An ontology that describes plant anatomy, morphology, and growth and development in plants. Plant Ontology plant_ontology 1.2 cooperl CL part_of NCBITaxon:33090 CARO definition term replaced by plural form Term for angiosperms Term used for Arabidopsis Term used for mosses, liverworts, and/or hornworts plant cells Term used for citrus German synonym (exact) Term used for gymnosperms Japanese synonym (exact) Term used for maize Terms used for banana Term used for grasses Term used for potato Term used for ferns and allies Term used for rice Spanish synonym (exact) Term used for tomato Plant Functional Traits reference plant structure term subset_property synonym_type_property consider has_alternative_id has_broad_synonym database_cross_reference has_exact_synonym has_narrow_synonym has_obo_format_version has_obo_namespace has_related_synonym has_scope has_synonym_type in_subset shorthand treat-xrefs-as-genus-differentia treat-xrefs-as-is_a BFO:0000050 plant_ontology part_of part_of part_of BFO:0000051 plant_ontology has_part has_part has_part The assertion P preceded_by P1 tells us something about Ps in general: that is, it tells us something about what happened earlier, given what we know about what happened later. Thus it does not provide information pointing in the opposite direction, concerning instances of P1 in general; that is, that each is such as to be succeeded by some instance of P. Laurel_Cooper 2013-07-09T14:29:15Z BFO:0000062 plant_ontology preceded_by preceded_by Note that an assertion to the effect that P preceded_by P1 is rather weak; it tells us little about the relations between the underlying instances in virtue of which the preceded_by relation obtains. Typically we will be interested in stronger relations, for example in the relation immediately_preceded_by, or in relations which combine preceded_by with a condition to the effect that the corresponding instances of P and P1 share participants, or that their participants are connected by relations of derivation, or (as a first step along the road to a treatment of causality) that the one process in some way affects (for example, initiates or regulates) the other. preceded_by The assertion P preceded_by P1 tells us something about Ps in general: that is, it tells us something about what happened earlier, given what we know about what happened later. Thus it does not provide information pointing in the opposite direction, concerning instances of P1 in general; that is, that each is such as to be succeeded by some instance of P. POC:Laurel_Cooper Laurel_Cooper 2015-06-04T17:18:40Z BFO:0000063 plant_ontology precedes precedes precedes A derives_by_manipulation_from B means: A is a type of in vitro plant structure, and every instance of A exists at a point in time later than some instance of B from which it was created through human manipulation, and every instance of A inherited a biologically significant portion of its matter from the instance of B from which it was derived. rwalls 2010-07-01T02:45:12Z PO:0040001 plant_ontology derives_by_manipulation_from derives_by_manipulation_from The derives_by_manipulation_from relation, is a special case of the RO relation derives_from. Derives_from implies an instance level derivation that holds between two distinct material continuants when one succeeds the other across a temporal divide in such a way that at least a biologically significant portion of the matter of the earlier continuant is inherited by the later. Likewise, derives_by_manipulation_from joins two plant structures before and after some manipulation. Specifically, derives_by_manipulation_from is used to describe the relation between an in vitro plant structure and the in vivo plant structure that is its temporal precursor. derives_by_manipulation_from A derives_by_manipulation_from B means: A is a type of in vitro plant structure, and every instance of A exists at a point in time later than some instance of B from which it was created through human manipulation, and every instance of A inherited a biologically significant portion of its matter from the instance of B from which it was derived. POC:curators PO:0040002 plant_ontology isolated_from_germplasm isolated_from_germplasm isolated from germplasm RO:0000056 plant_ontology participates_in participates_in participates_in RO:0000057 plant_ontology has_participant has_participant has_participant rwalls 2012-05-23T09:52:02Z RO:0001025 plant_ontology located_in located_in located_in RO:0002160 plant_ontology only_in_taxon only_in_taxon only_in_taxon RO:0002202 plant_ontology develops_from develops_from develops_from RO:0002220 plant_ontology adjacent_to adjacent_to adjacent_to X developmentally related to y if and only if there exists some developmental process (GO:0032502) p such that x and y both participates in p, and x is the output of p and y is the input of p. Laurel_Cooper 2013-06-27T13:16:56Z RO:0002258 plant_ontology developmentally_preceded_by developmentally_preceded_by developmentally_preceded_by X developmentally related to y if and only if there exists some developmental process (GO:0032502) p such that x and y both participates in p, and x is the output of p and y is the input of p. RO:0002258 An embryonic plant structure (PO:0025099) that is the body of a developing plant embryo (PO:0009009) attached to the maternal tissue in an plant ovule (PO:0020003) by a suspensor (PO:0020108). PO_GIT:246 embri&#243foro (Spanish, exact) 胚本体 (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy PO:0000001 The embryo proper is the entire embryo exclusive of the suspensor. plant embryo proper An embryonic plant structure (PO:0025099) that is the body of a developing plant embryo (PO:0009009) attached to the maternal tissue in an plant ovule (PO:0020003) by a suspensor (PO:0020108). POC:Laurel_Cooper POC:Ramona_Walls embri&#243foro (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo 胚本体 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki A microsporangium wall (PO:0025307) that is part of an anther (PO:0009066). PO:0006445 PO:0006477 PO_GIT:149 PO_GIT:298 pared de la antera (Spanish, exact) pollen sac wall (exact) 葯壁 (Japanese, exact) Poaceae anther wall (narrow) Zea anther wall (narrow) plant_anatomy PO:0000002 Has an outer epidermis (exothecium) and an endothecium and may have additional layers. If you are annotating to this structure for Zea mays or other grasses, please also add an annotation to the corresponding floret type. Choose the most specific term possible from: spikelet floret (PO:0009082), tassel floret (PO:0006310), lower floret of pedicellate spikelet of tassel (PO:0006313), lower floret of sessile spikelet of tassel (PO:0006315), upper floret of pedicellate spikelet of tassel (PO:0006314), upper floret of sessile spikelet of tassel (PO:0006316). anther wall 葯壁 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki A microsporangium wall (PO:0025307) that is part of an anther (PO:0009066). ISBN:0471244554 ISBN:9780003686647 pared de la antera (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo A plant structure (PO:0005679) which is a whole organism. genet (broad) ramet (broad) FNA:4b610104-1bb0-4c6b-9bb9-e3cc61d11ac0 FNA:99508f62-7116-4e2b-90c0-19ff55ebd967 FNA:ba1b1bd5-75bd-4195-b11c-3aba08da08c2 FNA:c1ccca7d-2a98-4a9d-8603-c34b551935e0 FNA:e4dde193-57f7-4ab9-9d25-96b4ca0088ba FNA:ec8c2064-2a67-43d7-8e14-aecfef5cf33b FNA:f8f31520-e4bc-4430-9274-8dd3cee7ffd8 PO_GIT:538 PO_GIT:69 planta entera (Spanish, exact) 植物体全体 (Japanese, exact) bush (narrow) frutex (narrow) frutices (narrow, plural) gametophyte (narrow) herb (narrow) liana (narrow) prothalli (narrow, plural) prothallium (narrow) prothallus (narrow) shrub (narrow) sporophyte (narrow) suffrutex (narrow) suffrutices (narrow, plural) tree (narrow) vine (narrow) woody clump (narrow) plant_anatomy clonal colony (related) colony (related) PO:0000003 Examples include plant embryo (PO:0009009), megagametophyte (PO:0025279) and microgametophyte (PO:0025280). whole plant A plant structure (PO:0005679) which is a whole organism. POC:curators planta entera (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo 植物体全体 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki frutex (narrow) FNA:e4dde193-57f7-4ab9-9d25-96b4ca0088ba frutices (narrow, plural) FNA:ec8c2064-2a67-43d7-8e14-aecfef5cf33b prothalli (narrow, plural) FNA:4b610104-1bb0-4c6b-9bb9-e3cc61d11ac0 prothallus (narrow) FNA:f8f31520-e4bc-4430-9274-8dd3cee7ffd8 suffrutex (narrow) FNA:99508f62-7116-4e2b-90c0-19ff55ebd967 suffrutices (narrow, plural) FNA:ba1b1bd5-75bd-4195-b11c-3aba08da08c2 woody clump (narrow) FNA:c1ccca7d-2a98-4a9d-8603-c34b551935e0 A plant structure (PO:0009011) that is grown or maintained in vitro. PO_GIT:64 estructura vegetal in vito (Spanish, exact) 培養下植物構造 (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy PO:0000004 In vitro growth is defined as microbe-free growth in a sterile, culture environment, usually in the laboratory. An example of a sterile culture environment is growth on or in a nutrient medium in a Petri dish, culture flask or test tube. Microbes may be intentionally added to the culture environment, such as in co-culture with Agrobacterium. in vitro plant structure A plant structure (PO:0009011) that is grown or maintained in vitro. POC:Laurel_Cooper POC:curators estructura vegetal in vito (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo 培養下植物構造 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki A plant cell (PO:0009002) that is grown or maintained in vitro. cultured cell (broad) PO_GIT:327 c&#233lula cultivada (Spanish, exact) 培養植物細胞 (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy cell suspension (related) PO:0000005 Includes isolated plant cells and small plant cell aggregates that proliferate while suspended in sterile liquid medium or spread on a solid agar medium. cultured plant cell A plant cell (PO:0009002) that is grown or maintained in vitro. POC:curators c&#233lula cultivada (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo 培養植物細胞 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki A cultured plant cell from which the entire plant cell wall has been removed. protoplast (broad) PO_GIT:322 protoplasto cultivado (Spanish, exact) 植物プロトプラスト (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy PO:0000006 The cell wall is generally removed using polysaccharide-degrading enzymes such as cellulase, pectinase and /or xylanase. The cultured plant cell may be in suspension culture or from callus culture on solid media. plant protoplast A cultured plant cell from which the entire plant cell wall has been removed. POC:curators protoplasto cultivado (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo 植物プロトプラスト (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki A cultured plant cell that was derived from leaf tissue. c&#233lula cultivada de hoja (Spanish, exact) leaf-derived cultured cell (exact) 葉由来植物培養細胞 (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy cultured plant cell (related) PO:0000007 May be derived from cultured plant callus or plant protoplast that was induced from a segment of leaf. In the case of the plant protoplast, after the re-establishment cell walls. leaf-derived cultured plant cell A cultured plant cell that was derived from leaf tissue. POC:curators c&#233lula cultivada de hoja (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo 葉由来植物培養細胞 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki cultured plant cell (related) POC:curators A cultured plant cell that was derived from root tissue. c&#233lula cultivada de ra&#237z (Spanish, exact) root-derived cultured cell (exact) 根由来植物培養細胞 (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy PO:0000008 May be derived from cultured plant callus or plant protoplasts induced from a segment of root. In the case of the plant protoplast, after the re-establishment plant cell walls. root-derived cultured plant cell A cultured plant cell that was derived from root tissue. POC:curators c&#233lula cultivada de ra&#237z (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo 根由来植物培養細胞 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki A plant callus (PO:0005052) grown or maintained in vitro. cultured callus (broad) PO_GIT:323 callo cultivado (Spanish, exact) 培養植物カルス (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy PO:0000009 Cultured plant callus may induced to form from plant protoplasts or cultured plant cells in suspension culture. After supplementation with the appropriate plant growth regulators, further differentiation may lead to the development of plant tissues, plant organs and ultimately, a whole plant. cultured plant callus A plant callus (PO:0005052) grown or maintained in vitro. POC:curators callo cultivado (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo 培養植物カルス (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki A plant embryo (PO:0009009) that is grown or maintained in vitro. PO_GIT:325 cultured embryo (exact) embri&#243n cultivado (Spanish, exact) 培養植物胚 (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy PO:0000010 Includes isolated and maintained mature or immature zygotic embryos, somatic embryos or haploid embryos (derived from male gametophyte). cultured plant embryo A plant embryo (PO:0009009) that is grown or maintained in vitro. POC:curators TAIR_curator:Katica_Ilic embri&#243n cultivado (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo 培養植物胚 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki A somatic plant embryo grown and maintained in vitro. cultured somatic embryo (broad) embri&#243n som&#225tico cultivado (Spanish, exact) 培養植物体細胞不定胚 (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy PO:0000011 Cultured somatic plant embryos are commonly induced after the formation of callus from an explant and treatment with plant growth regulators. cultured somatic plant embryo A somatic plant embryo grown and maintained in vitro. POC:curators TAIR_curator:Katica_Ilic embri&#243n som&#225tico cultivado (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo 培養植物体細胞不定胚 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki Hook-like structure which develops at the apical part of the hypocotyl in dark-grown seedlings in dicots. PO_GIT:70 gancho apical (Spanish, exact) 頂端かぎ状屈曲構造 (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy hypocotyl