist.loadNewPlaylist(event.getPlaylist()); loadPanelPlaylist(); }); /** * @event ytPlayerDeleteCurrent */ $.bind('yTPlayerDeleteCurrent', function(event) { currentPlaylist.deleteCurrentVideo(); connectedPlayerClient.pushSongList(); }); /** * @event ytPlayerSkipSong */ $.bind('yTPlayerSkipSong', function(event) { currentPlaylist.nextVideo(); connectedPlayerClient.pushSongList(); }); /** * @event yTPlayerDeleteSR */ $.bind('yTPlayerDeleteSR', function(event) { currentPlaylist.removeSong(event.getId()); connectedPlayerClient.pushSongList(); }); /** * @event yTPlayerVolume */ $.bind('yTPlayerVolume', function(event) { $.inidb.set('ytSettings', 'volume', event.getVolume()); }); /** * @event yTPlayerRequestSonglist */ $.bind('yTPlayerRequestSonglist', function(event) { connectedPlayerClient.pushSongList(); }); /** * @event yTPlayerRequestPlaylist */ $.bind('yTPlayerRequestPlaylist', function(event) { connectedPlayerClient.pushPlayList(); }); /** * @event yTPlayerRequestCurrentSong */ $.bind('yTPlayerRequestCurrentSong', function(event) { connectedPlayerClient.pushCurrentSong(); }); /** * @event yTPlayerState */ $.bind('yTPlayerState', function(event) { var state = event.getStateId(), volume; if (state == playerStateEnum.NEW || state == playerStateEnum.NEWPAUSE) { volume = $.inidb.exists('ytSettings', 'volume') ? parseInt($.getIniDbString('ytSettings', 'volume')) : 5; connectedPlayerClient.setVolume(volume); if (currentPlaylist) { if (announceInChat && state == playerStateEnum.NEWPAUSE) { announceInChat = false; currentPlaylist.nextVideo(); announceInChat = true; } else { currentPlaylist.nextVideo(); } if (state != playerStateEnum.NEWPAUSE) { if (songRequestsEnabled && announceInChat) { $.say($.lang.get('ytplayer.songrequests.enabled')); } } } } if (state == playerStateEnum.ENDED) { if (currentPlaylist) { currentPlaylist.nextVideo(); } } }); /** * @event yTPlayerCurrentId */ $.bind('yTPlayerCurrentId', function(event) { if (isNaN(event.getId())) { var video = new YoutubeVideo(event.getId(), $.ownerName); connectedPlayerClient.play(video); currentPlaylist.setCurrentVideo(video); currentPlaylist.updateCurrentSongFile(video); } else { currentPlaylist.jumpToSong(parseInt(event.getId())); } }); /** * @event yTPlayerConnect */ $.bind('yTPlayerConnect', function(event) { connectedPlayerClient = new PlayerClientInterface(); $.consoleLn($.lang.get('ytplayer.console.client.connected')); loadDefaultPl(); connectedPlayerClient.pushPlayList(); $.youtubePlayerConnected = true; }); /** * @event yTPlayerDisconnect */ $.bind('yTPlayerDisconnect', function(event) { connectedPlayerClient = null; $.consoleLn($.lang.get('ytplayer.console.client.disconnected')); if (!songRequestsEnabled && announceInChat) { $.say($.lang.get('ytplayer.songrequests.disabled')); } $.youtubePlayerConnected = false; }); /** * @event command */ $.bind('command', function(event) { var command = event.getCommand(), sender = event.getSender().toLowerCase(), args = event.getArgs(), pActions, action, actionArgs; /** * Used by the panel */ if ($.equalsIgnoreCase(command, 'reloadyt')) { reloadyt(); return; } /** * @commandpath ytp - Base command to manage YouTube player settings * @commandpath musicplayer - Built-in permanent alias to !ytp */ if ($.equalsIgnoreCase(command, 'ytp') || $.equalsIgnoreCase(command, 'musicplayer')) { pActions = ['volume', 'pause'].join(', '); action = args[0]; actionArgs = args.splice(1); if (!action) { $.say($.whisperPrefix(sender) + $.lang.get('ytplayer.command.ytp.usage')); return; } /** * @commandpath ytp clearcache now - Clears the cache of YouTube IDs from the database. */ if ($.equalsIgnoreCase(action, 'clearcache')) { if (args.length < 2) { $.say($.whisperPrefix(sender) + $.lang.get('ytplayer.command.ytp.clearcache.warning')); } else { if ($.equalsIgnoreCase(actionArgs[0], 'now')) { $.inidb.RemoveFile('ytcache'); $.say($.whisperPrefix(sender) + $.lang.get('ytplayer.command.ytp.clearcache.success')); } else { $.say($.whisperPrefix(sender) + $.lang.get('ytplayer.command.ytp.clearcache.warning')); } } return; } /** * @commandpath ytp resetdefaultlist - Resets the default playlist back to the default songs. */ if ($.equalsIgnoreCase(action, 'resetdefaultlist')) { if (connectedPlayerClient) { $.say($.whisperPrefix(sender) + $.lang.get('ytplayer.command.ytp.resetdefaultlist.active')); return; } $.inidb.RemoveFile('ytPlaylist_default'); createDefaultPl(); $.say($.whisperPrefix(sender) + $.lang.get('ytplayer.command.ytp.resetdefaultlist.success')); return; } /** * @commandpath ytp togglecconly - Toggle option to only use Creative Commons licensed songs. */ if ($.equalsIgnoreCase(action, 'togglecconly')) { if ($.getIniDbBoolean('ytSettings', 'playCCOnly')) { playCCOnly = false; $.setIniDbBoolean('ytSettings', 'playCCOnly', false); $.say($.whisperPrefix(sender) + $.lang.get('ytplayer.command.ytp.togglecconly.disable')); } else { playCCOnly = true; $.setIniDbBoolean('ytSettings', 'playCCOnly', true); $.say($.whisperPrefix(sender) + $.lang.get('ytplayer.command.ytp.togglecconly.enable')); } return; } /** * @commandpath ytp togglestealrefund - Toggle refunding users half their points if their song is stolen, use to reward users with songs that are liked */ if ($.equalsIgnoreCase(action, 'togglestealrefund')) { if ($.getIniDbBoolean('ytSettings', 'stealRefund')) { stealRefund = false; $.setIniDbBoolean('ytSettings', 'stealRefund', false); $.say($.whisperPrefix(sender) + $.lang.get('ytplayer.command.ytp.togglestealrefund.disable')); } else { stealRefund = true; $.setIniDbBoolean('ytSettings', 'stealRefund', true); $.say($.whisperPrefix(sender) + $.lang.get('ytplayer.command.ytp.togglestealrefund.enable')); } return; } /** * @commandpath ytp djname [DJ Name] - Name the DJ for playlists */ if ($.equalsIgnoreCase(action, 'djname')) { if (actionArgs[0]) { playlistDJname = actionArgs.join(' '); $.say($.whisperPrefix(sender) + $.lang.get('ytplayer.command.ytp.setdjname.success', playlistDJname)); $.inidb.set('ytSettings', 'playlistDJname', playlistDJname); } else { $.say($.whisperPrefix(sender) + $.lang.get('ytplayer.command.ytp.setdjname.usage')); } } /** * @commandpath ytp delrequest [YouTube ID] - Delete a song that has been requested */ if ($.equalsIgnoreCase(action, 'delrequest')) { if (actionArgs[0]) { var removedSongTitle = currentPlaylist.removeSong(actionArgs[0]); if (removedSongTitle) { $.say($.whisperPrefix(sender) + $.lang.get('ytplayer.command.delrequest.success', actionArgs[0], removedSongTitle)); connectedPlayerClient.pushSongList(); } else { $.say($.whisperPrefix(sender) + $.lang.get('ytplayer.command.delrequest.404', actionArgs[0])); } } else { $.say($.whisperPrefix(sender) + $.lang.get('ytplayer.command.delrequest.usage')); } return; } /** * @commandpath ytp volume [0-100] - Set volume in player. No value to display current volume. * @commandpath ytp volume [0-100] [+/-] - Set volume in player. +/- raises/lowers by 2. No value to display current volume. */ if ($.equalsIgnoreCase(action, 'volume')) { if (!connectedPlayerClient) { $.say($.whisperPrefix(sender) + $.lang.get('ytplayer.client.404')); return; } if (actionArgs[0]) { if (!isNaN(parseInt(actionArgs[0]))) { connectedPlayerClient.setVolume(actionArgs[0]); $.say($.whisperPrefix(sender) + $.lang.get('ytplayer.command.volume.set', actionArgs[0])); return; } if (actionArgs[0].equals('+')) { connectedPlayerClient.setVolume($.getIniDbNumber('ytSettings', 'volume') + 2); $.say($.whisperPrefix(sender) + $.lang.get('ytplayer.command.volume.set', $.getIniDbNumber('ytSettings', 'volume'))); return; } if (actionArgs[0].equals('-')) { connectedPlayerClient.setVolume($.getIniDbNumber('ytSettings', 'volume') - 2); $.say($.whisperPrefix(sender) + $.lang.get('ytplayer.command.volume.set', $.getIniDbNumber('ytSettings', 'volume'))); return; } } $.say($.whisperPrefix(sender) + $.lang.get('ytplayer.command.volume.get', connectedPlayerClient.getVolume())); return; } /** * @commandpath ytp votecount - Set the amount of votes needed for the !skip command to work */ if ($.equalsIgnoreCase(action, 'votecount')) { if (!connectedPlayerClient) { $.say($.whisperPrefix(sender) + $.lang.get('ytplayer.client.404')); return; } if (actionArgs[0] && !isNaN(parseInt(actionArgs[0]))) { if (actionArgs[0] < 0) { $.say($.whisperPrefix(sender) + $.lang.get('ytplayer.command.votecount.negative')); return; } $.inidb.set('ytSettings', 'voteCount', actionArgs[0]); voteCount = actionArgs[0]; _voteLock.lock(); try { voteArray = []; } finally { _voteLock.unlock(); } skipCount = 0; $.say($.whisperPrefix(sender) + $.lang.get('ytplayer.command.votecount.set', actionArgs[0])); } else { $.say($.whisperPrefix(sender) + $.lang.get('ytplayer.command.votecount.usage', voteCount)); } return; } /** * @commandpath ytp pause - Pause/unpause the player. */ if ($.equalsIgnoreCase(action, 'pause')) { if (!connectedPlayerClient) { $.say($.whisperPrefix(sender) + $.lang.get('ytplayer.client.404')); return; } connectedPlayerClient.togglePause(); return; } /** * @commandpath ytp togglerandom - Toggle randomizing playlists * @commandpath ytp shuffle - Toggle randomizing playlists */ if ($.equalsIgnoreCase(action, 'togglerandom') || $.equalsIgnoreCase(action, 'shuffle')) { randomizePlaylist = !randomizePlaylist; $.setIniDbBoolean('ytSettings', 'randomizePlaylist', randomizePlaylist); if (currentPlaylist) { currentPlaylist.loadPlaylistKeys(); } if (connectedPlayerClient) { connectedPlayerClient.pushPlayList(); } $.say($.whisperPrefix(sender) + $.lang.get('ytplayer.command.ytp.togglerandom.toggled', (randomizePlaylist ? $.lang.get('common.enabled') : $.lang.get('common.disabled')))); return; } /** * @commandpath ytp toggleannounce - Toggle announcing now playing in the chat * @commandpath ytp togglenotify - Toggle announcing now playing in the chat */ if ($.equalsIgnoreCase(action, 'toggleannounce') || $.equalsIgnoreCase(action, 'togglenotify')) { announceInChat = !announceInChat; $.setIniDbBoolean('ytSettings', 'announceInChat', announceInChat); $.say($.whisperPrefix(sender) + $.lang.get('ytplayer.command.ytp.toggleannounce.toggled', (announceInChat ? $.lang.get('common.enabled') : $.lang.get('common.disabled')))); return; } /** * @commandpath ytp togglerequests - Toggle song request ability for users below admin. * @commandpath ytp togglesr - Toggle song request ability for users below admin. */ if ($.equalsIgnoreCase(action, 'togglerequests') || $.equalsIgnoreCase(action, 'togglesr')) { songRequestsEnabled = !songRequestsEnabled; $.setIniDbBoolean('ytSettings', 'songRequestsEnabled', songRequestsEnabled); if (songRequestsEnabled) { $.say($.lang.get('ytplayer.songrequests.enabled')); } else { $.say($.lang.get('ytplayer.songrequests.disabled')); } return; } /** * @commandpath ytp setrequestmax [max concurrent requests] - Set the maximum of concurrent songrequests a user can make * @commandpath ytp limit [max concurrent requests] - Set the maximum of concurrent songrequests a user can make */ if ($.equalsIgnoreCase(action, 'setrequestmax') || $.equalsIgnoreCase(action, 'limit')) { if (!actionArgs[0] || isNaN(parseInt(actionArgs[0]))) { $.say($.whisperPrefix(sender) + $.lang.get('ytplayer.command.ytp.setrequestmax.usage')); return; } songRequestsMaxParallel = parseInt(actionArgs[0]); $.inidb.set('ytSettings', 