{ "cells": [ { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 1, "metadata": {}, "outputs": [], "source": [ "%load_ext autoreload\n", "%autoreload 2" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 2, "metadata": {}, "outputs": [], "source": [ "import pandas as pd\n", "import ipypivot as pt" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {}, "source": [ "# Demo notebook for `ipypivot`\n", "+ This [Jupyter widget](https://ipywidgets.readthedocs.io/en/stable/#) wraps the very convenient [pivotTable.js lib](https://pivottable.js.org/examples/)\n", "+ The examples below are reproduced from the pivotTable.js [examples page](https://pivottable.js.org/examples/)\n", "+ `.Pivot()` corresponds to pivotTable.js [`pivot()` method](https://github.com/nicolaskruchten/pivottable/wiki/Parameters#pivotinput-options-locale)\n", "+ `.PivotUI_Box()` corresponds to pivotTable.js [`pivotUI()` method](https://github.com/nicolaskruchten/pivottable/wiki/Parameters#pivotuiinput-options-overwrite-locale)\n", "+ data must be input as a [pandas DataFrame](https://pandas.pydata.org/pandas-docs/stable/generated/pandas.DataFrame.html)\n", "+ options must be input as a `Pivot_Options` or `PivotUI_Options` object.\n", " + key-values as per the pivotTable.js [documentation](https://github.com/nicolaskruchten/pivottable/wiki/Parameters)\n", " + These objects have first level autocomplete.\n", "+ A `PivotUI` object p (say `p` for example) has 2 buttons: **Save** and **Restore**.\n", " + **Save** to snapshot the current configuration into dataframe `p.table.df_export` and dict `p.table.options`. \n", " _Note_: Options that are javascript functions are discarded when passed to Python\n", " + **Restore** to apply the options saved\n", "+ Bidirectional synchronization is applied (see the end of the notebook for examples)\n", " + from JS to Python: as explained above, if you change the table configuration from the JS and hit the **Save** button, it will be saved in the Python side.\n", " + from Python to JS: if any attribute of the `option` object is changed from the Python side, all views will be automatically re-rerendered." ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {}, "source": [ "# Examples of pivot tables\n", "## 1 - pivot - Base\n", "+ Cf. original in [jsfiddle](https://jsfiddle.net/nicolaskruchten/kn381h7s/)" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 3, "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "data": { "application/vnd.jupyter.widget-view+json": { "model_id": "2e0b59b1fe8441329f4baf0d8e71f8a8", "version_major": 2, "version_minor": 0 }, "text/html": [ "

Failed to display Jupyter Widget of type Pivot.

\n", "

\n", " If you're reading this message in the Jupyter Notebook or JupyterLab Notebook, it may mean\n", " that the widgets JavaScript is still loading. If this message persists, it\n", " likely means that the widgets JavaScript library is either not installed or\n", " not enabled. See the Jupyter\n", " Widgets Documentation for setup instructions.\n", "

\n", "

\n", " If you're reading this message in another frontend (for example, a static\n", " rendering on GitHub or NBViewer),\n", " it may mean that your frontend doesn't currently support widgets.\n", "

\n" ], "text/plain": [ "Pivot()" ] }, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "display_data" } ], "source": [ "df = pt.samples.df_tips\n", "dic = {\n", " 'sumOverSum': '$.pivotUtilities.aggregators[\"Sum over Sum\"]',\n", " 'heatmap': '$.pivotUtilities.renderers[\"Heatmap\"]' \n", "}\n", "\n", "p = pt.Pivot(df_data=df)\n", "opts = p.options\n", "opts.rows = ['sex', 'smoker']\n", "opts.cols = ['day', 'time']\n", "opts.vals = ['tip', 'total_bill']\n", "opts.aggregator = '{sumOverSum}([\"tip\", \"total_bill\"])'.format(**dic)\n", "opts.renderer = '{heatmap}'.format(**dic)\n", "\n", "p" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {}, "source": [ "## 1 bis - pivot - Base\n", "+ Cf. [original in pivotTable.js example](https://pivottable.js.org/examples/scatter.html)" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 4, "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "data": { "application/vnd.jupyter.widget-view+json": { "model_id": "7ab3d1acabf247c0890ed10a7bd8ea02", "version_major": 2, "version_minor": 0 }, "text/html": [ "

Failed to display Jupyter Widget of type Pivot.

\n", "

\n", " If you're reading this message in the Jupyter Notebook or JupyterLab Notebook, it may mean\n", " that the widgets JavaScript is still loading. If this message persists, it\n", " likely means that the widgets JavaScript library is either not installed or\n", " not enabled. See the Jupyter\n", " Widgets Documentation for setup instructions.\n", "

\n", "

\n", " If you're reading this message in another frontend (for example, a static\n", " rendering on GitHub or NBViewer),\n", " it may mean that your frontend doesn't currently support widgets.\n", "

\n" ], "text/plain": [ "Pivot()" ] }, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "display_data" } ], "source": [ "df = pt.samples.df_iris\n", "\n", "p = pt.Pivot(df_data=df)\n", "\n", "opts = p.options\n", "opts.rows = ['Petal.Length']\n", "opts.cols = ['Petal.Width', 'Species']\n", "opts.renderer = '$.pivotUtilities.c3_renderers[\"Scatter Chart\"]'\n", "opts.rendererOptions = {\n", " 'c3': {\n", " 'size': {\n", " 'width': 700, 'height': 500\n", " }\n", " }\n", "}\n", "p" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {}, "source": [ "## 2 - pivotUI - Base\n", "+ Options as `PivotUI_Options` helper object\n", "+ Cf. [original jsfiddle](https://jsfiddle.net/nicolaskruchten/kn381h7s/)" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 5, "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "data": { "application/vnd.jupyter.widget-view+json": { "model_id": "90345b4d9f804a3cb946fdd5f182ce5c", "version_major": 2, "version_minor": 0 }, "text/html": [ "

Failed to display Jupyter Widget of type PivotUIBox.

\n", "

\n", " If you're reading this message in the Jupyter Notebook or JupyterLab Notebook, it may mean\n", " that the widgets JavaScript is still loading. If this message persists, it\n", " likely means that the widgets JavaScript library is either not installed or\n", " not enabled. See the Jupyter\n", " Widgets Documentation for setup instructions.\n", "

\n", "

\n", " If you're reading this message in another frontend (for example, a static\n", " rendering on GitHub or NBViewer),\n", " it may mean that your frontend doesn't currently support widgets.\n", "

\n" ], "text/plain": [ "PivotUIBox(children=(HBox(children=(Button(description='Save', layout=Layout(width='100px'), style=ButtonStyle()), Button(description='Restore', layout=Layout(width='100px'), style=ButtonStyle()), Text(value='', disabled=True, layout=Layout(width='160px'))), layout=Layout(display='flex', justify_content='flex-start')), PivotUI()))" ] }, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "display_data" } ], "source": [ "df = pt.samples.df_tips\n", "\n", "p = pt.PivotUI(df_data=df)\n", "opts = p.table.options\n", "\n", "dic = {\n", " 'sumOverSum': '$.pivotUtilities.aggregators[\"Sum over Sum\"]',\n", " 'heatmap': '$.pivotUtilities.renderers[\"Heatmap\"\"]' \n", "}\n", "opts.rows = ['sex', 'smoker']\n", "opts.cols = ['day', 'time']\n", "opts.vals = ['tip', 'total_bill']\n", "opts.aggregatorName = 'Sum over Sum'\n", "opts.rendererName = 'Heatmap'\n", "\n", "p" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {}, "source": [ "## 3 - pivotUI - derived attributes\n", "+ Cf. original in [pivotTable.js example](https://pivottable.js.org/examples/mps.html)" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 6, "metadata": { "scrolled": false }, "outputs": [ { "data": { "application/vnd.jupyter.widget-view+json": { "model_id": "e0c55ac12c7f40cfafb2de85751517ae", "version_major": 2, "version_minor": 0 }, "text/html": [ "

Failed to display Jupyter Widget of type PivotUIBox.

\n", "

\n", " If you're reading this message in the Jupyter Notebook or JupyterLab Notebook, it may mean\n", " that the widgets JavaScript is still loading. If this message persists, it\n", " likely means that the widgets JavaScript library is either not installed or\n", " not enabled. See the Jupyter\n", " Widgets Documentation for setup instructions.\n", "

\n", "

\n", " If you're reading this message in another frontend (for example, a static\n", " rendering on GitHub or NBViewer),\n", " it may mean that your frontend doesn't currently support widgets.\n", "

\n" ], "text/plain": [ "PivotUIBox(children=(HBox(children=(Button(description='Save', layout=Layout(width='100px'), style=ButtonStyle()), Button(description='Restore', layout=Layout(width='100px'), style=ButtonStyle()), Text(value='', disabled=True, layout=Layout(width='160px'))), layout=Layout(display='flex', justify_content='flex-start')), PivotUI()))" ] }, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "display_data" } ], "source": [ "df = pt.samples.df_mps\n", "\n", "p = pt.PivotUI(df_data=df)\n", "opts = p.table.options\n", "\n", "opts.rows = ['Gender Imbalance']\n", "opts.cols = ['Age Bin']\n", "opts.derivedAttributes = {\n", " 'Age Bin': '$.pivotUtilities.derivers.bin(\"Age\", 10)',\n", " 'Gender Imbalance': 'function(mp) { return mp[\"Gender\"] == \"Male\" ? 1 : -1; }' \n", "}\n", "\n", "p" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {}, "source": [ "## 5 - pivotUI - prepopulated with click callback\n", "+ Cf. [original pivotTable.js example](https://pivottable.js.org/examples/mps_prepop.html)" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 7, "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "name": "stdout", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "-> Click on a cell to view the contents\n" ] }, { "data": { "application/vnd.jupyter.widget-view+json": { "model_id": "7ec30fd1bd784eb6b2c9010a8a56c244", "version_major": 2, "version_minor": 0 }, "text/html": [ "

Failed to display Jupyter Widget of type PivotUIBox.

\n", "

\n", " If you're reading this message in the Jupyter Notebook or JupyterLab Notebook, it may mean\n", " that the widgets JavaScript is still loading. If this message persists, it\n", " likely means that the widgets JavaScript library is either not installed or\n", " not enabled. See the Jupyter\n", " Widgets Documentation for setup instructions.\n", "

\n", "

\n", " If you're reading this message in another frontend (for example, a static\n", " rendering on GitHub or NBViewer),\n", " it may mean that your frontend doesn't currently support widgets.\n", "

\n" ], "text/plain": [ "PivotUIBox(children=(HBox(children=(Button(description='Save', layout=Layout(width='100px'), style=ButtonStyle()), Button(description='Restore', layout=Layout(width='100px'), style=ButtonStyle()), Text(value='', disabled=True, layout=Layout(width='160px'))), layout=Layout(display='flex', justify_content='flex-start')), PivotUI()))" ] }, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "display_data" } ], "source": [ "df = pt.samples.df_mps\n", "\n", "p = pt.PivotUI(df_data=df)\n", "opts = p.table.options\n", "\n", "opts.rows = ['Province']\n", "opts.cols = ['Party']\n", "opts.aggregatorName = 'Integer Sum'\n", "opts.vals = ['Age']\n", "opts.rendererName = 'Heatmap'\n", "opts.rendererOptions = {\n", " 'table': {\n", " 'clickCallback': \"\"\"function(e, value, filters, pivotData){\n", " var names = [];\n", " pivotData.forEachMatchingRecord(filters,\n", " function(record){ names.push(record.Name); });\n", " alert(names.join(\\\"\\\\n\\\"));\n", " }\"\"\"\n", " }\n", "}\n", "\n", "print('-> Click on a cell to view the contents')\n", "p" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {}, "source": [ "## 6 - pivotUI - custom aggregators and sort order\n", "+ Cf. [original pivotTable.js example](https://pivottable.js.org/examples/mps_agg.html)" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 8, "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "data": { "application/vnd.jupyter.widget-view+json": { "model_id": "9a401651cff246a6881f9c29d7be3eb6", "version_major": 2, "version_minor": 0 }, "text/html": [ "

Failed to display Jupyter Widget of type PivotUIBox.

\n", "

\n", " If you're reading this message in the Jupyter Notebook or JupyterLab Notebook, it may mean\n", " that the widgets JavaScript is still loading. If this message persists, it\n", " likely means that the widgets JavaScript library is either not installed or\n", " not enabled. See the Jupyter\n", " Widgets Documentation for setup instructions.\n", "

\n", "

\n", " If you're reading this message in another frontend (for example, a static\n", " rendering on GitHub or NBViewer),\n", " it may mean that your frontend doesn't currently support widgets.\n", "

\n" ], "text/plain": [ "PivotUIBox(children=(HBox(children=(Button(description='Save', layout=Layout(width='100px'), style=ButtonStyle()), Button(description='Restore', layout=Layout(width='100px'), style=ButtonStyle()), Text(value='', disabled=True, layout=Layout(width='160px'))), layout=Layout(display='flex', justify_content='flex-start')), PivotUI()))" ] }, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "display_data" } ], "source": [ "df = pt.samples.df_mps\n", "\n", "p = pt.PivotUI(df_data=df)\n", "opts = p.table.options\n", "\n", "dic = {\n", " 'tpl': '$.pivotUtilities.aggregatorTemplates',\n", " 'sortAs': '$.pivotUtilities.sortAs'\n", "}\n", "\n", "opts.rows = ['Province']\n", "opts.cols = ['Party']\n", "opts.aggregators = {\n", " \"Number of MPs\": 'function() {{ return {tpl}.count()() }}'.format(**dic),\n", " \"Average Age of MPs\": 'function() {{ return {tpl}.average()([\"Age\"]) }}'.format(**dic)\n", "}\n", "opts.sorters = {\n", " 'Age': 'function(a,b){ return b-a; }', # sort backwards\n", " 'Province': \"\"\"{sortAs}([\"British Columbia\", \"Alberta\", \"Saskatchewan\", \"Manitoba\",\n", " \"Territories\", \"Ontario\", \"Quebec\", \"New Brunswick\",\n", " \"Prince Edward Island\", \"Nova Scotia\",\n", " \"Newfoundland and Labrador\"])\"\"\".format(**dic)\n", "}\n", "\n", "p" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {}, "source": [ "## 7 - pivotUI - C3 chart renderer\n", "+ Cf. original in [pivotTable.js example](https://pivottable.js.org/examples/c3.html)" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 9, "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "data": { "application/vnd.jupyter.widget-view+json": { "model_id": "c96191981c3043f3b0845e561217c63d", "version_major": 2, "version_minor": 0 }, "text/html": [ "

Failed to display Jupyter Widget of type PivotUIBox.

\n", "

\n", " If you're reading this message in the Jupyter Notebook or JupyterLab Notebook, it may mean\n", " that the widgets JavaScript is still loading. If this message persists, it\n", " likely means that the widgets JavaScript library is either not installed or\n", " not enabled. See the Jupyter\n", " Widgets Documentation for setup instructions.\n", "

\n", "

\n", " If you're reading this message in another frontend (for example, a static\n", " rendering on GitHub or NBViewer),\n", " it may mean that your frontend doesn't currently support widgets.\n", "

\n" ], "text/plain": [ "PivotUIBox(children=(HBox(children=(Button(description='Save', layout=Layout(width='100px'), style=ButtonStyle()), Button(description='Restore', layout=Layout(width='100px'), style=ButtonStyle()), Text(value='', disabled=True, layout=Layout(width='160px'))), layout=Layout(display='flex', justify_content='flex-start')), PivotUI()))" ] }, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "display_data" } ], "source": [ "df = pt.samples.df_mps\n", "\n", "p = pt.PivotUI(df_data=df)\n", "opts = p.table.options\n", "\n", "opts.rows = ['Province']\n", "opts.cols = ['Party']\n", "opts.renderers = '$.extend($.pivotUtilities.renderers, $.pivotUtilities.c3_renderers)'\n", "opts.rendererName = 'Horizontal Stacked Bar Chart'\n", "opts.rowOrder = 'value_z_to_a'\n", "opts.colOrder = 'value_z_to_a'\n", "opts.rendererOptions = {\n", " 'c3': {\n", " 'data': {\n", " 'colors': {\n", " 'Liberal': '#dc3912',\n", " 'Conservative': '#3366cc',\n", " 'NDP': '#ff9900',\n", " 'Green':'#109618',\n", " 'Bloc Quebecois': '#990099'\n", " }\n", " }\n", " }\n", "}\n", "\n", "p" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {}, "source": [ "## 8 - pivotUI - D3 chart renderer\n", "+ Cf. original in [pivotTable.js example](https://pivottable.js.org/examples/d3.html)" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 10, "metadata": { "scrolled": false }, "outputs": [ { "data": { "application/vnd.jupyter.widget-view+json": { "model_id": "0295f219abf649de8ebad19c54194c9c", "version_major": 2, "version_minor": 0 }, "text/html": [ "

Failed to display Jupyter Widget of type PivotUIBox.

\n", "

\n", " If you're reading this message in the Jupyter Notebook or JupyterLab Notebook, it may mean\n", " that the widgets JavaScript is still loading. If this message persists, it\n", " likely means that the widgets JavaScript library is either not installed or\n", " not enabled. See the Jupyter\n", " Widgets Documentation for setup instructions.\n", "

\n", "

\n", " If you're reading this message in another frontend (for example, a static\n", " rendering on GitHub or NBViewer),\n", " it may mean that your frontend doesn't currently support widgets.\n", "

\n" ], "text/plain": [ "PivotUIBox(children=(HBox(children=(Button(description='Save', layout=Layout(width='100px'), style=ButtonStyle()), Button(description='Restore', layout=Layout(width='100px'), style=ButtonStyle()), Text(value='', disabled=True, layout=Layout(width='160px'))), layout=Layout(display='flex', justify_content='flex-start')), PivotUI()))" ] }, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "display_data" } ], "source": [ "df = pt.samples.df_mps\n", "\n", "p = pt.PivotUI(df_data=df)\n", "opts = p.table.options\n", "\n", "opts.rows = ['Province', 'Party']\n", "opts.cols = []\n", "opts.rendererName = 'Treemap'\n", "\n", "p" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {}, "source": [ "## 9 - pivotUI - date derivers, sort overriding and custom heatmap colours\n", "+ Cf. original in [pivotTable.js example](https://pivottable.js.org/examples/montreal_2014.html)" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 11, "metadata": { "scrolled": false }, "outputs": [ { "data": { "application/vnd.jupyter.widget-view+json": { "model_id": "dbc6535b4f0f4bbea03f8383a960246b", "version_major": 2, "version_minor": 0 }, "text/html": [ "

Failed to display Jupyter Widget of type PivotUIBox.

\n", "

\n", " If you're reading this message in the Jupyter Notebook or JupyterLab Notebook, it may mean\n", " that the widgets JavaScript is still loading. If this message persists, it\n", " likely means that the widgets JavaScript library is either not installed or\n", " not enabled. See the Jupyter\n", " Widgets Documentation for setup instructions.\n", "

\n", "

\n", " If you're reading this message in another frontend (for example, a static\n", " rendering on GitHub or NBViewer),\n", " it may mean that your frontend doesn't currently support widgets.\n", "

