# >> CLIENT SIDE VARIABLES CONFIGURATION << # Domain or IP address where Feedbacky is hosted, CLIENT_APP_PORT is required here if you don't use port 80 (web port) or domain REACT_APP_SERVER_IP_ADDRESS=http://example.com # Name of your self hosted Feedbacky service REACT_APP_SERVICE_NAME=Feedbacky # Link to default user avatar image, use %nick% placeholder to replace with User nickname REACT_APP_DEFAULT_USER_AVATAR=https://static.plajer.xyz/avatar/generator/%nick% # >> GENERAL VARIABLES CONFIGURATION << # Port where client application will run, if this port is used replace it with different one CLIENT_APP_PORT=8090 # Port where server application will run, if this port is used replace it with different one SERVER_APP_PORT=8095 # Secret token for authentication purposes, you can generate one here https://www.grc.com/passwords.htm JWT_SECRET=secretPass # >> SQL DATABASE VARIABLES CONFIGURATION << # Database credentials MYSQL_USERNAME=username MYSQL_PASSWORD=passwd # Replace and with proper values MYSQL_URL=jdbc:mysql://:/?useSSL=false&serverTimezone=UTC&useUnicode=true&characterEncoding=UTF-8 # >> LOGIN INTEGRATIONS CONFIGURATION << # Feedbacky is passwordless and relies on 3rd party providers to log in, please enable at least 1 of providers below. # All filled values for each OAuth application will count as an enabled login integration. # Discord (https://discordapp.com/) login integration enabled # To create OAuth application go here https://discordapp.com/developers/applications OAUTH_DISCORD_REDIRECT_URI= OAUTH_DISCORD_CLIENT_ID= OAUTH_DISCORD_CLIENT_SECRET= # Allow users to log in just using email address. SETTINGS_MAIL_LOGIN_ENABLED=false # For Google, GitHub, GitLab and other OAuth integrations please refer to https://docs.feedbacky.net and add any variables manually. # >> MAIL SENDING FEATURE VARIABLES CONFIGURATION (optional) << # Name of mail sender MAIL_SENDER="Feedbacky " # Currently available mail services: # * mailgun - https://www.mailgun.com/ (credit card required to set up account) (5k mails for 3 months, then $0.80 per 1k mails) # * sendgrid - https://sendgrid.com/ (100 mails per day) # * smtp - your own SMTP server for sending mails # * (blank) - for no mail configuration MAIL_SERVICE_TYPE= # API key for mail service selected above (not for SMTP) MAIL_SERVICE_API_KEY=apiKey # API url for mail service # For Mailgun: https://api.mailgun.net/v3//messages (more here https://documentation.mailgun.com/en/latest/api-intro.html#base-url-1) # For Sendgrid: https://api.sendgrid.com/v3/mail/send MAIL_SERVICE_API_BASE_URL=baseUrl # SMTP server credentials MAIL_SMTP_USERNAME=username MAIL_SMTP_PASSWORD=passwd MAIL_SMTP_HOST=host.com MAIL_SMTP_PORT=587 # >> IMAGES COMPRESSION VARIABLES CONFIGURATION (optional) << # Is image compression for images enabled? If yes credentials below must be valid. IMAGE_COMPRESSION_ENABLED=false # Currently available compressors: # * cheetaho - https://cheetaho.com/ (free 500 compressions per month) IMAGE_COMPRESSION_TYPE=cheetaho # API key from https://cheetaho.com/ service IMAGE_COMPRESSION_CHEETAHO_API_KEY=apiKey # >> GITHUB INTEGRATION CONFIGURATION (optional) << #todo document me INTEGRATION_GITHUB_APP_ID= INTEGRATION_GITHUB_CLIENT_ID= INTEGRATION_GITHUB_CLIENT_SECRET= INTEGRATION_GITHUB_REDIRECT_URI= INTEGRATION_GITHUB_PRIVATE_KEY=