# Simulate processes of analysis, sandbox and VM software that some malware will try to evade. # This just spawns ping.exe with different names (wireshark.exe, vboxtray.exe, ...) # # This is the updated version with no system load at all. I might also add some more fake processes in future updates. # Maintained by NuclearPhoenixx, get updates and fixes on https://github.com/NuclearPhoenixx/fake-sandbox/ # # Usage (CMD): Powershell -executionpolicy remotesigned -F "C:\Full\Path\To\File\fsp.ps1" $action = read-host " What do you want to do? (start/stop)" # Your processes come here: $fakeProcesses = @('WinDbg.exe','idaq.exe','wireshark.exe','vmacthlp.exe','VBoxService.exe','VBoxTray.exe','procmon.exe','ollydbg.exe','vmware-tray.exe','idag.exe','ImmunityDebugger.exe') # If you type in "start" it will run this: if ($action -ceq "start") { # We will store our renamed binaries into a temp folder $tmpdir = [System.Guid]::NewGuid().ToString() $binloc = Join-path $env:temp $tmpdir # Creating temp folder New-Item -Type Directory -Path $binloc $oldpwd = $pwd Set-Location $binloc foreach ($proc in $fakeProcesses) { # Copy ping.exe and rename binary to fake one Copy-Item c:\windows\system32\ping.exe "$binloc\$proc" # Start infinite ping process (invalid ip) that pings every 3600000 ms (1 hour) Start-Process ".\$proc" -WindowStyle Hidden -ArgumentList "-t -w 3600000 -4" write-host "[+] Spawned $proc" } Set-Location $oldpwd write-host "" write-host "Press any key to close..." cmd /c pause | out-null } # If you type in "stop" it will run this: elseif ($action -ceq "stop") { write-host "" foreach ($proc in $fakeProcesses) { Stop-Process -processname "$proc".Split(".")[0] write-host "[+] Killed $proc" } write-host "" write-host "Press any key to close..." cmd /c pause | out-null } # Else print this: else { write-host "" write-host "Bad usage: You need to use either 'start' or 'stop' for this to work!" -foregroundcolor Red write-host "Press any key to close..." cmd /c pause | out-null }