\n" ], "text/plain": [ "PivotUIBox(children=(HBox(children=(Button(description='Save', layout=Layout(width='100px'), style=ButtonStyle()), Button(description='Restore', layout=Layout(width='100px'), style=ButtonStyle()), Text(value='', disabled=True, layout=Layout(width='160px'))), layout=Layout(display='flex', justify_content='flex-start')), PivotUI()))" ] }, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "display_data" } ], "source": [ "df = pt.samples.df_weather\n", "\n", "p = pt.PivotUI(df_data=df)\n", "opts = p.table.options\n", "\n", "putil = '$.pivotUtilities'\n", "dic = {\n", " 'dateFormat': putil+'.derivers.dateFormat',\n", " 'sortAs': putil+'.sortAs',\n", " 'tpl': putil+'.aggregatorTemplates',\n", " 'numberFormat': putil+\".numberFormat({ suffix: ' °C' })\" \n", "}\n", "dic['putil'] = putil\n", "\n", "opts.hiddenAttributes = ['Date', 'Max Temp (C)', 'Mean Temp (C)',\n", " 'Min Temp (C)', 'Total Rain (mm)', 'Total Snow (cm)']\n", "\n", "opts.derivedAttributes = {\n", " 'month name': \"{dateFormat}('Date', '%n', true)\".format(**dic),\n", " 'day name': \"{dateFormat}('Date', '%w', true)\".format(**dic)\n", "}\n", "\n", "opts.rows = ['day name']\n", "opts.cols = ['month name']\n", "opts.sorters = {\n", " 'month name': \"\"\"{sortAs}(['Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', \n", " 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec'])\"\"\".format(**dic),\n", " 'day name': \"{sortAs}(['Mon', 'Tue', 'Wed', 'Thu', 'Fri', 'Sat', 'Sun'])\".format(**dic)\n", "}\n", "opts.aggregators = {\n", " 'Mean Temperature': \"function () {{ return {tpl}.average({numberFormat})(['Mean Temp (C)']) }}\".format(**dic),\n", " 'Max Temperature': \"function () {{ return {tpl}.max({numberFormat})(['Max Temp (C)']) }}\".format(**dic),\n", " 'Min Temperature': \"function () {{ return {tpl}.min({numberFormat})(['Min Temp (C)']) }}\".format(**dic)\n", "}\n", "opts.renderers = '$.extend({putil}.renderers, {putil}.c3_renderers, {putil}.export_renderers)'.format(**dic)\n", "opts.rendererName = 'Heatmap'\n", "opts.rendererOptions = {\n", " 'heatmap': {\n", " 'colorScaleGenerator': \"\"\"function (values) {\n", " return d3.scale.linear()\n", " .domain([-35, 0, 35])\n", " .range(['#77F', '#FFF', '#F77'])\n", " }\"\"\"\n", " }\n", "}\n", "\n", "p" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {}, "source": [ "# Examples of bidirectional synchronization\n", "### Saved dataframe\n", "\n", "+ Snapshot by Save button (first click a few milliseconds post creation)\n", "+ Multi-index corresponding to pivot table\n" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 12, "metadata": {}, "outputs": [], "source": [ "# p.table.df_export" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {}, "source": [ "### Modify options properties\n", "\n", "+ Triggers re-rendering of all views" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 13, "metadata": { "scrolled": true }, "outputs": [], "source": [ "p.table.options.aggregatorName = 'Max Temperature'" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 14, "metadata": {}, "outputs": [], "source": [ "p.table.options.aggregators = {\n", " 'Mean Temperature': \"function () {{ return {tpl}.average({numberFormat})(['Mean Temp (C)']) }}\".format(**dic),\n", " 'Max Temperature': \"function () {{ return {tpl}.max({numberFormat})(['Max Temp (C)']) }}\".format(**dic)\n", "}" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 15, "metadata": {}, "outputs": [], "source": [ "p.table.options.rendererOptions = {\n", " 'heatmap': {\n", " 'colorScaleGenerator': \"\"\"function (values) {\n", " return d3.scale.linear()\n", " .domain([-20, 0, 20])\n", " .range(['#77F', '#FFF', '#F77'])\n", " }\"\"\"\n", " }\n", "}" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 16, "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "data": { "text/plain": [ "{'aggregatorName': 'Max Temperature',\n", " 'aggregators': {'Max Temperature': \"function () { return $.pivotUtilities.aggregatorTemplates.max($.pivotUtilities.numberFormat({ suffix: ' °C' }))(['Max Temp (C)']) }\",\n", " 'Mean Temperature': \"function () { return $.pivotUtilities.aggregatorTemplates.average($.pivotUtilities.numberFormat({ suffix: ' °C' }))(['Mean Temp (C)']) }\"},\n", " 'cols': ['month name'],\n", " 'derivedAttributes': {'day name': \"$.pivotUtilities.derivers.dateFormat('Date', '%w', true)\",\n", " 'month name': \"$.pivotUtilities.derivers.dateFormat('Date', '%n', true)\"},\n", " 'hiddenAttributes': ['Date',\n", " 'Max Temp (C)',\n", " 'Mean Temp (C)',\n", " 'Min Temp (C)',\n", " 'Total Rain (mm)',\n", " 'Total Snow (cm)'],\n", " 'rendererName': 'Heatmap',\n", " 'rendererOptions': {'heatmap': {'colorScaleGenerator': \"function (values) {\\n return d3.scale.linear()\\n .domain([-20, 0, 20])\\n .range(['#77F', '#FFF', '#F77'])\\n }\"}},\n", " 'renderers': '$.extend($.pivotUtilities.renderers, $.pivotUtilities.c3_renderers, $.pivotUtilities.export_renderers)',\n", " 'rows': ['day name'],\n", " 'sorters': {'day name': \"$.pivotUtilities.sortAs(['Mon', 'Tue', 'Wed', 'Thu', 'Fri', 'Sat', 'Sun'])\",\n", " 'month name': \"$.pivotUtilities.sortAs(['Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', \\n 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec'])\"}}" ] }, "execution_count": 16, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "execute_result" } ], "source": [ "p.table.options.to_dict()" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": null, "metadata": {}, "outputs": [], "source": [] } ], "metadata": { "kernelspec": { "display_name": "Python 3", "language": "python", "name": "python3" }, "language_info": { "codemirror_mode": { "name": "ipython", "version": 3 }, "file_extension": ".py", "mimetype": "text/x-python", "name": "python", "nbconvert_exporter": "python", "pygments_lexer": "ipython3", "version": "3.6.1" }, "widgets": { "application/vnd.jupyter.widget-state+json": { "state": { "0295f219abf649de8ebad19c54194c9c": { "model_module": "ipypivot", "model_module_version": "~0.1.1", "model_name": "PivotUIBoxModel", "state": { "children": [ "IPY_MODEL_db3751d698e74820b276b2d0a1c27ef7", "IPY_MODEL_89fecbf2e27f4636ab1efcba744e7b0a" ], 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"Dinner", 2 ], [ 30, 19.65, 3, "Female", "No", "Sat", "Dinner", 2 ], [ 31, 9.55, 1.45, "Male", "No", "Sat", "Dinner", 2 ], [ 32, 18.35, 2.5, "Male", "No", "Sat", "Dinner", 4 ], [ 33, 15.06, 3, "Female", "No", "Sat", "Dinner", 2 ], [ 34, 20.69, 2.45, "Female", "No", "Sat", "Dinner", 4 ], [ 35, 17.78, 3.27, "Male", "No", "Sat", "Dinner", 2 ], [ 36, 24.06, 3.6, "Male", "No", "Sat", "Dinner", 3 ], [ 37, 16.31, 2, "Male", "No", "Sat", "Dinner", 3 ], [ 38, 16.93, 3.07, "Female", "No", "Sat", "Dinner", 3 ], [ 39, 18.69, 2.31, "Male", "No", "Sat", "Dinner", 3 ], [ 40, 31.27, 5, "Male", "No", "Sat", "Dinner", 3 ], [ 41, 16.04, 2.24, "Male", "No", "Sat", "Dinner", 3 ], [ 42, 17.46, 2.54, "Male", "No", "Sun", "Dinner", 2 ], [ 43, 13.94, 3.06, "Male", "No", "Sun", "Dinner", 2 ], [ 44, 9.68, 1.32, "Male", "No", "Sun", "Dinner", 2 ], [ 45, 30.4, 5.6, "Male", "No", "Sun", "Dinner", 4 ], [ 46, 18.29, 3, "Male", "No", "Sun", "Dinner", 2 ], [ 47, 22.23, 5, "Male", "No", "Sun", "Dinner", 2 ], [ 48, 32.4, 6, "Male", "No", "Sun", "Dinner", 4 ], [ 49, 28.55, 2.05, "Male", "No", "Sun", "Dinner", 3 ], [ 50, 18.04, 3, "Male", "No", "Sun", "Dinner", 2 ], [ 51, 12.54, 2.5, "Male", "No", "Sun", "Dinner", 2 ], [ 52, 10.29, 2.6, "Female", "No", "Sun", "Dinner", 2 ], [ 53, 34.81, 5.2, "Female", "No", "Sun", "Dinner", 4 ], [ 54, 9.94, 1.56, "Male", "No", "Sun", "Dinner", 2 ], [ 55, 25.56, 4.34, "Male", "No", "Sun", "Dinner", 4 ], [ 56, 19.49, 3.51, "Male", "No", "Sun", "Dinner", 2 ], [ 57, 38.01, 3, "Male", "Yes", "Sat", "Dinner", 4 ], [ 58, 26.41, 1.5, "Female", "No", "Sat", "Dinner", 2 ], [ 59, 11.24, 1.76, "Male", "Yes", "Sat", "Dinner", 2 ], [ 60, 48.27, 6.73, "Male", "No", "Sat", "Dinner", 4 ], [ 61, 20.29, 3.21, "Male", "Yes", "Sat", "Dinner", 2 ], [ 62, 13.81, 2, "Male", "Yes", "Sat", "Dinner", 2 ], [ 63, 11.02, 1.98, "Male", "Yes", "Sat", "Dinner", 2 ], [ 64, 18.29, 3.76, "Male", "Yes", "Sat", "Dinner", 4 ], [ 65, 17.59, 2.64, "Male", "No", "Sat", "Dinner", 3 ], [ 66, 20.08, 3.15, "Male", "No", "Sat", "Dinner", 3 ], [ 67, 16.45, 2.47, "Female", "No", "Sat", "Dinner", 2 ], [ 68, 3.07, 1, "Female", "Yes", "Sat", "Dinner", 1 ], [ 69, 20.23, 2.01, "Male", "No", "Sat", "Dinner", 2 ], [ 70, 15.01, 2.09, "Male", "Yes", "Sat", "Dinner", 2 ], [ 71, 12.02, 1.97, "Male", "No", "Sat", "Dinner", 2 ], [ 72, 17.07, 3, "Female", "No", "Sat", "Dinner", 3 ], [ 73, 26.86, 3.14, "Female", "Yes", "Sat", "Dinner", 2 ], [ 74, 25.28, 5, "Female", "Yes", "Sat", "Dinner", 2 ], [ 75, 14.73, 2.2, "Female", "No", "Sat", "Dinner", 2 ], [ 76, 10.51, 1.25, "Male", "No", "Sat", "Dinner", 2 ], [ 77, 17.92, 3.08, "Male", "Yes", "Sat", "Dinner", 2 ], [ 78, 27.2, 4, "Male", "No", "Thur", "Lunch", 4 ], [ 79, 22.76, 3, "Male", "No", "Thur", "Lunch", 2 ], [ 80, 17.29, 2.71, "Male", "No", "Thur", "Lunch", 2 ], [ 81, 19.44, 3, "Male", "Yes", "Thur", "Lunch", 2 ], [ 82, 16.66, 3.4, "Male", "No", "Thur", "Lunch", 2 ], [ 83, 10.07, 1.83, "Female", "No", "Thur", "Lunch", 1 ], [ 84, 32.68, 5, "Male", "Yes", "Thur", "Lunch", 2 ], [ 85, 15.98, 2.03, "Male", "No", "Thur", "Lunch", 2 ], [ 86, 34.83, 5.17, "Female", "No", "Thur", "Lunch", 4 ], [ 87, 13.03, 2, "Male", "No", "Thur", "Lunch", 2 ], [ 88, 18.28, 4, "Male", "No", "Thur", "Lunch", 2 ], [ 89, 24.71, 5.85, "Male", "No", "Thur", "Lunch", 2 ], [ 90, 21.16, 3, "Male", "No", "Thur", "Lunch", 2 ], [ 91, 28.97, 3, "Male", "Yes", "Fri", "Dinner", 2 ], [ 92, 22.49, 3.5, "Male", "No", "Fri", "Dinner", 2 ], [ 93, 5.75, 1, "Female", "Yes", "Fri", "Dinner", 2 ], [ 94, 16.32, 4.3, "Female", "Yes", "Fri", "Dinner", 2 ], [ 95, 22.75, 3.25, "Female", "No", "Fri", "Dinner", 2 ], [ 96, 40.17, 4.73, "Male", "Yes", "Fri", "Dinner", 4 ], [ 97, 27.28, 4, "Male", "Yes", "Fri", "Dinner", 2 ], [ 98, 12.03, 1.5, "Male", "Yes", "Fri", "Dinner", 2 ], [ 99, 21.01, 3, "Male", "Yes", "Fri", "Dinner", 2 ], [ 100, 12.46, 1.5, "Male", "No", "Fri", "Dinner", 2 ], [ 101, 11.35, 2.5, "Female", "Yes", "Fri", "Dinner", 2 ], [ 102, 15.38, 3, "Female", "Yes", "Fri", "Dinner", 2 ], [ 103, 44.3, 2.5, "Female", "Yes", "Sat", "Dinner", 3 ], [ 104, 22.42, 3.48, "Female", "Yes", "Sat", "Dinner", 2 ], [ 105, 20.92, 4.08, "Female", "No", "Sat", "Dinner", 2 ], [ 106, 15.36, 1.64, "Male", "Yes", "Sat", "Dinner", 2 ], [ 107, 20.49, 4.06, "Male", "Yes", "Sat", "Dinner", 2 ], [ 108, 25.21, 4.29, "Male", "Yes", "Sat", "Dinner", 2 ], [ 109, 18.24, 3.76, "Male", "No", "Sat", "Dinner", 2 ], [ 110, 14.31, 4, "Female", "Yes", "Sat", "Dinner", 2 ], [ 111, 14, 3, "Male", "No", "Sat", "Dinner", 2 ], [ 112, 7.25, 1, "Female", "No", "Sat", "Dinner", 1 ], [ 113, 38.07, 4, "Male", "No", "Sun", "Dinner", 3 ], [ 114, 23.95, 2.55, "Male", "No", "Sun", "Dinner", 2 ], [ 115, 25.71, 4, "Female", "No", "Sun", "Dinner", 3 ], [ 116, 17.31, 3.5, "Female", "No", "Sun", "Dinner", 2 ], [ 117, 29.93, 5.07, "Male", "No", "Sun", "Dinner", 4 ], [ 118, 10.65, 1.5, "Female", "No", "Thur", "Lunch", 2 ], [ 119, 12.43, 1.8, "Female", "No", "Thur", "Lunch", 2 ], [ 120, 24.08, 2.92, "Female", "No", "Thur", "Lunch", 4 ], [ 121, 11.69, 2.31, "Male", "No", "Thur", "Lunch", 2 ], [ 122, 13.42, 1.68, "Female", "No", "Thur", "Lunch", 2 ], [ 123, 14.26, 2.5, "Male", "No", "Thur", "Lunch", 2 ], [ 124, 15.95, 2, "Male", "No", "Thur", "Lunch", 2 ], [ 125, 12.48, 2.52, "Female", "No", "Thur", "Lunch", 2 ], [ 126, 29.8, 4.2, "Female", "No", "Thur", "Lunch", 6 ], [ 127, 8.52, 1.48, "Male", "No", "Thur", "Lunch", 2 ], [ 128, 14.52, 2, "Female", "No", "Thur", "Lunch", 2 ], [ 129, 11.38, 2, "Female", "No", "Thur", "Lunch", 2 ], [ 130, 22.82, 2.18, "Male", "No", "Thur", "Lunch", 3 ], [ 131, 19.08, 1.5, "Male", "No", "Thur", "Lunch", 2 ], [ 132, 20.27, 2.83, "Female", "No", "Thur", "Lunch", 2 ], [ 133, 11.17, 1.5, "Female", "No", "Thur", "Lunch", 2 ], [ 134, 12.26, 2, "Female", "No", "Thur", "Lunch", 2 ], [ 135, 18.26, 3.25, "Female", "No", "Thur", "Lunch", 2 ], [ 136, 8.51, 1.25, "Female", "No", "Thur", "Lunch", 2 ], [ 137, 10.33, 2, "Female", "No", "Thur", "Lunch", 2 ], [ 138, 14.15, 2, "Female", "No", "Thur", "Lunch", 2 ], [ 139, 16, 2, "Male", "Yes", "Thur", "Lunch", 2 ], [ 140, 13.16, 2.75, "Female", "No", "Thur", "Lunch", 2 ], [ 141, 17.47, 3.5, "Female", "No", "Thur", "Lunch", 2 ], [ 142, 34.3, 6.7, "Male", "No", "Thur", "Lunch", 6 ], [ 143, 41.19, 5, "Male", "No", "Thur", "Lunch", 5 ], [ 144, 27.05, 5, "Female", "No", "Thur", "Lunch", 6 ], [ 145, 16.43, 2.3, "Female", "No", "Thur", "Lunch", 2 ], [ 146, 8.35, 1.5, "Female", "No", "Thur", "Lunch", 2 ], [ 147, 18.64, 1.36, "Female", "No", "Thur", "Lunch", 3 ], [ 148, 11.87, 1.63, "Female", "No", "Thur", "Lunch", 2 ], [ 149, 9.78, 1.73, "Male", "No", "Thur", "Lunch", 2 ], [ 150, 7.51, 2, "Male", "No", "Thur", "Lunch", 2 ], [ 151, 14.07, 2.5, "Male", "No", "Sun", "Dinner", 2 ], [ 152, 13.13, 2, "Male", "No", "Sun", "Dinner", 2 ], [ 153, 17.26, 2.74, "Male", "No", "Sun", "Dinner", 3 ], [ 154, 24.55, 2, "Male", "No", "Sun", "Dinner", 4 ], [ 155, 19.77, 2, "Male", "No", "Sun", "Dinner", 4 ], [ 156, 29.85, 5.14, "Female", "No", "Sun", 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"Ontario", 31, "Female" ], [ "Quach, Anne Minh-Thu", "NDP", "Quebec", 30, "Female" ], [ "Ashton, Niki", "NDP", "Manitoba", 30, "Female" ], [ "Moore, Christine", "NDP", "Quebec", 29, "Female" ], [ "Morin, Isabelle", "NDP", "Quebec", 28, "Female" ], [ "Blanchette-Lamothe, Lysane", "NDP", "Quebec", 28, "Female" ], [ "Brosseau, Ruth Ellen", "NDP", "Quebec", 28, "Female" ], [ "Latendresse, Alexandrine", "NDP", "Quebec", 28, "Female" ], [ "Doré Lefebvre, Rosane", "NDP", "Quebec", 28, "Female" ], [ "Morin, Marie-Claude", "NDP", "Quebec", 27, "Female" ], [ "Michaud, Élaine", "NDP", "Quebec", 27, "Female" ], [ "Péclet, Ève", "NDP", "Quebec", 24, "Female" ], [ "Freeman, Mylène", "NDP", "Quebec", 23, "Female" ], [ "Borg, Charmaine", "NDP", "Quebec", 22, "Female" ], [ "Bateman, Joyce", "Conservative", "Manitoba", "nan", "Female" ], [ "Hiebert, Russ", "Conservative", "British Columbia", 43, "Male" ], [ "Jacob, Pierre", "NDP", "Quebec", 59, "Male" ], [ "Vellacott, Maurice", "Conservative", "Saskatchewan", 57, "Male" ], [ "Boughen, Ray", "Conservative", "Saskatchewan", 75, "Male" ], [ "O'Connor, Gordon", "Conservative", "Ontario", 73, "Male" ], [ "Cotler, Irwin", "Liberal", "Quebec", 72, "Male" ], [ "Oliver, Joe", "Conservative", "Ontario", 72, "Male" ], [ "Tilson, David Allan", "Conservative", "Ontario", 71, "Male" ], [ "Fantino, Julian", "Conservative", "Ontario", 70, "Male" ], [ "Kent, Peter", "Conservative", "Ontario", 69, "Male" ], [ "Plamondon, Louis", "Bloc Quebecois", "Quebec", 69, "Male" ], [ "Schellenberger, Gary", "Conservative", "Ontario", 69, "Male" ], [ "Lauzon, Guy", "Conservative", "Ontario", 68, "Male" ], [ "Harris, Richard M.", "Conservative", "British Columbia", 68, "Male" ], [ "Goldring, Peter", "Conservative", "Alberta", 68, "Male" ], [ "Atamanenko, Alex", "NDP", "British Columbia", 67, "Male" ], [ "Payne, LaVar", "Conservative", "Alberta", 67, "Male" ], [ "Breitkreuz, Garry W.", "Conservative", "Saskatchewan", 67, "Male" ], [ "Genest, Réjean", "NDP", "Quebec", 66, "Male" ], [ "MacKenzie, Dave", "Conservative", "Ontario", 66, "Male" ], [ "Hyer, Bruce", "NDP", "Ontario", 66, "Male" ], [ "MacAulay, Lawrence", "Liberal", "Prince Edward Island", 66, "Male" ], [ "Galipeau, Royal", "Conservative", "Ontario", 65, "Male" ], [ "Marston, Wayne", "NDP", "Ontario", 65, "Male" ], [ "Hawn, Laurie", "Conservative", "Alberta", 65, "Male" ], [ "Kramp, Daryl", "Conservative", "Ontario", 65, "Male" ], [ "Shipley, Bev", "Conservative", "Ontario", 65, "Male" ], [ "Kerr, Greg", "Conservative", "Nova Scotia", 65, "Male" ], [ "Comartin, Joe", "NDP", "Ontario", 65, "Male" ], [ "Norlock, Rick", "Conservative", "Ontario", 64, "Male" ], [ "McKay, John", "Liberal", "Ontario", 64, "Male" ], [ "Mayes, Colin", "Conservative", "British Columbia", 64, "Male" ], [ "Rae, Bob", "Liberal", "Ontario", 64, "Male" ], [ "Harris, Jack", "NDP", "Newfoundland and Labrador", 64, "Male" ], [ "Duncan, John", "Conservative", "British Columbia", 64, "Male" ], [ "Chisu, Corneliu", "Conservative", "Ontario", 63, "Male" ], [ "Garneau, Marc", "Liberal", "Quebec", 63, "Male" ], [ "Easter, Arnold Wayne", "Liberal", "Prince Edward Island", 63, "Male" ], [ "Aspin, Jay", "Conservative", "Ontario", 63, "Male" ], [ "Goodale, Ralph", "Liberal", "Saskatchewan", 63, "Male" ], [ "Albrecht, Harold", "Conservative", "Ontario", 63, "Male" ], [ "Gravelle, Claude", "NDP", "Ontario", 63, "Male" ], [ "Komarnicki, Ed", "Conservative", "Saskatchewan", 63, "Male" ], [ "Flaherty, James Michael (Jim)", "Conservative", "Ontario", 62, "Male" ], [ "Rankin, Murray", "NDP", "British Columbia", 62, "Male" ], [ "McCallum, John", "Liberal", "Ontario", 62, "Male" ], [ "Warawa, Mark", "Conservative", "British Columbia", 62, "Male" ], [ "Obhrai, Deepak", "Conservative", "Alberta", 62, "Male" ], [ "Benoit, Leon Earl", "Conservative", "Alberta", 62, "Male" ], [ "Leung, Chungsen", "Conservative", "Ontario", 62, "Male" ], [ "Morin, Marc-André", "NDP", "Quebec", 61, "Male" ], [ "Sopuck, Robert", "Conservative", "Manitoba", 61, "Male" ], [ "Ritz, Gerry", "Conservative", "Saskatchewan", 61, "Male" ], [ "Garrison, Randall", "NDP", "British Columbia", 61, "Male" ], [ "Lunney, James", "Conservative", "British Columbia", 61, "Male" ], [ "Lukiwski, Tom", "Conservative", "Saskatchewan", 61, "Male" ], [ "Carmichael, John", "Conservative", "Ontario", 60, "Male" ], [ "Menzies, Ted", "Conservative", "Alberta", 60, "Male" ], [ "Valcourt, Bernard", "Conservative", "New Brunswick", 60, "Male" ], [ "Ashfield, Keith", "Conservative", "New Brunswick", 60, "Male" ], [ "Nicholson, Rob", "Conservative", "Ontario", 60, "Male" ], [ "Young, Terence H.", "Conservative", "Ontario", 60, "Male" ], [ "Toews, Vic", "Conservative", "Manitoba", 60, "Male" ], [ "Sullivan, Mike", "NDP", "Ontario", 60, "Male" ], [ "Patry, Claude", "NDP", "Quebec", 59, "Male" ], [ "Keddy, Gerald", "Conservative", "Nova Scotia", 59, "Male" ], [ "Bevington, Dennis Fraser", "NDP", "Territories", 59, "Male" ], [ "Allen, Malcolm", "NDP", "Ontario", 59, "Male" ], [ "Rafferty, John", "NDP", "Ontario", 59, "Male" ], [ "Dreeshen, Earl", "Conservative", "Alberta", 59, "Male" ], [ "Kamp, Randy", "Conservative", "British Columbia", 59, "Male" ], [ "Merrifield, Rob", "Conservative", "Alberta", 59, "Male" ], [ "Woodworth, Stephen", "Conservative", "Ontario", 58, "Male" ], [ "McColeman, Phil", "Conservative", "Ontario", 58, "Male" ], [ "Lebel, Denis", "Conservative", "Quebec", 58, "Male" ], [ "Lizon, Wladyslaw", "Conservative", "Ontario", 58, "Male" ], [ "Holder, Ed", "Conservative", "Ontario", 58, "Male" ], [ "Valeriote, Frank", "Liberal", "Ontario", 58, "Male" ], [ "Christopherson, David", "NDP", "Ontario", 58, "Male" ], [ "Mulcair, Thomas J.", "NDP", "Quebec", 58, "Male" ], [ "Daniel, Joe", "Conservative", "Ontario", 58, "Male" ], [ "Karygiannis, Jim", "Liberal", "Ontario", 57, "Male" ], [ "Godin, Yvon", "NDP", "New Brunswick", 57, "Male" ], [ "Dionne Labelle, Pierre", "NDP", "Quebec", 57, "Male" ], [ "Preston, Joe", "Conservative", "Ontario", 57, "Male" ], [ "Bélanger, Mauril", "Liberal", "Ontario", 57, "Male" ], [ "Fast, Edward", "Conservative", "British Columbia", 57, "Male" ], [ "Tweed, Mervin C.", "Conservative", "Manitoba", 57, "Male" ], [ "Dion, Stéphane", "Liberal", "Quebec", 57, "Male" ], [ "Van Kesteren, Dave", "Conservative", "Ontario", 57, "Male" ], [ "Cuzner, Rodger", "Liberal", "Nova Scotia", 57, "Male" ], [ "Martin, Pat", "NDP", "Manitoba", 57, "Male" ], [ "Stoffer, Peter", "NDP", "Nova Scotia", 56, "Male" ], [ "Miller, Larry", "Conservative", "Ontario", 56, "Male" ], [ "Blanchette, Denis", "NDP", "Quebec", 56, "Male" ], [ "Nunez-Melo, José", "NDP", "Quebec", 56, "Male" ], [ "Goguen, Robert", "Conservative", "New Brunswick", 55, "Male" ], [ "Scarpaleggia, Francis", "Liberal", "Quebec", 55, "Male" ], [ "Sweet, David", "Conservative", "Ontario", 55, "Male" ], [ "Anderson, David", "Conservative", "Saskatchewan", 55, "Male" ], [ "Chisholm, Robert", "NDP", "Nova Scotia", 55, "Male" ], [ "Stanton, Bruce", "Conservative", "Ontario", 55, "Male" ], [ "Goodyear, Gary", "Conservative", "Ontario", 54, "Male" ], [ "Weston, John", "Conservative", "British Columbia", 54, "Male" ], [ "Dechert, Bob", "Conservative", "Ontario", 54, "Male" ], [ "Shory, Devinder", "Conservative", "Alberta", 54, "Male" ], [ "Pilon, François", "NDP", "Quebec", 54, "Male" ], [ "Hayes, Bryan", "Conservative", "Ontario", 54, "Male" ], [ "Giguère, Alain", "NDP", "Quebec", 54, "Male" ], [ "Sorenson, Kevin", "Conservative", "Alberta", 54, "Male" ], [ "Benskin, Tyrone", "NDP", "Quebec", 53, "Male" ], [ "Menegakis, Costas", "Conservative", "Ontario", 53, "Male" ], [ "Harper, Stephen", "Conservative", "Alberta", 53, "Male" ], [ "Wilks, David", "Conservative", "British Columbia", 53, "Male" ], [ "Regan, Geoff", "Liberal", "Nova Scotia", 53, "Male" ], [ "McGuinty, David", "Liberal", "Ontario", 52, "Male" ], [ "Gosal, Bal", "Conservative", "Ontario", 52, "Male" ], [ "Aubin, Robert", "NDP", "Quebec", 52, "Male" ], [ "Eyking, Mark", "Liberal", "Nova Scotia", 52, "Male" ], [ "Brown, Gordon", "Conservative", "Ontario", 52, "Male" ], [ "Allen, Mike", "Conservative", "New Brunswick", 52, "Male" ], [ "Clement, Tony", "Conservative", "Ontario", 51, "Male" ], [ "Cannan, Ronald", "Conservative", "British Columbia", 51, "Male" ], [ "Rousseau, Jean", "NDP", "Quebec", 51, "Male" ], [ "Opitz, Ted", "Conservative", "Ontario", 51, "Male" ], [ "Toet, Lawrence", "Conservative", "Manitoba", 50, "Male" ], [ "Cash, Andrew", "NDP", "Ontario", 50, "Male" ], [ "Lamoureux, Kevin", "Liberal", "Manitoba", 50, "Male" ], [ "Scott, Craig", "NDP", "Ontario", 50, "Male" ], [ "Adler, Mark", "Conservative", "Ontario", 50, "Male" ], [ "Carrie, Colin", "Conservative", "Ontario", 50, "Male" ], [ "Julian, Peter", "NDP", "British Columbia", 50, "Male" ], [ "Pacetti, Massimo", "Liberal", "Quebec", 50, "Male" ], [ "Saganash, Romeo", "NDP", "Quebec", 50, "Male" ], [ "Angus, Charlie", "NDP", "Ontario", 50, "Male" ], [ "Davies, Don", "NDP", "British Columbia", 49, "Male" ], [ "Bernier, Maxime", "Conservative", "Quebec", 49, "Male" ], [ "Dewar, Paul", "NDP", "Ontario", 49, "Male" ], [ "Jean, Brian", "Conservative", "Alberta", 49, "Male" ], [ "Devolin, Barry", "Conservative", "Ontario", 49, "Male" ], [ "Lemieux, Pierre", "Conservative", "Ontario", 49, "Male" ], [ "Van Loan, Peter", "Conservative", "Ontario", 49, "Male" ], [ "Casey, Sean", "Liberal", "Prince Edward Island", 49, "Male" ], [ "Nantel, Pierre", "NDP", "Quebec", 49, "Male" ], [ "Coderre, Denis", "Liberal", "Quebec", 49, "Male" ], [ "Wallace, Mike", "Conservative", "Ontario", 49, "Male" ], [ "Braid, Peter", "Conservative", "Ontario", 48, "Male" ], [ "Gourde, Jacques", "Conservative", "Quebec", 48, "Male" ], [ "Reid, Scott", "Conservative", "Ontario", 48, "Male" ], [ "Hsu, Ted", "Liberal", "Ontario", 48, "Male" ], [ "Saxton, Andrew", "Conservative", "British Columbia", 48, "Male" ], [ "Weston, Rodney", "Conservative", "New Brunswick", 48, "Male" ], [ "Penashue, Peter", "Conservative", "Newfoundland and Labrador", 48, "Male" ], [ "Bellavance, André", "Bloc Quebecois", "Quebec", 48, "Male" ], [ "Rathgeber, Brent", "Conservative", "Alberta", 48, "Male" ], [ "Kellway, Matthew", "NDP", "Ontario", 48, "Male" ], [ "Toone, Philip", "NDP", "Quebec", 47, "Male" ], [ "Allison, Dean", "Conservative", "Ontario", 47, "Male" ], [ "Trottier, Bernard", "Conservative", "Ontario", 47, "Male" ], [ "Blaney, Steven", "Conservative", "Quebec", 47, "Male" ], [ "Bezan, James", "Conservative", "Manitoba", 47, "Male" ], [ "MacKay, Peter Gordon", "Conservative", "Nova Scotia", 47, "Male" ], [ "Dykstra, Richard", "Conservative", "Ontario", 46, "Male" ], [ "Sandhu, Jasbir", "NDP", "British Columbia", 46, "Male" ], [ "Donnelly, Fin", "NDP", "British Columbia", 46, "Male" ], [ "Armstrong, Scott", "Conservative", "Nova Scotia", 46, "Male" ], [ "Byrne, Gerry", "Liberal", "Newfoundland and Labrador", 46, "Male" ], [ "Stewart, Kennedy", "NDP", "British Columbia", 46, "Male" ], [ "Cleary, Ryan", "NDP", "Newfoundland and Labrador", 46, "Male" ], [ "Côté, Raymond", "NDP", "Quebec", 45, "Male" ], [ "Clarke, Rob", "Conservative", "Saskatchewan", 45, "Male" ], [ "Brison, Scott", "Liberal", "Nova Scotia", 45, "Male" ], [ "Butt, Brad", "Conservative", "Ontario", 45, "Male" ], [ "Rickford, Greg", "Conservative", "Ontario", 45, "Male" ], [ "LeBlanc, Dominic", "Liberal", "New Brunswick", 45, "Male" ], [ "Hoback, Randy", "Conservative", "Saskatchewan", 45, "Male" ], [ "Caron, Guy", "NDP", "Quebec", 44, "Male" ], [ "Brahmi, Tarik", "NDP", "Quebec", 44, "Male" ], [ "Kenney, Jason", "Conservative", "Alberta", 44, "Male" ], [ "Masse, Brian", "NDP", "Ontario", 44, "Male" ], [ "Alexander, Chris", "Conservative", "Ontario", 44, "Male" ], [ "Zimmer, Bob", "Conservative", "British Columbia", 44, "Male" ], [ "Calkins, Blaine", "Conservative", "Alberta", 44, "Male" ], [ "Baird, John", "Conservative", "Ontario", 43, "Male" ], [ "Lake, Mike", "Conservative", "Alberta", 43, "Male" ], [ "Simms, Scott", "Liberal", "Newfoundland and Labrador", 43, "Male" ], [ "Thibeault, Glenn", "NDP", "Ontario", 43, "Male" ], [ "Williamson, John", "Conservative", "New Brunswick", 42, "Male" ], [ "Calandra, Paul", "Conservative", "Ontario", 42, "Male" ], [ "Chicoine, Sylvain", "NDP", "Quebec", 42, "Male" ], [ "Del Mastro, Dean", "Conservative", "Ontario", 42, "Male" ], [ "Rajotte, James", "Conservative", "Alberta", 42, "Male" ], [ "Seeback, Kyle", "Conservative", "Ontario", 42, "Male" ], [ "Watson, Jeff", "Conservative", "Ontario", 41, "Male" ], [ "Lapointe, François", "NDP", "Quebec", 41, "Male" ], [ "Nicholls, Jamie", "NDP", "Quebec", 41, "Male" ], [ "Chong, Michael D.", "Conservative", "Ontario", 41, "Male" ], [ "Trudeau, Justin", "Liberal", "Quebec", 41, "Male" ], [ "Larose, Jean-François", "NDP", "Quebec", 40, "Male" ], [ "Anders, Rob", "Conservative", "Alberta", 40, "Male" ], [ "Fletcher, Steven John", "Conservative", "Manitoba", 40, "Male" ], [ "Cullen, Nathan", "NDP", "British Columbia", 40, "Male" ], [ "Ravignat, Mathieu", "NDP", "Quebec", 39, "Male" ], [ "Bruinooge, Rod", "Conservative", "Manitoba", 39, "Male" ], [ "Mai, Hoang", "NDP", "Quebec", 39, "Male" ], [ "Boulerice, Alexandre", "NDP", "Quebec", 39, "Male" ], [ "Fortin, Jean-François", "Bloc Quebecois", "Quebec", 39, "Male" ], [ "Leef, Ryan", "Conservative", "Territories", 38, "Male" ], [ "Paradis, Christian", "Conservative", "Quebec", 38, "Male" ], [ "Choquette, François", "NDP", "Quebec", 38, "Male" ], [ "Moore, Rob", "Conservative", "New Brunswick", 38, "Male" ], [ "Trost, Brad", "Conservative", "Saskatchewan", 38, "Male" ], [ "Gill, Parm", "Conservative", "Ontario", 38, "Male" ], [ "Hillyer, Jim", "Conservative", "Alberta", 38, "Male" ], [ "Richards, Blake", "Conservative", "Alberta", 38, "Male" ], [ "Uppal, Tim", "Conservative", "Alberta", 38, "Male" ], [ "Andrews, Scott", "Liberal", "Newfoundland and Labrador", 37, "Male" ], [ "Moore, James", "Conservative", "British Columbia", 36, "Male" ], [ "Lobb, Ben", "Conservative", "Ontario", 36, "Male" ], [ "Albas, Dan", "Conservative", "British Columbia", 36, "Male" ], [ "Storseth, Brian", "Conservative", "Alberta", 34, "Male" ], [ "Strahl, Mark", "Conservative", "British Columbia", 34, "Male" ], [ "Brown, Patrick W.", "Conservative", "Ontario", 34, "Male" ], [ "Warkentin, Chris", "Conservative", "Alberta", 34, "Male" ], [ "Scheer, Andrew", "Conservative", "Saskatchewan", 33, "Male" ], [ "Poilievre, Pierre", "Conservative", "Ontario", 33, "Male" ], [ "Genest-Jourdain, Jonathan", "NDP", "Quebec", 33, "Male" ], [ "Harris, Dan", "NDP", "Ontario", 33, "Male" ], [ "Tremblay, Jonathan", "NDP", "Quebec", 28, "Male" ], [ "Morin, Dany", "NDP", "Quebec", 27, "Male" ], [ "Dubé, Matthew", "NDP", "Quebec", 24, "Male" ], [ "Dusseault, Pierre-Luc", "NDP", "Quebec", 21, "Male" ], [ "O'Toole, Erin", "Conservative", "Ontario", "nan", "Male" ] ], "_data_tsv": "Province\tBloc Quebecois\tConservative\tGreen\tLiberal\tNDP\nBritish Columbia\t\t21\t1\t2\t12\nAlberta\t\t27\t\t\t1\nSaskatchewan\t\t13\t\t1\t\nManitoba\t\t11\t\t1\t2\nTerritories\t\t2\t\t\t1\nOntario\t\t73\t\t11\t22\nQuebec\t4\t5\t\t7\t59\nNew Brunswick\t\t8\t\t1\t1\nPrince Edward Island\t\t1\t\t3\t\nNova Scotia\t\t4\t\t4\t3\nNewfoundland and Labrador\t\t1\t\t4\t2\n", "_options": { "aggregatorName": "Number of MPs", "aggregators": { "Average Age of MPs": "function() { return $.pivotUtilities.aggregatorTemplates.average()([\"Age\"]) }", "Number of MPs": "function() { return $.pivotUtilities.aggregatorTemplates.count()() }" }, "autoSortUnusedAttrs": false, "colOrder": "key_a_to_z", "cols": [ "Party" ], "exclusions": {}, "hiddenAttributes": [], "hiddenFromAggregators": [], "hiddenFromDragDrop": [], "inclusions": {}, "inclusionsInfo": {}, "localeStrings": { "apply": "Apply", "by": "by", "cancel": "Cancel", "computeError": "An error occurred computing the PivotTable results.", "filterResults": "Filter values", "renderError": "An error occurred rendering the PivotTable results.", "selectAll": "Select All", "selectNone": "Select None", "tooMany": "(too many to list)", "totals": "Totals", "uiRenderError": "An error occurred rendering the PivotTable UI.", "vs": "vs" }, "menuLimit": 500, "onRefresh": null, "rendererName": "Table", "rowOrder": "key_a_to_z", "rows": [ "Province" ], "sorters": { "Age": "function(a,b){ return b-a; }", "Province": "$.pivotUtilities.sortAs([\"British Columbia\", \"Alberta\", \"Saskatchewan\", \"Manitoba\",\n \"Territories\", \"Ontario\", \"Quebec\", \"New Brunswick\",\n \"Prince Edward Island\", \"Nova Scotia\",\n \"Newfoundland and Labrador\"])" }, "unusedAttrsVertical": 85, "vals": [] }, "layout": "IPY_MODEL_52ce28d79ada4fcb8f2b6496fd680ccb" } }, "7ab3d1acabf247c0890ed10a7bd8ea02": { "model_module": "ipypivot", "model_module_version": "~0.1.1", "model_name": "PivotModel", "state": { "_data": [ [ "Sepal.Length", "Sepal.Width", "Petal.Length", "Petal.Width", "Species" ], [ 5.1, 3.5, 1.4, 0.2, "setosa" ], [ 4.9, 3, 1.4, 0.2, "setosa" ], [ 4.7, 3.2, 1.3, 0.2, "setosa" ], [ 4.6, 3.1, 1.5, 0.2, "setosa" ], [ 5, 3.6, 1.4, 0.2, "setosa" ], [ 5.4, 3.9, 1.7, 0.4, "setosa" ], [ 4.6, 3.4, 1.4, 0.3, "setosa" ], [ 5, 3.4, 1.5, 0.2, "setosa" ], [ 4.4, 2.9, 1.4, 0.2, "setosa" ], [ 4.9, 3.1, 1.5, 0.1, "setosa" ], [ 5.4, 3.7, 1.5, 0.2, "setosa" ], [ 4.8, 3.4, 1.6, 0.2, "setosa" ], [ 4.8, 3, 1.4, 0.1, "setosa" ], [ 4.3, 3, 1.1, 0.1, "setosa" ], [ 5.8, 4, 1.2, 0.2, "setosa" ], [ 5.7, 4.4, 1.5, 0.4, "setosa" ], [ 5.4, 3.9, 1.3, 0.4, "setosa" ], [ 5.1, 3.5, 1.4, 0.3, "setosa" ], [ 5.7, 3.8, 1.7, 0.3, "setosa" ], [ 5.1, 3.8, 1.5, 0.3, "setosa" ], [ 5.4, 3.4, 1.7, 0.2, "setosa" ], [ 5.1, 3.7, 1.5, 0.4, "setosa" ], [ 4.6, 3.6, 1, 0.2, "setosa" ], [ 5.1, 3.3, 1.7, 0.5, "setosa" ], [ 4.8, 3.4, 1.9, 0.2, "setosa" ], [ 5, 3, 1.6, 0.2, "setosa" ], [ 5, 3.4, 1.6, 0.4, "setosa" ], [ 5.2, 3.5, 1.5, 0.2, "setosa" ], [ 5.2, 3.4, 1.4, 0.2, "setosa" ], [ 4.7, 3.2, 1.6, 0.2, "setosa" ], [ 4.8, 3.1, 1.6, 0.2, "setosa" ], [ 5.4, 3.4, 1.5, 0.4, "setosa" ], [ 5.2, 4.1, 1.5, 0.1, "setosa" ], [ 5.5, 4.2, 1.4, 0.2, "setosa" ], [ 4.9, 3.1, 1.5, 0.2, "setosa" ], [ 5, 3.2, 1.2, 0.2, "setosa" ], [ 5.5, 3.5, 1.3, 0.2, "setosa" ], [ 4.9, 3.6, 1.4, 0.1, "setosa" ], [ 4.4, 3, 1.3, 0.2, "setosa" ], [ 5.1, 3.4, 1.5, 0.2, "setosa" ], [ 5, 3.5, 1.3, 0.3, "setosa" ], [ 4.5, 2.3, 1.3, 0.3, "setosa" ], [ 4.4, 3.2, 1.3, 0.2, "setosa" ], [ 5, 3.5, 1.6, 0.6, "setosa" ], [ 5.1, 3.8, 1.9, 0.4, "setosa" ], [ 4.8, 3, 1.4, 0.3, "setosa" ], [ 5.1, 3.8, 1.6, 0.2, "setosa" ], [ 4.6, 3.2, 1.4, 0.2, "setosa" ], [ 5.3, 3.7, 1.5, 0.2, "setosa" ], [ 5, 3.3, 1.4, 0.2, "setosa" ], [ 7, 3.2, 4.7, 1.4, "versicolor" ], [ 6.4, 3.2, 4.5, 1.5, "versicolor" ], [ 6.9, 3.1, 4.9, 1.5, "versicolor" ], [ 5.5, 2.3, 4, 1.3, "versicolor" ], [ 6.5, 2.8, 4.6, 1.5, "versicolor" ], [ 5.7, 2.8, 4.5, 1.3, "versicolor" ], [ 6.3, 3.3, 4.7, 1.6, "versicolor" ], [ 4.9, 2.4, 3.3, 1, "versicolor" ], [ 6.6, 2.9, 4.6, 1.3, "versicolor" ], [ 5.2, 2.7, 3.9, 1.4, "versicolor" ], [ 5, 2, 3.5, 1, "versicolor" ], [ 5.9, 3, 4.2, 1.5, "versicolor" ], [ 6, 2.2, 4, 1, "versicolor" ], [ 6.1, 2.9, 4.7, 1.4, "versicolor" ], [ 5.6, 2.9, 3.6, 1.3, "versicolor" ], [ 6.7, 3.1, 4.4, 1.4, "versicolor" ], [ 5.6, 3, 4.5, 1.5, "versicolor" ], [ 5.8, 2.7, 4.1, 1, "versicolor" ], [ 6.2, 2.2, 4.5, 1.5, "versicolor" ], [ 5.6, 2.5, 3.9, 1.1, "versicolor" ], [ 5.9, 3.2, 4.8, 1.8, "versicolor" ], [ 6.1, 2.8, 4, 1.3, "versicolor" ], [ 6.3, 2.5, 4.9, 1.5, "versicolor" ], [ 6.1, 2.8, 4.7, 1.2, "versicolor" ], [ 6.4, 2.9, 4.3, 1.3, "versicolor" ], [ 6.6, 3, 4.4, 1.4, "versicolor" ], [ 6.8, 2.8, 4.8, 1.4, "versicolor" ], [ 6.7, 3, 5, 1.7, "versicolor" ], [ 6, 2.9, 4.5, 1.5, "versicolor" ], [ 5.7, 2.6, 3.5, 1, "versicolor" ], [ 5.5, 2.4, 3.8, 1.1, "versicolor" ], [ 5.5, 2.4, 3.7, 1, "versicolor" ], [ 5.8, 2.7, 3.9, 1.2, "versicolor" ], [ 6, 2.7, 5.1, 1.6, "versicolor" ], [ 5.4, 3, 4.5, 1.5, "versicolor" ], [ 6, 3.4, 4.5, 1.6, "versicolor" ], [ 6.7, 3.1, 4.7, 1.5, "versicolor" ], [ 6.3, 2.3, 4.4, 1.3, "versicolor" ], [ 5.6, 3, 4.1, 1.3, "versicolor" ], [ 5.5, 2.5, 4, 1.3, "versicolor" ], [ 5.5, 2.6, 4.4, 1.2, "versicolor" ], [ 6.1, 3, 4.6, 1.4, "versicolor" ], [ 5.8, 2.6, 4, 1.2, "versicolor" ], [ 5, 2.3, 3.3, 1, "versicolor" ], [ 5.6, 2.7, 4.2, 1.3, "versicolor" ], [ 5.7, 3, 4.2, 1.2, "versicolor" ], [ 5.7, 2.9, 4.2, 1.3, "versicolor" ], [ 6.2, 2.9, 4.3, 1.3, "versicolor" ], [ 5.1, 2.5, 3, 1.1, "versicolor" ], [ 5.7, 2.8, 4.1, 1.3, "versicolor" ], [ 6.3, 3.3, 6, 2.5, "virginica" ], [ 5.8, 2.7, 5.1, 1.9, "virginica" ], [ 7.1, 3, 5.9, 2.1, "virginica" ], [ 6.3, 2.9, 5.6, 1.8, "virginica" ], [ 6.5, 3, 5.8, 2.2, "virginica" ], [ 7.6, 3, 6.6, 2.1, "virginica" ], [ 4.9, 2.5, 4.5, 1.7, "virginica" ], [ 7.3, 2.9, 6.3, 1.8, "virginica" ], [ 6.7, 2.5, 5.8, 1.8, "virginica" ], [ 7.2, 3.6, 6.1, 2.5, "virginica" ], [ 6.5, 3.2, 5.1, 2, "virginica" ], [ 6.4, 2.7, 5.3, 1.9, "virginica" ], [ 6.8, 3, 5.5, 2.1, "virginica" ], [ 5.7, 2.5, 5, 2, "virginica" ], [ 5.8, 2.8, 5.1, 2.4, "virginica" ], [ 6.4, 3.2, 5.3, 2.3, "virginica" ], [ 6.5, 3, 5.5, 1.8, "virginica" ], [ 7.7, 3.8, 6.7, 2.2, "virginica" ], [ 7.7, 2.6, 6.9, 2.3, "virginica" ], [ 6, 2.2, 5, 1.5, "virginica" ], [ 6.9, 3.2, 5.7, 2.3, "virginica" ], [ 5.6, 2.8, 4.9, 2, "virginica" ], [ 7.7, 2.8, 6.7, 2, "virginica" ], [ 6.3, 2.7, 4.9, 1.8, "virginica" ], [ 6.7, 3.3, 5.7, 2.1, "virginica" ], [ 7.2, 3.2, 6, 1.8, "virginica" ], [ 6.2, 2.8, 4.8, 1.8, "virginica" ], [ 6.1, 3, 4.9, 1.8, "virginica" ], [ 6.4, 2.8, 5.6, 2.1, "virginica" ], [ 7.2, 3, 5.8, 1.6, "virginica" ], [ 7.4, 2.8, 6.1, 1.9, "virginica" ], [ 7.9, 3.8, 6.4, 2, "virginica" ], [ 6.4, 2.8, 5.6, 2.2, "virginica" ], [ 6.3, 2.8, 5.1, 1.5, "virginica" ], [ 6.1, 2.6, 5.6, 1.4, "virginica" ], [ 7.7, 3, 6.1, 2.3, "virginica" ], [ 6.3, 3.4, 5.6, 2.4, "virginica" ], [ 6.4, 3.1, 5.5, 1.8, "virginica" ], [ 6, 3, 4.8, 1.8, "virginica" ], [ 6.9, 3.1, 5.4, 2.1, "virginica" ], [ 6.7, 3.1, 5.6, 2.4, "virginica" ], [ 6.9, 3.1, 5.1, 2.3, "virginica" ], [ 5.8, 2.7, 5.1, 1.9, "virginica" ], [ 6.8, 3.2, 5.9, 2.3, "virginica" ], [ 6.7, 3.3, 5.7, 2.5, "virginica" ], [ 6.7, 3, 5.2, 2.3, "virginica" ], [ 6.3, 2.5, 5, 1.9, "virginica" ], [ 6.5, 3, 5.2, 2, "virginica" ], [ 6.2, 3.4, 5.4, 2.3, "virginica" ], [ 5.9, 3, 5.1, 1.8, "virginica" ] ], "_options": { "cols": [ "Petal.Width", "Species" ], "renderer": "$.pivotUtilities.c3_renderers[\"Scatter Chart\"]", "rendererOptions": { "c3": { "size": { "height": 500, "width": 700 } } }, "rows": [ "Petal.Length" ] }, "layout": "IPY_MODEL_084285f297304317b3df82d7afb9ecaf" } }, "7ec30fd1bd784eb6b2c9010a8a56c244": { "model_module": "ipypivot", "model_module_version": "~0.1.1", "model_name": "PivotUIBoxModel", "state": { "children": [ "IPY_MODEL_037a6f42ca774ef581f77ab2fce5bae6", "IPY_MODEL_c4618cbbfeef45a18824850e00478632" ], "layout": "IPY_MODEL_0d378dea3931435382889108f7ac641e" } }, "80848ec976434d7f99bfde0e6426bb9d": { "model_module": "@jupyter-widgets/base", "model_module_version": "1.0.0", "model_name": "LayoutModel", "state": {} }, "86dc602bdd0e470f9cf6cc4ec5f84038": { "model_module": "@jupyter-widgets/controls", "model_module_version": "1.1.0", "model_name": "HBoxModel", "state": { "children": [ "IPY_MODEL_a9dd03f2a4754743af4cfa13ad442300", "IPY_MODEL_bc08cb4651354d89b7d7df964973c890", "IPY_MODEL_92f20d1c05d34c82a5f9e4c53878a26e" ], "layout": "IPY_MODEL_70e09066943042a1803022214e212c95" } }, "8745d7a17f314905bdd78891f784db9f": { "model_module": "ipypivot", "model_module_version": "~0.1.1", "model_name": "PivotUIModel", "state": { "_data": [ [ "Date", "Max Temp (C)", "Min Temp (C)", "Mean Temp (C)", "Total Rain (mm)", "Total Snow (cm)" ], [ "2014-01-01", -16.5, -24.6, -20.6, 0, 0 ], [ "2014-01-02", -22.6, -27.3, -25, 0, 1.4 ], [ "2014-01-03", -19.2, -24.3, -21.8, 0, 0 ], [ "2014-01-04", -8.6, -23.3, -16, 0, 0 ], [ "2014-01-05", 0.3, -12.6, -6.2, 12.2, 1.8 ], [ "2014-01-06", 7.1, -11.1, -2, 14.3, 0.4 ], [ "2014-01-07", -11.1, -16.6, -13.9, 0, 0.2 ], [ "2014-01-08", -8.7, -14.7, -11.7, 0, 0 ], [ "2014-01-09", -7.8, -12.3, -10.1, 0, 0 ], [ "2014-01-10", -4.5, -14.2, -9.4, 0, 0 ], [ "2014-01-11", 7.3, -6.4, 0.5, 6.2, 0 ], [ "2014-01-12", 4.5, 0.3, 2.4, 0, 0 ], [ "2014-01-13", 5.1, -0.9, 2.1, 0, 0 ], [ "2014-01-14", 4.2, -1.3, 1.5, 5.4, 0 ], [ "2014-01-15", 1.9, -4.1, -1.1, 0.2, 0 ], [ "2014-01-16", -0.5, -5.1, -2.8, 0, 0 ], [ "2014-01-17", 0.6, -5.2, -2.3, 0, 0.6 ], [ "2014-01-18", 2.4, -7, -2.3, 0, 0.2 ], [ "2014-01-19", -2.2, -6.4, -4.3, 0, 1.4 ], [ "2014-01-20", -6.4, -20.7, -13.6, 0, 1.6 ], [ "2014-01-21", -19.1, -23.8, -21.5, 0, 0 ], [ "2014-01-22", -17.6, -25.4, -21.5, 0, 0 ], [ "2014-01-23", -17.5, -23.2, -20.4, 0, 0 ], [ "2014-01-24", -9.7, -23.8, -16.8, 0, 0 ], [ "2014-01-25", -5.3, -15.5, -10.4, 0, 2 ], [ "2014-01-26", -13.8, -21.5, -17.7, 0, 0.4 ], [ "2014-01-27", -6.4, -17.9, -12.2, 0, 5.6 ], [ "2014-01-28", -10.8, -19.9, -15.4, 0, 0 ], [ "2014-01-29", -9.6, -14.2, -11.9, 0, 0 ], [ "2014-01-30", -4.4, -12.7, -8.6, 0, 0 ], [ "2014-01-31", 1.3, -7.1, -2.9, 0, 0 ], [ "2014-02-01", -1.3, -10.9, -6.1, 0, 12 ], [ "2014-02-02", -1.1, -7.9, -4.5, 0, 4.6 ], [ "2014-02-03", -6.9, -15.3, -11.1, 0, 0 ], [ "2014-02-04", -6.1, -16.8, -11.5, 0, 0 ], [ "2014-02-05", -7.9, -15.6, -11.8, 0, 5.4 ], [ "2014-02-06", -9.3, -20, -14.7, 0, 0.4 ], [ "2014-02-07", -7.6, -12.9, -10.3, 0, 0 ], [ "2014-02-08", -5.7, -12.3, -9, 0, 0 ], [ "2014-02-09", -7.1, -12.5, -9.8, 0, 1.4 ], [ "2014-02-10", -6.8, -16.1, -11.5, 0, 0.4 ], [ "2014-02-11", -11.1, -19.6, -15.4, 0, 0 ], [ "2014-02-12", -9.8, -23.1, -16.5, 0, 0 ], [ "2014-02-13", -6.1, -18.4, -12.3, 0, 2 ], [ "2014-02-14", -2.2, -6.1, -4.2, 0, 12.4 ], [ "2014-02-15", -5.6, -11.8, -8.7, 0, 0 ], [ "2014-02-16", -9.5, -15.8, -12.7, 0, 0 ], [ "2014-02-17", -9.9, -17.4, -13.7, 0, 0 ], [ "2014-02-18", -3.4, -15.6, -9.5, 0, 2.4 ], [ "2014-02-19", 1.5, -5.4, -2, 0, 0 ], [ "2014-02-20", 2.8, -4.9, -1.1, 0, 0 ], [ "2014-02-21", 4.2, -0.6, 1.8, 19.2, 0 ], [ "2014-02-22", 6.1, -1.8, 2.2, 0, 0 ], [ "2014-02-23", 