hook (related) PO:0000012 apical hook Hook-like structure which develops at the apical part of the hypocotyl in dark-grown seedlings in dicots. TAIR_curator:Katica_Ilic gancho apical (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo 頂端かぎ状屈曲構造 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki A vascular leaf (PO:0009025), borne on the stem (PO:0009047). PO_GIT:302 hoja caulinar (Spanish, exact) 茎生葉、茎葉 (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy PO:0000013 In Arabidopsis, refers to the leaves that are borne on the elongated inflorescence branches. May ocur singly or pairs/whorls of leaves. cauline leaf A vascular leaf (PO:0009025), borne on the stem (PO:0009047). TAIR_curator:Katica_Ilic hoja caulinar (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo 茎生葉、茎葉 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki A vascular leaf (PO:0009025) born in a circular pattern around a stem (PO:0009047) with compressed stem internodes (PO:0020142). PO_GIT:302 hoja en roseta (Spanish, exact) ロゼット葉 (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy PO:0000014 Arabidopsis, vegetative development is characterized by the production of the rosette leaves. rosette leaf A vascular leaf (PO:0009025) born in a circular pattern around a stem (PO:0009047) with compressed stem internodes (PO:0020142). POC:curators TAIR_curator:Katica_Ilic hoja en roseta (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo ロゼット葉 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki A phyllome primordium (PO:0025128) that develops from a cotyledon anlagen (PO:0025432) and is part of a vegetative shoot apex (PO:0025223) and is committed to the development of a cotyledon (PO:0020030). PO_GIT:466 cotyledon primordia (exact, plural) portion of cotyledon primordium tissue (exact) primordio de cotiled&#243n (Spanish, exact) 子葉原基(可視的)(Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy PO:0000015 cotyledon primordium A phyllome primordium (PO:0025128) that develops from a cotyledon anlagen (PO:0025432) and is part of a vegetative shoot apex (PO:0025223) and is committed to the development of a cotyledon (PO:0020030). POC:curators cotyledon primordia (exact, plural) primordio de cotiled&#243n (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo 子葉原基(可視的)(Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki A root primordium (PO:0005029) that is part of a root (PO:0009005) and is committed to the development of a lateral root (PO:0020121). PO_GIT:467 portion of lateral root primordium tissue (exact) primordio de ra&#237z lateral (Spanish, exact) 側根原基 (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy PO:0000016 A lateral root primordium may arise from cells of a pericycle (PO:0006203) in a root, as in most seed plants (pericyclic lateral root primordium; PO:0025492), or from cells of an endodermis (PO:0000252) or other tissue in ferns and some seed plants (non-pericyclic lateral root primordium: PO:0025493). Transition from lateral root primordium to lateral root occurs with the formation of a root cap (PO:0020123), shortly after the development of a root apical meristem (PO:0020147), which can occur before the lateral root penetrates the exterior of the parent root. lateral root primordium A root primordium (PO:0005029) that is part of a root (PO:0009005) and is committed to the development of a lateral root (PO:0020121). POC:curators primordio de ra&#237z lateral (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo 側根原基 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki A phyllome primordium (PO:0025128) that develops from a vascular leaf anlagen (PO:0025431) and is part of a vegetative shoot apex (PO:0025223) and is committed to the development of a vascular leaf (PO:0009025). PO_GIT:466 leaf primordium (exact) portion of vascular leaf primordium tissue (exact) primordio de hoja (Spanish, exact) vascular leaf primordia (exact, plural) 葉原基 (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy PO:0000017 vascular leaf primordium A phyllome primordium (PO:0025128) that develops from a vascular leaf anlagen (PO:0025431) and is part of a vegetative shoot apex (PO:0025223) and is committed to the development of a vascular leaf (PO:0009025). POC:Laurel_Cooper POC:curators primordio de hoja (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo vascular leaf primordia (exact, plural) 葉原基 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki A floral structure primordium (PO:0025477) that is committed to the development of an ovule (PO:0020003). PO_GIT:465 portion of ovule primordium tissue (exact) primordio de &#243vulo (Spanish, exact) 胚珠原基(可視的) (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy PO:0000018 The transition from ovule primordium to ovule occurs when an integument (PO:0020021) begins to develop from the protoderm (PO:0006210). ovule primordium A floral structure primordium (PO:0025477) that is committed to the development of an ovule (PO:0020003). ISBN:0471245208 POC:curators primordio de &#243vulo (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo 胚珠原基(可視的) (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki A floral structure primordium (PO:0025477) that is committed to the development of a gynoecium (PO:0009062). PO_GIT:465 pistil primordium (exact) portion of gynoecium primordium tissue (exact) primordio de gineceo (Spanish, exact) 雌蕊原基(可視的) (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy PO:0000019 Use carpel primordium (PO:0004703) for the primordium (PO:0025127) of an individual carpel (PO:0009030). gynoecium primordium A floral structure primordium (PO:0025477) that is committed to the development of a gynoecium (PO:0009062). POC:curators primordio de gineceo (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo 雌蕊原基(可視的) (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki OBSOLETE. Cells characterized by conspicuous and rather stable accumulation of starch. c&#233lula con almid&#243n de la vaina (Spanish, exact) デンプン鞘細胞 (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy PO:0000020 Uninformative definition OBSOLETE starch sheath cell true OBSOLETE. Cells characterized by conspicuous and rather stable accumulation of starch. ISBN:044174520 c&#233lula con almid&#243n de la vaina (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo デンプン鞘細胞 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki A phyllome primordium (PO:0025128) that develops from a petal anlagen (PO:0025484) and is committed to the development of a petal (PO:0009032). PO_GIT:465 PO_GIT:466 petal primordia (exact, plural) portion of petal primordium tissue (exact) primordio de p&#233talo (Spanish, exact) 花弁原基(可視的) (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy PO:0000021 petal primordium A phyllome primordium (PO:0025128) that develops from a petal anlagen (PO:0025484) and is committed to the development of a petal (PO:0009032). POC:curators petal primordia (exact, plural) primordio de p&#233talo (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo 花弁原基(可視的) (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki A portion of plant substance (PO:0025161) composed of cutin (PO:0025385), a polyester matrix of hydroxy- and hydroxy epoxy fatty acids C16 and C18 chains, embedded and overlayed with cuticular wax (PO:0025386) and forming a layer on the surface of a plant epidermis (PO:0005679). cuticle (broad) PO_GIT:416 cut&#237cula (Spanish, exact) 植物クチクラ (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy PO:0000022 The plant cuticle is produced in and secreted by epidermal cells (PO:0004013) of leaves (PO:0025034), stems (PO:0009047), fruits (PO:0009001), and other aerial plant structures. It has as parts an inner cuticle proper (PO:0025387) and an outer layer of epicuticular wax (PO:0025388). plant cuticle A portion of plant substance (PO:0025161) composed of cutin (PO:0025385), a polyester matrix of hydroxy- and hydroxy epoxy fatty acids C16 and C18 chains, embedded and overlayed with cuticular wax (PO:0025386) and forming a layer on the surface of a plant epidermis (PO:0005679). ISBN:0471245208 POC:Laurel_Cooper cut&#237cula (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo 植物クチクラ (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki OBSOLETE. A band-like wall formation within primary walls that contains suberin and lignin; typical of endodermal cells in roots, in which it occurs in radial and transverse anticlinal walls. banda de caspary (Spanish, exact) カスパリー線 (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy PO:0000023 Comment: this term is now available in the cellular_component aspect of the Gene Ontology (GO:0048226). OBSOLETE casparian strip true OBSOLETE. A band-like wall formation within primary walls that contains suberin and lignin; typical of endodermal cells in roots, in which it occurs in radial and transverse anticlinal walls. ISBN:0471245208 banda de caspary (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo カスパリー線 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki OBSOLETE. A complex of cell wall invaginations in a synergid cell similar to those in transfer cells. aparato filiforme (Spanish, exact) 繊形装置 (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy PO:0000024 This term is now available in the cellular_component aspect of the Gene Ontology, GO:0043680. OBSOLETE filiform apparatus true aparato filiforme (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo 繊形装置 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki OBSOLETE. A complex of cell wall invaginations in a synergid cell similar to those in transfer cells. ISBN:0471245208 A cardinal organ part (PO:0025001) which is the apical portion of the root (PO:0009005), and includes the root apical meristem (PO:0020147) and root cap (PO:0020123). PO_GIT:620 PO_GIT:70 punta de la ra&#237z (Spanish, exact) 根端 (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy PO:0000025 root tip A cardinal organ part (PO:0025001) which is the apical portion of the root (PO:0009005), and includes the root apical meristem (PO:0020147) and root cap (PO:0020123). POC:Laurel_Cooper TAIR_curator:Katica_Ilic punta de la ra&#237z (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo 根端 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki The portion of the primary root including the meristem and root cap. PO_GIT:620 punta de la ra&#237z primaria (Spanish, exact) 一次根端 (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy PO:0000026 primary root tip The portion of the primary root including the meristem and root cap. TAIR_curator:Katica_Ilic punta de la ra&#237z primaria (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo 一次根端 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki A root tip (PO:0000025) of a lateral root (PO:0020121). PO_GIT:577 punta de la ra&#237z lateral (Spanish, exact) 側根端 (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy PO:0000027 lateral root tip A root tip (PO:0000025) of a lateral root (PO:0020121). PO:austin_meier TAIR_curator:Katica_Ilic punta de la ra&#237z lateral (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo 側根端 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki OBSOLETE. Tip portion of the pollen tube that is rapidly growing. PO:0025195 PO_GIT:228 punta del tubo pol&#237nico (Spanish, exact) 花粉管先端部 (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy PO:0000028 This term was made obsolete because it is a subcellular component. See GO for the term pollen tube tip (GO:0090404). Since a pollen tube tip is part_of a pollen tube, which is part of a pollen cell, annotations for pollen tube tip may also go to the more general term pollen tube cell (PO:0025195). OBSOLETE pollen tube tip true OBSOLETE. Tip portion of the pollen tube that is rapidly growing. TAIR_curator:Katica_Ilic punta del tubo pol&#237nico (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo 花粉管先端部 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki OBSOLETE. Tip portion of an outgrowth of a root epidermal cell. PO:0000256 PO_GIT:227 punta del pelo de la ra&#237z (Spanish, exact) 根毛端 (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy PO:0000029 This term was made obsolete because it is a subcellular component. Root hair tip (GO:0035619) has been added to GO. To annotate to a cell that has a root hair tip, consider root hair cell (PO:0000256). OBSOLETE root hair tip true OBSOLETE. Tip portion of an outgrowth of a root epidermal cell. TAIR_curator:Katica_Ilic punta del pelo de la ra&#237z (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo 根毛端 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki A collective organ part structure composed of two or more layers of various tissues that is a partition that divides a cavity formed by the fusion of two or more organs. dissepiment (broad) FNA:978c1c40-4dee-4bb1-99f6-b2360d1b77b4 PO_GIT:277 PlantSystematics_image_archive:1597 septa (exact, plural) septo (Spanish, exact) 隔壁 (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy PO:0000030 A septum is formed by the fusion of the walls of two adjacent organs (ovary walls or anther walls), for example, the partition between two sections of an orange, seen in cross-section. septum A collective organ part structure composed of two or more layers of various tissues that is a partition that divides a cavity formed by the fusion of two or more organs. POC:curators dissepiment (broad) FNA:978c1c40-4dee-4bb1-99f6-b2360d1b77b4 septa (exact, plural) FNA:28e5096f-fc90-4b10-9079-9a60068a7967 septo (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo 隔壁 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki A portion of periderm tissue (PO:0005046) characterized by the presence of intercellular spaces between the cells of the phellem (PO:0004003) and phelloderm (PO:0005050) PO_GIT:149 PO_GIT:633 lenticela (Spanish, exact) 皮目 (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy PO:0000031 Lenticels are produced by the cork cambium (PO:0005599) and facilitate gas exchange. lenticel A portion of periderm tissue (PO:0005046) characterized by the presence of intercellular spaces between the cells of the phellem (PO:0004003) and phelloderm (PO:0005050) ISBN:0471245208 NYBG:Brandon_Sinn NYBG:Dario_Cavaliere POC:Laurel_Cooper lenticela (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo 皮目 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki A