#VERSION: 1.2 #AUTHORS: Shiro Hazuki (hazuki.shiro@gmail.com), cdgg (cdgg.cdgg@gmail.com) # # GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE # Version 3, 29 June 2007 # # # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # 'DivxTotal plug-in for qBittorrent' import re import urllib2 class divxtotal(object): url = 'http://divxtotal.com' name = 'DivxTotal' supported_categories = { 'all' : '', 'movies' : 'peliculas', 'tv' : 'series', 'music' : 'musica', 'software' : 'programas', } out = [-1]*7 (LINK,NAME,SIZE,SEEDS,LEECH,ENGINE_URL,DESCRIPTION) = range(0,7) MULTIPLIERS = { 'B' : 1, 'KB' : 1024, 'MB' : 1024**2, 'GB' : 1024**3, } def reset(self): self.out = [-1]*7 self.out[self.ENGINE_URL] = self.url def put(self): print '|'.join([str(x) for x in self.out]) self.reset() def __init__(self): self.reset() def search(self, what, cat='all'): nextpage = 'buscar.php?busqueda=' + what while nextpage != False: u = urllib2.urlopen('http://divxtotal.com/' + nextpage) nextpage = False content = '' for line in u.readlines(): content += line.strip() u.close() for item in re.split('
  • ', content)[1:-1]: # Name, link and description match = re.search('


    (.+)', match.group(1)) self.out[self.DESCRIPTION] = 'http://divxtotal.com/' + re.search('(.+)', match.group(1)).group(1) + '/' self.out[self.LINK] = 'http://divxtotal.com/download.php?id={0}'.format( n.group(2) ) self.out[self.NAME] = n.group(5) # Torrent size match = re.search('


  • ', item) if re.search('^[0-9\-]+$', match.group(1))==None: matchSize = re.search('([0-9\.]+) (.+)', match.group(1)) size = int( float(matchSize.group(1)) * self.MULTIPLIERS[matchSize.group(2)] ) self.out[self.SIZE] = size # Category match = re.search('


    ", match.group(1)).group(1) if cat=='all' or matchCategory==self.supported_categories[cat]: print_this = True if print_this: self.put() print_this = False match = re.search("Siguiente >>", re.split('