sublime-text-npm ================ npm commands within Sublime Text (v3) [Git integration]( is handy, so why not [npm]( too? Installation ============ 1. Install [node and npm]( on your machine 2. Install [Package Control]( in Sublime Text 3. Open the "[Command Pallet](" (CTRL+SHIFT+P or +SHIFT+P) 4. type "pkgctlinspkg" (for "Package Control: Install Package" ;-) 5. type "[npm](" 6. Tah-dah! Usage ===== 1. Open a file (usually a *.js or *.coffee) in your npm project/package 2. CTRL+SHIFT+P or +SHIFT+P 3. Type `npm: ` to see all npm commands 4. Press Enter to invoke the selected command. The npm command will be run in the directory of your focused file. Commands Implemented ==================== If you don't see your favorite here, please [file an issue]( [Install]( * Install Saved Packages: `npm install` * Install Package: `npm install ` * Install and Save Package: `npm install --save` * Install and Save Development Package: `npm install --save-dev` [Uninstall](): * Remove/Uninstall Package: `npm rm` * Remove/Uninstall Saved Package: `npm rm --save --save-dev -save-optional` [List]( * List Installed Packages: `npm list --depth 0` * List Installed Packages, Deep: `npm list` [Outdated]( * Check for outdated packages: `npm outdated` [Run]( * Run Script: `npm run