ruleset io.picolabs.github_signin { meta { use module io.picolabs.github_keys shares __testing } global { __testing = { "queries": [ { "name": "__testing" } //, { "name": "entry", "args": [ "key" ] } ] , "events": [ //{ "domain": "github", "type": "test" } //, { "domain": "d2", "type": "t2", "attrs": [ "a1", "a2" ] } ] } DID_Policy = { "name": "only allow github authorized_user events", "event": { "allow": [ { "domain": "github", "type": "authorized_user"}, { "domain": "github", "type": "clear_uuid"} ] } } DID_polling_policy = { "name": "only allow github owner_DID_requested events", "event": { "allow": [ { "domain": "github", "type": "owner_DID_requested"} ] } } } rule createRootDID { select when wrangler ruleset_added where rids >< meta:rid every{ engine:newPolicy(DID_Policy) setting(registered_policy) engine:newChannel(name="github", type="signin", policy_id = registered_policy{"id"}) engine:newPolicy(DID_polling_policy) setting(registered_policy2) engine:newChannel(name="github", type="DID_poll", policy_id = registered_policy2{"id"}) } } rule receiveOauth { select when github authorized_user pre { code = event:attrs{"code"} } if code then http:post("", json = { "client_id": keys:github_manifold{"clientID"}, "client_secret": keys:github_manifold{"clientSecret"}, "code": code }) setting(result) fired { raise github event "received_access_token" attributes { "response": result } } } rule validAccessToken { select when github received_access_token pre { //We receive content in the form "key=value&key2=value2..." parseContent = function(x) { keyValuePairs = x.split(re#&#); keyValuePairs.reduce(function(counter, current) { //split key=value into an array of [key, value] splitKeyValue = current.split(re#=#); counter.put([splitKeyValue[0]], splitKeyValue[1]) }, {}) } valid_status = (event:attrs{["response", "status_code"]} == 200) contentMap = valid_status => parseContent(event:attrs{["response", "content"]}) | "" } if valid_status && contentMap then noop() fired { raise github event "validation_success" attributes { "content": contentMap } } else { raise github event "validation_failure" attributes event:attrs } } //raise the owner creation event. The account_management ruleset handles the case where it already exists. Redirect to Manifold with a UUID that Manifold can use to poll for the owner DID. rule createOwnerAndRedirect { select when github validation_success pre { access_token = event:attrs{["content", "access_token"]} response = http:get(<>, headers = {"user-agent": "node.js"}) isValid = response{"status_code"} == 200 newContent = isValid => response{"content"}.decode() | "" githubProfile = { "displayName": newContent["login"], "name": newContent["name"], "profileImgURL": newContent["avatar_url"], "email": newContent["email"] } uuid = random:uuid() } if isValid && newContent then send_directive("_redirect", { "url": <> }) fired { raise owner event "creation" attributes { "method": "did", "request_type": "github_signin", "name": newContent{"id"}.as("String"), "rids": "io.picolabs.manifold_owner;io.picolabs.profile" }; ent:pollData{[uuid]} := { "owner_id": newContent{"id"}.as("String"), "new_content": newContent, "githubProfile": githubProfile }; schedule github event "clear_uuid" at time:add(time:now(), {"minutes": 1}) attributes { "uuid": uuid } } } rule clearUUID { select when github clear_uuid always { clear ent:pollData{[event:attr("uuid")]} } } rule respondToPoll { select when github owner_DID_requested pre { uuid = event:attrs{"uuid"} pollInfo = ent:pollData{[uuid]} } if uuid && pollInfo then noop() fired { raise owner event "eci_requested" attributes event:attrs.put({ "owner_id": pollInfo{"owner_id"}, "request_type": "github_signin", "new_content": pollInfo{"new_content"}, "githubProfile": pollInfo{"githubProfile"} }) } else { raise github event "invalid_DID_poll" attributes event:attrs } } rule generateOwnerDID { select when owner login_attempt where event:attr("request_type") == "github_signin" pre { pico_id = event:attr("eci") => engine:getPicoIDByECI(event:attr("eci").klog("eci")) | null; } if pico_id then every { engine:newChannel(pico_id, time:now(), "github_signin") setting(new_channel); event:send({"eci":new_channel{"id"}, "domain":"profile", "type":"github_profile_save", "attrs":{"profile":event:attr("githubProfile")}}) send_directive("Returning github_signin DID", {"DID": new_channel{"id"}}); } fired { // schedule owner event "authenticate_channel_expired" at time:add(time:now(), {"minutes": 120}) // attributes {"eci": new_channel{"id"}}; } } rule ownerIsStillBeingCreated { select when owner no_such_owner_id where event:attr("request_type") == "github_signin" //do nothing. The owner pico should only be created in the validation_success rule } }