'songRequestsMaxParallel', songRequestsMaxParallel); $.say($.lang.get('ytplayer.command.ytp.setrequestmax.success', songRequestsMaxParallel)); return; } /** * @commandpath ytp setmaxvidlength [max video length in seconds] - Set the maximum length of a song that may be requested * @commandpath ytp maxvideolength [max video length in seconds] - Set the maximum length of a song that may be requested */ if ($.equalsIgnoreCase(action, 'setmaxvidlength') || $.equalsIgnoreCase(action, 'maxvideolength')) { if (!actionArgs[0] || isNaN(parseInt(actionArgs[0]))) { $.say($.whisperPrefix(sender) + $.lang.get('ytplayer.command.ytp.setmaxvidlength.usage')); return; } songRequestsMaxSecondsforVideo = parseInt(actionArgs[0]); $.inidb.set('ytSettings', 'songRequestsMaxSecondsforVideo', songRequestsMaxSecondsforVideo); $.say($.lang.get('ytplayer.command.ytp.setmaxvidlength.success', songRequestsMaxSecondsforVideo)); return; } /** * @commandpath ytp blacklistuser [add / remove] [user] - Blacklist a user from using the songrequest features. */ if ($.equalsIgnoreCase(action, 'blacklistuser')) { if (!args[1]) { $.say($.whisperPrefix(sender) + $.lang.get('ytplayer.blacklist.usage')); return; } if ($.equalsIgnoreCase(args[1], 'add')) { if (!args[2]) { $.say($.whisperPrefix(sender) + $.lang.get('ytplayer.blacklist.add.usage')); return; } $.inidb.set('ytpBlacklist', args[2].toLowerCase(), 'true'); $.say($.whisperPrefix(sender) + $.lang.get('ytplayer.blacklist.add.success', args[2])); } if ($.equalsIgnoreCase(args[1], 'remove')) { if (!args[2]) { $.say($.whisperPrefix(sender) + $.lang.get('ytplayer.blacklist.remove.usage')); return; } $.inidb.del('ytpBlacklist', args[2].toLowerCase()); $.say($.whisperPrefix(sender) + $.lang.get('ytplayer.blacklist.remove.success', args[2])); return; } } /** * @commandpath ytp blacklist [add / remove] [name contained in the video] - Blacklist a song name from being requested. */ if ($.equalsIgnoreCase(action, 'blacklist')) { actionArgs = args.splice(2); if (!args[1]) { $.say($.whisperPrefix(sender) + $.lang.get('ytplayer.blacklist.usage.song')); return; } if ($.equalsIgnoreCase(args[1], 'add')) { if (!args[2]) { $.say($.whisperPrefix(sender) + $.lang.get('ytplayer.blacklist.add.usage.song')); return; } $.inidb.set('ytpBlacklistedSong', actionArgs.join(' ').trim().toLowerCase(), 'true'); $.say($.whisperPrefix(sender) + $.lang.get('ytplayer.blacklist.add.success.song', actionArgs.join(' ').trim())); return; } if ($.equalsIgnoreCase(args[1], 'remove')) { if (!args[2]) { $.say($.whisperPrefix(sender) + $.lang.get('ytplayer.blacklist.remove.usage.song')); return; } $.inidb.del('ytpBlacklistedSong', actionArgs.join(' ').trim().toLowerCase()); $.say($.whisperPrefix(sender) + $.lang.get('ytplayer.blacklist.remove.success.song', actionArgs.join(' ').trim())); return; } } } /** * @commandpath playlist - Base command: Manage playlists */ if ($.equalsIgnoreCase(command, 'playlist')) { pActions = ['add', 'delete', 'loadpl', 'deletepl', 'importpl'].join(', '); action = args[0]; actionArgs = args.splice(1); if (!action) { $.say($.whisperPrefix(sender) + $.lang.get('ytplayer.command.playlist.usage', pActions)); return; } /** * @commandpath playlist add [youtube link | id | search] - Add a song to the current playlist */ if ($.equalsIgnoreCase(action, 'add')) { if (!connectedPlayerClient) { $.say($.whisperPrefix(sender) + $.lang.get('ytplayer.client.404')); return; } if (actionArgs.length > 0) { try { var youtubeVideo = new YoutubeVideo(actionArgs.join(' '), sender); } catch (ex) { $.log.error("YoutubeVideo::exception: " + ex); $.say($.whisperPrefix(sender) + $.lang.get('ytplayer.command.playlist.add.failed', ex)); return; } if (currentPlaylist.addToPlaylist(youtubeVideo)) { $.say($.whisperPrefix(sender) + $.lang.get('ytplayer.command.playlist.add.success', youtubeVideo.getVideoTitle(), currentPlaylist.getPlaylistname())); } else { $.say($.whisperPrefix(sender) + $.lang.get('ytplayer.command.playlist.add.failed', currentPlaylist.getRequestFailReason())); } } else { $.say($.whisperPrefix(sender) + $.lang.get('ytplayer.command.playlist.add.usage')); } loadPanelPlaylist(); return; } /** * @commandpath playlist delete (videoId) - Delete the current song from the current playlist, or the specified video by YouTube Video ID */ if ($.equalsIgnoreCase(action, 'delete')) { if (!connectedPlayerClient) { $.say($.whisperPrefix(sender) + $.lang.get('ytplayer.client.404')); return; } if (actionArgs.length > 0) { currentPlaylist.deleteVideoByID(actionArgs[0]); } else { currentPlaylist.deleteCurrentVideo(); } return; } /** * @commandpath playlist loadpl [playlist name] - Load playlist by name, calling this command with an unknown playlist will create it for you. */ if ($.equalsIgnoreCase(action, 'loadpl')) { if (!connectedPlayerClient) { $.say($.whisperPrefix(sender) + $.lang.get('ytplayer.client.404')); return; } if (actionArgs.length > 0) { var requestedPlaylist = new BotPlayList(actionArgs[0], true); if (requestedPlaylist.getplaylistLength() == 0) { $.say($.whisperPrefix(sender) + $.lang.get('ytplayer.command.playlist.load.success.new', requestedPlaylist.getPlaylistname())); } else { $.say($.whisperPrefix(sender) + $.lang.get('ytplayer.command.playlist.load.success', requestedPlaylist.getPlaylistname())); } currentPlaylist.loadNewPlaylist(actionArgs[0]); } else { $.say($.whisperPrefix(sender) + $.lang.get('ytplayer.command.playlist.load.usage')); } loadPanelPlaylist(); return; } /** * Used by the panel */ if ($.equalsIgnoreCase(action, 'playlistloadpanel')) { if (actionArgs.length > 0) { var requestedPlaylist = new BotPlayList(actionArgs[0], true); currentPlaylist.loadNewPlaylist(actionArgs[0]); connectedPlayerClient.pushPlayList(); } loadPanelPlaylist(); return; } /** * @commandpath playlist listpl - List the playlists */ if ($.equalsIgnoreCase(action, 'listpl')) { var playlistsList = $.inidb.GetKeyList('yt_playlists_registry', ''); if (playlistsList) { $.say($.whisperPrefix(sender) + $.lang.get('ytplayer.command.playlist.listpl', playlistsList.join(', ').replace(/ytPlaylist_/g, ''))); } return; } /** * @commandpath playlist deletepl [playlist name] - Delete a playlist by name */ if ($.equalsIgnoreCase(action, 'deletepl')) { if (!currentPlaylist) { $.say($.whisperPrefix(sender) + $.lang.get('ytplayer.client.404')); return; } if (actionArgs.length > 0) { if ($.equalsIgnoreCase(actionArgs[0], 'default')) { $.say($.whisperPrefix(sender) + $.lang.get('ytplayer.command.playlist.delete.isdefault')); return; } if (currentPlaylist.deletePlaylist(actionArgs[0])) { $.say($.whisperPrefix(sender) + $.lang.get('ytplayer.command.playlist.delete.success', actionArgs[0])); } else { $.say($.whisperPrefix(sender) + $.lang.get('ytplayer.command.playlist.delete.404', actionArgs[0])); } } else { $.say($.whisperPrefix(sender) + $.lang.get('ytplayer.command.playlist.delete.usage')); } loadPanelPlaylist(); return; } /** * @commandpath playlist importpl file [playlist name] [file] - Creates/overwrites playlist with new list generated from ./addons/youtubePlayer/file. File may contain links, descriptions, or YouTube IDs */ if ($.equalsIgnoreCase(action, 'importpl')) { if (actionArgs.length == 3) { if ($.equalsIgnoreCase(actionArgs[0], 'file')) { var importPlaylist = new BotPlayList(actionArgs[1], false); $.say($.whisperPrefix(sender) + importPlaylist.importPlaylistFile(actionArgs[1], actionArgs[2], sender)); return; } } $.say($.whisperPrefix(sender) + $.lang.get('ytplayer.command.importpl.file.usage')); } loadPanelPlaylist(); return; } // Skip all following commands, since they all need the client to be connected // (a.k.a. they