--[[pod_format="raw",created="2024-04-01 05:45:05",modified="2024-04-01 05:55:08",revision=3]] --[[ Thanks for using PicoNet Sitebuilder! I look forward to seeing your picosite! In order to make this available on PicoNet Explorer, you'll need to upload this lua file somewhere on the internet that you can get a link to it. Then, you'll want to go to the following thread: https://www.lexaloffle.com/bbs/?tid=140960 and post your link based on the format provided there. it's very possible that this format could change slightly and so I will not be listing that here just yet. ]] p = { title="PixelDud ", g=create_gui({ x=0,y=0, width=300,height=300, fgcol = 0x090d }), copybuttons = {}, init = function(self,explorer) local page = self add(self.copybuttons, self.g:attach({ x=2, y=2, width=30, height=30, event = function(self,msg) if(msg.event == "release") then set_clipboard("--[[pod,pod_type=\"image\"]]unpod(\""..page.image5_raw.."\")") notify("image userdata added to clipboard") end end })) end, get_gui = function(self,explorer) return self.g end, draw = function(self,explorer) cls(0) rectfill(0,0,300,32,5) print("PixelDud's Picosite ",100,12,7) print(" Hello there!\nI'm PixelDud, and this is my Picosite!\nAs I make Picotron projects, they'll\nend up both here, and on the BBS. ",50,33,7) palt(0) palt(0, true) sspr(self.image5, 0, 0, 30,30,2,2,30,30) palt() end, update = function(self,explorer) end, image5_raw = "b64:bHo0AIMAAACMAAAA8CdweHUAQyAeHgSgAl8YAvADAr4C4P4AsAL_AgKAAv4EAmAC-gYCUP4IQI54jiACjniOAhCeeJ4EAKIAAp443gKuOP4KAwAwuP4CAwDBbgKeuF4CAF44-gIQBQBwAk44-gECIAYAQED_CFBQABBgWgAQgGQA0LD_AOACvgLwAwJeAqA=", image5 = unpod("b64:bHo0AIMAAACMAAAA8CdweHUAQyAeHgSgAl8YAvADAr4C4P4AsAL_AgKAAv4EAmAC-gYCUP4IQI54jiACjniOAhCeeJ4EAKIAAp443gKuOP4KAwAwuP4CAwDBbgKeuF4CAF44-gIQBQBwAk44-gECIAYAQED_CFBQABBgWgAQgGQA0LD_AOACvgLwAwJeAqA=") }