ruleset io.picolabs.plan.introspect { meta { name "introspections" use module io.picolabs.wrangler alias wrangler use module io.picolabs.subscription alias subs use module io.picolabs.plan.apps alias app shares introspect, channels, channel, subscriptions, subscription } global { rsRID = "io.picolabs.plan.ruleset" introspect = function(_headers){ netid = wrangler:name() repo_name = netid + "/bazaar" subs_count = subs:established() .length() pECI = wrangler:parent_eci() pName = pECI.isnull() => null | wrangler:picoQuery(pECI,"io.picolabs.wrangler","name") apps = app:app_list() apps_link = <<apps.html>> rs_link = <<rulesets>> cs_link = <<channels>> ss_link = <<#{subs_count || "no"} subscription#{subs_count==1 => "" | "s"}>> child_count = wrangler:children().length() one_child = child_count==1 => wrangler:children().head() | false child_eci = child_count==1 && one_child{"eci"} repo_pico = child_count==1 && one_child{"name"}==repo_name app:html_page("manage introspections","", <<

Manage introspections


Your pico is named "#{netid}"#{ pName => << and its parent pico is named "#{pName}".>> | "."}

It has #{wrangler:installedRIDs().length()} #{rs_link}, of which #{apps.length()} are apps. The apps can be managed with #{apps_link}.

It has #{wrangler:channels().length()} #{cs_link}.

It has #{ss_link}.

>> + //TODO Relationships can be managed with #{app:app_anchor("io.picolabs.plan.relate")}.


It has #{child_count} child pico#{ repo_pico => <<: "#{repo_name}" del. >> | (one_child => "" | "s.") }

>> + (repo_pico => <<

You have a child pico which hosts apps from a repository that it maintains.

>> | "") + <<


>> ,_headers) } by = function(key){ function(a,b){a{key}.encode() cmp b{key}.encode()} } channels = function(_headers){ cs = wrangler:channels() .filter(function(c){c{"familyChannelPicoID"}.isnull()}) one_channel = function(c){ << #{c{"id"}} #{c{"tags"}.join(", ")} >> } app:html_page("Your channels","", <<

Your channels

ECI tags
>> ,_headers) } channel = function(eci,_headers){ this_c = wrangler:channels() .filter(function(c){c{"id"}==eci}) .head() app:html_page(eci,"", <<

Your #{eci} channel

ECI #{this_c{"id"}}
tags #{this_c{"tags"}.join(", ")}
raw #{this_c.encode()}
>> ,_headers) } participant_name = function(eci){ thisPico = ctx:channels.any(function(c){c{"id"}==eci}) thisPico => "yourself" | ctx:query(eci,"io.picolabs.wrangler","name") } subs_tags = function(s){ wrangler:channels() .filter(function(c){c{"id"}==s{"Rx"}}) .head() {"tags"}.join(", ") } subscriptions = function(_headers){ ss = subs:established() one_subs = function(s){ << #{s{"Id"}} #{s{"Rx_role"}} #{s{"Tx_role"}} #{s{"Tx"}.participant_name()} #{subs_tags(s)} >> } wellKnown_Rx = subs:wellKnown_Rx().get("id") app:html_page("Your subscriptions","", <<

Your subscriptions

The well-known ECI for new subscriptions is #{wellKnown_Rx}.

You have #{ss.length() || "no"} subscriptions.

Id your role their role with channel tags
>> ,_headers) } subscription = function(_headers,Id){ this_s = subs:established("Id",Id).head() Rx = this_s{"Rx"} app:html_page(Id,"", <<

Your #{Id} subscription

Id #{this_s{"Id"}}
your channel #{Rx}
their channel #{this_s{"Tx"}}
your role #{this_s{"Rx_role"}}
their role #{this_s{"Tx_role"}}
with #{this_s{"Tx"}.participant_name()}
channel tags #{subs_tags(this_s)}
>> ,_headers) } tags = ["app","introspections"] // to over-ride apps channel } rule initialize { select when io_picolabs_plan_introspect factory_reset pre { has_ruleset_ruleset = wrangler:installedRIDs() >< rsRID evd_for_rid = function(rid){ rid.replace(re#[.-]#g,"_") } } every { wrangler:createChannel( tags, {"allow":[{"domain":evd_for_rid(meta:rid),"name":"*"}, {"domain":evd_for_rid(rsRID),"name":"*"}],"deny":[]}, {"allow":[{"rid":meta:rid,"name":"*"}, {"rid":rsRID,"name":"*"}],"deny":[]} ) } fired { raise io_picolabs_plan_introspect event "channel_created" raise wrangler event "install_ruleset_request" attributes { "absoluteURL":meta:rulesetURI,"rid":rsRID, } if not has_ruleset_ruleset } } rule keepChannelsClean { select when io_picolabs_plan_introspect channel_created foreach wrangler:channels(tags).reverse().tail() setting(chan) wrangler:deleteChannel(chan.get("id")) } }