need a current song to be active) if (connectedPlayerClient == null) { $.say($.whisperPrefix(sender) + $.lang.get('ytplayer.client.404')); return; } /** * @commandpath stealsong [playlist name] - Add the currently playing song to the current playlist or a given playlist */ if ($.equalsIgnoreCase(command, 'stealsong')) { var refundUser = '', responseString; if (args.length == 0) { if (currentPlaylist.addToPlaylist(currentPlaylist.getCurrentVideo()) == -2) { $.say($.lang.get('ytplayer.command.stealsong.duplicate')); return; } refundUser = currentPlaylist.getCurrentVideo().getOwner().toLowerCase(); responseString = $.lang.get('ytplayer.command.stealsong.this.success', $.viewer.getByLogin(sender).name()); } else if ($.inidb.FileExists(playlistDbPrefix + args[0].toLowerCase())) { if (currentPlaylist.addToPlaylist(currentPlaylist.getCurrentVideo(), args[0].toLowerCase()) == -2) { $.say($.lang.get('ytplayer.command.stealsong.duplicate')); return; } refundUser = currentPlaylist.getCurrentVideo().getOwner().toLowerCase(); responseString = $.lang.get('ytplayer.command.stealsong.other.success', $.viewer.getByLogin(sender).name(), args[0]); } else { $.say($.whisperPrefix(sender) + $.lang.get('ytplayer.playlist.404', args[0])); return; } if (stealRefund) { if (!$.isBot(refundUser) && !$.equalsIgnoreCase(playlistDJname, refundUser)) { if ($.inidb.exists('pricecom', 'songrequest') || $.inidb.exists('pricecom', 'addsong')) { var isMod = $.checkUserPermission(refundUser, event.getTags(), $.PERMISSION.Mod); if ((((isMod && $.getIniDbBoolean('settings', 'pricecomMods', false) && !$.isBot(sender)) || !isMod))) { var refund = $.getIniDbString('pricecom', 'songrequest'); if (refund == 0) { refund = $.getIniDbString('pricecom', 'addsong'); } refund = parseInt(refund / 2); if (refund > 0) { $.inidb.incr('points', refundUser, parseInt(refund)) responseString = responseString + ' ' + $.lang.get('ytplayer.command.stealsong.refund', $.viewer.getByLogin(refundUser).name(), refund, (refund == 1 ? $.pointNameSingle : $.pointNameMultiple)); } } } } } $.say(responseString); return; } /** * @commandpath jumptosong [position in playlist] - Jump to a song in the current playlist by position in playlist. * @commandpath playsong [position in playlist] - Jump to a song in the current playlist by position in playlist. */ if ($.equalsIgnoreCase(command, 'jumptosong') || $.equalsIgnoreCase(command, 'playsong')) { if (args[0] === undefined) { $.say($.whisperPrefix(sender) + $.lang.get('ytplayer.command.jumptosong.usage', command.toLowerCase())); return; } if (!currentPlaylist.jumpToSong(args[0])) { $.say($.whisperPrefix(sender) + $.lang.get('ytplayer.command.jumptosong.failed', args[0])); } return; } /** * @commandpath findsong [search string] - Finds a song based on a search string. */ if ($.equalsIgnoreCase(command, 'findsong')) { if (args[0] === undefined) { $.say($.whisperPrefix(sender) + $.lang.get('ytplayer.command.findsong.usage', command.toLowerCase())); return; } if (!currentPlaylist.findSongByTitle(args.join(' '))) { $.say($.whisperPrefix(sender) + $.lang.get('ytplayer.command.findsong.failed', args.join(' '))); } return; } /** * @commandpath skipsong - Skip the current song and proceed to the next video in line */ if ($.equalsIgnoreCase(command, 'skipsong')) { _voteLock.lock(); try { var username = $.username.resolve(sender, event.getTags()), check = voteArray.indexOf(username), action = args[0]; } finally { _voteLock.unlock(); } if (!action) { if ($.systemTime() - lastSkipTime > 1000) { lastSkipTime = $.systemTime + 10000; // Make sure that no one can skip while we wait to reset the value. currentPlaylist.nextVideo(); connectedPlayerClient.pushSongList(); lastSkipTime = $.systemTime(); return; } else { $.say($.whisperPrefix(sender) + $.lang.get('ytplayer.command.skip.delay')); return; } } else { /** * @commandpath skipsong vote - allow viewers to vote to skip a song */ if ($.equalsIgnoreCase(action, 'vote')) { if (voteCount == 0) { $.say($.whisperPrefix(sender) + $.lang.get('ytplayer.command.skip.disabled')); return; } if (check != -1) { $.say($.whisperPrefix(sender) + $.lang.get('ytplayer.command.skip.failure')); return; } skipCount = skipCount + 1; if (skipCount == voteCount) { $.say($.lang.get('ytplayer.command.skip.skipping')); currentPlaylist.nextVideo(); connectedPlayerClient.pushSongList(); return; } $.say($.whisperPrefix(sender) + $.lang.get('ytplayer.command.skip.success', voteCount - skipCount)); _voteLock.lock(); try { voteArray.push(username); } finally { _voteLock.unlock(); } return; } } return; } /** * @commandpath songrequest [YouTube ID | YouTube link | search string] - Request a song! */ if ($.equalsIgnoreCase(command, 'songrequest') || $.equalsIgnoreCase(command, 'addsong')) { if ($.getIniDbBoolean('ytpBlacklist', sender, false)) { $.say($.whisperPrefix(sender) + $.lang.get('ytplayer.blacklisted')); return; } if (args.length == 0) { $.say($.whisperPrefix(sender) + $.lang.get('ytplayer.command.songrequest.usage')); $.returnCommandCost(sender, command, $.checkUserPermission(sender, event.getTags(), $.PERMISSION.Mod)); return; } var request = currentPlaylist.requestSong(event.getArguments(), sender); if (request != null) { $.say($.whisperPrefix(sender) + $.lang.get('ytplayer.command.songrequest.success', request.getVideoTitle(), currentPlaylist.getRequestsCount(), request.getVideoId())); connectedPlayerClient.pushSongList(); } else { $.say($.whisperPrefix(sender) + $.lang.get('ytplayer.command.songrequest.failed', currentPlaylist.getRequestFailReason())); } return; } /** * @commandpath wrongsong - Removes the last requested song from the user * @commandpath wrongsong user [username] - Removes the last requested song from a specific user */ if ($.equalsIgnoreCase(command, 'wrongsong')) { if (args.length == 0) { var songTitle = currentPlaylist.removeUserSong(sender); if (songTitle) { $.say($.whisperPrefix(sender) + $.lang.get('ytplayer.command.wrongsong.success', songTitle)); connectedPlayerClient.pushSongList(); } else { $.say($.whisperPrefix(sender) + $.lang.get('ytplayer.command.wrongsong.404')); } } else { if ($.equalsIgnoreCase(args[0], 'user')) { if (args[1]) { var songTitle = currentPlaylist.removeUserSong(args[1].toLowerCase()); if (songTitle) { $.say($.whisperPrefix(sender) + $.lang.get('ytplayer.command.wrongsong.user.success', args[1], songTitle)); connectedPlayerClient.pushSongList(); } else { $.say($.whisperPrefix(sender) + $.lang.get('ytplayer.command.wrongsong.404')); } } } else { $.say($.whisperPrefix(sender) + $.lang.get('ytplayer.command.wrongsong.usage')); } } return; } /** * @commandpath previoussong - Announce the previous played song in the chat */ if ($.equalsIgnoreCase(command, 'previoussong')) { if (currentPlaylist.getPreviousVideo()) { $.say($.userPrefix(sender, true) + $.lang.get('ytplayer.command.previoussong', currentPlaylist.getPreviousVideo().getVideoTitle(), currentPlaylist.getPreviousVideo().getOwner(), currentPlaylist.getPreviousVideo().getVideoLink())); } else { $.say($.lang.get('ytplayer.command.previoussong.404')); } return; } /** * @commandpath currentsong - Announce the currently playing song in the chat */ if ($.equalsIgnoreCase(command, 'currentsong')) { $.say($.userPrefix(sender, true) + $.lang.get('ytplayer.command.currentsong', currentPlaylist.getCurrentVideo().getVideoTitle(), currentPlaylist.getCurrentVideo().getOwner(), currentPlaylist.getCurrentVideo().getVideoLink())); return; } /** * @commandpath nextsong - Display the next song in the request queue * @commandpath nextsong [index