portion of plant tissue consisting of four microspores that remained joined together shortly after meiosis. Each cell will give rise to a male gametophyte. PO_GIT:236 t&#233trada de las microsporas (Spanish, exact) 小胞子の四分子 小胞子四分子 (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy PO:0000032 tetrad of microspores A portion of plant tissue consisting of four microspores that remained joined together shortly after meiosis. Each cell will give rise to a male gametophyte. POC:Ramona_Walls t&#233trada de las microsporas (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo 小胞子の四分子 小胞子四分子 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki A valve that is a part of a fruit that splits apart when the fruit dehisces. PO_GIT:237 valva de fruto (Spanish, exact) 果実の弁 (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy PO:0000033 A valve may develop from an entire carpel (as in Brassicaceae) or from part of a carpel (as in Fabaceae). If you are annotating to this term, please add an additional annotation to the specific type of fruit (PO:0009001), such as achene fruit (PO:0030107), berry fruit (PO:0030108), capsule fruit (PO:0030091), caryopsis fruit (PO:0030104), drupe fruit (PO:0030103), follicle fruit (PO:0030105), legume fruit (PO:0030100), nut fruit (PO:0030102), samara fruit (PO:0030099), schizocarp fruit (PO:0030098), silique fruit (PO:0030106), or their subclasses, depending on the species. fruit valve A valve that is a part of a fruit that splits apart when the fruit dehisces. POC:Ramona_Walls valva de fruto (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo 果実の弁 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki A maximal portion of vascular tissue (PO:0009015) in a whole plant (PO:0000003), collective plant structure (PO:0025497), multi-tissue plant structure (PO:0025496), or cardinal part of multi-tissue plant structure (PO:0025498). PO_GIT:50 sistema vascular (Spanish, exact) vasculature (exact) 維管束系 (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy PO:0000034 A vascular system consist of the totality of the portions of vascular tissue in their specific arrangement in a plant structure. May include other portions of plant tissue or plant cells (PO:0009002) of other types, such as parenchyma (PO:0005421) or fiber cells (PO:0025407). vascular system A maximal portion of vascular tissue (PO:0009015) in a whole plant (PO:0000003), collective plant structure (PO:0025497), multi-tissue plant structure (PO:0025496), or cardinal part of multi-tissue plant structure (PO:0025498). ISBN:0471245208 ISBN:0716710072 POC:curators sistema vascular (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo vasculature (exact) FNA:caf918bf-f4c4-423c-8008-87c96e5399a0 維管束系 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki A vascular system (PO:0000034) that is part of a cotyledon (PO:0020030). PO_GIT:41 sistema vascular del cotiled&#243n (Spanish, exact) 子葉維管系 (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy PO:0000035 cotyledon vascular system A vascular system (PO:0000034) that is part of a cotyledon (PO:0020030). TAIR_curator:Katica_Ilic sistema vascular del cotiled&#243n (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo 子葉維管系 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki A phyllome vascular system (PO:0025206) that includes the totality of the portions of vascular tissue in their specific arrangement in a vascular leaf (PO:0009025). PO_GIT:41 PO_GIT:50 sistema vascular de la hoja (Spanish, exact) 葉維管系 (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy leaf venation (related) PO:0000036 leaf vascular system A phyllome vascular system (PO:0025206) that includes the totality of the portions of vascular tissue in their specific arrangement in a vascular leaf (PO:0009025). POC:Ramona_Walls sistema vascular de la hoja (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo 葉維管系 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki A shoot axis (PO:0025029) that is the most distal part of a shoot system (PO:0009006) and has as parts a shoot apical meristem (PO:0020148) and the youngest primordia (PO:0025127). PO_GIT:234 &#225pice del epiblasto (epiblastema) (Spanish, exact) シュート頂、茎頂 (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy PO:0000037 shoot axis apex A shoot axis (PO:0025029) that is the most distal part of a shoot system (PO:0009006) and has as parts a shoot apical meristem (PO:0020148) and the youngest primordia (PO:0025127). POC:curators &#225pice del epiblasto (epiblastema) (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo シュート頂、茎頂 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki Cell produced by the fusion of sperm cell nucleus and two polar nuclei of the central cell (or diploid secondary endosperm nucleus, in cases where two polar nuclei fuse together before double fertilization). The first cell of the endosperm, often triploid. c&#233lula primaria del endosperma (Spanish, exact) 一次胚乳細胞 (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy PO:0000038 primary endosperm cell Cell produced by the fusion of sperm cell nucleus and two polar nuclei of the central cell (or diploid secondary endosperm nucleus, in cases where two polar nuclei fuse together before double fertilization). The first cell of the endosperm, often triploid. TAIR_curator:Katica_Ilic c&#233lula primaria del endosperma (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo 一次胚乳細胞 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki A vascular system (PO:0000034) that includes the totality of the portions of vascular tissue in their specific arrangement in a shoot axis (PO:0025029). PO_GIT:41 PO_GIT:50 sistema vascular del eje del epiblasto (epiblastema) (Spanish, exact) シュート軸維管系 (Japanese, exact) branch vascular system (narrow) stem vascular system (narrow) plant_anatomy PO:0000039 Can occur in a stem or branch. shoot axis vascular system A vascular system (PO:0000034) that includes the totality of the portions of vascular tissue in their specific arrangement in a shoot axis (PO:0025029). POC:curators sistema vascular del eje del epiblasto (epiblastema) (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo シュート軸維管系 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki Enlargement or swelling at position of dormant adventitious root primordium (on the stem), inhabited by nitrogen-fixing bacteria. PO_GIT:235 n&#243dulo de la ra&#237z adventicia (Spanish, exact) 不定根根粒 (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy stem primordium (related) PO:0000040 Unlike the root nodules, these contain functioning chloroplasts in the nodule cortex and are therefore capable of carbon fixation. Note: stem nodule is commonly used term for this structure, although the nodules are formed at positions of dormant adventitious root primordia. adventitious root nodule Enlargement or swelling at position of dormant adventitious root primordium (on the stem), inhabited by nitrogen-fixing bacteria. TAIR_curator:Katica_Ilic n&#243dulo de la ra&#237z adventicia (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo 不定根根粒 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki One of the two types of short cells in the epidermis of grasses and bamboos. It is usually paired with silica cell. c&#233lula de corcho epid&#233rmica (Spanish, exact) c&#233lula suber&#237 epid&#233rmica (Spanish, exact) 表皮コルク細胞 (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy PO:0000041 Developmentally different from periderm cork cell (i.e., phellem), produced by cork cambium. If you are annotating to this term, please add an additional annotation to vascular leaf (PO:0009025). epidermal cork cell One of the two types of short cells in the epidermis of grasses and bamboos. It is usually paired with silica cell. TAIR_curator:Katica_Ilic c&#233lula de corcho epid&#233rmica (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo c&#233lula suber&#237 epid&#233rmica (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo 表皮コルク細胞 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki A root (PO:0009005) that develops from shoot axis (PO:0025029) tissue. PO:0003007 PO:0020129 adventitious root (broad) climbing root (broad) FNA:bf0ce902-e91c-401a-92a8-26b20142ce5f PO_GIT:163 epiblasto (epiblastema) que se origina en la ra&#237z (Spanish, exact) シュート細胞由来の根 (Japanese, exact) aerial root (narrow) stilt root (narrow) plant_anatomy PO:0000042 shoot-borne root A root (PO:0009005) that develops from shoot axis (PO:0025029) tissue. Gramene:Pankaj_Jaiswal POC:Laurel_Cooper TAIR_curator:Katica_Ilic climbing root (broad) FNA:bf0ce902-e91c-401a-92a8-26b20142ce5f epiblasto (epiblastema) que se origina en la ra&#237z (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo シュート細胞由来の根 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki A shoot-borne nodal root (PO:0003005) formed at a stem base (PO:0008039). adventitious root (broad) PO_GIT:163 ra&#237z en corona (Spanish, exact) 冠根 (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy PO:0000043 crown root A shoot-borne nodal root (PO:0003005) formed at a stem base (PO:0008039). POC:Laurel_Cooper TAIR_curator:Katica_Ilic ra&#237z en corona (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo 冠根 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki A shoot-borne nodal root (PO:0003005) formed at a stem node (PO:0020141) above the ground and growing directly into the soil. breathing root (broad) PO_GIT:163 ra&#237z de sost&#233n (Spanish, exact) 支柱根、支持根、支柱気根 (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy brace root (related) PO:0000044 This term is perhaps best defined functionally to prop the plant up, but sometimes prop roots may also act as breathing roots. Compare to pneumatophore (PO:0025357), which is a lateral root that grows upwards from below the soil or water surface. prop root A shoot-borne nodal root (PO:0003005) formed at a stem node (PO:0020141) above the ground and growing directly into the soil. POC:Laurel_Cooper TAIR_curator:Katica_Ilic ra&#237z de sost&#233n (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo 支柱根、支持根、支柱気根 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki A root (PO:0009005) that is initiated in a developing plant embryo (PO:0009009). PO_GIT:594 embryonic root (exact) ra&#237z embri&#243nica (Spanish, exact) 初期の根、胚根 (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy PO:0000045 embryo root A root (PO:0009005) that is initiated in a developing plant embryo (PO:0009009). POC:Laurel_Cooper TAIR_curator:Katica_Ilic ra&#237z embri&#243nica (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo 初期の根、胚根 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki An embryo root (PO:0000045) formed within the scutellar node (PO:0004708) of the plant embryo (PO:0009009) in some monocotyledonous plants. PO_GIT:594 ra&#237z seminal (Spanish, exact) 種子根 (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy lateral seminal root (related) scutellar nodal root (related) secondary root (related) PO:0000046 seminal root An embryo root (PO:0000045) formed within the scutellar node (PO:0004708) of the plant embryo (PO:0009009) in some monocotyledonous plants. POC:Laurel_Cooper TAIR_curator:Katica_Ilic ra&#237z seminal (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo 種子根 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki A portion of leaf epidermis (PO:0006016) that is part of a leaf lamina (PO:0020039). epidermis de la l&#225mina de la hoja (Spanish, exact) 葉身表皮 (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy PO:0000047 If you are annotating to this term, please add an additional annotation to vascular leaf (PO:0009025) or non-vascular leaf (PO:0025075), depending on the species. All annotations for angiosperms, gymnosperms, and pteridophytes should go to vascular leaf and all annotations for bryophytes should go to non-vascular leaf. leaf lamina epidermis A portion of leaf epidermis (PO:0006016) that is part of a leaf lamina (PO:0020039). POC:curators epidermis de la l&#225mina de la hoja (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo 葉身表皮 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki A vascular system (PO:0000034) that includes the totality of the portions of vascular tissue in their specific arrangement in a leaf lamina (PO:0020039). PO_GIT:41 sistema vascular de la l&#225mina de la hoja (Spanish, exact) 葉身維管系 (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy PO:0000048 leaf lamina vascular system A vascular system (PO:0000034) that includes the totality of the portions of vascular tissue in their specific arrangement in a leaf lamina (PO:0020039). POC:Ramona_Walls sistema vascular de la l&#225mina de la hoja (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo 葉身維管系 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki A portion of leaf lamina epidermis (PO:0000047) that covers the abaxial/lower surface of a leaf lamina (PO:0020039). epidermis abaxial de la l&#225mina de la hoja (Spanish, exact) 葉身背軸側表皮 (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy PO:0000049 If you are annotating to this term, please add an additional annotation to vascular leaf (PO:0009025) or non-vascular leaf (PO:0025075), depending on the species. All annotations for angiosperms, gymnosperms, and pteridophytes should go to vascular leaf and all annotations for bryophytes should go to non-vascular leaf. leaf lamina abaxial epidermis A portion of leaf lamina epidermis (PO:0000047) that covers the abaxial/lower surface of a leaf lamina (PO:0020039). POC:Ramona_Walls epidermis abaxial de la l&#225mina de la hoja (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo 葉身背軸側表皮 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki A portion of leaf lamina epidermis (PO:0000047) that covers the adaxial/upper surface of a leaf lamina (PO:0020039). epidermis adaxial de la l&#225mina de la hoja (Spanish, exact) 葉身向軸側表皮 (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy PO:0000050 If you are annotating to this term, please add an additional annotation to vascular leaf (PO:0009025) or non-vascular leaf (PO:0025075), depending on the species. All annotations for angiosperms, gymnosperms, and pteridophytes should go to vascular leaf and all annotations for bryophytes should go to non-vascular leaf. leaf lamina adaxial epidermis A portion of leaf lamina epidermis (PO:0000047) that covers the