1.7, -4.3, -1.3, 0, 0 ], [ "2014-02-24", -4.3, -10.6, -7.5, 0, 0.2 ], [ "2014-02-25", -9, -12.9, -11, 0, 0 ], [ "2014-02-26", -9.7, -14.8, -12.3, 0, 1.6 ], [ "2014-02-27", -6.9, -14.8, -10.9, 0, 0.4 ], [ "2014-02-28", -12.1, -18.2, -15.2, 0, 0 ], [ "2014-03-01", -3.4, -14.2, -8.8, 0, 2 ], [ "2014-03-02", -5.5, -16.6, -11.1, 0, 0.6 ], [ "2014-03-03", -13, -18.1, -15.6, 0, 0 ], [ "2014-03-04", -11, -18.5, -14.8, 0, 1.4 ], [ "2014-03-05", -9, -17.6, -13.3, 0, 0 ], [ "2014-03-06", -6.9, -19.4, -13.2, 0, 0 ], [ "2014-03-07", 0.2, -17.8, -8.8, 0, 0 ], [ "2014-03-08", 3.3, -6.2, -1.5, 0, 0.8 ], [ "2014-03-09", -3.8, -12.6, -8.2, 0, 3 ], [ "2014-03-10", 0.7, -5.4, -2.4, 0, 4 ], [ "2014-03-11", 5.2, 0.2, 2.7, 0, 0 ], [ "2014-03-12", 1.7, -11.9, -5.1, 0, 16.6 ], [ "2014-03-13", -6.7, -15.6, -11.2, 0, 2.4 ], [ "2014-03-14", 2.1, -16.7, -7.3, 0, 0 ], [ "2014-03-15", 4.6, -8.4, -1.9, 0.2, 0.2 ], [ "2014-03-16", -8.4, -14.1, -11.3, 0, 0 ], [ "2014-03-17", -6.8, -16.8, -11.8, 0, 0 ], [ "2014-03-18", -2.1, -13.8, -8, 0, 0 ], [ "2014-03-19", 3.2, -9, -2.9, 1.4, 0.4 ], [ "2014-03-20", 2.9, -0.3, 1.3, 2.4, 0.2 ], [ "2014-03-21", 2.5, -3, -0.3, 0, 0.2 ], [ "2014-03-22", 0.6, -3.8, -1.6, 0, 9.6 ], [ "2014-03-23", 0, -13.6, -6.8, 0, 0 ], [ "2014-03-24", -4.7, -16.5, -10.6, 0, 0 ], [ "2014-03-25", -0.6, -11.7, -6.2, 0, 0 ], [ "2014-03-26", -2.4, -10.4, -6.4, 0, 0 ], [ "2014-03-27", -1.6, -13.1, -7.4, 0, 0.2 ], [ "2014-03-28", 4.1, -2.7, 0.7, 9.2, 4.2 ], [ "2014-03-29", 3.2, 0.5, 1.9, 0, 0 ], [ "2014-03-30", 0.5, -1.4, -0.5, 0, 15.2 ], [ "2014-03-31", 6.2, -1.8, 2.2, 0, 0 ], [ "2014-04-01", 5, -3.5, 0.8, 0, 0 ], [ "2014-04-02", 5, 1.2, 3.1, 0, 0 ], [ "2014-04-03", 2.9, -2.2, 0.4, 0, 0 ], [ "2014-04-04", 7, -3.4, 1.8, 16.8, 0 ], [ "2014-04-05", 4.7, 0.4, 2.6, 1.2, 0 ], [ "2014-04-06", 7.1, -1.2, 3, 0, 0 ], [ "2014-04-07", 13, -0.1, 6.5, 6.4, 0 ], [ "2014-04-08", 5.2, 2.6, 3.9, 22.6, 0 ], [ "2014-04-09", 4.8, -0.9, 2, 0, 0 ], [ "2014-04-10", 16.2, -1.6, 7.3, 4, 0 ], [ "2014-04-11", 11.8, 2.9, 7.4, 0, 0 ], [ "2014-04-12", 14.3, 1.5, 7.9, 0, 0 ], [ "2014-04-13", 11.7, 2.6, 7.2, 8.2, 0 ], [ "2014-04-14", 24.5, 2.2, 13.4, 9, 0 ], [ "2014-04-15", 16.2, -5.1, 5.6, 8.6, 0.4 ], [ "2014-04-16", 0.6, -7.3, -3.4, 0, 0 ], [ "2014-04-17", 7.7, -2.9, 2.4, 0, 0 ], [ "2014-04-18", 10.8, 1.7, 6.3, 0, 0 ], [ "2014-04-19", 10.6, 0.9, 5.8, 0.4, 0 ], [ "2014-04-20", 14.1, -2.6, 5.8, 0, 0 ], [ "2014-04-21", 19.2, 7.4, 13.3, 1.2, 0 ], [ "2014-04-22", 12.7, 7, 9.9, 10.4, 0 ], [ "2014-04-23", 11.8, 3.6, 7.7, 0, 0 ], [ "2014-04-24", 13.2, 1.4, 7.3, 0, 0 ], [ "2014-04-25", 11.9, -0.3, 5.8, 0, 0 ], [ "2014-04-26", 8.4, 2.8, 5.6, 11.4, 0 ], [ "2014-04-27", 10.4, 2.3, 6.4, 2, 0 ], [ "2014-04-28", 12.3, 1.8, 7.1, 0, 0 ], [ "2014-04-29", 16.5, 5.7, 11.1, 2.8, 0 ], [ "2014-04-30", 10.6, 5.1, 7.9, 30.8, 0 ], [ "2014-05-01", 16.1, 6.1, 11.1, 8.2, 0 ], [ "2014-05-02", 13, 8.1, 10.6, 0.6, 0 ], [ "2014-05-03", 16.3, 7.9, 12.1, 0.8, 0 ], [ "2014-05-04", 12, 7.3, 9.7, 19.4, 0 ], [ "2014-05-05", 13.4, 6.3, 9.9, 0, 0 ], [ "2014-05-06", 15, 4.2, 9.6, 0, 0 ], [ "2014-05-07", 15.8, 3.2, 9.5, 0, 0 ], [ "2014-05-08", 16.8, 5.2, 11, 0, 0 ], [ "2014-05-09", 20.8, 8.8, 14.8, 4.2, 0 ], [ "2014-05-10", 23.8, 11.9, 17.9, 4.4, 0 ], [ "2014-05-11", 21.9, 11.4, 16.7, 0, 0 ], [ "2014-05-12", 22.4, 9.1, 15.8, 0, 0 ], [ "2014-05-13", 18.4, 8.3, 13.4, 1.4, 0 ], [ "2014-05-14", 24.9, 13.6, 19.3, 0, 0 ], [ "2014-05-15", 28.2, 17.5, 22.9, 0, 0 ], [ "2014-05-16", 22.2, 10.3, 16.3, 29.8, 0 ], [ "2014-05-17", 15.4, 8.3, 11.9, 10.8, 0 ], [ "2014-05-18", 16.6, 6.3, 11.5, 0, 0 ], [ "2014-05-19", 20.2, 9.2, 14.7, 0, 0 ], [ "2014-05-20", 22.8, 8.7, 15.8, 0, 0 ], [ "2014-05-21", 23.8, 10.4, 17.1, 0, 0 ], [ "2014-05-22", 19, 12.9, 16, 1, 0 ], [ "2014-05-23", 20.8, 10.8, 15.8, 0, 0 ], [ "2014-05-24", 21.4, 11.4, 16.4, 0, 0 ], [ "2014-05-25", 25.2, 9.4, 17.3, 4.6, 0 ], [ "2014-05-26", 22.8, 16.3, 19.6, 3.6, 0 ], [ "2014-05-27", 16.9, 8.6, 12.8, 4.2, 0 ], [ "2014-05-28", 16.1, 8.1, 12.1, 0.6, 0 ], [ "2014-05-29", 20.5, 6.1, 13.3, 0, 0 ], [ "2014-05-30", 22.6, 12, 17.3, 2, 0 ], [ "2014-05-31", 20.2, 9.1, 14.7, 0, 0 ], [ "2014-06-01", 25.2, 9.7, 17.5, 0, 0 ], [ "2014-06-02", 30.4, 15.7, 23.1, 0, 0 ], [ "2014-06-03", 28.1, 19.1, 23.6, 22, 0 ], [ "2014-06-04", 21.3, 14, 17.7, 0.2, 0 ], [ "2014-06-05", 17, 13.4, 15.2, 0.6, 0 ], [ "2014-06-06", 23, 12.9, 18, 0, 0 ], [ "2014-06-07", 27.5, 13.3, 20.4, 0, 0 ], [ "2014-06-08", 28, 14.6, 21.3, 0, 0 ], [ "2014-06-09", 27.9, 19.2, 23.6, 0, 0 ], [ "2014-06-10", 24.6, 15.8, 20.2, 0.4, 0 ], [ "2014-06-11", 24.1, 13.1, 18.6, 10.4, 0 ], [ "2014-06-12", 17.9, 12.9, 15.4, 26.2, 0 ], [ "2014-06-13", 19.9, 16.8, 18.4, 41.4, 0 ], [ "2014-06-14", 19.8, 14.6, 17.2, 1.4, 0 ], [ "2014-06-15", 23.6, 13.6, 18.6, 0, 0 ], [ "2014-06-16", 24.8, 11.4, 18.1, 0, 0 ], [ "2014-06-17", 27.2, 14, 20.6, 23.4, 0 ], [ "2014-06-18", 25.7, 16.6, 21.2, 2, 0 ], [ "2014-06-19", 24.6, 14.6, 19.6, 0, 0 ], [ "2014-06-20", 21.7, 12.1, 16.9, 0, 0 ], [ "2014-06-21", 22.1, 10.4, 16.3, 0, 0 ], [ "2014-06-22", 23.8, 11.5, 17.7, 0, 0 ], [ "2014-06-23", 26.8, 13.4, 20.1, 0, 0 ], [ "2014-06-24", 21.9, 19.2, 20.6, 40, 0 ], [ "2014-06-25", 24, 18.2, 21.1, 0.2, 0 ], [ "2014-06-26", 26.3, 17, 21.7, 0, 0 ], [ "2014-06-27", 28.4, 15, 21.7, 0, 0 ], [ "2014-06-28", 29.2, 16.3, 22.8, 0, 0 ], [ "2014-06-29", 30.7, 19.1, 24.9, 0, 0 ], [ "2014-06-30", 29.7, 22.8, 26.3, 0, 0 ], [ "2014-07-01", 33.2, 21.6, 27.4, 0, 0 ], [ "2014-07-02", 29.8, 21.2, 25.5, 0, 0 ], [ "2014-07-03", 24.4, 18.9, 21.7, 0.6, 0 ], [ "2014-07-04", 23.4, 16, 19.7, 3.2, 0 ], [ "2014-07-05", 27.7, 14.5, 21.1, 0, 0 ], [ "2014-07-06", 27.7, 18.7, 23.2, 0, 0 ], [ "2014-07-07", 23.4, 19.5, 21.5, 10, 0 ], [ "2014-07-08", 30.6, 19, 24.8, 7, 0 ], [ "2014-07-09", 23.5, 17.7, 20.6, 0, 0 ], [ "2014-07-10", 23.1, 14.3, 18.7, 0, 0 ], [ "2014-07-11", 25.4, 13.4, 19.4, 0, 0 ], [ "2014-07-12", 27.4, 16, 21.7, 0, 0 ], [ "2014-07-13", 23.9, 19.6, 21.8, 11, 0 ], [ "2014-07-14", 24.1, 17.6, 20.9, 0, 0 ], [ "2014-07-15", 21.9, 17.6, 19.8, 2.8, 0 ], [ "2014-07-16", 24.8, 16.6, 20.7, 0, 0 ], [ "2014-07-17", 23.4, 14, 18.7, 0.2, 0 ], [ "2014-07-18", 26.2, 14, 20.1, 0, 0 ], [ "2014-07-19", 27.5, 16.5, 22, 0, 0 ], [ "2014-07-20", 28, 18.9, 23.5, 0, 0 ], [ "2014-07-21", 29.4, 20.8, 25.1, 0, 0 ], [ "2014-07-22", 29.7, 20.5, 25.1, 0, 0 ], [ "2014-07-23", 26.4, 17.7, 22.1, 11.4, 0 ], [ "2014-07-24", 22.9, 13.8, 18.4, 0, 0 ], [ "2014-07-25", 25.8, 14.7, 20.3, 0, 0 ], [ "2014-07-26", 26, 15.9, 21, 0.2, 0 ], [ "2014-07-27", 25, 18, 21.5, 10.2, 0 ], [ "2014-07-28", 18.5, 14.2, 16.4, 9.8, 0 ], [ "2014-07-29", 21.3, 12, 16.7, 0, 0 ], [ "2014-07-30", 24, 13.8, 18.9, 0.8, 0 ], [ "2014-07-31", 21.8, 14.3, 18.1, 12.8, 0 ], [ "2014-08-01", 26.1, 14.8, 20.5, 0, 0 ], [ "2014-08-02", 27.8, 16.1, 22, 0, 0 ], [ "2014-08-03", 28, 16.6, 22.3, 0, 0 ], [ "2014-08-04", 27.7, 18.3, 23, 0.6, 0 ], [ "2014-08-05", 25.4, 17.7, 21.6, 1.6, 0 ], [ "2014-08-06", 25.6, 14.9, 20.3, 0, 0 ], [ "2014-08-07", 23.1, 15.9, 19.5, 6.2, 0 ], [ "2014-08-08", 27, 14, 20.5, 0, 0 ], [ "2014-08-09", 28.7, 15.4, 22.1, 0, 0 ], [ "2014-08-10", 28.6, 16.6, 22.6, 0, 0 ], [ "2014-08-11", 29.7, 17.8, 23.8, 0, 0 ], [ "2014-08-12", 27.9, 19.1, 23.5, 2.2, 0 ], [ "2014-08-13", 21.1, 16, 18.6, 44.4, 0 ], [ "2014-08-14", 17.6, 12, 14.8, 0, 0 ], [ "2014-08-15", 17.5, 12.2, 14.9, 5.2, 0 ], [ "2014-08-16", 18.5, 14.6, 16.6, 13.2, 0 ], [ "2014-08-17", 22.8, 14.6, 18.7, 0, 0 ], [ "2014-08-18", 22.2, 11.7, 17, 0, 0 ], [ "2014-08-19", 23.5, 10.6, 17.1, 0, 0 ], [ "2014-08-20", 27.3, 12.8, 20.1, 0, 0 ], [ "2014-08-21", 23.1, 17.9, 20.5, 0, 0 ], [ "2014-08-22", 23.8, 17.3, 20.6, 0, 0 ], [ "2014-08-23", 26, 14.7, 20.4, 0, 0 ], [ "2014-08-24", 27.7, 14.5, 21.1, 0, 0 ], [ "2014-08-25", 28.9, 17.6, 23.3, 0, 0 ], [ "2014-08-26", 28.6, 17, 22.8, 0.4, 0 ], [ "2014-08-27", 25.6, 18.4, 22, 0, 0 ], [ "2014-08-28", 21.9, 14.2, 18.1, 0, 0 ], [ "2014-08-29", 22.6, 11.4, 17, 0, 0 ], [ "2014-08-30", 27.3, 16.7, 22, 0.2, 0 ], [ "2014-08-31", 25.3, 19.8, 22.6, 11.2, 0 ], [ "2014-09-01", 25.9, 18.7, 22.3, 0, 0 ], [ "2014-09-02", 28.6, 18.3, 23.5, 4.4, 0 ], [ "2014-09-03", 25.5, 18, 21.8, 0, 0 ], [ "2014-09-04", 27.7, 16.3, 22, 0.4, 0 ], [ "2014-09-05", 30.8, 20.1, 25.5, 3, 0 ], [ "2014-09-06", 23.2, 10.6, 16.9, 5, 0 ], [ "2014-09-07", 22.1, 10.6, 16.4, 0, 0 ], [ "2014-09-08", 24.7, 11.4, 18.1, 0, 0 ], [ "2014-09-09", 23.1, 14.3, 18.7, 0, 0 ], [ "2014-09-10", 24.8, 14.6, 19.7, 0, 0 ], [ "2014-09-11", 25.1, 10.1, 17.6, 7.2, 0 ], [ "2014-09-12", 14.1, 6.1, 10.1, 0, 0 ], [ "2014-09-13", 12.6, 5.9, 9.3, 19, 0 ], [ "2014-09-14", 10.9, 4.6, 7.8, 0, 0 ], [ "2014-09-15", 18.3, 4.8, 11.6, 0.2, 0 ], [ "2014-09-16", 18.6, 9.3, 14, 0.4, 0 ], [ "2014-09-17", 17.2, 8, 12.6, 2.6, 0 ], [ "2014-09-18", 12.4, 3.4, 7.9, 0.2, 0 ], [ "2014-09-19", 13, 1.2, 7.1, 0, 0 ], [ "2014-09-20", 19.8, 9.2, 14.5, 0.2, 0 ], [ "2014-09-21", 23.2, 14, 18.6, 6.2, 0 ], [ "2014-09-22", 14, 6.9, 10.5, 0, 0 ], [ "2014-09-23", 17.2, 7.3, 12.3, 1.2, 0 ], [ "2014-09-24", 21.8, 6.7, 14.3, 0, 0 ], [ "2014-09-25", 22.8, 10.8, 16.8, 0, 0 ], [ "2014-09-26", 25.5, 11.9, 18.7, 0, 0 ], [ "2014-09-27", 25.5, 12.8, 19.2, 0, 0 ], [ "2014-09-28", 24.8, 14.8, 19.8, 0, 0 ], [ "2014-09-29", 18, 8.7, 13.4, 0, 0 ], [ "2014-09-30", 17.3, 9.3, 13.3, 0, 0 ], [ "2014-10-01", 16.6, 10.4, 13.5, 0, 0 ], [ "2014-10-02", 20.3, 8.7, 14.5, 0, 0 ], [ "2014-10-03", 23.1, 8.8, 16, 0, 0 ], [ "2014-10-04", 16.6, 9.8, 13.2, 23.6, 0 ], [ "2014-10-05", 13.7, 7.9, 10.8, 0, 0 ], [ "2014-10-06", 16.3, 8, 12.2, 0.4, 0 ], [ "2014-10-07", 18.2, 11.9, 15.1, 4, 0 ], [ "2014-10-08", 17.5, 8.7, 13.1, 19.8, 0 ], [ "2014-10-09", 12.5, 5.2, 8.9, 0.8, 0 ], [ "2014-10-10", 11.8, 4.6, 8.2, 0, 0 ], [ "2014-10-11", 13.1, 2.6, 7.9, 0, 0 ], [ "2014-10-12", 13.2, 2.6, 7.9, 0, 0 ], [ "2014-10-13", 17.8, 2.2, 10, 0, 0 ], [ "2014-10-14", 24.8, 13.7, 19.3, 0, 0 ], [ "2014-10-15", 23.6, 18.2, 20.9, 6.4, 0 ], [ "2014-10-16", 21.7, 14.6, 18.2, 7.6, 0 ], [ "2014-10-17", 18.4, 14.3, 16.4, 0.4, 0 ], [ "2014-10-18", 16.9, 5.9, 11.4, 1.4, 0 ], [ "2014-10-19", 7.5, 3, 5.3, 0, 0 ], [ "2014-10-20", 6.8, 1.8, 4.3, 1.2, 0 ], [ "2014-10-21", 7.4, 5.6, 6.5, 3, 0 ], [ "2014-10-22", 12.6, 6, 9.3, 0, 0 ], [ "2014-10-23", 8.6, 6.9, 7.8, 5.8, 0 ], [ "2014-10-24", 11.5, 4.9, 8.2, 1, 0 ], [ "2014-10-25", 13.1, 5.2, 9.2, 3.8, 0 ], [ "2014-10-26", 10.9, 7.2, 9.1, 0.8, 0 ], [ "2014-10-27", 11.2, 5.7, 8.5, 0.2, 0 ], [ "2014-10-28", 13.7, 7, 10.4, 6.2, 0 ], [ "2014-10-29", 14.2, 8.5, 11.4, 0.6, 0 ], [ "2014-10-30", 10, 2.8, 6.4, 0, 0 ], [ "2014-10-31", 7.2, 1.5, 4.4, 0, 0 ], [ "2014-11-01", 6.9, 1.9, 4.4, 0, 0 ], [ "2014-11-02", 7.6, -0.3, 3.7, 0, 0 ], [ "2014-11-03", 6.3, -1, 2.7, 0, 0 ], [ "2014-11-04", 11.7, 4.3, 8, 2.4, 0 ], [ "2014-11-05", 12.2, 5.7, 9, 2, 0 ], [ "2014-11-06", 8.3, 2.6, 5.5, 3, 0 ], [ "2014-11-07", 4.8, -0.2, 2.3, 1.8, 0 ], [ "2014-11-08", 4.4, -1.4, 1.5, 0.2, 0 ], [ "2014-11-09", 6.5, 2.7, 4.6, 0, 0 ], [ "2014-11-10", 7.1, 3.5, 5.3, 0, 0 ], [ "2014-11-11", 12.5, 0.2, 6.4, 0, 0 ], [ "2014-11-12", 8.4, 1.6, 5, 3.8, 0 ], [ "2014-11-13", 4.7, -0.8, 2, 0, 0 ], [ "2014-11-14", 2.1, -4, -1, 0, 0 ], [ "2014-11-15", 1.6, -4.9, -1.7, 0, 0 ], [ "2014-11-16", 3.3, -0.6, 1.4, 0, 0.8 ], [ "2014-11-17", 1.5, -0.6, 0.5, 0, 12.6 ], [ "2014-11-18", 1.5, -4.7, -1.6, 0, 2 ], [ "2014-11-19", -2, -7.7, -4.9, 0, 0.6 ], [ "2014-11-20", -0.1, -5.1, -2.6, 0, 0.4 ], [ "2014-11-21", -4.6, -8.2, -6.4, 0, 0 ], [ "2014-11-22", 3, -7.9, -2.5, 3.4, 0.4 ], [ "2014-11-23", 7.9, 2.8, 5.4, 0, 0 ], [ "2014-11-24", 18, 6.8, 12.4, 16, 0 ], [ "2014-11-25", 7.8, 2, 4.9, 0, 0 ], [ "2014-11-26", 2.5, -0.9, 0.8, 0, 0 ], [ "2014-11-27", -0.1, -3.8, -2, 0, 0 ], [ "2014-11-28", -2.8, -8.2, -5.5, 0, 0.4 ], [ "2014-11-29", -0.8, -8.3, -4.6, 0, 0 ], [ "2014-11-30", 6.8, -0.9, 3, 0.6, 0 ], [ "2014-12-01", 6.2, -8.7, -1.3, 0.2, 0 ], [ "2014-12-02", -3.2, -14.9, -9.1, 0, 6.2 ], [ "2014-12-03", 3.3, -3.2, 0.1, 5.4, 0.6 ], [ "2014-12-04", 0.1, -11.3, -5.6, 0, 0 ], [ "2014-12-05", -4.6, -13.1, -8.9, 0, 2.2 ], [ "2014-12-06", -1.1, -6, -3.6, 0, 0.6 ], [ "2014-12-07", -4.9, -12.9, -8.9, 0, 0 ], [ "2014-12-08", -2.3, -13.9, -8.1, 0, 0 ], [ "2014-12-09", 0.2, -4.8, -2.3, 0, 6.8 ], [ "2014-12-10", 0.2, -0.8, -0.3, 0, 20 ], [ "2014-12-11", 0.4, -3.2, -1.4, 0.2, 4.8 ], [ "2014-12-12", -1.7, -4.2, -3, 0, 2 ], [ "2014-12-13", -1.6, -5.9, -3.8, 0, 0 ], [ "2014-12-14", -0.9, -4.8, -2.9, 0, 0 ], [ "2014-12-15", -0.1, -1.9, -1, 0, 0 ], [ "2014-12-16", 0.6, -1.4, -0.4, 0, 0 ], [ "2014-12-17", 0.6, -0.2, 0.2, 2, 0.2 ], [ "2014-12-18", 0.4, -2.4, -1, 0, 2 ], [ "2014-12-19", -2.4, -11.5, -7, 0, 0 ], [ "2014-12-20", -7.7, -15.6, -11.7, 0, 0 ], [ "2014-12-21", -7.2, -10.3, -8.8, 0, 0.2 ], [ "2014-12-22", -5.5, -8.6, -7.1, 0, 0 ], [ "2014-12-23", 3.1, -5.8, -1.4, 2.6, 3 ], [ "2014-12-24", 6.2, 2.3, 4.3, 32, 0 ], [ "2014-12-25", 7.8, 3.5, 5.7, 1, 0 ], [ "2014-12-26", 4.5, 1.4, 3, 0, 0 ], [ "2014-12-27", 7.4, 0.9, 4.2, 0.2, 0 ], [ "2014-12-28", 8.3, -3.3, 2.5, 0.8, 0 ], [ "2014-12-29", -0.7, -11.1, -5.9, 0, 0 ], [ "2014-12-30", -10.6, -14.5, -12.6, 0, 0 ], [ "2014-12-31", -6.3, -14.9, -10.6, 0, 0 ] ], "_data_tsv": "day name\tJan\tFeb\tMar\tApr\tMay\tJun\tJul\tAug\tSep\tOct\tNov\tDec\nMon\t7.1\t-4.3\t6.2\t24.5\t22.8\t30.4\t29.4\t29.7\t25.9\t17.8\t18\t6.2\nTue\t4.2\t-3.4\t5.2\t16.5\t22.8\t28.1\t33.2\t28.6\t28.6\t24.8\t12.5\t3.1\nWed\t1.9\t1.5\t3.2\t11.8\t24.9\t25.7\t29.8\t27.3\t25.5\t23.6\t12.2\t6.2\nThu\t-0.5\t2.8\t2.9\t16.2\t28.2\t26.3\t24.4\t23.1\t27.7\t21.7\t8.3\t7.8\nFri\t1.3\t4.2\t4.1\t11.9\t22.6\t28.4\t26.2\t27\t30.8\t23.1\t4.8\t4.5\nSat\t7.3\t6.1\t4.6\t14.3\t23.8\t29.2\t27.7\t28.7\t25.5\t16.9\t6.9\t7.4\nSun\t4.5\t1.7\t0.5\t14.1\t25.2\t30.7\t28\t28.6\t24.8\t13.7\t7.9\t8.3\n", "_options": { "aggregatorName": "Max Temperature", "aggregators": { "Max Temperature": "function () { return $.pivotUtilities.aggregatorTemplates.max($.pivotUtilities.numberFormat({ suffix: ' °C' }))(['Max Temp (C)']) }", "Mean Temperature": "function () { return $.pivotUtilities.aggregatorTemplates.average($.pivotUtilities.numberFormat({ suffix: ' °C' }))(['Mean Temp (C)']) }" }, "autoSortUnusedAttrs": false, "colOrder": "key_a_to_z", "cols": [ "month name" ], "derivedAttributes": { "day name": "$.pivotUtilities.derivers.dateFormat('Date', '%w', true)", "month name": "$.pivotUtilities.derivers.dateFormat('Date', '%n', true)" }, "exclusions": {}, "hiddenAttributes": [ "Date", "Max Temp (C)", "Mean Temp (C)", "Min Temp (C)", "Total Rain (mm)", "Total Snow (cm)" ], "hiddenFromAggregators": [], "hiddenFromDragDrop": [], "inclusions": {}, "inclusionsInfo": {}, "localeStrings": { "apply": "Apply", "by": "by", "cancel": "Cancel", "computeError": "An error occurred computing the PivotTable results.", "filterResults": "Filter values", "renderError": "An error occurred rendering the PivotTable results.", "selectAll": "Select All", "selectNone": "Select None", "tooMany": "(too many to list)", "totals": "Totals", "uiRenderError": "An error occurred rendering the PivotTable UI.", "vs": "vs" }, "menuLimit": 500, "onRefresh": null, "rendererName": "Heatmap", "rendererOptions": { "heatmap": { "colorScaleGenerator": "function (values) {\n return d3.scale.linear()\n .domain([-20, 0, 20])\n .range(['#77F', '#FFF', '#F77'])\n }" } }, "renderers": "$.extend($.pivotUtilities.renderers, $.pivotUtilities.c3_renderers, $.pivotUtilities.export_renderers)", "rowOrder": "key_a_to_z", "rows": [ "day name" ], "sorters": { "day name": "$.pivotUtilities.sortAs(['Mon', 'Tue', 'Wed', 'Thu', 'Fri', 'Sat', 'Sun'])", "month name": "$.pivotUtilities.sortAs(['Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', \n 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec'])" }, "unusedAttrsVertical": 85, "vals": [] }, "layout": "IPY_MODEL_db087f6830ed420ea95c7c39fdb4645c" } }, "89fecbf2e27f4636ab1efcba744e7b0a": { "model_module": "ipypivot", "model_module_version": "~0.1.1", "model_name": "PivotUIModel", "state": { "_data": [ [ "Name", "Party", "Province", "Age", "Gender" ], [ "Liu, Laurin", "NDP", "Quebec", 22, "Female" ], [ "Mourani, Maria", "Bloc Quebecois", "Quebec", 43, "Female" ], [ "Sellah, Djaouida", "NDP", "Quebec", "nan", "Female" ], [ "St-Denis, Lise", "NDP", "Quebec", 72, "Female" ], [ "Fry, Hedy", "Liberal", "British Columbia", 71, "Female" ], [ "Turmel, Nycole", "NDP", "Quebec", 70, "Female" ], [ "Sgro, Judy", "Liberal", "Ontario", 68, "Female" ], [ "Raynault, Francine", "NDP", "Quebec", 67, "Female" ], [ "Davidson, Patricia", "Conservative", "Ontario", 66, "Female" ], [ "Smith, Joy", "Conservative", "Manitoba", 65, "Female" ], [ "Wong, Alice", "Conservative", "British Columbia", 64, "Female" ], [ "O'Neill Gordon, Tilly", "Conservative", "New Brunswick", 63, "Female" ], [ "Ablonczy, Diane", "Conservative", "Alberta", 63, "Female" ], [ "Duncan, Linda Francis", "NDP", "Alberta", 63, "Female" ], [ "Bennett, Carolyn", "Liberal", "Ontario", 62, "Female" ], [ "Nash, Peggy", "NDP", "Ontario", 61, "Female" ], [ "Mathyssen, Irene", "NDP", "Ontario", 61, "Female" ], [ "Sims, Jinny Jogindera", "NDP", "British Columbia", 60, "Female" ], [ "Foote, Judy", "Liberal", "Newfoundland and Labrador", 60, "Female" ], [ "Crowder, Jean", "NDP", "British Columbia", 60, "Female" ], [ "Davies, Libby", "NDP", "British Columbia", 59, "Female" ], [ "Yelich, Lynne", "Conservative", "Saskatchewan", 59, "Female" ], [ "Day, Anne-Marie", "NDP", "Quebec", 58, "Female" ], [ "May, Elizabeth", "Green", "British Columbia", 58, "Female" ], [ "Murray, Joyce", "Liberal", "British Columbia", 58, "Female" ], [ "Findlay, Kerry-Lynne D.", "Conservative", "British Columbia", 57, "Female" ], [ "Brown, Lois", "Conservative", "Ontario", 57, "Female" ], [ "Laverdière, Hélène", "NDP", "Quebec", 57, "Female" ], [ "Boutin-Sweet, Marjolaine", "NDP", "Quebec", 57, "Female" ], [ "Crockatt, Joan", "Conservative", "Alberta", 56, "Female" ], [ "Chow, Olivia", "NDP", "Ontario", 55, "Female" ], [ "McLeod, Cathy", "Conservative", "British Columbia", 55, "Female" ], [ "Finley, Diane", "Conservative", "Ontario", 55, "Female" ], [ "LeBlanc, Hélène", "NDP", "Quebec", 54, "Female" ], [ "Grewal, Nina", "Conservative", "British Columbia", 54, "Female" ], [ "Hughes, Carol", "NDP", "Ontario", 54, "Female" ], [ "Shea, Gail", "Conservative", "Prince Edward Island", 53, "Female" ], [ "Truppe, Susan", "Conservative", "Ontario", 53, "Female" ], [ "Young, Wai", "Conservative", "British Columbia", 52, "Female" ], [ "Gallant, Cheryl", "Conservative", "Ontario", 52, "Female" ], [ "Boivin, Françoise", "NDP", "Quebec", 52, "Female" ], [ "Block, Kelly", "Conservative", "Saskatchewan", 51, "Female" ], [ "Ayala, Paulina", "NDP", "Quebec", 50, "Female" ], [ "Groguhé, Sadia", "NDP", "Quebec", 50, "Female" ], [ "Charlton, Chris", "NDP", "Ontario", 49, "Female" ], [ "Bergen, Candice", "Conservative", "Manitoba", 48, "Female" ], [ "Perreault, Manon", "NDP", "Quebec", 46, "Female" ], [ "James, Roxanne", "Conservative", "Ontario", 46, "Female" ], [ "Ambler, Stella", "Conservative", "Ontario", 46, "Female" ], [ "Duncan, Kirsty", "Liberal", "Ontario", 46, "Female" ], [ "Glover, Shelly", "Conservative", "Manitoba", 45, "Female" ], [ "Aglukkaq, Leona", "Conservative", "Territories", 45, "Female" ], [ "Raitt, Lisa", "Conservative", "Ontario", 44, "Female" ], [ "Ambrose, Rona", "Conservative", "Alberta", 43, "Female" ], [ "Leitch, Kellie", "Conservative", "Ontario", 42, "Female" ], [ "Leslie, Megan", "NDP", "Nova Scotia", 39, "Female" ], [ "Hassainia, Sana", "NDP", "Quebec", 38, "Female" ], [ "Adams, Eve", "Conservative", "Ontario", 38, "Female" ], [ "Rempel, Michelle", "Conservative", "Alberta", 32, "Female" ], [ "Papillon, Annick", "NDP", "Quebec", 32, "Female" ], [ "Sitsabaiesan, Rathika", "NDP", "Ontario", 