number] - Display the full song title at the index. * @commandpath nextsong next [n] - Display the next n songs in queue, max of 5 * @commandpath nextsong list [x-y] - Display songs in queue from the range, max of 5 */ if ($.equalsIgnoreCase(command, 'nextsong')) { var minRange, maxRange, showRange; if (!args[0]) { if (currentPlaylist.getRequestAtIndex(0) == null) { $.say($.whisperPrefix(sender) + $.lang.get('ytplayer.command.nextsong.404')); return; } else { $.say($.whisperPrefix(sender) + $.lang.get('ytplayer.command.nextsong.single', currentPlaylist.getRequestAtIndex(0).getVideoTitle())); return; } } else { if (!isNaN(args[0])) { if (currentPlaylist.getRequestAtIndex(parseInt(args[0])) == null) { $.say($.whisperPrefix(sender) + $.lang.get('ytplayer.command.nextsong.404')); return; } else { $.say($.whisperPrefix(sender) + $.lang.get('ytplayer.command.nextsong.single', '#' + args[0] + ': ' + currentPlaylist.getRequestAtIndex(parseInt(args[0])).getVideoTitle())); return; } } else if ($.equalsIgnoreCase(args[0], 'next')) { if (!args[1]) { $.say($.whisperPrefix(sender) + $.lang.get('ytplayer.command.nextsong.usage')); return; } if (isNaN(args[1])) { $.say($.whisperPrefix(sender) + $.lang.get('ytplayer.command.nextsong.usage')); return; } minRange = 1; maxRange = parseInt(args[1]); } else if ($.equalsIgnoreCase(args[0], 'list')) { if (!args[1]) { $.say($.whisperPrefix(sender) + $.lang.get('ytplayer.command.nextsong.usage')); return; } if (args[1].match(/\d+\-\d+/)) { minRange = parseInt(args[1].match(/(\d+)\-\d+/)[1]); maxRange = parseInt(args[1].match(/\d+\-(\d+)/)[1]); if (maxRange - minRange > 5) { maxRange = minRange + 5; } } else { $.say($.whisperPrefix(sender) + $.lang.get('ytplayer.command.nextsong.usage')); return; } } else { $.say($.whisperPrefix(sender) + $.lang.get('ytplayer.command.nextsong.usage')); return; } var displayString = ''; minRange = minRange - 1; while (minRange <= maxRange) { showRange = minRange + 1; if (currentPlaylist.getRequestAtIndex(minRange) == null) { break; } displayString += "[(#" + showRange + ") " + currentPlaylist.getRequestAtIndex(minRange).getVideoTitle().slice(0, 20) + "] "; minRange++; } if (displayString.equals('')) { $.say($.whisperPrefix(sender) + $.lang.get('ytplayer.command.nextsong.range.404')); } else { $.say($.whisperPrefix(sender) + $.lang.get('ytplayer.command.nextsong.range', displayString)); } } return; } }); $.bind('initReady', function() { $.registerChatCommand('./systems/youtubePlayer.js', 'ytp', $.PERMISSION.Admin); $.registerChatCommand('./systems/youtubePlayer.js', 'musicplayer', $.PERMISSION.Admin); $.registerChatCommand('./systems/youtubePlayer.js', 'playlist', $.PERMISSION.Admin); $.registerChatCommand('./systems/youtubePlayer.js', 'stealsong', $.PERMISSION.Admin); $.registerChatCommand('./systems/youtubePlayer.js', 'jumptosong', $.PERMISSION.Admin); $.registerChatCommand('./systems/youtubePlayer.js', 'findsong', $.PERMISSION.Admin); $.registerChatCommand('./systems/youtubePlayer.js', 'playsong', $.PERMISSION.Admin); $.registerChatCommand('./systems/youtubePlayer.js', 'skipsong', $.PERMISSION.Admin); $.registerChatCommand('./systems/youtubePlayer.js', 'reloadyt', $.PERMISSION.Admin); $.registerChatCommand('./systems/youtubePlayer.js', 'songrequest'); $.registerChatCommand('./systems/youtubePlayer.js', 'addsong'); $.registerChatCommand('./systems/youtubePlayer.js', 'previoussong'); $.registerChatCommand('./systems/youtubePlayer.js', 'currentsong'); $.registerChatCommand('./systems/youtubePlayer.js', 'wrongsong'); $.registerChatCommand('./systems/youtubePlayer.js', 'nextsong'); $.registerChatSubcommand('skipsong', 'vote', $.PERMISSION.Viewer); $.registerChatSubcommand('wrongsong', 'user', $.PERMISSION.Mod); loadPanelPlaylist(); loadDefaultPl(); }); })();