adaxial/upper surface of a leaf lamina (PO:0020039). POC:Ramona_Walls epidermis adaxial de la l&#225mina de la hoja (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo 葉身向軸側表皮 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki A portion of leaf epidermis (PO:0006016) that is part of a petiole (PO:0020038). epidermis del pec&#237olo (Spanish, exact) 葉柄表皮 (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy PO:0000051 If you are annotating to this term, please add an additional annotation to vascular leaf (PO:0009025) or non-vascular leaf (PO:0025075), depending on the species. All annotations for angiosperms, gymnosperms, and pteridophytes should go to vascular leaf and all annotations for bryophytes should go to non-vascular leaf. petiole epidermis A portion of leaf epidermis (PO:0006016) that is part of a petiole (PO:0020038). POC:Ramona_Walls TAIR_curator:Katica_Ilic epidermis del pec&#237olo (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo 葉柄表皮 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki A vascular system (PO:0000034) that includes the totality of the portions of vascular tissue in their specific arrangement in a petiole (PO:0020038). PO_GIT:41 sistema vascular del pec&#237olo (Spanish, exact) 葉柄維管系 (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy PO:0000052 petiole vascular system A vascular system (PO:0000034) that includes the totality of the portions of vascular tissue in their specific arrangement in a petiole (PO:0020038). POC:Ramona_Walls sistema vascular del pec&#237olo (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo 葉柄維管系 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki A portion of cortex (PO:0005708) that is part of a petiole (PO:0020038). PO_GIT:115 cortex (corteza) del pec&#237olo (Spanish, exact) portion of petiole corex tissue (exact) 葉柄皮層 (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy PO:0000053 petiole cortex A portion of cortex (PO:0005708) that is part of a petiole (PO:0020038). POC:Laurel_Cooper POC:curators TAIR_curator:Katica_Ilic cortex (corteza) del pec&#237olo (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo 葉柄皮層 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki A phyllome vascular system (PO:0025206) that includes the totality of the portions of vascular tissue in their specific arrangement in a petal (PO:0025218). PO_GIT:41 sistema vascular de p&#233talo (Spanish, exact) 花弁維管系 (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy PO:0000054 petal vascular system A phyllome vascular system (PO:0025206) that includes the totality of the portions of vascular tissue in their specific arrangement in a petal (PO:0025218). POC:Ramona_Walls sistema vascular de p&#233talo (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo 花弁維管系 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki An undeveloped shoot system (PO:0009006). FNA:0eed275a-5dae-414a-bf36-81a08e6c6ba9 PO_GIT:124 yema (Spanish, exact) 芽 (Japanese, exact) adventitious bud (narrow) plant_anatomy PO:0000055 bud An undeveloped shoot system (PO:0009006). POC:curators yema (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo 芽 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki adventitious bud (narrow) FNA:0eed275a-5dae-414a-bf36-81a08e6c6ba9 A bud that develops into a flower. PO_GIT:124 floral bud (exact) yema floral (Spanish, exact) 花芽 (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy PO:0000056 flower bud A bud that develops into a flower. POC:curators yema floral (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo 花芽 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki A bud that develops into an inflorescence. PO_GIT:124 PO_GIT:259 yema de inflorescencia (Spanish, exact) 花序芽 (Japanese, exact) male bud (narrow) plant_anatomy PO:0000057 inflorescence bud A bud that develops into an inflorescence. POC:curators yema de inflorescencia (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo 花序芽 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki male bud (narrow) CO_125:0000049 A bud (PO:0000055) that develops into a vegetative shoot system (PO:0025607). PO_GIT:124 PO_GIT:463 yema vegetativa (Spanish, exact) 枝芽 (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy PO:0000058 vegetative bud A bud (PO:0000055) that develops into a vegetative shoot system (PO:0025607). POC:Laurel_Cooper POC:curators yema vegetativa (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo 枝芽 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki An initial cell (PO:0004011) that is part of a root apical meristem (PO:0020147) and by division gives rise to two cells, one of which remains in the meristem, while the other is produces different root cells. c&#233lula inicial de la ra&#237z (Spanish, exact) root initial (exact) 根始原細胞 (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy root stem cell (related) PO:0000059 root initial cell An initial cell (PO:0004011) that is part of a root apical meristem (PO:0020147) and by division gives rise to two cells, one of which remains in the meristem, while the other is produces different root cells. TAIR_curator:Katica_Ilic c&#233lula inicial de la ra&#237z (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo 根始原細胞 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki A root initial cell (PO:0000059) that produces root cortex (PO:0000258) and root endodermis (PO:0005059). In direct contact with quiescent center (PO:0020149). c&#233lula inicial del cortex/endodermis de la ra&#237z (Spanish, exact) root cortex-endodermis initial (exact) root cortex-endodermis stem cell (exact) 根皮層内皮始原細胞 (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy PO:0000060 root cortex-endodermis initial cell A root initial cell (PO:0000059) that produces root cortex (PO:0000258) and root endodermis (PO:0005059). In direct contact with quiescent center (PO:0020149). TAIR_curator:Katica_Ilic c&#233lula inicial del cortex/endodermis de la ra&#237z (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo 根皮層内皮始原細胞 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki A root initial cell (PO:0000059) that produces lateral root cap cells and root epidermis (PO:0006036). c&#233lula inicial del caliptra de la ra&#237z lateral (Spanish, exact) lateral root-cap epidermal initial (exact) lateral root-cap-epidermal stem cell (exact) 側根冠表皮始原細胞 (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy PO:0000061 lateral root cap epidermal initial cell A root initial cell (PO:0000059) that produces lateral root cap cells and root epidermis (PO:0006036). POC:curators c&#233lula inicial del caliptra de la ra&#237z lateral (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo 側根冠表皮始原細胞 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki An plant epidermal initial cell (PO:0000349) that undergoes several rounds of uneven division, each time giving rise to a larger daughter cell that differentiates into an epidermal ground cell and a smaller daughter cell that remains meristematic, until the meristematic cell (PO:0004010) differentiates into a guard mother cell (PO:0000351). rwalls 2011-02-02T09:01:50Z PO_GIT:214 inicial estom&#225tica (meristemoide inicial) (Spanish, exact) stomatal initial (exact) stomatal meristemoid (exact) 気孔始原細胞 (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy PO:0000062 stomatal initial cell An plant epidermal initial cell (PO:0000349) that undergoes several rounds of uneven division, each time giving rise to a larger daughter cell that differentiates into an epidermal ground cell and a smaller daughter cell that remains meristematic, until the meristematic cell (PO:0004010) differentiates into a guard mother cell (PO:0000351). POC:Ramona_Walls inicial estom&#225tica (meristemoide inicial) (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo 気孔始原細胞 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki A procambial cell (PO:0025258) that is part of a leaf procambium (PO:0025259). rwalls 2011-02-02T11:45:49Z PO_GIT:12 DMC (exact) c&#233lula procambial de la hoja (Spanish, exact) dispersed meristematic cell (exact) leaf procambium cell (exact) 葉前形成層細胞 (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy PO:0000063 Leaf procambial cells may be derived from the shoot apical meristem or can arise throughout the mesophyll of a developing leaf. leaf procambial cell A procambial cell (PO:0025258) that is part of a leaf procambium (PO:0025259). POC:Ramona_Walls DMC (exact) PMCID:PMC1550771 c&#233lula procambial de la hoja (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo dispersed meristematic cell (exact) PMCID:PMC1550771 葉前形成層細胞 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki A pericycle cell that is adjacent to the protoxylem of a vascular bundle. rwalls 2011-02-02T11:52:34Z PO_GIT:229 c&#233lula del polo xilem&#225tico del periciclo (Spanish, exact) 木質部孔鞘細胞 (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy PO:0000064 Xylem pole pericycle cells are cells in the pericycle that are adjacent to the protoxylem pole of a vascular bundle. Pericycle cells that are adjacent to other xylem cells in the vascular bundle are not considered xylem pole pericycle cells. Xylem pole pericycle cells may retain some meristematic activity and are the site of lateral root initiation. xylem pole pericycle cell A pericycle cell that is adjacent to the protoxylem of a vascular bundle. PMID:17993548 c&#233lula del polo xilem&#225tico del periciclo (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo 木質部孔鞘細胞 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki A pericycle cell that is adjacent to the protophloem of a vascular bundle. rwalls 2011-02-02T11:55:06Z PO_GIT:229 c&#233lula del polo floem&#225tico del periciclo (Spanish, exact) 師部極内鞘細胞 (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy PO:0000065 Phloem pole pericycle cells are cells in the pericycle that are adjacent to the protophloem pole of a vascular bundle. Pericycle cells that are adjacent to other phloem cells in the vascular bundle are not considered phloem pole pericycle cells. Phloem pole pericycle cells are distinct from xylem pole pericycle cells in that they display cytoplasmic characteristics of a more differentiated status. phloem pole pericycle cell A pericycle cell that is adjacent to the protophloem of a vascular bundle. PMID:17993548 c&#233lula del polo floem&#225tico del periciclo (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo 師部極内鞘細胞 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki A parenchyma cell of the mesophyll of a hydathode found between the xylem endings and the epidermis. c&#233lular ??? (Spanish, exact) 被覆組織細胞 (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy PO:0000066 Proposed to be involved in the retrieval of solutes from the xylem sap. epithem cell A parenchyma cell of the mesophyll of a hydathode found between the xylem endings and the epidermis. ISBN:0471245208 PMID:12662305 c&#233lular ??? (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo 被覆組織細胞 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki A root (PO:0009005) that forms one or more clusters of closely spaced lateral roots (PO:0020121) of limited growth along its length. austinmeier 2015-08-11T15:05:12Z PO_GIT:588 plant_anatomy cluster root (related) root cluster (related) PO:0000067 The terms proteoid root, cluster root, and root cluster have all been used in the literature to describe either the proteoid root axis or clusters of rootlets, and caution should be taken when comparing studies because the definitions of these terms vary (Watts and Evans, 1999; Plant Physiology). proteoid root A root (PO:0009005) that forms one or more clusters of closely spaced lateral roots (PO:0020121) of limited growth along its length. PMID:10517822 POC:austin_meier true A parenchyma cell (PO:0000074) that is adjacent to a sieve tube element (PO:0000289) and arises from the same phloem mother cell (PO:0000400) as the sieve tube element. PO_GIT:442 c&#233lula acompa&#241iante (Spanish, exact) minor vein companion cell (exact) 伴細胞 (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy PO:0000071 Companion cells are connected to sieve tube elements through plasmodesmata and function in phloem loading of small molecules, including photosynthate (either sucrose or raffinose-family oligosaccharides). May participate in phloem sucrose loading (GO:0009915). Molecules can be loaded into the companion cells from surrounding cells through either symplastic (via plasmodesmata) or apoplastic (transmembrane) transport. Unlike sieve tube elements, companion cells retain their nuclei and other organelles at maturity. A sieve tube element may have one or more or no companion cells associated with it. This term should not be used for other types of parenchyma cells (PO:0000074) that do not arise from the same phloem mother cell as a sieve tube element. Companion cells are found in angiosperms, as compared to albuminous cells (PO:0025412), which are found in non-angiosperm vascular plants. Companion cells may be specialized as transfer companion cells (PO:0025458), ordinary companion cells (PO:0025459), or intermediary companion cells (PO:0025460). Multiple types of companion cells may be found in the same plant. companion cell A parenchyma cell (PO:0000074) that is adjacent to a sieve tube element (PO:0000289) and arises from the same phloem mother cell (PO:0000400) as the sieve tube element. PO_REF:00011 c&#233lula acompa&#241iante (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo 伴細胞 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki A relatively unspecialized ground tissue cell with a nucleate protoplast. c&#233lula parenquim&#225tica (Spanish, exact) 柔組織細胞 (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy PO:0000074 parenchyma cell A relatively unspecialized ground tissue cell with a nucleate protoplast. ISBN:0471245208 c&#233lula parenquim&#225tica (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo 柔組織細胞 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki An elongated plant cell with unevenly thickened non-lignified primary walls that is alive at maturity. c&#233lula colenquim&#225tica (Spanish, exact) 厚角組織 細胞 (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy PO:0000075 collenchyma cell An elongated plant cell with unevenly thickened non-lignified primary walls that is alive at maturity. ISBN:0471245208 