31, "Female" ], [ "Quach, Anne Minh-Thu", "NDP", "Quebec", 30, "Female" ], [ "Ashton, Niki", "NDP", "Manitoba", 30, "Female" ], [ "Moore, Christine", "NDP", "Quebec", 29, "Female" ], [ "Morin, Isabelle", "NDP", "Quebec", 28, "Female" ], [ "Blanchette-Lamothe, Lysane", "NDP", "Quebec", 28, "Female" ], [ "Brosseau, Ruth Ellen", "NDP", "Quebec", 28, "Female" ], [ "Latendresse, Alexandrine", "NDP", "Quebec", 28, "Female" ], [ "Doré Lefebvre, Rosane", "NDP", "Quebec", 28, "Female" ], [ "Morin, Marie-Claude", "NDP", "Quebec", 27, "Female" ], [ "Michaud, Élaine", "NDP", "Quebec", 27, "Female" ], [ "Péclet, Ève", "NDP", "Quebec", 24, "Female" ], [ "Freeman, Mylène", "NDP", "Quebec", 23, "Female" ], [ "Borg, Charmaine", "NDP", "Quebec", 22, "Female" ], [ "Bateman, Joyce", "Conservative", "Manitoba", "nan", "Female" ], [ "Hiebert, Russ", "Conservative", "British Columbia", 43, "Male" ], [ "Jacob, Pierre", "NDP", "Quebec", 59, "Male" ], [ "Vellacott, Maurice", "Conservative", "Saskatchewan", 57, "Male" ], [ "Boughen, Ray", "Conservative", "Saskatchewan", 75, "Male" ], [ "O'Connor, Gordon", "Conservative", "Ontario", 73, "Male" ], [ "Cotler, Irwin", "Liberal", "Quebec", 72, "Male" ], [ "Oliver, Joe", "Conservative", "Ontario", 72, "Male" ], [ "Tilson, David Allan", "Conservative", "Ontario", 71, "Male" ], [ "Fantino, Julian", "Conservative", "Ontario", 70, "Male" ], [ "Kent, Peter", "Conservative", "Ontario", 69, "Male" ], [ "Plamondon, Louis", "Bloc Quebecois", "Quebec", 69, "Male" ], [ "Schellenberger, Gary", "Conservative", "Ontario", 69, "Male" ], [ "Lauzon, Guy", "Conservative", "Ontario", 68, "Male" ], [ "Harris, Richard M.", "Conservative", "British Columbia", 68, "Male" ], [ "Goldring, Peter", "Conservative", "Alberta", 68, "Male" ], [ "Atamanenko, Alex", "NDP", "British Columbia", 67, "Male" ], [ "Payne, LaVar", "Conservative", "Alberta", 67, "Male" ], [ "Breitkreuz, Garry W.", "Conservative", "Saskatchewan", 67, "Male" ], [ "Genest, Réjean", "NDP", "Quebec", 66, "Male" ], [ "MacKenzie, Dave", "Conservative", "Ontario", 66, "Male" ], [ "Hyer, Bruce", "NDP", "Ontario", 66, "Male" ], [ "MacAulay, Lawrence", "Liberal", "Prince Edward Island", 66, "Male" ], [ "Galipeau, Royal", "Conservative", "Ontario", 65, "Male" ], [ "Marston, Wayne", "NDP", "Ontario", 65, "Male" ], [ "Hawn, Laurie", "Conservative", "Alberta", 65, "Male" ], [ "Kramp, Daryl", "Conservative", "Ontario", 65, "Male" ], [ "Shipley, Bev", "Conservative", "Ontario", 65, "Male" ], [ "Kerr, Greg", "Conservative", "Nova Scotia", 65, "Male" ], [ "Comartin, Joe", "NDP", "Ontario", 65, "Male" ], [ "Norlock, Rick", "Conservative", "Ontario", 64, "Male" ], [ "McKay, John", "Liberal", "Ontario", 64, "Male" ], [ "Mayes, Colin", "Conservative", "British Columbia", 64, "Male" ], [ "Rae, Bob", "Liberal", "Ontario", 64, "Male" ], [ "Harris, Jack", "NDP", "Newfoundland and Labrador", 64, "Male" ], [ "Duncan, John", "Conservative", "British Columbia", 64, "Male" ], [ "Chisu, Corneliu", "Conservative", "Ontario", 63, "Male" ], [ "Garneau, Marc", "Liberal", "Quebec", 63, "Male" ], [ "Easter, Arnold Wayne", "Liberal", "Prince Edward Island", 63, "Male" ], [ "Aspin, Jay", "Conservative", "Ontario", 63, "Male" ], [ "Goodale, Ralph", "Liberal", "Saskatchewan", 63, "Male" ], [ "Albrecht, Harold", "Conservative", "Ontario", 63, "Male" ], [ "Gravelle, Claude", "NDP", "Ontario", 63, "Male" ], [ "Komarnicki, Ed", "Conservative", "Saskatchewan", 63, "Male" ], [ "Flaherty, James Michael (Jim)", "Conservative", "Ontario", 62, "Male" ], [ "Rankin, Murray", "NDP", "British Columbia", 62, "Male" ], [ "McCallum, John", "Liberal", "Ontario", 62, "Male" ], [ "Warawa, Mark", "Conservative", "British Columbia", 62, "Male" ], [ "Obhrai, Deepak", "Conservative", "Alberta", 62, "Male" ], [ "Benoit, Leon Earl", "Conservative", "Alberta", 62, "Male" ], [ "Leung, Chungsen", "Conservative", "Ontario", 62, "Male" ], [ "Morin, Marc-André", "NDP", "Quebec", 61, "Male" ], [ "Sopuck, Robert", "Conservative", "Manitoba", 61, "Male" ], [ "Ritz, Gerry", "Conservative", "Saskatchewan", 61, "Male" ], [ "Garrison, Randall", "NDP", "British Columbia", 61, "Male" ], [ "Lunney, James", "Conservative", "British Columbia", 61, "Male" ], [ "Lukiwski, Tom", "Conservative", "Saskatchewan", 61, "Male" ], [ "Carmichael, John", "Conservative", "Ontario", 60, "Male" ], [ "Menzies, Ted", "Conservative", "Alberta", 60, "Male" ], [ "Valcourt, Bernard", "Conservative", "New Brunswick", 60, "Male" ], [ "Ashfield, Keith", "Conservative", "New Brunswick", 60, "Male" ], [ "Nicholson, Rob", "Conservative", "Ontario", 60, "Male" ], [ "Young, Terence H.", "Conservative", "Ontario", 60, "Male" ], [ "Toews, Vic", "Conservative", "Manitoba", 60, "Male" ], [ "Sullivan, Mike", "NDP", "Ontario", 60, "Male" ], [ "Patry, Claude", "NDP", "Quebec", 59, "Male" ], [ "Keddy, Gerald", "Conservative", "Nova Scotia", 59, "Male" ], [ "Bevington, Dennis Fraser", "NDP", "Territories", 59, "Male" ], [ "Allen, Malcolm", "NDP", "Ontario", 59, "Male" ], [ "Rafferty, John", "NDP", "Ontario", 59, "Male" ], [ "Dreeshen, Earl", "Conservative", "Alberta", 59, "Male" ], [ "Kamp, Randy", "Conservative", "British Columbia", 59, "Male" ], [ "Merrifield, Rob", "Conservative", "Alberta", 59, "Male" ], [ "Woodworth, Stephen", "Conservative", "Ontario", 58, "Male" ], [ "McColeman, Phil", "Conservative", "Ontario", 58, "Male" ], [ "Lebel, Denis", "Conservative", "Quebec", 58, "Male" ], [ "Lizon, Wladyslaw", "Conservative", "Ontario", 58, "Male" ], [ "Holder, Ed", "Conservative", "Ontario", 58, "Male" ], [ "Valeriote, Frank", "Liberal", "Ontario", 58, "Male" ], [ "Christopherson, David", "NDP", "Ontario", 58, "Male" ], [ "Mulcair, Thomas J.", "NDP", "Quebec", 58, "Male" ], [ "Daniel, Joe", "Conservative", "Ontario", 58, "Male" ], [ "Karygiannis, Jim", "Liberal", "Ontario", 57, "Male" ], [ "Godin, Yvon", "NDP", "New Brunswick", 57, "Male" ], [ "Dionne Labelle, Pierre", "NDP", "Quebec", 57, "Male" ], [ "Preston, Joe", "Conservative", "Ontario", 57, "Male" ], [ "Bélanger, Mauril", "Liberal", "Ontario", 57, "Male" ], [ "Fast, Edward", "Conservative", "British Columbia", 57, "Male" ], [ "Tweed, Mervin C.", "Conservative", "Manitoba", 57, "Male" ], [ "Dion, Stéphane", "Liberal", "Quebec", 57, "Male" ], [ "Van Kesteren, Dave", "Conservative", "Ontario", 57, "Male" ], [ "Cuzner, Rodger", "Liberal", "Nova Scotia", 57, "Male" ], [ "Martin, Pat", "NDP", "Manitoba", 57, "Male" ], [ "Stoffer, Peter", "NDP", "Nova Scotia", 56, "Male" ], [ "Miller, Larry", "Conservative", "Ontario", 56, "Male" ], [ "Blanchette, Denis", "NDP", "Quebec", 56, "Male" ], [ "Nunez-Melo, José", "NDP", "Quebec", 56, "Male" ], [ "Goguen, Robert", "Conservative", "New Brunswick", 55, "Male" ], [ "Scarpaleggia, Francis", "Liberal", "Quebec", 55, "Male" ], [ "Sweet, David", "Conservative", "Ontario", 55, "Male" ], [ "Anderson, David", "Conservative", "Saskatchewan", 55, "Male" ], [ "Chisholm, Robert", "NDP", "Nova Scotia", 55, "Male" ], [ "Stanton, Bruce", "Conservative", "Ontario", 55, "Male" ], [ "Goodyear, Gary", "Conservative", "Ontario", 54, "Male" ], [ "Weston, John", "Conservative", "British Columbia", 54, "Male" ], [ "Dechert, Bob", "Conservative", "Ontario", 54, "Male" ], [ "Shory, Devinder", "Conservative", "Alberta", 54, "Male" ], [ "Pilon, François", "NDP", "Quebec", 54, "Male" ], [ "Hayes, Bryan", "Conservative", "Ontario", 54, "Male" ], [ "Giguère, Alain", "NDP", "Quebec", 54, "Male" ], [ "Sorenson, Kevin", "Conservative", "Alberta", 54, "Male" ], [ "Benskin, Tyrone", "NDP", "Quebec", 53, "Male" ], [ "Menegakis, Costas", "Conservative", "Ontario", 53, "Male" ], [ "Harper, Stephen", "Conservative", "Alberta", 53, "Male" ], [ "Wilks, David", "Conservative", "British Columbia", 53, "Male" ], [ "Regan, Geoff", "Liberal", "Nova Scotia", 53, "Male" ], [ "McGuinty, David", "Liberal", "Ontario", 52, "Male" ], [ "Gosal, Bal", "Conservative", "Ontario", 52, "Male" ], [ "Aubin, Robert", "NDP", "Quebec", 52, "Male" ], [ "Eyking, Mark", "Liberal", "Nova Scotia", 52, "Male" ], [ "Brown, Gordon", "Conservative", "Ontario", 52, "Male" ], [ "Allen, Mike", "Conservative", "New Brunswick", 52, "Male" ], [ "Clement, Tony", "Conservative", "Ontario", 51, "Male" ], [ "Cannan, Ronald", "Conservative", "British Columbia", 51, "Male" ], [ "Rousseau, Jean", "NDP", "Quebec", 51, "Male" ], [ "Opitz, Ted", "Conservative", "Ontario", 51, "Male" ], [ "Toet, Lawrence", "Conservative", "Manitoba", 50, "Male" ], [ "Cash, Andrew", "NDP", "Ontario", 50, "Male" ], [ "Lamoureux, Kevin", "Liberal", "Manitoba", 50, "Male" ], [ "Scott, Craig", "NDP", "Ontario", 50, "Male" ], [ "Adler, Mark", "Conservative", "Ontario", 50, "Male" ], [ "Carrie, Colin", "Conservative", "Ontario", 50, "Male" ], [ "Julian, Peter", "NDP", "British Columbia", 50, "Male" ], [ "Pacetti, Massimo", "Liberal", "Quebec", 50, "Male" ], [ "Saganash, Romeo", "NDP", "Quebec", 50, "Male" ], [ "Angus, Charlie", "NDP", "Ontario", 50, "Male" ], [ "Davies, Don", "NDP", "British Columbia", 49, "Male" ], [ "Bernier, Maxime", "Conservative", "Quebec", 49, "Male" ], [ "Dewar, Paul", "NDP", "Ontario", 49, "Male" ], [ "Jean, Brian", "Conservative", "Alberta", 49, "Male" ], [ "Devolin, Barry", "Conservative", "Ontario", 49, "Male" ], [ "Lemieux, Pierre", "Conservative", "Ontario", 49, "Male" ], [ "Van Loan, Peter", "Conservative", "Ontario", 49, "Male" ], [ "Casey, Sean", "Liberal", "Prince Edward Island", 49, "Male" ], [ "Nantel, Pierre", "NDP", "Quebec", 49, "Male" ], [ "Coderre, Denis", "Liberal", "Quebec", 49, "Male" ], [ "Wallace, Mike", "Conservative", "Ontario", 49, "Male" ], [ "Braid, Peter", "Conservative", "Ontario", 48, "Male" ], [ "Gourde, Jacques", "Conservative", "Quebec", 48, "Male" ], [ "Reid, Scott", "Conservative", "Ontario", 48, "Male" ], [ "Hsu, Ted", "Liberal", "Ontario", 48, "Male" ], [ "Saxton, Andrew", "Conservative", "British Columbia", 48, "Male" ], [ "Weston, Rodney", "Conservative", "New Brunswick", 48, "Male" ], [ "Penashue, Peter", "Conservative", "Newfoundland and Labrador", 48, "Male" ], [ "Bellavance, André", "Bloc Quebecois", "Quebec", 48, "Male" ], [ "Rathgeber, Brent", "Conservative", "Alberta", 48, "Male" ], [ "Kellway, Matthew", "NDP", "Ontario", 48, "Male" ], [ "Toone, Philip", "NDP", "Quebec", 47, "Male" ], [ "Allison, Dean", "Conservative", "Ontario", 47, "Male" ], [ "Trottier, Bernard", "Conservative", "Ontario", 47, "Male" ], [ "Blaney, Steven", "Conservative", "Quebec", 47, "Male" ], [ "Bezan, James", "Conservative", "Manitoba", 47, "Male" ], [ "MacKay, Peter Gordon", "Conservative", "Nova Scotia", 47, "Male" ], [ "Dykstra, Richard", "Conservative", "Ontario", 46, "Male" ], [ "Sandhu, Jasbir", "NDP", "British Columbia", 46, "Male" ], [ "Donnelly, Fin", "NDP", "British Columbia", 46, "Male" ], [ "Armstrong, Scott", "Conservative", "Nova Scotia", 46, "Male" ], [ "Byrne, Gerry", "Liberal", "Newfoundland and Labrador", 46, "Male" ], [ "Stewart, Kennedy", "NDP", "British Columbia", 46, "Male" ], [ "Cleary, Ryan", "NDP", "Newfoundland and Labrador", 46, "Male" ], [ "Côté, Raymond", "NDP", "Quebec", 45, "Male" ], [ "Clarke, Rob", "Conservative", "Saskatchewan", 45, "Male" ], [ "Brison, Scott", "Liberal", "Nova Scotia", 45, "Male" ], [ "Butt, Brad", "Conservative", "Ontario", 45, "Male" ], [ "Rickford, Greg", "Conservative", "Ontario", 45, "Male" ], [ "LeBlanc, Dominic", "Liberal", "New Brunswick", 45, "Male" ], [ "Hoback, Randy", "Conservative", "Saskatchewan", 45, "Male" ], [ "Caron, Guy", "NDP", "Quebec", 44, "Male" ], [ "Brahmi, Tarik", "NDP", "Quebec", 44, "Male" ], [ "Kenney, Jason", "Conservative", "Alberta", 44, "Male" ], [ "Masse, Brian", "NDP", "Ontario", 44, "Male" ], [ "Alexander, Chris", "Conservative", "Ontario", 44, "Male" ], [ "Zimmer, Bob", "Conservative", "British Columbia", 44, "Male" ], [ "Calkins, Blaine", "Conservative", "Alberta", 44, "Male" ], [ "Baird, John", "Conservative", "Ontario", 43, "Male" ], [ "Lake, Mike", "Conservative", "Alberta", 43, "Male" ], [ "Simms, Scott", "Liberal", "Newfoundland and Labrador", 43, "Male" ], [ "Thibeault, Glenn", "NDP", "Ontario", 43, "Male" ], [ "Williamson, John", "Conservative", "New Brunswick", 42, "Male" ], [ "Calandra, Paul", "Conservative", "Ontario", 42, "Male" ], [ "Chicoine, Sylvain", "NDP", "Quebec", 42, "Male" ], [ "Del Mastro, Dean", "Conservative", "Ontario", 42, "Male" ], [ "Rajotte, James", "Conservative", "Alberta", 42, "Male" ], [ "Seeback, Kyle", "Conservative", "Ontario", 42, "Male" ], [ "Watson, Jeff", "Conservative", "Ontario", 41, "Male" ], [ "Lapointe, François", "NDP", "Quebec", 41, "Male" ], [ "Nicholls, Jamie", "NDP", "Quebec", 41, "Male" ], [ "Chong, Michael D.", "Conservative", "Ontario", 41, "Male" ], [ "Trudeau, Justin", "Liberal", "Quebec", 41, "Male" ], [ "Larose, Jean-François", "NDP", "Quebec", 40, "Male" ], [ "Anders, Rob", "Conservative", "Alberta", 40, "Male" ], [ "Fletcher, Steven John", "Conservative", "Manitoba", 40, "Male" ], [ "Cullen, Nathan", "NDP", "British Columbia", 40, "Male" ], [ "Ravignat, Mathieu", "NDP", "Quebec", 39, "Male" ], [ "Bruinooge, Rod", "Conservative", "Manitoba", 39, "Male" ], [ "Mai, Hoang", "NDP", "Quebec", 39, "Male" ], [ "Boulerice, Alexandre", "NDP", "Quebec", 39, "Male" ], [ "Fortin, Jean-François", "Bloc Quebecois", "Quebec", 39, "Male" ], [ "Leef, Ryan", "Conservative", "Territories", 38, "Male" ], [ "Paradis, Christian", "Conservative", "Quebec", 38, "Male" ], [ "Choquette, François", "NDP", "Quebec", 38, "Male" ], [ "Moore, Rob", "Conservative", "New Brunswick", 38, "Male" ], [ "Trost, Brad", "Conservative", "Saskatchewan", 38, "Male" ], [ "Gill, Parm", "Conservative", "Ontario", 38, "Male" ], [ "Hillyer, Jim", "Conservative", "Alberta", 38, "Male" ], [ "Richards, Blake", "Conservative", "Alberta", 38, "Male" ], [ "Uppal, Tim", "Conservative", "Alberta", 38, "Male" ], [ "Andrews, Scott", "Liberal", "Newfoundland and Labrador", 37, "Male" ], [ "Moore, James", "Conservative", "British Columbia", 36, "Male" ], [ "Lobb, Ben", "Conservative", "Ontario", 36, "Male" ], [ "Albas, Dan", "Conservative", "British Columbia", 36, "Male" ], [ "Storseth, Brian", "Conservative", "Alberta", 34, "Male" ], [ "Strahl, Mark", "Conservative", "British Columbia", 34, "Male" ], [ "Brown, Patrick W.", "Conservative", "Ontario", 34, "Male" ], [ "Warkentin, Chris", "Conservative", "Alberta", 34, "Male" ], [ "Scheer, Andrew", "Conservative", "Saskatchewan", 33, "Male" ], [ "Poilievre, Pierre", "Conservative", "Ontario", 33, "Male" ], [ "Genest-Jourdain, Jonathan", "NDP", "Quebec", 33, "Male" ], [ "Harris, Dan", "NDP", "Ontario", 33, "Male" ], [ "Tremblay, Jonathan", "NDP", "Quebec", 28, "Male" ], [ "Morin, Dany", "NDP", "Quebec", 27, "Male" ], [ "Dubé, Matthew", "NDP", "Quebec", 24, "Male" ], [ "Dusseault, Pierre-Luc", "NDP", "Quebec", 21, "Male" ], [ "O'Toole, Erin", "Conservative", "Ontario", "nan", "Male" ] ], "_data_tsv": "Province\tParty\tCount\nAlberta\tConservative\t27\nAlberta\tNDP\t1\nBritish Columbia\tConservative\t21\nBritish Columbia\tGreen\t1\nBritish Columbia\tLiberal\t2\nBritish Columbia\tNDP\t12\nManitoba\tConservative\t11\nManitoba\tLiberal\t1\nManitoba\tNDP\t2\nNew Brunswick\tConservative\t8\nNew Brunswick\tLiberal\t1\nNew Brunswick\tNDP\t1\nNewfoundland and Labrador\tConservative\t1\nNewfoundland and Labrador\tLiberal\t4\nNewfoundland and 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"Dinner", 2 ], [ 30, 19.65, 3, "Female", "No", "Sat", "Dinner", 2 ], [ 31, 9.55, 1.45, "Male", "No", "Sat", "Dinner", 2 ], [ 32, 18.35, 2.5, "Male", "No", "Sat", "Dinner", 4 ], [ 33, 15.06, 3, "Female", "No", "Sat", "Dinner", 2 ], [ 34, 20.69, 2.45, "Female", "No", "Sat", "Dinner", 4 ], [ 35, 17.78, 3.27, "Male", "No", "Sat", "Dinner", 2 ], [ 36, 24.06, 3.6, "Male", "No", "Sat", "Dinner", 3 ], [ 37, 16.31, 2, "Male", "No", "Sat", "Dinner", 3 ], [ 38, 16.93, 3.07, "Female", "No", "Sat", "Dinner", 3 ], [ 39, 18.69, 2.31, "Male", "No", "Sat", "Dinner", 3 ], [ 40, 31.27, 5, "Male", "No", "Sat", "Dinner", 3 ], [ 41, 16.04, 2.24, "Male", "No", "Sat", "Dinner", 3 ], [ 42, 17.46, 2.54, "Male", "No", "Sun", "Dinner", 2 ], [ 43, 13.94, 3.06, "Male", "No", "Sun", "Dinner", 2 ], [ 44, 9.68, 1.32, "Male", "No", "Sun", "Dinner", 2 ], [ 45, 30.4, 5.6, "Male", "No", "Sun", "Dinner", 4 ], [ 46, 18.29, 3, "Male", "No", "Sun", "Dinner", 2 ], [ 47, 22.23, 5, "Male", "No", "Sun", "Dinner", 2 ], [ 48, 32.4, 6, "Male", "No", "Sun", "Dinner", 4 ], [ 49, 28.55, 2.05, "Male", "No", "Sun", "Dinner", 3 ], [ 50, 18.04, 3, "Male", "No", "Sun", "Dinner", 2 ], [ 51, 12.54, 2.5, "Male", "No", "Sun", "Dinner", 2 ], [ 52, 10.29, 2.6, "Female", "No", "Sun", "Dinner", 2 ], [ 53, 34.81, 5.2, "Female", "No", "Sun", "Dinner", 4 ], [ 54, 9.94, 1.56, "Male", "No", "Sun", "Dinner", 2 ], [ 55, 25.56, 4.34, "Male", "No", "Sun", "Dinner", 4 ], [ 56, 19.49, 3.51, "Male", "No", "Sun", "Dinner", 2 ], [ 57, 38.01, 3, "Male", "Yes", "Sat", "Dinner", 4 ], [ 58, 26.41, 1.5, "Female", "No", "Sat", "Dinner", 2 ], [ 59, 11.24, 1.76, "Male", "Yes", "Sat", "Dinner", 2 ], [ 60, 48.27, 6.73, "Male", "No", "Sat", "Dinner", 4 ], [ 61, 20.29, 3.21, "Male", "Yes", "Sat", "Dinner", 2 ], [ 62, 13.81, 2, "Male", "Yes", "Sat", "Dinner", 2 ], [ 63, 11.02, 1.98, "Male", "Yes", "Sat", "Dinner", 2 ], [ 64, 18.29, 3.76, "Male", "Yes", "Sat", "Dinner", 4 ], [ 65, 17.59, 2.64, "Male", "No", "Sat", "Dinner", 3 ], [ 66, 20.08, 3.15, "Male", "No", "Sat", "Dinner", 3 ], [ 67, 16.45, 2.47, "Female", "No", "Sat", "Dinner", 2 ], [ 68, 3.07, 1, "Female", "Yes", "Sat", "Dinner", 1 ], [ 69, 20.23, 2.01, "Male", "No", "Sat", "Dinner", 2 ], [ 70, 15.01, 2.09, "Male", "Yes", "Sat", "Dinner", 2 ], [ 71, 12.02, 1.97, "Male", "No", "Sat", "Dinner", 2 ], [ 72, 17.07, 3, "Female", "No", "Sat", "Dinner", 3 ], [ 73, 26.86, 3.14, "Female", "Yes", "Sat", "Dinner", 2 ], [ 74, 25.28, 5, "Female", "Yes", "Sat", "Dinner", 2 ], [ 75, 14.73, 2.2, "Female", "No", "Sat", "Dinner", 2 ], [ 76, 10.51, 1.25, "Male", "No", "Sat", "Dinner", 2 ], [ 77, 17.92, 3.08, "Male", "Yes", "Sat", "Dinner", 2 ], [ 78, 27.2, 4, "Male", "No", "Thur", "Lunch", 4 ], [ 79, 22.76, 3, "Male", "No", "Thur", "Lunch", 2 ], [ 80, 17.29, 2.71, "Male", "No", "Thur", "Lunch", 2 ], [ 81, 19.44, 3, "Male", "Yes", "Thur", "Lunch", 2 ], [ 82, 16.66, 3.4, "Male", "No", "Thur", "Lunch", 2 ], [ 83, 10.07, 1.83, "Female", "No", "Thur", "Lunch", 1 ], [ 84, 32.68, 5, "Male", "Yes", "Thur", "Lunch", 2 ], [ 85, 15.98, 2.03, "Male", "No", "Thur", "Lunch", 2 ], [ 86, 34.83, 5.17, "Female", "No", "Thur", "Lunch", 4 ], [ 87, 13.03, 2, "Male", "No", "Thur", "Lunch", 2 ], [ 88, 18.28, 4, "Male", "No", "Thur", "Lunch", 2 ], [ 89, 24.71, 5.85, "Male", "No", "Thur", "Lunch", 2 ], [ 90, 21.16, 3, "Male", "No", "Thur", "Lunch", 2 ], [ 91, 28.97, 3, "Male", "Yes", "Fri", "Dinner", 2 ], [ 92, 22.49, 3.5, "Male", "No", "Fri", "Dinner", 2 ], [ 93, 5.75, 1, "Female", "Yes", "Fri", "Dinner", 2 ], [ 94, 16.32, 4.3, "Female", "Yes", "Fri", "Dinner", 2 ], [ 95, 22.75, 3.25, "Female", "No", "Fri", "Dinner", 2 ], [ 96, 40.17, 4.73, "Male", "Yes", "Fri", "Dinner", 4 ], [ 97, 27.28, 4, "Male", "Yes", "Fri", "Dinner", 2 ], [ 98, 12.03, 1.5, "Male", "Yes", "Fri", "Dinner", 2 ], [ 99, 21.01, 3, "Male", "Yes", "Fri", "Dinner", 2 ], [ 100, 12.46, 1.5, "Male", "No", "Fri", "Dinner", 2 ], [ 101, 11.35, 2.5, "Female", "Yes", "Fri", "Dinner", 2 ], [ 102, 15.38, 3, "Female", "Yes", "Fri", "Dinner", 2 ], [ 103, 44.3, 2.5, "Female", "Yes", "Sat", "Dinner", 3 ], [ 104, 22.42, 3.48, "Female", "Yes", "Sat", "Dinner", 2 ], [ 105, 20.92, 4.08, "Female", "No", "Sat", "Dinner", 2 ], [ 106, 15.36, 1.64, "Male", "Yes", "Sat", "Dinner", 