I If you are contributing to the Open Source for the first time, You can check out [First Time Contributors Guide](#first-time-contributors-guide) # Local Setup - [Fork](https://github.com/Pika1998/react-native-wifi-and-hotspot-wizard/fork) the respository. - Clone your forked copy of the repository using `git clone https://github.com/${yourUsername}/react-native-wifi-and-hotspot-wizard` - `cd react-native-wifi-and-hotspot-wizard` - `npm install` to install the dev dependencies. # Community Join our community slack to be in touch. Slack # Sending Pull Request - Create a branch in your forked repository with a relevant name (`e.g Added XYZ feature`) - Push your changes to the branch - Create a pull request from your branch to `master` of my branch. # First-time Contributors Guide - You can checkout the [Issues](https://github.com/Pika1998/react-native-wifi-and-hotspot-wizard/issues) and select the one that you like (You can comment on issue to let me know that you're working on it.) - Just go through the [Local Setup Guide](#local-setup) to locally setup the project - Once you are done making changes you can create a Pull Request to the master of this (https://github.com/Pika1998/react-native-wifi-and-hotspot-wizard) repository.