c&#233lula colenquim&#225tica (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo 厚角組織 細胞 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki A parenchyma cell containing chloroplasts; a component of leaf mesophyll and other green parenchyma tissue. c&#233lula clorenquim&#225tica (Spanish, exact) 同化組織、葉緑組織 細胞 (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy PO:0000076 chlorenchyma cell A parenchyma cell containing chloroplasts; a component of leaf mesophyll and other green parenchyma tissue. ISBN:0471245208 c&#233lula clorenquim&#225tica (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo 同化組織、葉緑組織 細胞 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki A ground tissue cell (PO:0025030) with a lignified secondary cell wall. c&#233lula esclerenquim&#225tica (Spanish, exact) 厚膜組織 細胞 (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy PO:0000077 May be dead at maturity. The secondary cell wall of a sclerenchyma cell is often thicker than other cell types in the same plant structure, but it is not always easy to distinguish from tracheary elements (PO:0000290) or sclerified parenchyma cells (PO:0000074). Compare with collenchyma cells (PO:0000075) that are always alive at maturity, have irregularly thickened primary cell walls, and do not have lignified secondary cell walls. Collenchyma cells provides flexibility while sclerenchyma cells provide hardness. Sclerenchyma cells include plant fiber cells (PO:0025407) and sclerid cells (PO:0025418). sclerenchyma cell A ground tissue cell (PO:0025030) with a lignified secondary cell wall. ISBN:0471245208 c&#233lula esclerenquim&#225tica (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo 厚膜組織 細胞 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki A cell with wall ingrowths (or invaginations) that increase the surface of the plasmalemma. PO_GIT:275 c&#233lula de transferencia (Spanish, exact) 転送細胞 (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy PO:0000078 Appear to be specialized for short-distance transfer of solutes. Transfer cells can occur anywhere there is a junction between two individuals, such as between a sporophyte and a gametophyte, or between a parasitic plant and its host. transfer cell A cell with wall ingrowths (or invaginations) that increase the surface of the plasmalemma. ISBN:0471245208 c&#233lula de transferencia (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo 転送細胞 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki An elongated cambial initial cell (PO:0000295) with approximately wedge-shaped ends that is part of the vascular cambium (PO:0005598) and gives rise to axial cells. PO:0000275 c&#233lula inicial fusiforme (Spanish, exact) fusiform initial (exact) 紡錘形始原細胞 (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy xylem initial (related) xylem mother cell (related) PO:0000079 fusiform initial cell An elongated cambial initial cell (PO:0000295) with approximately wedge-shaped ends that is part of the vascular cambium (PO:0005598) and gives rise to axial cells. ISBN:0471245208 c&#233lula inicial fusiforme (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo 紡錘形始原細胞 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki true OBSOLETE. A vascular cell derived from the fusiform cambial initial and oriented with its longest diameter parallel with the main axis of stem or root. PO:0000290 PO:0025406 PO:0025407 PO_GIT:438 c&#233lula axial (Spanish, exact) 軸細胞 (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy PO:0000081 This term was made obsolete because it is not appropriate. It is replaced by sieve element, tracheary element, and fiber cell. OBSOLETE axial cell true OBSOLETE. A vascular cell derived from the fusiform cambial initial and oriented with its longest diameter parallel with the main axis of stem or root. ISBN:0471245208 c&#233lula axial (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo 軸細胞 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki A cambial initial cell (PO:0000295) that gives rise to ray cells of the secondary xylem (PO:0005848) and secondary phloem (PO:0005043). c&#233lula inicial de rayo (Spanish, exact) ray initial (exact) 放射組織始原細胞 (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy PO:0000082 ray initial cell A cambial initial cell (PO:0000295) that gives rise to ray cells of the secondary xylem (PO:0005848) and secondary phloem (PO:0005043). ISBN:0471245208 c&#233lula inicial de rayo (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo 放射組織始原細胞 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki A gamete (PO:0025006) produced by an antheridium (PO:0025125) or a microgametophyte (PO:0025280). PO:0020098 sperm cell (broad) PO_GIT:141 c&#233lula esperm&#225tica o esperma (Spanish, exact) male gamete (exact) microgamete (exact) 植物精子細胞 (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy sperm nucleus (related) PO:0000084 The sperm cell is usually smaller than the egg cell. Male gametes may be defined as the motile gamete, rather than the smaller gamete. Plant sperm cells lack a cell wall. plant sperm cell A gamete (PO:0025006) produced by an antheridium (PO:0025125) or a microgametophyte (PO:0025280). POC:curators c&#233lula esperm&#225tica o esperma (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo 植物精子細胞 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki A portion of shoot system epidermis (PO:0006035) that is part of a shoot axis (PO:0025029). epidermis del eje del tallo (Spanish, exact) シュート軸表皮 (Japanese, exact) branch epidermis (narrow) plant_anatomy PO:0000112 Can occur on a stem or branch. shoot axis epidermis A portion of shoot system epidermis (PO:0006035) that is part of a shoot axis (PO:0025029). POC:Laurel_Cooper POC:curators epidermis del eje del tallo (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo シュート軸表皮 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki A shoot epidermal cell (PO:0025165) that surrounds a trichome (PO:0000282) and provides its support. PO_GIT:8 c&#233lula de encaje (Spanish, exact) ソケット細胞 (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy cell located at the base of the trichome (related) trichome support cell (related) PO:0000115 socket cell A shoot epidermal cell (PO:0025165) that surrounds a trichome (PO:0000282) and provides its support. ISBN:0471245208 PMID:10938806 PMID:15319479 c&#233lula de encaje (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo ソケット細胞 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki A portion of plant tissue (PO:0009007) that has as part a separation layer (PO:0006211) and a protective layer (PO:0006212), and is involved in the abscission (GO:0009838) of a fruit (PO:0009001), flower (PO:0009046), leaf (PO:0025034) or other plant structure (PO:0009011). GO:0009838 PO_GIT:193 zona de absici&#243n (Spanish, exact) 離層 (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy abscission layer (related) PO:0000146 abscission zone A portion of plant tissue (PO:0009007) that has as part a separation layer (PO:0006211) and a protective layer (PO:0006212), and is involved in the abscission (GO:0009838) of a fruit (PO:0009001), flower (PO:0009046), leaf (PO:0025034) or other plant structure (PO:0009011). ISBN:0471245208 POC:Laurel_Cooper POC:curators zona de absici&#243n (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo 離層 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki Cell, usually two in number, in the micropylar end of the embryo sac of angiosperms associated with the egg in the egg apparatus. sin&#233rgida (Spanish, exact) 助細胞 (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy PO:0000191 synergid Cell, usually two in number, in the micropylar end of the embryo sac of angiosperms associated with the egg in the egg apparatus. ISBN:047125208 TAIR_curator:Katica_Ilic sin&#233rgida (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo 助細胞 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki A portion of endosperm (PO:0009089) tissue in which at least the first karyokinesis is not followed by cytokinesis. endosperma con n&#250cleos libres (Spanish, exact) 遊離核型胚乳 (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy cenocytic endosperm (related) coenocytic endosperm (related) nuclear endosperm (related) PO:0000198 free nuclear endosperm A portion of endosperm (PO:0009089) tissue in which at least the first karyokinesis is not followed by cytokinesis. ISBN:0080374913 ISBN:0471245194 endosperma con n&#250cleos libres (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo 遊離核型胚乳 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki A portion of endosperm (PO:0009089) in which the first karyokinesis event is accompanied by cytokinesis. endosperma c&#233lular (Spanish, exact) 細胞性胚乳 (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy PO:0000199 cellular endosperm A portion of endosperm (PO:0009089) in which the first karyokinesis event is accompanied by cytokinesis. ISBN:0080374913 ISBN:0471245194 endosperma c&#233lular (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo 細胞性胚乳 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki A portion of plant tissue (PO:0009007) that is the region of the endosperm closest to the micropyle of the seed. PO_GIT:149 endosperma micr&#243pilar (Spanish, exact) portion of micropylar endosperm (exact) 珠孔内胚乳 (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy micropylar region (related) PO:0000200 micropylar endosperm A portion of plant tissue (PO:0009007) that is the region of the endosperm closest to the micropyle of the seed. TAIR_curator:Leonore_Reiser endosperma micr&#243pilar (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo 珠孔内胚乳 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki A portion of plant tissue (PO:0009007) that is the part of the endosperm (PO:0009089) nearest the chalazal region of the plant ovule (PO:0020003) and forming a cyst-like structure. PO_GIT:149 ciste calazal (Spanish, exact) portion of chalazal cyst (exact) カラザの嚢 (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy chalazal endosperm cyst (related) PO:0000201 Not in current literature. More like an attribute. chalazal cyst A portion of plant tissue (PO:0009007) that is the part of the endosperm (PO:0009089) nearest the chalazal region of the plant ovule (PO:0020003) and forming a cyst-like structure. ISBN:0471245208 TAIR_curator:Leonore_Reiser ciste calazal (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo カラザの嚢 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki A portion of shoot system epidermis (PO:0006035) that is part of a nectary (PO:0009035) . epidermis del nectario (Spanish, exact) 蜜腺表皮 (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy PO:0000207 nectary epidermis A portion of shoot system epidermis (PO:0006035) that is part of a nectary (PO:0009035) . POC:Ramona_Walls epidermis del nectario (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo 蜜腺表皮 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki A portion of cortex (PO:0005708) that is part of a shoot axis (PO:0025029). PO_GIT:115 cortex del eje del epiblasto (epiblastema) del tallo (Spanish, exact) portion of shoot axis cortex tissue (exact) シュート軸皮層 (Japanese, exact) branch cortex (narrow) plant_anatomy PO:0000223 Can occur in a stem or branch. shoot axis cortex A portion of cortex (PO:0005708) that is part of a shoot axis (PO:0025029). ISBN:0471245208 POC:Laurel_Cooper POC:curators cortex del eje del epiblasto (epiblastema) del tallo (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo シュート軸皮層 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki An area of densely packed cells in the shoot apex that divide infrequently. zona central (Spanish, exact) 中央帯 (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy central initiation zone (related) PO:0000224 Functions as a population of stem cells that replenishes the meristem. central zone An area of densely packed cells in the shoot apex that divide infrequently. ISBN:0521288959 TAIR_curator:Leonore_Reiser zona central (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo 中央帯 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki A portion of meristem tissue (PO:0009013) which is the organogenic region of the meristem, characterized by higher rates of cell division. zona perif&#233rica (Spanish, exact) 周辺帯 (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy peripheral meristem (related) PO:0000225 peripheral zone A portion of meristem tissue (PO:0009013) which is the organogenic region of the meristem, characterized by higher rates of cell division. ISBN:0521288959 TAIR_curator:Leonore_Reiser zona perif&#233rica (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo 周辺帯 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki The region of the shoot apical meristem that lies below the central zone and is flanked by the peripheral zone. zona de costilla (Spanish, exact) 髄状帯 (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy file meristem (related) PO:0000226 rib zone The region of the shoot apical meristem that lies below the central zone and is flanked by the peripheral zone. ISBN:0521288959 TAIR_curator:Leonore_Reiser zona de costilla (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo 髄状帯 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki A portion of reproductive shoot apical meristem tissue (PO:0008028) that gives rise to the floral organs (PO:0025395). PO:0006329 PO:0006373 PO:0006374 PO:0025091 floral meristem (exact) mersitema floral (Spanish, exact) 花芽分裂組織 (Japanese, exact) Poaceae floret meristem (narrow) ear floret meristem (narrow) floret meristem (narrow) tassel floret meristem (narrow) plant_anatomy floral apical meristem (related) PO:0000229 In Zea mays and other grasses, the floret meristem is part of a spikelet and develops into a specific type of floret. If you are annotating to this structure for Zea mays or other grasses, please also add an annotation to the spikelet type that the meristem is part of. Choose the most specific term possible from: spikelet (PO:0009051), ear spikelet (PO:0006320), ear pedicellate spikelet (PO:0006348), ear sessile spikelet (PO:0006349), tassel spikelet (PO:0006309), tassel pedicellate spikelet (PO:0006312), tassel sessile spikelet (PO:0006311). flower meristem A portion of reproductive shoot apical meristem tissue (PO:0008028) that gives rise to the floral organs (PO:0025395). Gramene:Pankaj_Jaiswal POC:curators mersitema floral (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo 花芽分裂組織 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki A meristem that gives rise to an inflorescence. meristema de la inflorescencia (Spanish, exact) 花序分裂組織 (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy PO:0000230 inflorescence meristem A meristem that gives rise to an inflorescence. Gramene:Pankaj_Jaiswal meristema de la inflorescencia (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo 花序分裂組織 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki A shoot system meristem (PO:0006079) formed in an axil (PO:0025224). PO_GIT:122 meristema de yema axilar (Spanish, exact) 腋芽分裂組織 (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy axillary meristem (related) PO:0000232 axillary bud meristem A shoot system meristem (PO:0006079) formed in an axil (PO:0025224). POC:Laurel_Cooper TAIR_curator:Leonore_Reiser meristema de yema axilar (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo 腋芽分裂組織 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki A megaspore(s) that forms an embryo sac. PO:0006496 megaspora funcional (Spanish, exact) 機能的大胞子 (Japanese, exact) Poaceae functional megaspore (narrow) plant_anatomy PO:0000244 If you are annotating to this structure for Zea mays or other grasses, please also add an annotation to the corresponding floret type. Choose the most specific term possible from: spikelet floret (PO:0009082), ear floret (PO:0006354), upper floret of pedicellate spikelet of ear (PO:0006350), upper floret of sessile spikelet of ear (PO:0006352). functional megaspore A megaspore(s) that forms an embryo sac. TAIR_curator:Leonore_Reiser megaspora funcional (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo 機能的大胞子 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki In monosporic and bisporic megasporogenesis: the megaspore(s) that would not participate in megagametogenesis. PO:0006495 megaspora degenerativa (Spanish, exact) 退化大胞子、胞子形成に寄与しない大胞子 (Japanese, exact) Poaceae degenerate megaspore (narrow) plant_anatomy PO:0000245 If you are annotating to this structure for Zea mays or other grasses, please also add an annotation to the corresponding floret type. Choose the most specific term possible from: spikelet floret (PO:0009082), ear floret (PO:0006354), upper floret of pedicellate spikelet of ear (PO:0006350), upper floret of sessile spikelet of ear (PO:0006352). degenerate megaspore In monosporic and bisporic megasporogenesis: the megaspore(s) that would not participate in megagametogenesis. TAIR_curator:Leonore_Reiser megaspora degenerativa (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo 退化大胞子、胞子形成に寄与しない大胞子 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki A portion of ground tissue (PO:0025059) that is the inner most layer of a cortex (PO:0005708) and has a casparian strip in its anticlinal cell walls. PO:0006064 PO_GIT:126 endodermis (Spanish, exact) portion of endodermal tissue (exact) portion of epidermis tissue (exact) 内皮 (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy endodermoid (related) PO:0000252 Forms a sheath around the vascular system. It may have secondary walls later, part_of cortex. endodermis A portion of ground tissue (PO:0025059) that is the inner most layer of a cortex (PO:0005708) and has a casparian strip in its anticlinal cell walls. ISBN:0471245208 POC:curators endodermis (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo 内皮 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki A root epidermal cell (PO:0025164) that develops from a trichoblast (PO:0000262) and has as part a root hair (GO:0035618). c&#233lula del pelo de la ra&#237z (Spanish, exact) 根毛細胞 (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy PO:0000256 Compare with non-hair root epidermal cell (PO:0000263). This term is for an entire epidermal cell that contains a root hair extension. To describe only the cell extension, see root hair (GO:0035618) or root hair tip (GO:0035619). root hair cell A root epidermal cell (PO:0025164) that develops from a trichoblast (PO:0000262) and has as part a root hair (GO:0035618). ISBN:0471245208 c&#233lula del pelo de la ra&#237z (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo 根毛細胞 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki A portion of cortex (PO:0005708) that is part of a root (PO:0009005). PO:0003010 PO_GIT:115 cortex de la ra&#237z (Spanish, exact) portion of root cortex tissue (exact) 根皮層 (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy PO:0000258 In dicots and gymnosperms, the cortex consists of mainly parenchyma cells. In monocots sclerenchyma develops in addition to parenchyma. root cortex A portion of cortex (PO:0005708) that is part of a root (PO:0009005). ISBN:047125208 POC:curators cortex de la ra&#237z (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo 根皮層 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki A root epidermal cell (PO:0025164) that is the smaller cell produced by the asymmetric division of an epidermal intial cell (PO:0000349) and gives rise to a root hair (GO:0035618). tricoblasto (Spanish, exact) 根毛形成細胞、トリコブラスト (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy hair cell (related) PO:0000262 trichoblast A root epidermal cell (PO:0025164) that is the smaller cell produced by the asymmetric division of an epidermal intial cell (PO:0000349) and gives rise to a root hair (GO:0035618). ISBN:0471245208 tricoblasto (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo 根毛形成細胞、トリコブラスト (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki A root epidermal cell (PO:0025164) that develops from an epidermal initial (PO:0000349) and does not have as part a root hair (GO:0035618). non-hair cell (broad) atrichoblast (exact) atricoblasto (Spanish, exact) 非毛根形成細胞、アトリコブラスト (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy PO:0000263 Compare to root hair cell (PO:0000256), which develops from a trichoblast (PO:0000262). non-hair root epidermal cell A root epidermal cell (PO:0025164) that develops from an epidermal initial (PO:0000349) and does not have as part a root hair (GO:0035618). ISBN:0387987819 PMID:14627722 atricoblasto (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo 非毛根形成細胞、アトリコブラスト (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki A portion of primary xylem (PO:0000272) tissue that has as part one or more protoxylem tracheary elements (PO:0025575) embedded in parenchyma (PO:0005421) tissue. PO_GIT:434 portion of protoxylem tissue (exact) protoxilema (Spanish, exact) 原生木(質)部 (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy PO:0000272 Develops while the vascular tissue (PO:0009015) is still elongating. When protoxylem tracheary elements (PO:0025575) are destroyed they may become obliterated by surrounding parenchyma cells (PO:0000074). Protoxylem has smaller elements than the metaxylem (PO:0000372). protoxylem A portion of primary xylem (PO:0000272) tissue that has as part one or more protoxylem tracheary elements (PO:0025575) embedded in parenchyma (PO:0005421) tissue. ISBN:047125208 ISBN:0471738433 POC:Laurel_Cooper protoxilema (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo 原生木(質)部 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki OBSOLETE. A cell making up xylem tissue. PO:0000274 PO:0000290 PO_GIT:440 elemento del xilema (Spanish, exact) 木部要素 (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy PO:0000273 This term was made obsolete because it was not appropriate. Replaced by tracheary element (PO:0000290) and xylem fiber cell (PO:0000274). OBSOLETE xylem element true OBSOLETE. A cell making up xylem tissue. ISBN:0471245208 elemento del xilema (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo 木部要素 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki A fiber cell (PO:0025407) that is part of a portion of xylem (PO:0005352) tissue. PO_GIT:443 fibra del xilema (Spanish, exact) 木部繊維細胞 (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy PO:0000274 It may be difficult to distinguish xylem fiber cells, especially fiber tracheids (PO:0000355), from tracheary elements (PO:0000290). Fiber tracheids have bordered pits with smaller pit cavities than the vessel members (PO:0002003) or tracheids (PO:0000301) of the same wood and a distinct pit cavity leading to the cell lumen through the cell wall. xylem fiber cell A fiber cell (PO:0025407) that is part of a portion of xylem (PO:0005352) tissue. ISBN:0471245208 fibra del xilema (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo 木部繊維細胞 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki true A unicellular or multicellular plant structure (PO:0009011) that forms a non-sclerified outgrowth from the epidermis (PO:0005679). PO:0004510 barb trichome (broad) bristle (broad) FNA:12abd29b-5eae-47a2-baae-4059581e7eaa FNA:43d66471-4955-4bc2-a70c-c88e33877c42 FNA:602c5ee8-6634-4093-bd2c-016dde8a350e FNA:6cb9e7af-32a7-413a-8f80-9e40d3ae462a FNA:78121d02-e7db-45eb-b1b7-011d5026beae FNA:881fcb45-5dfd-4d06-8d6f-a111ba5e220a FNA:899a83bf-39bb-4128-b472-b0e27dcf5b35 FNA:8c618dea-f3dd-434f-bb13-23273ea6c143 FNA:93b95b97-0f1a-4d26-9c86-ebede4157269 FNA:99a6f711-b4da-4231-8dce-9ed171b87e9c FNA:9ef3a0eb-f8e4-4a7b-911e-92952fc19956 FNA:aa191087-e979-486f-ad87-0e050a83090f FNA:bb12cad4-db12-4e59-a9fc-1676f2558a0a FNA:c358e298-5926-42d6-8d49-a918cdc72406 FNA:c5765385-917c-465e-83f8-b4fe5d693146 FNA:c751440c-a7b3-4997-aed8-47f8254fd05f FNA:cbb9ceb5-a404-4b5c-9c8f-4cf0ca6bade2 FNA:e6a34ceb-a3e7-49f7-a4ac-cf0ea1552dc4 FNA:ead20a1b-057b-4008-9466-bdb8e283aa82 FNA:f18da584-2b0b-4b03-a614-40140a1cb89e PO_GIT:207 tricoma (Spanish, exact) 毛茸、糸状体、毛 (Japanese, exact) capilli (narrow, plural) capillus (narrow) cilia (narrow, plural) cilium (narrow) glochid (narrow) glochidia (narrow, plural) glochidium (narrow) hair (narrow) lepides (narrow, plural) lepis (narrow) non-secretory trichome (narrow) scale (narrow) squama (narrow) squamae (narrow, plural) squamella (narrow) squamellae (narrow, plural) squamule (narrow) plant_anatomy seta (related) setae (related) PO:0000282 This class is the union of unicellular trichome (PO:0025537) and multicellular trichome (PO:0025162). A trichome can vary in length and shape and may be branched or unbranched. It may be glandular or non-secretory. trichome A unicellular or multicellular plant structure (PO:0009011) that forms a non-sclerified outgrowth from the epidermis (PO:0005679). PMID:19939948 POC:curators barb trichome (broad) FNA:aa191087-e979-486f-ad87-0e050a83090f bristle (broad) FNA:78121d02-e7db-45eb-b1b7-011d5026beae tricoma (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo 毛茸、糸状体、毛 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki capilli (narrow, plural) FNA:602c5ee8-6634-4093-bd2c-016dde8a350e capillus (narrow) FNA:43d66471-4955-4bc2-a70c-c88e33877c42 cilia (narrow, plural) FNA:c358e298-5926-42d6-8d49-a918cdc72406 cilium (narrow) FNA:12abd29b-5eae-47a2-baae-4059581e7eaa glochid (narrow) FNA:881fcb45-5dfd-4d06-8d6f-a111ba5e220a glochidia (narrow, plural) FNA:899a83bf-39bb-4128-b472-b0e27dcf5b35 glochidium (narrow) FNA:99a6f711-b4da-4231-8dce-9ed171b87e9c hair (narrow) FNA:9ef3a0eb-f8e4-4a7b-911e-92952fc19956 lepides (narrow, plural) FNA:e6a34ceb-a3e7-49f7-a4ac-cf0ea1552dc4 lepis (narrow) FNA:bb12cad4-db12-4e59-a9fc-1676f2558a0a scale (narrow) FNA:8c618dea-f3dd-434f-bb13-23273ea6c143 squama (narrow) FNA:6cb9e7af-32a7-413a-8f80-9e40d3ae462a squamae (narrow, plural) FNA:cbb9ceb5-a404-4b5c-9c8f-4cf0ca6bade2 squamella (narrow) FNA:ead20a1b-057b-4008-9466-bdb8e283aa82 squamellae (narrow, plural) FNA:c5765385-917c-465e-83f8-b4fe5d693146 squamule (narrow) FNA:f18da584-2b0b-4b03-a614-40140a1cb89e seta (related) FNA:c751440c-a7b3-4997-aed8-47f8254fd05f setae (related) FNA:93b95b97-0f1a-4d26-9c86-ebede4157269 A native plant cell (PO:0025606) that markedly differs in form, size, or contents from other cells in the same tissue. PO_GIT:362 idioblasto (Spanish, exact) 異形(型)細胞 (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy PO:0000283 Often contains deposit of minerals or products of secondary metabolism. May have a specialized function. idioblast A native plant cell (PO:0025606) that markedly differs in form, size, or contents from other cells in the same tissue. ISBN:0471245208 POC:Laurel_Cooper idioblasto (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo 異形(型)細胞 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki A shoot epidermal cell (PO:0025165) associated with a stomatal pore (PO:0008032) and at least morphologically distinguishable from the other epidermal cells. PO:0000296 c&#233lula subsididaria (Spanish, exact) 助細胞,副細胞(気孔)(auxiliary cell, synergid) (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy accessory cell (related) PO:0000284 subsidiary cell A shoot epidermal cell (PO:0025165) associated with a stomatal pore (PO:0008032) and at least morphologically distinguishable from the other epidermal cells. ISBN:047124520 c&#233lula subsididaria (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo 助細胞,副細胞(気孔)(auxiliary cell, synergid) (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki true A sieve element (PO:0025406) that is part of a sieve tube (PO:0025416) and has as parts sieve areas aggregated into sieve plates (GO:0097218). PO:0000286 PO_GIT:439 miembro del tubo criboso (Spanish, exact) sieve tube member (exact) sieve tube segment (exact) sieve-tube element (exact) 師(篩)管要素 (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy PO:0000289 Sieve tube elements have sieve areas that are specialized into those with wide pores in sieve plates and those with narrow pores in lateral sieve areas. Sieve tube elements may have inclined end walls with compound or simple sieve plates. Typical of angiosperms. Differ from sieve cells (PO:0025415), which have less pronounced specialization of sieve areas and no sieve plates. sieve tube element A sieve element (PO:0025406) that is part of a sieve tube (PO:0025416) and has as parts sieve areas aggregated into sieve plates (GO:0097218). ISBN:0471245208 miembro del tubo criboso (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo 師(篩)管要素 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki A native plant cell (PO:0025606) that has a lignified cell wall with secondary thickening and bordered pits. PO_GIT:440 elemento de traqueida (Spanish, exact) 管状要素 (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy PO:0000290 Tracheary elements are dead at maturity, are more or less elongated, and have pits of various types in the cell wall. Tracheary elements function in the conduction of water and dissolved substances such as mineral nutrients from the roots to the shoot system. Tracheary elements can be distinguished from fiber cells (PO:0025407) by the presence of bordered pits, although there are intermediate forms called fiber tracheids (PO:0000355). tracheary element A native plant cell (PO:0025606) that has a lignified cell wall with secondary thickening and bordered pits. ISBN:0471245208 POC:Laurel_Cooper elemento de traqueida (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo 管状要素 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki A shoot epidermal cell (PO:0025165) that is one of a pair of cells flanking the stomatal pore (PO:0008032). c&#233lula guardiana (Spanish, exact) occlusive cell (exact) 孔辺細胞 (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy PO:0000293 They cause the opening and closing of the pore by changes in turgor. guard cell A shoot epidermal cell (PO:0025165) that is one of a pair of cells flanking the stomatal pore (PO:0008032). ISBN:0471245208 c&#233lula guardiana (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo occlusive cell (exact) PMID:16845829 孔辺細胞 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki An initial cell (PO:0004011) that is part of the vascular cambium (PO:0005598) or cork cambium (PO:0005599), and by periclinal divisions, produces cells to the outside or inside of the cambial axis. PO:0000080 c&#233lula inicial del cambium (Spanish, exact) cambial cell (exact) cambial initial (exact) 形成層始原細胞 (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy PO:0000295 cambial initial cell An initial cell (PO:0004011) that is part of the vascular cambium (PO:0005598) or cork cambium (PO:0005599), and by periclinal divisions, produces cells to the outside or inside of the cambial axis. POC:curators c&#233lula inicial del cambium (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo 形成層始原細胞 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki true A tracheary element (PO:0000290) that has no perforations in its cell wall. PO_GIT:440 traqueida (Spanish, exact) 仮導管 (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy PO:0000301 May have any of the kinds of secondary wall thickenings found in tracheary elements. The area of contact between two tracheids has only bordered pits, whereas in vessel members (PO:0002003), it has openings in the cell wall called perforations, organized into perforation plates (term has been requested in GO). tracheid A tracheary element (PO:0000290) that has no perforations in its cell wall. ISBN:0471245208 traqueida (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo 仮導管 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki A portion of parenchyma tissue (PO:0005421) that is part of a nectary (PO:0009035). par&#233nquima nectarifero (Spanish, exact) 蜜腺柔組織 (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy PO:0000309 nectary parenchyma A portion of parenchyma tissue (PO:0005421) that is part of a nectary (PO:0009035). POC:Ramona_Walls par&#233nquima nectarifero (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo 蜜腺柔組織 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki A shoot epidermal cell (PO:0025165) that is relatively unspecialized at maturity. PO_GIT:256 c&#233lula del pavimento epidermal (Spanish, exact) 表皮被蓋細胞 (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy PO:0000332 May have sinuous anticlinal cell walls that overall give a jigsaw like appearance to the epidermis. Pavement cells are epidermal cells that are not directly associated with a stomatal complex or trichome at maturity, but they share similar developmental origins. shoot epidermal pavement cell A shoot epidermal cell (PO:0025165) that is relatively unspecialized at maturity. POC:curators c&#233lula del pavimento epidermal (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo 表皮被蓋細胞 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki An initial cell (PO:0004011) that is part of an plant epidermis (PO:0005679) and gives rise to specialized cells. c&#233lula inicial de la epidermis (Spanish, exact) epidermal initial (exact) 表皮始原細胞 (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy PO:0000349 plant epidermal initial cell An initial cell (PO:0004011) that is part of an plant epidermis (PO:0005679) and gives rise to specialized cells. PO:cooperl TAIR_curator:Leonore_Reiser c&#233lula inicial de la epidermis (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo 表皮始原細胞 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki A shoot epidermal cell (PO:0025165) that divides to produce the guard cells (PO:0000293). c&#233lula madre de la c&#233lula guardiana (Spanish, exact) 孔辺母細胞 (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy PO:0000351 guard mother cell A shoot epidermal cell (PO:0025165) that divides to produce the guard cells (PO:0000293). ISBN:0471245208 c&#233lula madre de la c&#233lula guardiana (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo 孔辺母細胞 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki A cell containing glucosinolates ("mustard oil glucosides") and myrosinases, enzymes hydrolyzing the glucosinolates. c&#233lula de mirosina (Spanish, exact) ミロシン細胞 (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy PO:0000352 myrosin cell A cell containing glucosinolates ("mustard oil glucosides") and myrosinases, enzymes hydrolyzing the glucosinolates. ISBN:0471245208 c&#233lula de mirosina (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo ミロシン細胞 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki A ground tissue cell that is part of an exodermis or an endodermis and remains thin walled when the associated cells develop thick secondary walls. c&#233lula de pasaje (Spanish, exact) 通過細胞 (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy PO:0000353 passage cell A ground tissue cell that is part of an exodermis or an endodermis and remains thin walled when the associated cells develop thick secondary walls. ISBN:0471245208 c&#233lula de pasaje (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo 通過細胞 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki A xylem fiber cell (PO:0000274) with bordered pits with pit cavities. PO_GIT:443 fiber tracheid cell (exact) fibrotraqueida (Spanish, exact) 繊維仮導管 (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy PO:0000355 Fiber tracheids generally have pointed ends and bordered pits that have lenticular to slit-like apertures. If both libriform fiber cells (PO:0004520) and fiber tracheids are present, the libriform fiber cells usually have thicker walls. Fiber tracheids have bordered pits with smaller pit cavities than the vessel members (PO:0002003) or tracheids (PO:0000301) of the same wood and a distinct pit cavity leading to the cell lumen through the cell wall. fiber tracheid A xylem fiber cell (PO:0000274) with bordered pits with pit cavities. ISBN:0471245208 fibrotraqueida (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo 繊維仮導管 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki A portion of primary xylem (PO:0005849) tissue that has as part one or more metaxylem tracheary elements (PO:0025576) embedded in parenchyma (PO:0005421) tissue and may contain xylem fiber cells (PO:0000274). PO_GIT:434 metaxilema (Spanish, exact) portion of metaxylem tissue (exact) 後生木部 (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy PO:0000372 Metaxylem has larger tracheary elements (PO:0000290) than the protoxylem (PO:0000272), and develops after the formation of the protoxylem, once elongation of the plant axis (PO:0025004) has completed. metaxylem A portion of primary xylem (PO:0005849) tissue that has as part one or more metaxylem tracheary elements (PO:0025576) embedded in parenchyma (PO:0005421) tissue and may contain xylem fiber cells (PO:0000274). ISBN:047125208 ISBN:0471738433 POC:curators metaxilema (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo 後生木部 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki OBSOLETE. Cell containing mucilages or gums or similar carbohydrate material characterized by the property of swelling in water. c&#233lula mucilaginosa (Spanish, exact) 粘液細胞 (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy PO:0000373 Functional term OBSOLETE mucilage cell true OBSOLETE. Cell containing mucilages or gums or similar carbohydrate material characterized by the property of swelling in water. ISBN:0471245208 c&#233lula mucilaginosa (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo 粘液細胞 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki A cambial initial cell (PO:0000295) which is destined to differentiate into secondary phloem. c&#233lula madre del floema (Spanish, exact) 師部母細胞 (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy PO:0000400 Phloem islands can be formed in the middle of the xylem. phloem mother cell A cambial initial cell (PO:0000295) which is destined to differentiate into secondary phloem. POC:curators c&#233lula madre del floema (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo 師部母細胞 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki A native plant cell (PO:0025606) which is a whole plant (PO:0000003) in the plant zygote stage (PO:0001097). zygote (broad) PO_GIT:417 cigoto (Spanish, exact) 植物接合子、接合体 (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy PO:0000423 A plant zygote is a whole plant that is a single cell formed by fertilization (syngamy). plant zygote A native plant cell (PO:0025606) which is a whole plant (PO:0000003) in the plant zygote stage (PO:0001097). POC:Laurel_Cooper POC:Ramona_Walls cigoto (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo 植物接合子、接合体 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki A sporocyte (PO:0006204) that produces four haploid (1n) megaspores (PO:0020019). PO:0006463 PO:0006493 PO_GIT:361 MMC (exact) megaspore mother cell (exact) megasporocito (Spanish, exact) 大胞子母細胞 (Japanese, exact) Poaceae megasporocyte (narrow) Zea megasporocyte (narrow) plant_anatomy PO:0000431 If you are annotating to this structure for Zea mays or other grasses, please also add an annotation to the corresponding floret type. Choose the most specific term possible from: spikelet floret (PO:0009082), ear floret (PO:0006354), upper floret of pedicellate spikelet of ear (PO:0006350), upper floret of sessile spikelet of ear (PO:0006352). megasporocyte A sporocyte (PO:0006204) that produces four haploid (1n) megaspores (PO:0020019). ISBN:0471245208 POC:Laurel_Cooper megasporocito (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo 大胞子母細胞 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki OBSOLETE. the root meristem gets organized plant_anatomy PO:0001000 This term has been obsoleted to keep the structure simple. OBSOLETE meristem elaboration true OBSOLETE. the root meristem gets organized Gramene:Anuradha_Pujar A multi-tissue plant structure development stage (PO:0025571) that has as primary participant a single fruit (PO:0009001). PMID:2152125 PO_GIT:501 plant_structure_development_stage stage 17 flower in Arabidopsis (related) stage 18 flower in Arabidopsis (related) stage 19 flower in Arabidopsis (related) stage 20 flower in Arabidopsis (related) PO:0001002 Defined by characteristic morphological, structural, histological or other visible features of a fruit. Includes as subclasses fruit formation stage (PO:0025501) and fruit ripening stage (PO:0025502). May have as part a seed development stage (PO:0001170). This stage applies to an individual fruit. For development stages of a whole plant (PO:0000003) based on fruit development, use whole plant fruit development stage (PO:0025500) or its subclasses. fruit development stage A multi-tissue plant structure development stage (PO:0025571) that has as primary participant a single fruit (PO:0009001). POC:Laurel_Cooper POC:curators stage 17 flower in Arabidopsis (related) PMID:2152125 stage 18 flower in Arabidopsis (related) PMID:2152125 stage 19 flower in Arabidopsis (related) PMID:2152125 stage 20 flower in Arabidopsis (related) PMID:2152125 A vascular leaf initiation stage (PO:0007040) during which the vascular leaf founder cells (PO:0025592) of the shoot apical meristem (PO:0020148) form a vascular leaf anlagen (PO:0025431). GRO:0007161 PO_GIT:560 PO_GIT:573 vascular leaf founder cell formation stage (exact) plant_structure_development_stage P0 stage (related) leaf stage P0 (related) PO:0001003 The initial stage of leaf development when cells in the shoot apical meristem (PO:0020148) are already determined to form a vascular leaf primordium (PO:0000017), but the primordium is not yet morphologically distinguishable. vascular leaf anlagen formation stage A vascular leaf initiation stage (PO:0007040) during which the vascular leaf founder cells (PO:0025592) of the shoot apical meristem (PO:0020148) form a vascular leaf anlagen (PO:0025431). POC:Brian_Atkinson POC:Laurel_Cooper TAIR_curator:Katica_Ilic leaf stage P0 (related) GRO:0007161 Stages of development of the anther defined by characteristic morphological, cytological, histological or other visible features. plant_structure_development_stage PO:0001004 anther development stage Stages of development of the anther defined by characteristic morphological, cytological, histological or other visible features. POC:Felipe_Zapata An initial stage during which archesporial cells arise in four corners of L2 layer. Change in shape of primordia to more oval. GRO:0007211 PO_GIT:539 plant_structure_development_stage stamen stage ST1 (related) PO:0001005 A archesporial cells visible stage An initial stage during which archesporial cells arise in four corners of L2 layer. Change in shape of primordia to more oval. TAIR_curator:Katica_Ilic stamen stage ST1 (related) GRO:0007211 Stage during which the microsporocytes become conspicuous. PO_GIT:509 plant_structure_development_stage pollen stage 2 in Arabidopsis (related) PO:0001006 B enlarged microsporocyte stage Stage during which the microsporocytes become conspicuous. TAIR_curator:Katica_Ilic A microgametophyte development stage (PO:0025602) during which the pollen (PO:0025281) develops. PO_GIT:589 