2 ], [ 107, 20.49, 4.06, "Male", "Yes", "Sat", "Dinner", 2 ], [ 108, 25.21, 4.29, "Male", "Yes", "Sat", "Dinner", 2 ], [ 109, 18.24, 3.76, "Male", "No", "Sat", "Dinner", 2 ], [ 110, 14.31, 4, "Female", "Yes", "Sat", "Dinner", 2 ], [ 111, 14, 3, "Male", "No", "Sat", "Dinner", 2 ], [ 112, 7.25, 1, "Female", "No", "Sat", "Dinner", 1 ], [ 113, 38.07, 4, "Male", "No", "Sun", "Dinner", 3 ], [ 114, 23.95, 2.55, "Male", "No", "Sun", "Dinner", 2 ], [ 115, 25.71, 4, "Female", "No", "Sun", "Dinner", 3 ], [ 116, 17.31, 3.5, "Female", "No", "Sun", "Dinner", 2 ], [ 117, 29.93, 5.07, "Male", "No", "Sun", "Dinner", 4 ], [ 118, 10.65, 1.5, "Female", "No", "Thur", "Lunch", 2 ], [ 119, 12.43, 1.8, "Female", "No", "Thur", "Lunch", 2 ], [ 120, 24.08, 2.92, "Female", "No", "Thur", "Lunch", 4 ], [ 121, 11.69, 2.31, "Male", "No", "Thur", "Lunch", 2 ], [ 122, 13.42, 1.68, "Female", "No", "Thur", "Lunch", 2 ], [ 123, 14.26, 2.5, "Male", "No", "Thur", "Lunch", 2 ], [ 124, 15.95, 2, "Male", "No", "Thur", "Lunch", 2 ], [ 125, 12.48, 2.52, "Female", "No", "Thur", "Lunch", 2 ], [ 126, 29.8, 4.2, "Female", "No", "Thur", "Lunch", 6 ], [ 127, 8.52, 1.48, "Male", "No", "Thur", "Lunch", 2 ], [ 128, 14.52, 2, "Female", "No", "Thur", "Lunch", 2 ], [ 129, 11.38, 2, "Female", "No", "Thur", "Lunch", 2 ], [ 130, 22.82, 2.18, "Male", "No", "Thur", "Lunch", 3 ], [ 131, 19.08, 1.5, "Male", "No", "Thur", "Lunch", 2 ], [ 132, 20.27, 2.83, "Female", "No", "Thur", "Lunch", 2 ], [ 133, 11.17, 1.5, "Female", "No", "Thur", "Lunch", 2 ], [ 134, 12.26, 2, "Female", "No", "Thur", "Lunch", 2 ], [ 135, 18.26, 3.25, "Female", "No", "Thur", "Lunch", 2 ], [ 136, 8.51, 1.25, "Female", "No", "Thur", "Lunch", 2 ], [ 137, 10.33, 2, "Female", "No", "Thur", "Lunch", 2 ], [ 138, 14.15, 2, "Female", "No", "Thur", "Lunch", 2 ], [ 139, 16, 2, "Male", "Yes", "Thur", "Lunch", 2 ], [ 140, 13.16, 2.75, "Female", "No", "Thur", "Lunch", 2 ], [ 141, 17.47, 3.5, "Female", "No", "Thur", "Lunch", 2 ], [ 142, 34.3, 6.7, "Male", "No", "Thur", "Lunch", 6 ], [ 143, 41.19, 5, "Male", "No", "Thur", "Lunch", 5 ], [ 144, 27.05, 5, "Female", "No", "Thur", "Lunch", 6 ], [ 145, 16.43, 2.3, "Female", "No", "Thur", "Lunch", 2 ], [ 146, 8.35, 1.5, "Female", "No", "Thur", "Lunch", 2 ], [ 147, 18.64, 1.36, "Female", "No", "Thur", "Lunch", 3 ], [ 148, 11.87, 1.63, "Female", "No", "Thur", "Lunch", 2 ], [ 149, 9.78, 1.73, "Male", "No", "Thur", "Lunch", 2 ], [ 150, 7.51, 2, "Male", "No", "Thur", "Lunch", 2 ], [ 151, 14.07, 2.5, "Male", "No", "Sun", "Dinner", 2 ], [ 152, 13.13, 2, "Male", "No", "Sun", "Dinner", 2 ], [ 153, 17.26, 2.74, "Male", "No", "Sun", "Dinner", 3 ], [ 154, 24.55, 2, "Male", "No", "Sun", "Dinner", 4 ], [ 155, 19.77, 2, "Male", "No", "Sun", "Dinner", 4 ], [ 156, 29.85, 5.14, "Female", "No", "Sun", "Dinner", 5 ], [ 157, 48.17, 5, "Male", "No", "Sun", "Dinner", 6 ], [ 158, 25, 3.75, "Female", "No", "Sun", "Dinner", 4 ], [ 159, 13.39, 2.61, "Female", "No", "Sun", "Dinner", 2 ], [ 160, 16.49, 2, "Male", "No", "Sun", "Dinner", 4 ], [ 161, 21.5, 3.5, "Male", "No", "Sun", "Dinner", 4 ], [ 162, 12.66, 2.5, "Male", "No", "Sun", "Dinner", 2 ], [ 163, 16.21, 2, "Female", "No", "Sun", "Dinner", 3 ], [ 164, 13.81, 2, "Male", "No", "Sun", "Dinner", 2 ], [ 165, 17.51, 3, "Female", "Yes", "Sun", "Dinner", 2 ], [ 166, 24.52, 3.48, "Male", "No", "Sun", "Dinner", 3 ], [ 167, 20.76, 2.24, "Male", "No", "Sun", "Dinner", 2 ], [ 168, 31.71, 4.5, "Male", "No", "Sun", "Dinner", 4 ], [ 169, 10.59, 1.61, "Female", "Yes", "Sat", "Dinner", 2 ], [ 170, 10.63, 2, "Female", "Yes", "Sat", "Dinner", 2 ], [ 171, 50.81, 10, "Male", "Yes", "Sat", "Dinner", 3 ], [ 172, 15.81, 3.16, "Male", "Yes", "Sat", "Dinner", 2 ], [ 173, 7.25, 5.15, "Male", "Yes", "Sun", "Dinner", 2 ], [ 174, 31.85, 3.18, "Male", "Yes", "Sun", "Dinner", 2 ], [ 175, 16.82, 4, "Male", "Yes", "Sun", "Dinner", 2 ], [ 176, 32.9, 3.11, "Male", "Yes", "Sun", "Dinner", 2 ], [ 177, 17.89, 2, "Male", "Yes", "Sun", "Dinner", 2 ], [ 178, 14.48, 2, "Male", "Yes", "Sun", "Dinner", 2 ], [ 179, 9.6, 4, "Female", "Yes", "Sun", "Dinner", 2 ], [ 180, 34.63, 3.55, "Male", "Yes", "Sun", "Dinner", 2 ], [ 181, 34.65, 3.68, "Male", "Yes", "Sun", "Dinner", 4 ], [ 182, 23.33, 5.65, "Male", "Yes", "Sun", "Dinner", 2 ], [ 183, 45.35, 3.5, "Male", "Yes", "Sun", "Dinner", 3 ], [ 184, 23.17, 6.5, "Male", "Yes", "Sun", "Dinner", 4 ], [ 185, 40.55, 3, "Male", "Yes", "Sun", "Dinner", 2 ], [ 186, 20.69, 5, "Male", "No", "Sun", "Dinner", 5 ], [ 187, 20.9, 3.5, "Female", "Yes", "Sun", "Dinner", 3 ], [ 188, 30.46, 2, "Male", "Yes", "Sun", "Dinner", 5 ], [ 189, 18.15, 3.5, "Female", "Yes", "Sun", "Dinner", 3 ], [ 190, 23.1, 4, "Male", "Yes", "Sun", "Dinner", 3 ], [ 191, 15.69, 1.5, "Male", "Yes", "Sun", "Dinner", 2 ], [ 192, 19.81, 4.19, "Female", "Yes", "Thur", "Lunch", 2 ], [ 193, 28.44, 2.56, "Male", "Yes", "Thur", "Lunch", 2 ], [ 194, 15.48, 2.02, "Male", "Yes", "Thur", "Lunch", 2 ], [ 195, 16.58, 4, "Male", "Yes", "Thur", "Lunch", 2 ], [ 196, 7.56, 1.44, "Male", "No", "Thur", "Lunch", 2 ], [ 197, 10.34, 2, "Male", "Yes", "Thur", "Lunch", 2 ], [ 198, 43.11, 5, "Female", "Yes", "Thur", "Lunch", 4 ], [ 199, 13, 2, "Female", "Yes", "Thur", "Lunch", 2 ], [ 200, 13.51, 2, "Male", "Yes", "Thur", "Lunch", 2 ], [ 201, 18.71, 4, "Male", "Yes", "Thur", "Lunch", 3 ], [ 202, 12.74, 2.01, "Female", "Yes", "Thur", "Lunch", 2 ], [ 203, 13, 2, "Female", "Yes", "Thur", "Lunch", 2 ], [ 204, 16.4, 2.5, "Female", "Yes", "Thur", "Lunch", 2 ], [ 205, 20.53, 4, "Male", "Yes", "Thur", "Lunch", 4 ], [ 206, 16.47, 3.23, "Female", "Yes", "Thur", "Lunch", 3 ], [ 207, 26.59, 3.41, "Male", "Yes", "Sat", "Dinner", 3 ], [ 208, 38.73, 3, "Male", "Yes", "Sat", "Dinner", 4 ], [ 209, 24.27, 2.03, "Male", "Yes", "Sat", "Dinner", 2 ], [ 210, 12.76, 2.23, "Female", "Yes", "Sat", "Dinner", 2 ], [ 211, 30.06, 2, "Male", "Yes", "Sat", "Dinner", 3 ], [ 212, 25.89, 5.16, "Male", "Yes", "Sat", "Dinner", 4 ], [ 213, 48.33, 9, "Male", "No", "Sat", "Dinner", 4 ], [ 214, 13.27, 2.5, "Female", "Yes", "Sat", "Dinner", 2 ], [ 215, 28.17, 6.5, "Female", "Yes", "Sat", "Dinner", 3 ], [ 216, 12.9, 1.1, "Female", "Yes", "Sat", "Dinner", 2 ], [ 217, 28.15, 3, "Male", "Yes", "Sat", "Dinner", 5 ], [ 218, 11.59, 1.5, "Male", "Yes", "Sat", "Dinner", 2 ], [ 219, 7.74, 1.44, "Male", "Yes", "Sat", "Dinner", 2 ], [ 220, 30.14, 3.09, "Female", "Yes", "Sat", "Dinner", 4 ], [ 221, 12.16, 2.2, "Male", "Yes", "Fri", "Lunch", 2 ], [ 222, 13.42, 3.48, "Female", "Yes", "Fri", "Lunch", 2 ], [ 223, 8.58, 1.92, "Male", "Yes", "Fri", "Lunch", 1 ], [ 224, 15.98, 3, "Female", "No", "Fri", "Lunch", 3 ], [ 225, 13.42, 1.58, "Male", "Yes", "Fri", "Lunch", 2 ], [ 226, 16.27, 2.5, "Female", "Yes", "Fri", "Lunch", 2 ], [ 227, 10.09, 2, "Female", "Yes", "Fri", "Lunch", 2 ], [ 228, 20.45, 3, "Male", 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"Ontario", 54, "Female" ], [ "Shea, Gail", "Conservative", "Prince Edward Island", 53, "Female" ], [ "Truppe, Susan", "Conservative", "Ontario", 53, "Female" ], [ "Young, Wai", "Conservative", "British Columbia", 52, "Female" ], [ "Gallant, Cheryl", "Conservative", "Ontario", 52, "Female" ], [ "Boivin, Françoise", "NDP", "Quebec", 52, "Female" ], [ "Block, Kelly", "Conservative", "Saskatchewan", 51, "Female" ], [ "Ayala, Paulina", "NDP", "Quebec", 50, "Female" ], [ "Groguhé, Sadia", "NDP", "Quebec", 50, "Female" ], [ "Charlton, Chris", "NDP", "Ontario", 49, "Female" ], [ "Bergen, Candice", "Conservative", "Manitoba", 48, "Female" ], [ "Perreault, Manon", "NDP", "Quebec", 46, "Female" ], [ "James, Roxanne", "Conservative", "Ontario", 46, "Female" ], [ "Ambler, Stella", "Conservative", "Ontario", 46, "Female" ], [ "Duncan, Kirsty", "Liberal", "Ontario", 46, "Female" ], [ "Glover, Shelly", "Conservative", "Manitoba", 45, "Female" ], [ "Aglukkaq, Leona", "Conservative", "Territories", 45, "Female" ], [ "Raitt, Lisa", "Conservative", "Ontario", 44, "Female" ], [ "Ambrose, Rona", "Conservative", "Alberta", 43, "Female" ], [ "Leitch, Kellie", "Conservative", "Ontario", 42, "Female" ], [ "Leslie, Megan", "NDP", "Nova Scotia", 39, "Female" ], [ "Hassainia, Sana", "NDP", "Quebec", 38, "Female" ], [ "Adams, Eve", "Conservative", "Ontario", 38, "Female" ], [ "Rempel, Michelle", "Conservative", "Alberta", 32, "Female" ], [ "Papillon, Annick", "NDP", "Quebec", 32, "Female" ], [ "Sitsabaiesan, Rathika", "NDP", "Ontario", 31, "Female" ], [ "Quach, Anne Minh-Thu", "NDP", "Quebec", 30, "Female" ], [ "Ashton, Niki", "NDP", "Manitoba", 30, "Female" ], [ "Moore, Christine", "NDP", "Quebec", 29, "Female" ], [ "Morin, Isabelle", "NDP", "Quebec", 28, "Female" ], [ "Blanchette-Lamothe, Lysane", "NDP", "Quebec", 28, "Female" ], [ "Brosseau, Ruth Ellen", "NDP", "Quebec", 28, "Female" ], [ "Latendresse, Alexandrine", "NDP", "Quebec", 28, "Female" ], [ "Doré Lefebvre, Rosane", "NDP", "Quebec", 28, "Female" ], [ "Morin, Marie-Claude", "NDP", "Quebec", 27, "Female" ], [ "Michaud, Élaine", "NDP", "Quebec", 27, "Female" ], [ "Péclet, Ève", "NDP", "Quebec", 24, "Female" ], [ "Freeman, Mylène", "NDP", "Quebec", 23, "Female" ], [ "Borg, Charmaine", "NDP", "Quebec", 22, "Female" ], [ "Bateman, Joyce", "Conservative", "Manitoba", "nan", "Female" ], [ "Hiebert, Russ", "Conservative", "British Columbia", 43, "Male" ], [ "Jacob, Pierre", "NDP", "Quebec", 59, "Male" ], [ "Vellacott, Maurice", "Conservative", "Saskatchewan", 57, "Male" ], [ "Boughen, Ray", "Conservative", "Saskatchewan", 75, "Male" ], [ "O'Connor, Gordon", "Conservative", "Ontario", 73, "Male" ], [ "Cotler, Irwin", "Liberal", "Quebec", 72, "Male" ], [ "Oliver, Joe", "Conservative", "Ontario", 72, "Male" ], [ "Tilson, David Allan", "Conservative", "Ontario", 71, "Male" ], [ "Fantino, Julian", "Conservative", "Ontario", 70, "Male" ], [ "Kent, Peter", "Conservative", "Ontario", 69, "Male" ], [ "Plamondon, Louis", "Bloc Quebecois", "Quebec", 69, "Male" ], [ "Schellenberger, Gary", "Conservative", "Ontario", 69, "Male" ], [ "Lauzon, Guy", "Conservative", "Ontario", 68, "Male" ], [ "Harris, Richard M.", "Conservative", "British Columbia", 68, "Male" ], [ "Goldring, Peter", "Conservative", "Alberta", 68, "Male" ], [ "Atamanenko, Alex", "NDP", "British Columbia", 67, "Male" ], [ "Payne, LaVar", "Conservative", "Alberta", 67, "Male" ], [ "Breitkreuz, Garry W.", "Conservative", "Saskatchewan", 67, "Male" ], [ "Genest, Réjean", "NDP", "Quebec", 66, "Male" ], [ "MacKenzie, Dave", "Conservative", "Ontario", 66, "Male" ], [ "Hyer, Bruce", "NDP", "Ontario", 66, "Male" ], [ "MacAulay, Lawrence", "Liberal", "Prince Edward Island", 66, "Male" ], [ "Galipeau, Royal", "Conservative", "Ontario", 65, "Male" ], [ "Marston, Wayne", "NDP", "Ontario", 65, "Male" ], [ "Hawn, Laurie", "Conservative", "Alberta", 65, "Male" ], [ "Kramp, Daryl", "Conservative", "Ontario", 65, "Male" ], [ "Shipley, Bev", "Conservative", "Ontario", 65, "Male" ], [ "Kerr, Greg", "Conservative", "Nova Scotia", 65, "Male" ], [ "Comartin, Joe", "NDP", "Ontario", 65, "Male" ], [ "Norlock, Rick", "Conservative", "Ontario", 64, "Male" ], [ "McKay, John", "Liberal", "Ontario", 64, "Male" ], [ "Mayes, Colin", "Conservative", "British Columbia", 64, "Male" ], [ "Rae, Bob", "Liberal", "Ontario", 64, "Male" ], [ "Harris, Jack", "NDP", "Newfoundland and Labrador", 64, "Male" ], [ "Duncan, John", "Conservative", "British Columbia", 64, "Male" ], [ "Chisu, Corneliu", "Conservative", "Ontario", 63, "Male" ], [ "Garneau, Marc", "Liberal", "Quebec", 63, "Male" ], [ "Easter, Arnold Wayne", "Liberal", "Prince Edward Island", 63, "Male" ], [ "Aspin, Jay", "Conservative", "Ontario", 63, "Male" ], [ "Goodale, Ralph", "Liberal", "Saskatchewan", 63, "Male" ], [ "Albrecht, Harold", "Conservative", "Ontario", 63, "Male" ], [ "Gravelle, Claude", "NDP", "Ontario", 63, "Male" ], [ "Komarnicki, Ed", "Conservative", "Saskatchewan", 63, "Male" ], [ "Flaherty, James Michael (Jim)", "Conservative", "Ontario", 62, "Male" ], [ "Rankin, Murray", "NDP", "British Columbia", 62, "Male" ], [ "McCallum, John", "Liberal", "Ontario", 62, "Male" ], [ "Warawa, Mark", "Conservative", "British Columbia", 62, "Male" ], [ "Obhrai, Deepak", "Conservative", "Alberta", 62, "Male" ], [ "Benoit, Leon Earl", "Conservative", "Alberta", 62, "Male" ], [ "Leung, Chungsen", "Conservative", "Ontario", 62, "Male" ], [ "Morin, Marc-André", "NDP", "Quebec", 61, "Male" ], [ "Sopuck, Robert", "Conservative", "Manitoba", 61, "Male" ], [ "Ritz, Gerry", "Conservative", "Saskatchewan", 61, "Male" ], [ "Garrison, Randall", "NDP", "British Columbia", 61, "Male" ], [ "Lunney, James", "Conservative", "British Columbia", 61, "Male" ], [ "Lukiwski, Tom", "Conservative", "Saskatchewan", 61, "Male" ], [ "Carmichael, John", "Conservative", "Ontario", 60, "Male" ], [ "Menzies, Ted", "Conservative", "Alberta", 60, "Male" ], [ "Valcourt, Bernard", "Conservative", "New Brunswick", 60, "Male" ], [ "Ashfield, Keith", "Conservative", "New Brunswick", 60, "Male" ], [ "Nicholson, Rob", "Conservative", "Ontario", 60, "Male" ], [ "Young, Terence H.", "Conservative", "Ontario", 60, "Male" ], [ "Toews, Vic", "Conservative", "Manitoba", 60, "Male" ], [ "Sullivan, Mike", "NDP", "Ontario", 60, "Male" ], [ "Patry, Claude", "NDP", "Quebec", 59, "Male" ], [ "Keddy, Gerald", "Conservative", "Nova Scotia", 59, "Male" ], [ "Bevington, Dennis Fraser", "NDP", "Territories", 59, "Male" ], [ "Allen, Malcolm", "NDP", "Ontario", 59, "Male" ], [ "Rafferty, John", "NDP", "Ontario", 59, "Male" ], [ "Dreeshen, Earl", "Conservative", "Alberta", 59, "Male" ], [ "Kamp, Randy", "Conservative", "British Columbia", 59, "Male" ], [ "Merrifield, Rob", "Conservative", "Alberta", 59, "Male" ], [ "Woodworth, Stephen", "Conservative", "Ontario", 58, "Male" ], [ "McColeman, Phil", "Conservative", "Ontario", 58, "Male" ], [ "Lebel, Denis", "Conservative", "Quebec", 58, "Male" ], [ "Lizon, Wladyslaw", "Conservative", "Ontario", 58, "Male" ], [ "Holder, Ed", "Conservative", "Ontario", 58, "Male" ], [ "Valeriote, Frank", "Liberal", "Ontario", 58, "Male" ], [ "Christopherson, David", "NDP", "Ontario", 58, "Male" ], [ "Mulcair, Thomas J.", "NDP", "Quebec", 58, "Male" ], [ "Daniel, Joe", "Conservative", "Ontario", 58, "Male" ], [ "Karygiannis, Jim", "Liberal", "Ontario", 57, "Male" ], [ "Godin, Yvon", "NDP", "New Brunswick", 57, "Male" ], [ "Dionne Labelle, Pierre", "NDP", "Quebec", 57, "Male" ], [ "Preston, Joe", "Conservative", "Ontario", 57, "Male" ], [ "Bélanger, Mauril", "Liberal", "Ontario", 57, "Male" ], [ "Fast, Edward", "Conservative", "British Columbia", 57, "Male" ], [ "Tweed, Mervin C.", "Conservative", "Manitoba", 57, "Male" ], [ "Dion, Stéphane", "Liberal", "Quebec", 57, "Male" ], [ "Van Kesteren, Dave", "Conservative", "Ontario", 57, "Male" ], [ "Cuzner, Rodger", "Liberal", "Nova Scotia", 57, "Male" ], [ "Martin, Pat", "NDP", "Manitoba", 57, "Male" ], [ "Stoffer, Peter", "NDP", "Nova Scotia", 56, "Male" ], [ "Miller, Larry", "Conservative", "Ontario", 56, "Male" ], [ "Blanchette, Denis", "NDP", "Quebec", 56, "Male" ], [ "Nunez-Melo, José", "NDP", "Quebec", 56, "Male" ], [ "Goguen, Robert", "Conservative", "New Brunswick", 55, "Male" ], [ "Scarpaleggia, Francis", "Liberal", "Quebec", 55, "Male" ], [ "Sweet, David", "Conservative", "Ontario", 55, "Male" ], [ "Anderson, David", "Conservative", "Saskatchewan", 55, "Male" ], [ "Chisholm, Robert", "NDP", "Nova Scotia", 55, "Male" ], [ "Stanton, Bruce", "Conservative", "Ontario", 55, "Male" ], [ "Goodyear, Gary", "Conservative", "Ontario", 54, "Male" ], [ "Weston, John", "Conservative", "British Columbia", 54, "Male" ], [ "Dechert, Bob", "Conservative", "Ontario", 54, "Male" ], [ "Shory, Devinder", "Conservative", "Alberta", 54, "Male" ], [ "Pilon, François", "NDP", "Quebec", 54, "Male" ], [ "Hayes, Bryan", "Conservative", "Ontario", 54, "Male" ], [ "Giguère, Alain", "NDP", "Quebec", 54, "Male" ], [ "Sorenson, Kevin", "Conservative", "Alberta", 54, "Male" ], [ "Benskin, Tyrone", "NDP", "Quebec", 53, "Male" ], [ "Menegakis, Costas", "Conservative", "Ontario", 53, "Male" ], [ "Harper, Stephen", "Conservative", "Alberta", 53, "Male" ], [ "Wilks, David", "Conservative", "British Columbia", 53, "Male" ], [ "Regan, Geoff", "Liberal", "Nova Scotia", 53, "Male" ], [ "McGuinty, David", "Liberal", "Ontario", 52, "Male" ], [ "Gosal, Bal", "Conservative", "Ontario", 52, "Male" ], [ "Aubin, Robert", "NDP", "Quebec", 52, "Male" ], [ "Eyking, Mark", "Liberal", "Nova Scotia", 52, "Male" ], [ "Brown, Gordon", "Conservative", "Ontario", 52, "Male" ], [ "Allen, Mike", "Conservative", "New Brunswick", 52, "Male" ], [ "Clement, Tony", "Conservative", "Ontario", 51, "Male" ], [ "Cannan, Ronald", "Conservative", "British Columbia", 51, "Male" ], [ "Rousseau, Jean", "NDP", "Quebec", 51, "Male" ], [ "Opitz, Ted", "Conservative", "Ontario", 51, "Male" ], [ "Toet, Lawrence", "Conservative", "Manitoba", 50, "Male" ], [ "Cash, Andrew", "NDP", "Ontario", 50, "Male" ], [ "Lamoureux, Kevin", "Liberal", "Manitoba", 50, "Male" ], [ "Scott, Craig", "NDP", "Ontario", 50, "Male" ], [ "Adler, Mark", "Conservative", "Ontario", 50, "Male" ], [ "Carrie, Colin", "Conservative", "Ontario", 50, "Male" ], [ "Julian, Peter", "NDP", "British Columbia", 50, "Male" ], [ "Pacetti, Massimo", "Liberal", "Quebec", 50, "Male" ], [ "Saganash, Romeo", "NDP", "Quebec", 50, "Male" ], [ "Angus, Charlie", "NDP", "Ontario", 50, "Male" ], [ "Davies, Don", "NDP", "British Columbia", 49, "Male" ], [ "Bernier, Maxime", "Conservative", "Quebec", 49, "Male" ], [ "Dewar, Paul", "NDP", "Ontario", 49, "Male" ], [ "Jean, Brian", "Conservative", "Alberta", 49, "Male" ], [ "Devolin, Barry", "Conservative", "Ontario", 49, "Male" ], [ "Lemieux, Pierre", "Conservative", "Ontario", 49, "Male" ], [ "Van Loan, Peter", "Conservative", "Ontario", 49, "Male" ], [ "Casey, Sean", "Liberal", "Prince Edward Island", 49, "Male" ], [ "Nantel, Pierre", "NDP", "Quebec", 49, "Male" ], [ "Coderre, Denis", "Liberal", "Quebec", 49, "Male" ], [ "Wallace, Mike", "Conservative", "Ontario", 49, "Male" ], [ "Braid, Peter", "Conservative", "Ontario", 48, "Male" ], [ "Gourde, Jacques", "Conservative", "Quebec", 48, "Male" ], [ "Reid, Scott", "Conservative", "Ontario", 48, "Male" ], [ "Hsu, Ted", "Liberal", "Ontario", 48, "Male" ], [ "Saxton, Andrew", "Conservative", "British Columbia", 48, "Male" ], [ "Weston, Rodney", "Conservative", "New Brunswick", 48, "Male" ], [ "Penashue, Peter", "Conservative", "Newfoundland and Labrador", 48, "Male" ], [ "Bellavance, André", "Bloc Quebecois", "Quebec", 48, "Male" ], [ "Rathgeber, Brent", "Conservative", "Alberta", 48, "Male" ], [ "Kellway, Matthew", "NDP", "Ontario", 48, "Male" ], [ "Toone, Philip", "NDP", "Quebec", 47, "Male" ], [ "Allison, Dean", "Conservative", "Ontario", 47, "Male" ], [ "Trottier, Bernard", "Conservative", "Ontario", 47, "Male" ], [ "Blaney, Steven", "Conservative", "Quebec", 47, "Male" ], [ "Bezan, James", "Conservative", "Manitoba", 47, "Male" ], [ "MacKay, Peter Gordon", "Conservative", "Nova Scotia", 47, "Male" ], [ "Dykstra, Richard", "Conservative", "Ontario", 46, "Male" ], [ "Sandhu, Jasbir", "NDP", "British Columbia", 46, "Male" ], [ "Donnelly, Fin", "NDP", "British Columbia", 46, "Male" ], [ "Armstrong, Scott", "Conservative", "Nova Scotia", 46, "Male" ], [ "Byrne, Gerry", "Liberal", "Newfoundland and Labrador", 46, "Male" ], [ "Stewart, Kennedy", "NDP", "British Columbia", 46, "Male" ], [ "Cleary, Ryan", "NDP", "Newfoundland and Labrador", 46, "Male" ], [ "Côté, Raymond", "NDP", "Quebec", 45, "Male" ], [ "Clarke, Rob", "Conservative", "Saskatchewan", 45, "Male" ], [ "Brison, Scott", "Liberal", "Nova Scotia", 45, "Male" ], [ "Butt, Brad", "Conservative", "Ontario", 45, "Male" ], [ "Rickford, Greg", "Conservative", "Ontario", 45, "Male" ], [ "LeBlanc, Dominic", "Liberal", "New Brunswick", 45, "Male" ], [ "Hoback, Randy", "Conservative", "Saskatchewan", 45, "Male" ], [ "Caron, Guy", "NDP", "Quebec", 44, "Male" ], [ "Brahmi, Tarik", "NDP", "Quebec", 44, "Male" ], [ "Kenney, Jason", "Conservative", "Alberta", 44, "Male" ], [ "Masse, Brian", "NDP", "Ontario", 44, "Male" ], [ "Alexander, Chris", "Conservative", "Ontario", 44, "Male" ], [ "Zimmer, Bob", "Conservative", "British Columbia", 44, "Male" ], [ "Calkins, Blaine", "Conservative", "Alberta", 44, "Male" ], [ "Baird, John", "Conservative", "Ontario", 43, "Male" ], [ "Lake, Mike", "Conservative", "Alberta", 43, "Male" ], [ "Simms, Scott", "Liberal", "Newfoundland and Labrador", 43, "Male" ], [ "Thibeault, Glenn", "NDP", "Ontario", 43, "Male" ], [ "Williamson, John", "Conservative", "New Brunswick", 42, "Male" ], [ "Calandra, Paul", "Conservative", "Ontario", 42, "Male" ], [ "Chicoine, Sylvain", "NDP", "Quebec", 42, "Male" ], [ "Del Mastro, Dean", "Conservative", "Ontario", 42, "Male" ], [ "Rajotte, James", "Conservative", "Alberta", 42, "Male" ], [ "Seeback, Kyle", "Conservative", "Ontario", 42, "Male" ], [ "Watson, Jeff", "Conservative", "Ontario", 41, "Male" ], [ "Lapointe, François", "NDP", "Quebec", 41, "Male" ], [ "Nicholls, Jamie", "NDP", "Quebec", 41, "Male" ], [ "Chong, Michael D.", "Conservative", "Ontario", 41, "Male" ], [ "Trudeau, Justin", "Liberal", "Quebec", 41, "Male" ], [ "Larose, Jean-François", "NDP", "Quebec", 40, "Male" ], [ "Anders, Rob", "Conservative", "Alberta", 40, "Male" ], [ "Fletcher, Steven John", "Conservative", "Manitoba", 40, "Male" ], [ "Cullen, Nathan", "NDP", "British Columbia", 40, "Male" ], [ "Ravignat, Mathieu", "NDP", "Quebec", 39, "Male" ], [ "Bruinooge, Rod", "Conservative", "Manitoba", 39, "Male" ], [ "Mai, Hoang", "NDP", "Quebec", 39, "Male" ], [ "Boulerice, Alexandre", "NDP", "Quebec", 39, "Male" ], [ "Fortin, Jean-François", "Bloc Quebecois", "Quebec", 39, "Male" ], [ "Leef, Ryan", "Conservative", "Territories", 38, "Male" ], [ "Paradis, Christian", "Conservative", "Quebec", 38, "Male" ], [ "Choquette, François", "NDP", "Quebec", 38, "Male" ], [ "Moore, Rob", "Conservative", "New Brunswick", 38, "Male" ], [ "Trost, Brad", "Conservative", "Saskatchewan", 38, "Male" ], [ "Gill, Parm", "Conservative", "Ontario", 38, "Male" ], [ "Hillyer, Jim", "Conservative", "Alberta", 38, "Male" ], [ "Richards, Blake", "Conservative", "Alberta", 38, "Male" ], [ "Uppal, Tim", "Conservative", "Alberta", 38, "Male" ], [ "Andrews, Scott", "Liberal", "Newfoundland and Labrador", 37, "Male" ], [ "Moore, James", "Conservative", "British Columbia", 36, "Male" ], [ "Lobb, Ben", "Conservative", "Ontario", 36, "Male" ], [ "Albas, Dan", "Conservative", "British Columbia", 36, "Male" ], [ "Storseth, Brian", "Conservative", "Alberta", 34, "Male" ], [ "Strahl, Mark", "Conservative", "British Columbia", 34, "Male" ], [ "Brown, Patrick W.", "Conservative", "Ontario", 34, "Male" ], [ "Warkentin, Chris", "Conservative", "Alberta", 34, "Male" ], [ "Scheer, Andrew", "Conservative", "Saskatchewan", 33, "Male" ], [ 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[ "Liu, Laurin", "NDP", "Quebec", 22, "Female" ], [ "Mourani, Maria", "Bloc Quebecois", "Quebec", 43, "Female" ], [ "Sellah, Djaouida", "NDP", "Quebec", "nan", "Female" ], [ "St-Denis, Lise", "NDP", "Quebec", 72, "Female" ], [ "Fry, Hedy", "Liberal", "British Columbia", 71, "Female" ], [ "Turmel, Nycole", "NDP", "Quebec", 70, "Female" ], [ "Sgro, Judy", "Liberal", "Ontario", 68, "Female" ], [ "Raynault, Francine", "NDP", "Quebec", 67, "Female" ], [ "Davidson, Patricia", "Conservative", "Ontario", 66, "Female" ], [ "Smith, Joy", "Conservative", "Manitoba", 65, "Female" ], [ "Wong, Alice", "Conservative", "British Columbia", 64, "Female" ], [ "O'Neill Gordon, Tilly", "Conservative", "New Brunswick", 63, "Female" ], [ "Ablonczy, Diane", "Conservative", "Alberta", 63, "Female" ], [ "Duncan, Linda Francis", "NDP", "Alberta", 63, "Female" ], [ "Bennett, Carolyn", "Liberal", "Ontario", 62, "Female" ], [ "Nash, Peggy", "NDP", "Ontario", 61, "Female" ], [ "Mathyssen, Irene", "NDP", "Ontario", 61, "Female" ], [ "Sims, Jinny Jogindera", "NDP", "British Columbia", 60, "Female" ], [ "Foote, Judy", "Liberal", "Newfoundland and Labrador", 60, "Female" ], [ "Crowder, Jean", "NDP", "British Columbia", 60, "Female" ], [ "Davies, Libby", "NDP", "British Columbia", 59, "Female" ], [ "Yelich, Lynne", "Conservative", "Saskatchewan", 59, "Female" ], [ "Day, Anne-Marie", "NDP", "Quebec", 58, "Female" ], [ "May, Elizabeth", "Green", "British Columbia", 58, "Female" ], [ "Murray, Joyce", "Liberal", "British Columbia", 58, "Female" ], [ "Findlay, Kerry-Lynne D.", "Conservative", "British Columbia", 57, "Female" ], [ "Brown, Lois", "Conservative", "Ontario", 57, "Female" ], [ "Laverdière, Hélène", "NDP", "Quebec", 57, "Female" ], [ "Boutin-Sweet, Marjolaine", "NDP", "Quebec", 57, "Female" ], [ "Crockatt, Joan", "Conservative", "Alberta", 56, "Female" ], [ "Chow, Olivia", "NDP", "Ontario", 55, "Female" ], [ "McLeod, Cathy", "Conservative", "British Columbia", 55, "Female" ], [ "Finley, Diane", "Conservative", "Ontario", 55, "Female" ], [ "LeBlanc, Hélène", "NDP", "Quebec", 54, "Female" ], [ "Grewal, Nina", "Conservative", "British Columbia", 54, "Female" ], [ "Hughes, Carol", "NDP", "Ontario", 54, "Female" ], [ "Shea, Gail", "Conservative", "Prince Edward Island", 53, "Female" ], [ "Truppe, Susan", "Conservative", "Ontario", 53, "Female" ], [ "Young, Wai", "Conservative", "British Columbia", 52, "Female" ], [ "Gallant, Cheryl", "Conservative", "Ontario", 52, "Female" ], [ "Boivin, Françoise", "NDP", "Quebec", 52, "Female" ], [ "Block, Kelly", "Conservative", "Saskatchewan", 51, "Female" ], [ "Ayala, Paulina", "NDP", "Quebec", 50, "Female" ], [ "Groguhé, Sadia", "NDP", "Quebec", 50, "Female" ], [ "Charlton, Chris", "NDP", "Ontario", 49, "Female" ], [ "Bergen, Candice", "Conservative", "Manitoba", 48, "Female" ], [ "Perreault, Manon", "NDP", "Quebec", 46, "Female" ], [ "James, Roxanne", "Conservative", "Ontario", 46, "Female" ], [ "Ambler, Stella", "Conservative", "Ontario", 46, "Female" ], [ "Duncan, Kirsty", "Liberal", "Ontario", 46, "Female" ], [ "Glover, Shelly", "Conservative", "Manitoba", 45, "Female" ], [ "Aglukkaq, Leona", "Conservative", "Territories", 45, "Female" ], [ "Raitt, Lisa", "Conservative", "Ontario", 44, "Female" ], [ "Ambrose, Rona", "Conservative", "Alberta", 43, "Female" ], [ "Leitch, Kellie", "Conservative", "Ontario", 42, "Female" ], [ "Leslie, Megan", "NDP", "Nova Scotia", 39, "Female" ], [ "Hassainia, Sana", "NDP", "Quebec", 38, "Female" ], [ "Adams, Eve", "Conservative", "Ontario", 38, "Female" ], [ "Rempel, Michelle", "Conservative", "Alberta", 32, "Female" ], [ "Papillon, Annick", "NDP", "Quebec", 32, "Female" ], [ "Sitsabaiesan, Rathika", "NDP", "Ontario", 31, "Female" ], [ "Quach, Anne Minh-Thu", "NDP", "Quebec", 30, "Female" ], [ "Ashton, Niki", "NDP", "Manitoba", 30, "Female" ], [ "Moore, Christine", "NDP", "Quebec", 29, "Female" ], [ "Morin, Isabelle", "NDP", "Quebec", 28, "Female" ], [ "Blanchette-Lamothe, Lysane", "NDP", "Quebec", 28, "Female" ], [ "Brosseau, Ruth Ellen", "NDP", "Quebec", 28, "Female" ], [ "Latendresse, Alexandrine", "NDP", "Quebec", 28, "Female" ], [ "Doré Lefebvre, Rosane", "NDP", "Quebec", 28, "Female" ], [ "Morin, Marie-Claude", "NDP", "Quebec", 27, "Female" ], [ "Michaud, Élaine", "NDP", "Quebec", 27, "Female" ], [ "Péclet, Ève", "NDP", "Quebec", 24, "Female" ], [ "Freeman, Mylène", "NDP", "Quebec", 23, "Female" ], [ "Borg, Charmaine", "NDP", "Quebec", 22, "Female" ], [ "Bateman, Joyce", "Conservative", "Manitoba", "nan", "Female" ], [ "Hiebert, Russ", "Conservative", "British Columbia", 43, "Male" ], [ "Jacob, Pierre", "NDP", "Quebec", 59, "Male" ], [ "Vellacott, Maurice", "Conservative", "Saskatchewan", 57, "Male" ], [ "Boughen, Ray", "Conservative", "Saskatchewan", 75, "Male" ], [ "O'Connor, Gordon", "Conservative", "Ontario", 73, "Male" ], [ "Cotler, Irwin", "Liberal", "Quebec", 72, "Male" ], [ "Oliver, Joe", "Conservative", "Ontario", 72, "Male" ], [ "Tilson, David Allan", "Conservative", "Ontario", 71, "Male" ], [ "Fantino, Julian", "Conservative", "Ontario", 70, "Male" ], [ "Kent, Peter", "Conservative", "Ontario", 69, "Male" ], [ "Plamondon, Louis", "Bloc Quebecois", "Quebec", 69, "Male" ], [ "Schellenberger, Gary", "Conservative", "Ontario", 69, "Male" ], [ "Lauzon, Guy", "Conservative", "Ontario", 68, "Male" ], [ "Harris, Richard M.", "Conservative", "British Columbia", 68, "Male" ], [ "Goldring, Peter", "Conservative", "Alberta", 68, "Male" ], [ "Atamanenko, Alex", "NDP", "British Columbia", 67, "Male" ], [ "Payne, LaVar", "Conservative", "Alberta", 67, "Male" ], [ "Breitkreuz, Garry W.", "Conservative", "Saskatchewan", 67, "Male" ], [ "Genest, Réjean", "NDP", "Quebec", 66, "Male" ], [ "MacKenzie, Dave", "Conservative", "Ontario", 66, "Male" ], [ "Hyer, Bruce", "NDP", "Ontario", 66, "Male" ], [ "MacAulay, Lawrence", "Liberal", "Prince Edward Island", 66, "Male" ], [ "Galipeau, Royal", "Conservative", "Ontario", 65, "Male" ], [ "Marston, Wayne", "NDP", "Ontario", 65, "Male" ], [ "Hawn, Laurie", "Conservative", "Alberta", 65, "Male" ], [ "Kramp, Daryl", "Conservative", "Ontario", 65, "Male" ], [ "Shipley, Bev", "Conservative", "Ontario", 65, "Male" ], [ "Kerr, Greg", "Conservative", "Nova Scotia", 65, "Male" ], [ "Comartin, Joe", "NDP", "Ontario", 65, "Male" ], [ "Norlock, Rick", "Conservative", "Ontario", 64, "Male" ], [ "McKay, John", "Liberal", "Ontario", 64, "Male" ], [ "Mayes, Colin", "Conservative", "British Columbia", 64, "Male" ], [ "Rae, Bob", "Liberal", "Ontario", 64, "Male" ], [ "Harris, Jack", "NDP", "Newfoundland and Labrador", 64, "Male" ], [ "Duncan, John", "Conservative", "British Columbia", 64, "Male" ], [ "Chisu, Corneliu", "Conservative", "Ontario", 63, "Male" ], [ "Garneau, Marc", "Liberal", "Quebec", 63, "Male" ], [ "Easter, Arnold Wayne", "Liberal", "Prince Edward Island", 63, "Male" ], [ "Aspin, Jay", "Conservative", "Ontario", 63, "Male" ], [ "Goodale, Ralph", "Liberal", "Saskatchewan", 63, "Male" ], [ "Albrecht, Harold", "Conservative", "Ontario", 63, "Male" ], [ "Gravelle, Claude", "NDP", "Ontario", 63, "Male" ], [ "Komarnicki, Ed", "Conservative", "Saskatchewan", 63, "Male" ], [ "Flaherty, James Michael (Jim)", "Conservative", "Ontario", 62, "Male" ], [ "Rankin, Murray", "NDP", "British Columbia", 62, "Male" ], [ "McCallum, John", "Liberal", "Ontario", 62, "Male" ], [ "Warawa, Mark", "Conservative", "British Columbia", 62, "Male" ], [ "Obhrai, Deepak", "Conservative", "Alberta", 62, "Male" ], [ "Benoit, Leon Earl", "Conservative", "Alberta", 62, "Male" ], [ "Leung, Chungsen", "Conservative", "Ontario", 62, "Male" ], [ "Morin, Marc-André", "NDP", "Quebec", 61, "Male" ], [ "Sopuck, Robert", "Conservative", "Manitoba", 61, "Male" ], [ "Ritz, Gerry", "Conservative", "Saskatchewan", 61, "Male" ], [ "Garrison, Randall", "NDP", "British Columbia", 61, "Male" ], [ "Lunney, James", "Conservative", "British Columbia", 61, "Male" ], [ "Lukiwski, Tom", "Conservative", "Saskatchewan", 61, "Male" ], [ "Carmichael, John", "Conservative", "Ontario", 60, "Male" ], [ "Menzies, Ted", "Conservative", "Alberta", 60, "Male" ], [ "Valcourt, Bernard", "Conservative", "New Brunswick", 60, "Male" ], [ "Ashfield, Keith", "Conservative", "New Brunswick", 60, "Male" ], [ "Nicholson, Rob", "Conservative", "Ontario", 60, "Male" ], [ "Young, Terence H.", "Conservative", "Ontario", 60, "Male" ], [ "Toews, Vic", "Conservative", "Manitoba", 60, "Male" ], [ "Sullivan, Mike", "NDP", "Ontario", 60, "Male" ], [ "Patry, Claude", "NDP", "Quebec", 59, "Male" ], [ "Keddy, Gerald", "Conservative", "Nova Scotia", 59, "Male" ], [ "Bevington, Dennis Fraser", "NDP", "Territories", 59, "Male" ], [ "Allen, Malcolm", "NDP", "Ontario", 59, "Male" ], [ "Rafferty, John", "NDP", "Ontario", 59, "Male" ], [ "Dreeshen, Earl", "Conservative", "Alberta", 59, "Male" ], [ "Kamp, Randy", "Conservative", "British Columbia", 59, "Male" ], [ "Merrifield, Rob", "Conservative", "Alberta", 59, "Male" ], [ "Woodworth, Stephen", "Conservative", "Ontario", 58, "Male" ], [ "McColeman, Phil", "Conservative", "Ontario", 58, "Male" ], [ "Lebel, Denis", "Conservative", "Quebec", 58, "Male" ], [ "Lizon, Wladyslaw", "Conservative", "Ontario", 58, "Male" ], [ "Holder, Ed", "Conservative", "Ontario", 58, "Male" ], [ "Valeriote, Frank", "Liberal", "Ontario", 58, "Male" ], [ "Christopherson, David", "NDP", "Ontario", 58, "Male" ], [ "Mulcair, Thomas J.", "NDP", "Quebec", 58, "Male" ], [ "Daniel, Joe", "Conservative", "Ontario", 58, "Male" ], [ "Karygiannis, Jim", "Liberal", "Ontario", 57, "Male" ], [ "Godin, Yvon", "NDP", "New Brunswick", 57, "Male" ], [ "Dionne Labelle, Pierre", "NDP", "Quebec", 57, "Male" ], [ "Preston, Joe", "Conservative", "Ontario", 57, "Male" ], [ "Bélanger, Mauril", "Liberal", "Ontario", 57, "Male" ], [ "Fast, Edward", "Conservative", "British Columbia", 57, "Male" ], [ "Tweed, Mervin C.", "Conservative", "Manitoba", 57, "Male" ], [ "Dion, Stéphane", "Liberal", "Quebec", 57, "Male" ], [ "Van Kesteren, Dave", "Conservative", "Ontario", 57, "Male" ], [ "Cuzner, Rodger", "Liberal", "Nova Scotia", 57, "Male" ], [ "Martin, Pat", "NDP", "Manitoba", 57, "Male" ], [ "Stoffer, Peter", "NDP", "Nova Scotia", 56, "Male" ], [ "Miller, Larry", "Conservative", "Ontario", 56, "Male" ], [ "Blanchette, Denis", "NDP", "Quebec", 56, "Male" ], [ "Nunez-Melo, José", "NDP", "Quebec", 56, "Male" ], [ "Goguen, Robert", "Conservative", "New Brunswick", 55, "Male" ], [ "Scarpaleggia, Francis", "Liberal", "Quebec", 55, "Male" ], [ "Sweet, David", "Conservative", "Ontario", 55, "Male" ], [ "Anderson, David", "Conservative", "Saskatchewan", 55, "Male" ], [ "Chisholm, Robert", "NDP", "Nova Scotia", 55, "Male" ], [ "Stanton, Bruce", "Conservative", "Ontario", 55, "Male" ], [ "Goodyear, Gary", "Conservative", "Ontario", 54, "Male" ], [ "Weston, John", "Conservative", "British Columbia", 54, "Male" ], [ "Dechert, Bob", "Conservative", "Ontario", 54, "Male" ], [ "Shory, Devinder", "Conservative", "Alberta", 54, "Male" ], [ "Pilon, François", "NDP", "Quebec", 54, "Male" ], [ "Hayes, Bryan", "Conservative", "Ontario", 54, "Male" ], [ "Giguère, Alain", "NDP", "Quebec", 54, "Male" ], [ "Sorenson, Kevin", "Conservative", "Alberta", 54, "Male" ], [ "Benskin, Tyrone", "NDP", "Quebec", 53, "Male" ], [ "Menegakis, Costas", "Conservative", "Ontario", 53, "Male" ], [ "Harper, Stephen", "Conservative", "Alberta", 53, "Male" ], [ "Wilks, David", "Conservative", "British Columbia", 53, "Male" ], [ "Regan, Geoff", "Liberal", "Nova Scotia", 53, "Male" ], [ "McGuinty, David", "Liberal", "Ontario", 52, "Male" ], [ "Gosal, Bal", "Conservative", "Ontario", 52, "Male" ], [ "Aubin, Robert", "NDP", "Quebec", 52, "Male" ], [ "Eyking, Mark", "Liberal", "Nova Scotia", 52, "Male" ], [ "Brown, Gordon", "Conservative", "Ontario", 52, "Male" ], [ "Allen, Mike", "Conservative", "New Brunswick", 52, "Male" ], [ "Clement, Tony", "Conservative", "Ontario", 51, "Male" ], [ "Cannan, Ronald", "Conservative", "British Columbia", 51, "Male" ], [ "Rousseau, Jean", "NDP", "Quebec", 51, "Male" ], [ "Opitz, Ted", "Conservative", "Ontario", 51, "Male" ], [ "Toet, Lawrence", "Conservative", "Manitoba", 50, "Male" ], [ "Cash, Andrew", "NDP", "Ontario", 50, "Male" ], [ "Lamoureux, Kevin", "Liberal", "Manitoba", 50, "Male" ], [ "Scott, Craig", "NDP", "Ontario", 50, "Male" ], [ "Adler, Mark", "Conservative", "Ontario", 50, "Male" ], [ "Carrie, Colin", "Conservative", "Ontario", 50, "Male" ], [ "Julian, Peter", "NDP", "British Columbia", 50, "Male" ], [ "Pacetti, Massimo", "Liberal", "Quebec", 50, "Male" ], [ "Saganash, Romeo", "NDP", "Quebec", 50, "Male" ], [ "Angus, Charlie", "NDP", "Ontario", 50, "Male" ], [ "Davies, Don", "NDP", "British Columbia", 49, "Male" ], [ "Bernier, Maxime", "Conservative", "Quebec", 49, "Male" ], [ "Dewar, Paul", "NDP", "Ontario", 49, "Male" ], [ "Jean, Brian", "Conservative", "Alberta", 49, "Male" ], [ "Devolin, Barry", "Conservative", "Ontario", 49, "Male" ], [ "Lemieux, Pierre", "Conservative", "Ontario", 49, "Male" ], [ "Van Loan, Peter", "Conservative", "Ontario", 49, "Male" ], [ "Casey, Sean", "Liberal", "Prince Edward Island", 49, "Male" ], [ "Nantel, Pierre", "NDP", "Quebec", 49, "Male" ], [ "Coderre, Denis", "Liberal", "Quebec", 49, "Male" ], [ "Wallace, Mike", "Conservative", "Ontario", 49, "Male" ], [ "Braid, Peter", "Conservative", "Ontario", 48, "Male" ], [ "Gourde, Jacques", "Conservative", "Quebec", 48, "Male" ], [ "Reid, Scott", "Conservative", "Ontario", 48, "Male" ], [ "Hsu, Ted", "Liberal", "Ontario", 48, "Male" ], [ "Saxton, Andrew", "Conservative", "British Columbia", 48, "Male" ], [ "Weston, Rodney", "Conservative", "New Brunswick", 48, "Male" ], [ "Penashue, Peter", "Conservative", "Newfoundland and Labrador", 48, "Male" ], [ "Bellavance, André", "Bloc Quebecois", "Quebec", 48, "Male" ], [ "Rathgeber, Brent", "Conservative", "Alberta", 48, "Male" ], [ "Kellway, Matthew", "NDP", "Ontario", 48, "Male" ], [ "Toone, Philip", "NDP", "Quebec", 47, "Male" ], [ "Allison, Dean", "Conservative", "Ontario", 47, "Male" ], [ "Trottier, Bernard", "Conservative", "Ontario", 47, "Male" ], [ "Blaney, Steven", "Conservative", "Quebec", 47, "Male" ], [ "Bezan, James", "Conservative", "Manitoba", 47, "Male" ], [ "MacKay, Peter Gordon", "Conservative", "Nova Scotia", 47, "Male" ], [ "Dykstra, Richard", "Conservative", "Ontario", 46, "Male" ], [ "Sandhu, Jasbir", "NDP", "British Columbia", 46, "Male" ], [ "Donnelly, Fin", "NDP", "British Columbia", 46, "Male" ], [ "Armstrong, Scott", "Conservative", "Nova Scotia", 46, "Male" ], [ "Byrne, Gerry", "Liberal", "Newfoundland and Labrador", 46, "Male" ], [ "Stewart, Kennedy", "NDP", "British Columbia", 46, "Male" ], [ "Cleary, Ryan", "NDP", "Newfoundland and Labrador", 46, "Male" ], [ "Côté, Raymond", "NDP", "Quebec", 45, "Male" ], [ "Clarke, Rob", "Conservative", "Saskatchewan", 45, "Male" ], [ "Brison, Scott", "Liberal", "Nova Scotia", 45, "Male" ], [ "Butt, Brad", "Conservative", "Ontario", 45, "Male" ], [ "Rickford, Greg", "Conservative", "Ontario", 45, "Male" ], [ "LeBlanc, Dominic", "Liberal", "New Brunswick", 45, "Male" ], [ "Hoback, Randy", "Conservative", "Saskatchewan", 45, "Male" ], [ "Caron, Guy", "NDP", "Quebec", 44, "Male" ], [ "Brahmi, Tarik", "NDP", "Quebec", 44, "Male" ], [ "Kenney, Jason", "Conservative", "Alberta", 44, "Male" ], [ "Masse, Brian", "NDP", "Ontario", 44, "Male" ], [ "Alexander, Chris", "Conservative", "Ontario", 44, "Male" ], [ "Zimmer, Bob", "Conservative", "British Columbia", 44, "Male" ], [ "Calkins, Blaine", "Conservative", "Alberta", 44, "Male" ], [ "Baird, John", "Conservative", "Ontario", 43, "Male" ], [ "Lake, Mike", "Conservative", "Alberta", 43, "Male" ], [ "Simms, Scott", "Liberal", "Newfoundland and Labrador", 43, "Male" ], [ "Thibeault, Glenn", "NDP", "Ontario", 43, "Male" ], [ "Williamson, John", "Conservative", "New Brunswick", 42, "Male" ], [ "Calandra, Paul", "Conservative", "Ontario", 42, "Male" ], [ "Chicoine, Sylvain", "NDP", "Quebec", 42, "Male" ], [ "Del Mastro, Dean", "Conservative", "Ontario", 42, "Male" ], [ "Rajotte, James", "Conservative", "Alberta", 42, "Male" ], [ "Seeback, Kyle", "Conservative", "Ontario", 42, "Male" ], [ "Watson, Jeff", "Conservative", "Ontario", 41, "Male" ], [ "Lapointe, François", "NDP", "Quebec", 41, "Male" ], [ "Nicholls, Jamie", "NDP", "Quebec", 41, "Male" ], [ "Chong, Michael D.", "Conservative", "Ontario", 41, "Male" ], [ "Trudeau, Justin", "Liberal", "Quebec", 41, "Male" ], [ "Larose, Jean-François", "NDP", "Quebec", 40, "Male" ], [ "Anders, Rob", "Conservative", "Alberta", 40, "Male" ], [ "Fletcher, Steven John", "Conservative", "Manitoba", 40, "Male" ], [ "Cullen, Nathan", "NDP", "British Columbia", 40, "Male" ], [ "Ravignat, Mathieu", "NDP", "Quebec", 39, "Male" ], [ "Bruinooge, Rod", "Conservative", "Manitoba", 39, "Male" ], [ "Mai, Hoang", "NDP", "Quebec", 39, "Male" ], [ "Boulerice, Alexandre", "NDP", "Quebec", 39, "Male" ], [ "Fortin, Jean-François", "Bloc Quebecois", "Quebec", 39, "Male" ], [ "Leef, Ryan", "Conservative", "Territories", 38, "Male" ], [ "Paradis, Christian", "Conservative", "Quebec", 38, "Male" ], [ "Choquette, François", "NDP", "Quebec", 38, "Male" ], [ "Moore, Rob", "Conservative", "New Brunswick", 38, "Male" ], [ "Trost, Brad", "Conservative", "Saskatchewan", 38, "Male" ], [ "Gill, Parm", "Conservative", "Ontario", 38, "Male" ], [ "Hillyer, Jim", "Conservative", "Alberta", 38, "Male" ], [ "Richards, Blake", "Conservative", "Alberta", 38, "Male" ], [ "Uppal, Tim", "Conservative", "Alberta", 38, "Male" ], [ "Andrews, Scott", "Liberal", "Newfoundland and Labrador", 37, "Male" ], [ "Moore, James", "Conservative", "British Columbia", 36, "Male" ], [ "Lobb, Ben", "Conservative", "Ontario", 36, "Male" ], [ "Albas, Dan", "Conservative", "British Columbia", 36, "Male" ], [ "Storseth, Brian", "Conservative", "Alberta", 34, "Male" ], [ "Strahl, Mark", "Conservative", "British Columbia", 34, "Male" ], [ "Brown, Patrick W.", "Conservative", "Ontario", 34, "Male" ], [ "Warkentin, Chris", "Conservative", "Alberta", 34, "Male" ], [ "Scheer, Andrew", "Conservative", "Saskatchewan", 33, "Male" ], [ "Poilievre, Pierre", "Conservative", "Ontario", 33, "Male" ], [ "Genest-Jourdain, Jonathan", "NDP", "Quebec", 33, "Male" ], [ "Harris, Dan", "NDP", "Ontario", 33, "Male" ], [ "Tremblay, Jonathan", "NDP", "Quebec", 28, "Male" ], [ "Morin, Dany", "NDP", "Quebec", 27, "Male" ], [ "Dubé, Matthew", "NDP", "Quebec", 24, "Male" ], [ "Dusseault, Pierre-Luc", "NDP", "Quebec", 21, "Male" ], [ "O'Toole, Erin", "Conservative", "Ontario", "nan", "Male" ] ], "_data_tsv": "Province\tBloc Quebecois\tConservative\tGreen\tLiberal\tNDP\nAlberta\t\t1349\t\t\t63\nBritish Columbia\t\t1116\t58\t129\t646\nManitoba\t\t512\t\t50\t87\nNew Brunswick\t\t418\t\t45\t57\nNewfoundland and Labrador\t\t48\t\t186\t110\nNova Scotia\t\t217\t\t207\t150\nOntario\t\t3858\t\t638\t1173\nPrince Edward 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"Quebec", "nan", "Female" ], [ "St-Denis, Lise", "NDP", "Quebec", 72, "Female" ], [ "Fry, Hedy", "Liberal", "British Columbia", 71, "Female" ], [ "Turmel, Nycole", "NDP", "Quebec", 70, "Female" ], [ "Sgro, Judy", "Liberal", "Ontario", 68, "Female" ], [ "Raynault, Francine", "NDP", "Quebec", 67, "Female" ], [ "Davidson, Patricia", "Conservative", "Ontario", 66, "Female" ], [ "Smith, Joy", "Conservative", "Manitoba", 65, "Female" ], [ "Wong, Alice", "Conservative", "British Columbia", 64, "Female" ], [ "O'Neill Gordon, Tilly", "Conservative", "New Brunswick", 63, "Female" ], [ "Ablonczy, Diane", "Conservative", "Alberta", 63, "Female" ], [ "Duncan, Linda Francis", "NDP", "Alberta", 63, "Female" ], [ "Bennett, Carolyn", "Liberal", "Ontario", 62, "Female" ], [ "Nash, Peggy", "NDP", "Ontario", 61, "Female" ], [ "Mathyssen, Irene", "NDP", "Ontario", 61, "Female" ], [ "Sims, Jinny Jogindera", "NDP", "British Columbia", 60, "Female" ], [ "Foote, Judy", "Liberal", "Newfoundland and Labrador", 60, "Female" ], [ "Crowder, Jean", "NDP", "British Columbia", 60, "Female" ], [ "Davies, Libby", "NDP", "British Columbia", 59, "Female" ], [ "Yelich, Lynne", "Conservative", "Saskatchewan", 59, "Female" ], [ "Day, Anne-Marie", "NDP", "Quebec", 58, "Female" ], [ "May, Elizabeth", "Green", "British Columbia", 58, "Female" ], [ "Murray, Joyce", "Liberal", "British Columbia", 58, "Female" ], [ "Findlay, Kerry-Lynne D.", "Conservative", "British Columbia", 57, "Female" ], [ "Brown, Lois", "Conservative", "Ontario", 57, "Female" ], [ "Laverdière, Hélène", "NDP", "Quebec", 57, "Female" ], [ "Boutin-Sweet, Marjolaine", "NDP", "Quebec", 57, "Female" ], [ "Crockatt, Joan", "Conservative", "Alberta", 56, "Female" ], [ "Chow, Olivia", "NDP", "Ontario", 55, "Female" ], [ "McLeod, Cathy", "Conservative", "British Columbia", 55, "Female" ], [ "Finley, Diane", "Conservative", "Ontario", 55, "Female" ], [ "LeBlanc, Hélène", "NDP", "Quebec", 54, "Female" ], [ "Grewal, Nina", "Conservative", "British Columbia", 54, "Female" ], [ "Hughes, Carol", "NDP", "Ontario", 54, "Female" ], [ "Shea, Gail", "Conservative", "Prince Edward Island", 53, "Female" ], [ "Truppe, Susan", "Conservative", "Ontario", 53, "Female" ], [ "Young, Wai", "Conservative", "British Columbia", 52, "Female" ], [ "Gallant, Cheryl", "Conservative", "Ontario", 52, "Female" ], [ "Boivin, Françoise", "NDP", "Quebec", 52, "Female" ], [ "Block, Kelly", "Conservative", "Saskatchewan", 51, "Female" ], [ "Ayala, Paulina", "NDP", "Quebec", 50, "Female" ], [ "Groguhé, Sadia", "NDP", "Quebec", 50, "Female" ], [ "Charlton, Chris", "NDP", "Ontario", 49, "Female" ], [ "Bergen, Candice", "Conservative", "Manitoba", 48, "Female" ], [ "Perreault, Manon", "NDP", "Quebec", 46, "Female" ], [ "James, Roxanne", "Conservative", "Ontario", 46, "Female" ], [ "Ambler, Stella", "Conservative", "Ontario", 46, "Female" ], [ "Duncan, Kirsty", "Liberal", "Ontario", 46, "Female" ], [ "Glover, Shelly", "Conservative", "Manitoba", 45, "Female" ], [ "Aglukkaq, Leona", "Conservative", "Territories", 45, "Female" ], [ "Raitt, Lisa", "Conservative", "Ontario", 44, "Female" ], [ "Ambrose, Rona", "Conservative", "Alberta", 43, "Female" ], [ "Leitch, Kellie", "Conservative", "Ontario", 42, "Female" ], [ "Leslie, Megan", "NDP", "Nova Scotia", 39, "Female" ], [ "Hassainia, Sana", "NDP", "Quebec", 38, "Female" ], [ "Adams, Eve", "Conservative", "Ontario", 38, "Female" ], [ "Rempel, Michelle", "Conservative", "Alberta", 32, "Female" ], [ "Papillon, Annick", "NDP", "Quebec", 32, "Female" ], [ "Sitsabaiesan, Rathika", "NDP", "Ontario", 31, "Female" ], [ "Quach, Anne Minh-Thu", "NDP", "Quebec", 30, "Female" ], [ "Ashton, Niki", "NDP", "Manitoba", 30, "Female" ], [ "Moore, Christine", "NDP", "Quebec", 29, "Female" ], [ "Morin, Isabelle", "NDP", "Quebec", 28, "Female" ], [ "Blanchette-Lamothe, Lysane", "NDP", "Quebec", 28, "Female" ], [ "Brosseau, Ruth Ellen", "NDP", "Quebec", 28, "Female" ], [ "Latendresse, Alexandrine", "NDP", "Quebec", 28, "Female" ], [ "Doré Lefebvre, Rosane", "NDP", "Quebec", 28, "Female" ], [ "Morin, Marie-Claude", "NDP", "Quebec", 27, "Female" ], [ "Michaud, Élaine", "NDP", "Quebec", 27, "Female" ], [ "Péclet, Ève", "NDP", "Quebec", 24, "Female" ], [ "Freeman, Mylène", "NDP", "Quebec", 23, "Female" ], [ "Borg, Charmaine", "NDP", "Quebec", 22, "Female" ], [ "Bateman, Joyce", "Conservative", "Manitoba", "nan", "Female" ], [ "Hiebert, Russ", "Conservative", "British Columbia", 43, "Male" ], [ "Jacob, Pierre", "NDP", "Quebec", 59, "Male" ], [ "Vellacott, Maurice", "Conservative", "Saskatchewan", 57, "Male" ], [ "Boughen, Ray", "Conservative", "Saskatchewan", 75, "Male" ], [ "O'Connor, Gordon", "Conservative", "Ontario", 73, "Male" ], [ "Cotler, Irwin", "Liberal", "Quebec", 72, "Male" ], [ "Oliver, Joe", "Conservative", "Ontario", 72, "Male" ], [ "Tilson, David Allan", "Conservative", "Ontario", 71, "Male" ], [ "Fantino, Julian", "Conservative", "Ontario", 70, "Male" ], [ "Kent, Peter", "Conservative", "Ontario", 69, "Male" ], [ "Plamondon, Louis", "Bloc Quebecois", "Quebec", 69, "Male" ], [ "Schellenberger, Gary", "Conservative", "Ontario", 69, "Male" ], [ "Lauzon, Guy", "Conservative", "Ontario", 68, "Male" ], [ "Harris, Richard M.", "Conservative", "British Columbia", 68, "Male" ], [ "Goldring, Peter", "Conservative", "Alberta", 68, "Male" ], [ "Atamanenko, Alex", "NDP", "British Columbia", 67, "Male" ], [ "Payne, LaVar", "Conservative", "Alberta", 67, "Male" ], [ "Breitkreuz, Garry W.", "Conservative", "Saskatchewan", 67, "Male" ], [ "Genest, Réjean", "NDP", "Quebec", 66, "Male" ], [ "MacKenzie, Dave", "Conservative", "Ontario", 66, "Male" ], [ "Hyer, Bruce", "NDP", "Ontario", 66, "Male" ], [ "MacAulay, Lawrence", "Liberal", "Prince Edward Island", 66, "Male" ], [ "Galipeau, Royal", "Conservative", "Ontario", 65, "Male" ], [ "Marston, Wayne", "NDP", "Ontario", 65, "Male" ], [ "Hawn, Laurie", "Conservative", "Alberta", 65, "Male" ], [ "Kramp, Daryl", "Conservative", "Ontario", 65, "Male" ], [ "Shipley, Bev", "Conservative", "Ontario", 65, "Male" ], [ "Kerr, Greg", "Conservative", "Nova Scotia", 65, "Male" ], [ "Comartin, Joe", "NDP", "Ontario", 65, "Male" ], [ "Norlock, Rick", "Conservative", "Ontario", 64, "Male" ], [ "McKay, John", "Liberal", "Ontario", 64, "Male" ], [ "Mayes, Colin", "Conservative", "British Columbia", 64, "Male" ], [ "Rae, Bob", "Liberal", "Ontario", 64, "Male" ], [ "Harris, Jack", "NDP", "Newfoundland and Labrador", 64, "Male" ], [ "Duncan, John", "Conservative", "British Columbia", 64, "Male" ], [ "Chisu, Corneliu", "Conservative", "Ontario", 63, "Male" ], [ "Garneau, Marc", "Liberal", "Quebec", 63, "Male" ], [ "Easter, Arnold Wayne", "Liberal", "Prince Edward Island", 63, "Male" ], [ "Aspin, Jay", "Conservative", "Ontario", 63, "Male" ], [ "Goodale, Ralph", "Liberal", "Saskatchewan", 63, "Male" ], [ "Albrecht, Harold", "Conservative", "Ontario", 63, "Male" ], [ "Gravelle, Claude", "NDP", "Ontario", 63, "Male" ], [ "Komarnicki, Ed", "Conservative", "Saskatchewan", 63, "Male" ], [ "Flaherty, James Michael (Jim)", "Conservative", "Ontario", 62, "Male" ], [ "Rankin, Murray", "NDP", "British Columbia", 62, "Male" ], [ "McCallum, John", "Liberal", "Ontario", 62, "Male" ], [ "Warawa, Mark", "Conservative", "British Columbia", 62, "Male" ], [ "Obhrai, Deepak", "Conservative", "Alberta", 62, "Male" ], [ "Benoit, Leon Earl", "Conservative", "Alberta", 62, "Male" ], [ "Leung, Chungsen", "Conservative", "Ontario", 62, "Male" ], [ "Morin, Marc-André", "NDP", "Quebec", 61, "Male" ], [ "Sopuck, Robert", "Conservative", "Manitoba", 61, "Male" ], [ "Ritz, Gerry", "Conservative", "Saskatchewan", 61, "Male" ], [ "Garrison, Randall", "NDP", "British Columbia", 61, "Male" ], [ "Lunney, James", "Conservative", "British Columbia", 61, "Male" ], [ "Lukiwski, Tom", "Conservative", "Saskatchewan", 61, "Male" ], [ "Carmichael, John", "Conservative", "Ontario", 60, "Male" ], [ "Menzies, Ted", "Conservative", "Alberta", 60, "Male" ], [ "Valcourt, Bernard", "Conservative", "New Brunswick", 60, "Male" ], [ "Ashfield, Keith", "Conservative", "New Brunswick", 60, "Male" ], [ "Nicholson, Rob", "Conservative", "Ontario", 60, "Male" ], [ "Young, Terence H.", "Conservative", "Ontario", 60, "Male" ], [ "Toews, Vic", "Conservative", "Manitoba", 60, "Male" ], [ "Sullivan, Mike", "NDP", "Ontario", 60, "Male" ], [ "Patry, Claude", "NDP", "Quebec", 59, "Male" ], [ "Keddy, Gerald", "Conservative", "Nova Scotia", 59, "Male" ], [ "Bevington, Dennis Fraser", "NDP", "Territories", 59, "Male" ], [ "Allen, Malcolm", "NDP", "Ontario", 59, "Male" ], [ "Rafferty, John", "NDP", "Ontario", 59, "Male" ], [ "Dreeshen, Earl", "Conservative", "Alberta", 59, "Male" ], [ "Kamp, Randy", "Conservative", "British Columbia", 59, "Male" ], [ "Merrifield, Rob", "Conservative", "Alberta", 59, "Male" ], [ "Woodworth, Stephen", "Conservative", "Ontario", 58, "Male" ], [ "McColeman, Phil", "Conservative", "Ontario", 58, "Male" ], [ "Lebel, Denis", "Conservative", "Quebec", 58, "Male" ], [ "Lizon, Wladyslaw", "Conservative", "Ontario", 58, "Male" ], [ "Holder, Ed", "Conservative", "Ontario", 58, "Male" ], [ "Valeriote, Frank", "Liberal", "Ontario", 58, "Male" ], [ "Christopherson, David", "NDP", "Ontario", 58, "Male" ], [ "Mulcair, Thomas J.", "NDP", "Quebec", 58, "Male" ], [ "Daniel, Joe", "Conservative", "Ontario", 58, "Male" ], [ "Karygiannis, Jim", "Liberal", "Ontario", 57, "Male" ], [ "Godin, Yvon", "NDP", "New Brunswick", 57, "Male" ], [ "Dionne Labelle, Pierre", "NDP", "Quebec", 57, "Male" ], [ "Preston, Joe", "Conservative", "Ontario", 57, "Male" ], [ "Bélanger, Mauril", "Liberal", "Ontario", 57, "Male" ], [ "Fast, Edward", "Conservative", "British Columbia", 57, "Male" ], [ "Tweed, Mervin C.", "Conservative", "Manitoba", 57, "Male" ], [ "Dion, Stéphane", "Liberal", "Quebec", 57, "Male" ], [ "Van Kesteren, Dave", "Conservative", "Ontario", 57, "Male" ], [ "Cuzner, Rodger", "Liberal", "Nova Scotia", 57, "Male" ], [ "Martin, Pat", "NDP", "Manitoba", 57, "Male" ], [ "Stoffer, Peter", "NDP", "Nova Scotia", 56, "Male" ], [ "Miller, Larry", "Conservative", "Ontario", 56, "Male" ], [ "Blanchette, Denis", "NDP", "Quebec", 56, "Male" ], [ "Nunez-Melo, José", "NDP", "Quebec", 56, "Male" ], [ "Goguen, Robert", "Conservative", "New Brunswick", 55, "Male" ], [ "Scarpaleggia, Francis", "Liberal", "Quebec", 55, "Male" ], [ "Sweet, David", "Conservative", "Ontario", 55, "Male" ], [ "Anderson, David", "Conservative", "Saskatchewan", 55, "Male" ], [ "Chisholm, Robert", "NDP", "Nova Scotia", 55, "Male" ], [ "Stanton, Bruce", "Conservative", "Ontario", 55, "Male" ], [ "Goodyear, Gary", "Conservative", "Ontario", 54, "Male" ], [ "Weston, John", "Conservative", "British Columbia", 54, "Male" ], [ "Dechert, Bob", "Conservative", "Ontario", 54, "Male" ], [ "Shory, Devinder", "Conservative", "Alberta", 54, "Male" ], [ "Pilon, François", "NDP", "Quebec", 54, "Male" ], [ "Hayes, Bryan", "Conservative", "Ontario", 54, "Male" ], [ "Giguère, Alain", "NDP", "Quebec", 54, "Male" ], [ "Sorenson, Kevin", "Conservative", "Alberta", 54, "Male" ], [ "Benskin, Tyrone", "NDP", "Quebec", 53, "Male" ], [ "Menegakis, Costas", "Conservative", "Ontario", 53, "Male" ], [ "Harper, Stephen", "Conservative", "Alberta", 53, "Male" ], [ "Wilks, David", "Conservative", "British Columbia", 53, "Male" ], [ "Regan, Geoff", "Liberal", "Nova Scotia", 53, "Male" ], [ "McGuinty, David", "Liberal", "Ontario", 52, "Male" ], [ "Gosal, Bal", "Conservative", "Ontario", 52, "Male" ], [ "Aubin, Robert", "NDP", "Quebec", 52, "Male" ], [ "Eyking, Mark", "Liberal", "Nova Scotia", 52, "Male" ], [ "Brown, Gordon", "Conservative", "Ontario", 52, "Male" ], [ "Allen, Mike", "Conservative", "New Brunswick", 52, "Male" ], [ "Clement, Tony", "Conservative", "Ontario", 51, "Male" ], [ "Cannan, Ronald", "Conservative", "British Columbia", 51, "Male" ], [ "Rousseau, Jean", "NDP", "Quebec", 51, "Male" ], [ "Opitz, Ted", "Conservative", "Ontario", 51, "Male" ], [ "Toet, Lawrence", "Conservative", "Manitoba", 50, "Male" ], [ "Cash, Andrew", "NDP", "Ontario", 50, "Male" ], [ "Lamoureux, Kevin", "Liberal", "Manitoba", 50, "Male" ], [ "Scott, Craig", "NDP", "Ontario", 50, "Male" ], [ "Adler, Mark", "Conservative", "Ontario", 50, "Male" ], [ "Carrie, Colin", "Conservative", "Ontario", 50, "Male" ], [ "Julian, Peter", "NDP", "British Columbia", 50, "Male" ], [ "Pacetti, Massimo", "Liberal", "Quebec", 50, "Male" ], [ "Saganash, Romeo", "NDP", "Quebec", 50, "Male" ], [ "Angus, Charlie", "NDP", "Ontario", 50, "Male" ], [ "Davies, Don", "NDP", "British Columbia", 49, "Male" ], [ "Bernier, Maxime", "Conservative", "Quebec", 49, "Male" ], [ "Dewar, Paul", "NDP", "Ontario", 49, "Male" ], [ "Jean, Brian", "Conservative", "Alberta", 49, "Male" ], [ "Devolin, Barry", "Conservative", "Ontario", 49, "Male" ], [ "Lemieux, Pierre", "Conservative", "Ontario", 49, "Male" ], [ "Van Loan, Peter", "Conservative", "Ontario", 49, "Male" ], [ "Casey, Sean", "Liberal", "Prince Edward Island", 49, "Male" ], [ "Nantel, Pierre", "NDP", "Quebec", 49, "Male" ], [ "Coderre, Denis", "Liberal", "Quebec", 49, "Male" ], [ "Wallace, Mike", "Conservative", "Ontario", 49, "Male" ], [ "Braid, Peter", "Conservative", "Ontario", 48, "Male" ], [ "Gourde, Jacques", "Conservative", "Quebec", 48, "Male" ], [ "Reid, Scott", "Conservative", "Ontario", 48, "Male" ], [ "Hsu, Ted", "Liberal", "Ontario", 48, "Male" ], [ "Saxton, Andrew", "Conservative", "British Columbia", 48, "Male" ], [ "Weston, Rodney", "Conservative", "New Brunswick", 48, "Male" ], [ "Penashue, Peter", "Conservative", "Newfoundland and Labrador", 48, "Male" ], [ "Bellavance, André", "Bloc Quebecois", "Quebec", 48, "Male" ], [ "Rathgeber, Brent", "Conservative", "Alberta", 48, "Male" ], [ "Kellway, Matthew", "NDP", "Ontario", 48, "Male" ], [ "Toone, Philip", "NDP", "Quebec", 47, "Male" ], [ "Allison, Dean", "Conservative", "Ontario", 47, "Male" ], [ "Trottier, Bernard", "Conservative", "Ontario", 47, "Male" ], [ "Blaney, Steven", "Conservative", "Quebec", 47, "Male" ], [ "Bezan, James", "Conservative", "Manitoba", 47, "Male" ], [ "MacKay, Peter Gordon", "Conservative", "Nova Scotia", 47, "Male" ], [ "Dykstra, Richard", "Conservative", "Ontario", 46, "Male" ], [ "Sandhu, Jasbir", "NDP", "British Columbia", 46, "Male" ], [ "Donnelly, Fin", "NDP", "British Columbia", 46, "Male" ], [ "Armstrong, Scott", "Conservative", "Nova Scotia", 46, "Male" ], [ "Byrne, Gerry", "Liberal", "Newfoundland and Labrador", 46, "Male" ], [ "Stewart, Kennedy", "NDP", "British Columbia", 46, "Male" ], [ "Cleary, Ryan", "NDP", "Newfoundland and Labrador", 46, "Male" ], [ "Côté, Raymond", "NDP", "Quebec", 45, "Male" ], [ "Clarke, Rob", "Conservative", "Saskatchewan", 45, "Male" ], [ "Brison, Scott", "Liberal", "Nova Scotia", 45, "Male" ], [ "Butt, Brad", "Conservative", "Ontario", 45, "Male" ], [ "Rickford, Greg", "Conservative", "Ontario", 45, "Male" ], [ "LeBlanc, Dominic", "Liberal", "New Brunswick", 45, "Male" ], [ "Hoback, Randy", "Conservative", "Saskatchewan", 45, "Male" ], [ "Caron, Guy", "NDP", "Quebec", 44, "Male" ], [ "Brahmi, Tarik", "NDP", "Quebec", 44, "Male" ], [ "Kenney, Jason", "Conservative", "Alberta", 44, "Male" ], [ "Masse, Brian", "NDP", "Ontario", 44, "Male" ], [ "Alexander, Chris", "Conservative", "Ontario", 44, "Male" ], [ "Zimmer, Bob", "Conservative", "British Columbia", 44, "Male" ], [ "Calkins, Blaine", "Conservative", "Alberta", 44, "Male" ], [ "Baird, John", "Conservative", "Ontario", 43, "Male" ], [ "Lake, Mike", "Conservative", "Alberta", 43, "Male" ], [ "Simms, Scott", "Liberal", "Newfoundland and Labrador", 43, "Male" ], [ "Thibeault, Glenn", "NDP", "Ontario", 43, "Male" ], [ "Williamson, John", "Conservative", "New Brunswick", 42, "Male" ], [ "Calandra, Paul", "Conservative", "Ontario", 42, "Male" ], [ "Chicoine, Sylvain", "NDP", "Quebec", 42, "Male" ], [ "Del Mastro, Dean", "Conservative", "Ontario", 42, "Male" ], [ "Rajotte, James", "Conservative", "Alberta", 42, "Male" ], [ "Seeback, Kyle", "Conservative", "Ontario", 42, "Male" ], [ "Watson, Jeff", "Conservative", "Ontario", 41, "Male" ], [ "Lapointe, François", "NDP", "Quebec", 41, "Male" ], [ "Nicholls, Jamie", "NDP", "Quebec", 41, "Male" ], [ "Chong, Michael D.", "Conservative", "Ontario", 41, "Male" ], [ "Trudeau, Justin", "Liberal", "Quebec", 41, "Male" ], [ "Larose, Jean-François", "NDP", "Quebec", 40, "Male" ], [ "Anders, Rob", "Conservative", "Alberta", 40, "Male" ], [ "Fletcher, Steven John", "Conservative", "Manitoba", 40, "Male" ], [ "Cullen, Nathan", "NDP", "British Columbia", 40, "Male" ], [ "Ravignat, Mathieu", "NDP", "Quebec", 39, "Male" ], [ "Bruinooge, Rod", "Conservative", "Manitoba", 39, "Male" ], [ "Mai, Hoang", "NDP", "Quebec", 39, "Male" ], [ "Boulerice, Alexandre", "NDP", "Quebec", 39, "Male" ], [ "Fortin, Jean-François", "Bloc Quebecois", "Quebec", 39, "Male" ], [ "Leef, Ryan", "Conservative", "Territories", 38, "Male" ], [ "Paradis, 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