plant_structure_development_stage pollen development in Arabidopsis (related) PO:0001007 pollen development stage A microgametophyte development stage (PO:0025602) during which the pollen (PO:0025281) develops. POC:Felipe_Zapata POC:Laurel_Cooper Stage during which diploid pollen mother cells become separated from each other and from tapetum by a callose wall. PO_GIT:509 plant_structure_development_stage pollen mother cell stage (related) pollen stage 3 in Arabidopsis (related) PO:0001008 C callose wall formation in pollen mother cells stage Stage during which diploid pollen mother cells become separated from each other and from tapetum by a callose wall. TAIR_curator:Katica_Ilic Stage during which pollen mother cells undergo meiosis to form tetrads of microspores. GRO:0007212 GRO:0007213 GRO:0007217 GRO:0007218 GRO:0007219 GRO:0007220 GRO:0007221 GRO:0007222 GRO:0007223 PO_GIT:509 plant_structure_development_stage pollen stage 4 in Arabidopsis (related) stamen stage ST4 (related) stamen stage ST5 (related) stamen stage ST5-1 (related) stamen stage ST5-2 (related) stamen stage ST5-3 (related) stamen stage ST5-4 (related) stamen stage ST5-5 (related) stamen stage ST5-6 (related) stamen stage ST5-7 (related) PO:0001009 D pollen mother cell meiosis stage Stage during which pollen mother cells undergo meiosis to form tetrads of microspores. TAIR_curator:Katica_Ilic stamen stage ST4 (related) GRO:0007213 stamen stage ST5 (related) GRO:0007212 stamen stage ST5-1 (related) GRO:0007217 stamen stage ST5-2 (related) GRO:0007218 stamen stage ST5-3 (related) GRO:0007219 stamen stage ST5-4 (related) GRO:0007220 stamen stage ST5-5 (related) GRO:0007221 stamen stage ST5-6 (related) GRO:0007222 stamen stage ST5-7 (related) GRO:0007223 Stage of microgametophyte development during which the callose wall between the tetrads breaks down and haploid microspores are released and lie freely in locules. PO_GIT:509 plant_structure_development_stage pollen stage 5 in Arabidopsis (related) PO:0001010 F microspore release stage Stage of microgametophyte development during which the callose wall between the tetrads breaks down and haploid microspores are released and lie freely in locules. TAIR_curator:Katica_Ilic An initial stage during which the archesporial cells divide to give rise to primary parietal and sporogenous cells. PO_GIT:509 plant_structure_development_stage pollen stage 1 in Arabidopsis (related) PO:0001011 A microsporogenous mass stage An initial stage during which the archesporial cells divide to give rise to primary parietal and sporogenous cells. TAIR_curator:Katica_Ilic Stage of microgametophyte development during which the microspores round up and small vacuoles appear in their cytoplasm. The microspore walls thicken due to the formation of the exine. GRO:0007226 PO_GIT:509 plant_structure_development_stage pollen stage 6 in Arabidopsis (related) stamen stage ST6-1 (related) PO:0001012 G early unicellular microspore stage Stage of microgametophyte development during which the microspores round up and small vacuoles appear in their cytoplasm. The microspore walls thicken due to the formation of the exine. TAIR_curator:Katica_Ilic stamen stage ST6-1 (related) GRO:0007226 Stage of microgametophyte development during which a large vacuole is formed in each microspore causing a rapid increase in size and a displacement of the nucleus to one side. GRO:0007226 PO_GIT:509 plant_structure_development_stage pollen stage 7 in Arabidopsis (related) stamen stage ST6-1 (related) PO:0001013 H late unicellular microspore stage Stage of microgametophyte development during which a large vacuole is formed in each microspore causing a rapid increase in size and a displacement of the nucleus to one side. TAIR_curator:Katica_Ilic stamen stage ST6-1 (related) GRO:0007226 Stage of microgametophyte development during which the asymmetric, first mitotic division of the microspores occurs producing a large vegetative cell and small generative cell, located near pollen wall. GRO:0007228 PO_GIT:509 plant_structure_development_stage pollen stage 8 in Arabidopsis (related) stamen stage ST6-2 (related) PO:0001014 I first mitotic division stage Stage of microgametophyte development during which the asymmetric, first mitotic division of the microspores occurs producing a large vegetative cell and small generative cell, located near pollen wall. TAIR_curator:Katica_Ilic stamen stage ST6-2 (related) GRO:0007228 A pollen development stage (PO:0001007) during which the generative cell (PO:0020097) undergoes mitotic division to form two male gametes, the pollen sperm cells (PO:0025121). GRO:0007229 PO_GIT:509 tricellular pollen development stage (exact) tricellular pollen stage (exact) plant_structure_development_stage pollen stage 9 in Arabidopsis (related) stamen stage ST6-4 (related) PO:0001015 In taxa with mature two-celled pollen (PO:0025281), the second mitotic division takes place after pollen germination (GO:0009846), in the germinating pollen tube cell (PO:0025195). Note: This term overlaps with the GO BP term: generative cell mitosis (GO:0055047): The process in which the generative cell divides by mitosis to form two haploid cells. These will subsequently differentiate into sperm cells. K second mitotic division stage A pollen development stage (PO:0001007) during which the generative cell (PO:0020097) undergoes mitotic division to form two male gametes, the pollen sperm cells (PO:0025121). POC:Laurel_Cooper TAIR_curator:Katica_Ilic stamen stage ST6-4 (related) GRO:0007229 Stage of microgametophyte development during which the pollen reaches mature stage and desiccates. GRO:0007230 PO_GIT:509 plant_structure_development_stage pollen stage 10 in Arabidopsis (related) stamen stage ST6-5 (related) PO:0001016 Mature pollen stages is reached at three-celled pollen in some angiosperms (maize, rice and Arabidopsis), while in others, the maturepollen has two haploid cells (tobacco, snapdragon). L mature pollen stage Stage of microgametophyte development during which the pollen reaches mature stage and desiccates. TAIR_curator:Katica_Ilic stamen stage ST6-5 (related) GRO:0007230 The final stage in the life cycle of the male gametophyte. Upon rehydration, mature pollen grain forms a tubular outgrowth, the pollen tube, which carries the male gametes. PO_GIT:509 plant_structure_development_stage germinated pollen grain in Arabidopsis (related) PO:0001017 M germinated pollen stage The final stage in the life cycle of the male gametophyte. Upon rehydration, mature pollen grain forms a tubular outgrowth, the pollen tube, which carries the male gametes. TAIR_curator:Katica_Ilic Stage during which the primary parietal and primary sporogenous layers are derived from archesporial cells. GRO:0007214 PO_GIT:539 plant_structure_development_stage stamen stage ST2 (related) PO:0001018 B formation of primary parietal and sporogenous cells stage Stage during which the primary parietal and primary sporogenous layers are derived from archesporial cells. TAIR_curator:Katica_Ilic stamen stage ST2 (related) GRO:0007214 A vascular leaf initiation stage (PO:0001051) during which a vascular leaf primordium (PO:0000017) forms in the peripheral zone (PO:0000225) of the vegetative shoot apical meristem (PO:0020148). GRO:0007164 PO_GIT:561 plant_structure_development_stage P1 stage (related) leaf stage P1 (related) PO:0001019 The vascular leaf primordium (PO:0000017) develops from the vascular leaf anlagen (PO:0025431). vascular leaf primordium formation stage A vascular leaf initiation stage (PO:0001051) during which a vascular leaf primordium (PO:0000017) forms in the peripheral zone (PO:0000225) of the vegetative shoot apical meristem (PO:0020148). POC:Laurel_Cooper TAIR_curator:Katica_Ilic leaf stage P1 (related) GRO:0007164 Stage of leaf development when a hood-shaped primordium is formed, partially enclosing P1 and SAM, as in Poaceae. GRO:0007163 PO_GIT:564 plant_structure_development_stage P2 stage (related) leaf stage P2 (related) PO:0001020 hood-shaped primordium stage Stage of leaf development when a hood-shaped primordium is formed, partially enclosing P1 and SAM, as in Poaceae. POC:Brian_Atkinson TAIR_curator:Katica_Ilic leaf stage P2 (related) GRO:0007163 A vascular leaf expansion stage (PO:0001052) when conical P3 leaf completely encloses SAM, and the ligule (PO:0020105) primordium is visible. GRO:0007166 PO_GIT:563 plant_structure_development_stage P3 stage (related) leaf stage P3 (related) PO:0001021 formation of ligule primordium stage A vascular leaf expansion stage (PO:0001052) when conical P3 leaf completely encloses SAM, and the ligule (PO:0020105) primordium is visible. POC:Brian_Atkinson TAIR_curator:Katica_Ilic leaf stage P3 (related) GRO:0007166 A vascular leaf expansion stage (PO:0001052) during which a rapid elongation of the leaf lamina (PO:0020039) occurs. GRO:0007162 PO_GIT:565 plant_structure_development_stage P4 stage (related) leaf stage P4 (related) PO:0001023 rapid elongation of vascular leaf lamina stage A vascular leaf expansion stage (PO:0001052) during which a rapid elongation of the leaf lamina (PO:0020039) occurs. POC:Brian_Atkinson TAIR_curator:Katica_Ilic leaf stage P4 (related) GRO:0007162 A vascular leaf expansion stage (PO:0001052) during which a rapid elongation of the leaf sheath (PO:0020104) occurs. GRO:0007165 PO_GIT:566 plant_structure_development_stage P5 stage (related) leaf stage P5 (related) PO:0001024 Occurs in the Poaceae. rapid elongation of leaf sheath stage A vascular leaf expansion stage (PO:0001052) during which a rapid elongation of the leaf sheath (PO:0020104) occurs. POC:Laurel_Cooper TAIR_curator:Katica_Ilic leaf stage P5 (related) GRO:0007165 Stage during which the four-lobed anther pattern with two developing stomium regions (notch) are formed. PO_GIT:539 plant_structure_development_stage PO:0001025 C four anther lobes formed stage Stage during which the four-lobed anther pattern with two developing stomium regions (notch) are formed. TAIR_curator:Katica_Ilic Stage during which the four clearly defined locules are established. All anther cell types present and microspore mother cells appear. PO_GIT:539 plant_structure_development_stage stage 8 flower in Arabidopsis (related) PO:0001026 D locules established stage Stage during which the four clearly defined locules are established. All anther cell types present and microspore mother cells appear. TAIR_curator:Katica_Ilic OBSOLETE. The meristematic zone is formed plant_structure_development_stage PO:0001027 OBSOLETE meristamtic zone formation true OBSOLETE. The meristematic zone is formed Gramene:Anuradha_Pujar OBSOLETE. The cells of root primordium undergo elonagtion plant_structure_development_stage PO:0001028 OBSOLETE elongation zone formation true OBSOLETE. The cells of root primordium undergo elonagtion Gramene:Anuradha_Pujar Stage immediately following meiosis, during which the tetrads of microspores are still hold together, enclosed by the callose wall. GRO:0007224 PO_GIT:509 plant_structure_development_stage stamen stage ST5-8 (related) PO:0001029 E tetrad stage Stage immediately following meiosis, during which the tetrads of microspores are still hold together, enclosed by the callose wall. TAIR_curator:Katica_Ilic stamen stage ST5-8 (related) GRO:0007224 OBSOLETE. The cells develop their characteristic morphology. plant_structure_development_stage PO:0001030 OBSOLETE specialization zone formation true OBSOLETE. The cells develop their characteristic morphology. Gramene:Anuradha_Pujar The stage at which a root is elongating. plant_structure_development_stage Benfey's stage 2 of root development (related) PO:0001031 In some plant species this stage is subdivided into distal and proximal elongating zones. 4 root elongation stage The stage at which a root is elongating. POC:curators An anther development stage (PO:0001004) during which degeneration of the anther wall tapetum (PO:0009071) is initiated, as the deposition on the surface of the microspore (PO:0020048) primexine proceeds. PO_GIT:539 plant_structure_development_stage PO:0001032 Microspores within single locule are at unicellular stage. E anther wall tapetum degeneration initiated stage An anther development stage (PO:0001004) during which degeneration of the anther wall tapetum (PO:0009071) is initiated, as the deposition on the surface of the microspore (PO:0020048) primexine proceeds. POC:Laurel_Cooper TAIR_curator:Katica_Ilic Stage during which anther becomes bilocular, after degeneration and breakage of septum below stomium. PO_GIT:539 plant_structure_development_stage PO:0001034 F bilocular anther stage Stage during which anther becomes bilocular, after degeneration and breakage of septum below stomium. TAIR_curator:Katica_Ilic Stage during which the dehiscence of anthers occurs. Anther breaks along stomium and pollen is released. PO_GIT:539 plant_structure_development_stage PO:0001035 G anther dehiscence stage Stage during which the dehiscence of anthers occurs. Anther breaks along stomium and pollen is released. TAIR_curator:Katica_Ilic Stage during which the senescence of anther and stamen occurs. Shrinkage of cells and anther structure takes place. PO_GIT:539 plant_structure_development_stage PO:0001036 H anther senescence stage Stage during which the senescence of anther and stamen occurs. Shrinkage of cells and anther structure takes place. TAIR_curator:Katica_Ilic A seed development stage (PO:0001170) during which the mature seed reaches a low moisture content. PO:0007055 GRO:0007052 ISBN:3826331524 PO_GIT:568 SOY:0000009 TAIR:0000213 plant_structure_development_stage 00 Dry Seed in soybean (related) 1.01-dry seed in Triticeae (related) BBCH growth stage 00 (related) dry seed in Arabidopsis (related) PO:0001040 dry seed stage A seed development stage (PO:0001170) during which the mature seed reaches a low moisture content. POC:Laurel_Cooper TAIR_curator:Katica_Ilic 00 Dry Seed in soybean (related) SOY:0000009 1.01-dry seed in Triticeae (related) GRO:0007052 BBCH growth stage 00 (related) ISBN:3826331524 dry seed in Arabidopsis (related) TAIR:0000213 The initial stage of endosperm development during which the chalazal and micropilar domains are established. plant_structure_development_stage PO:0001041 chalazal and micropylar domain establishment stage The initial stage of endosperm development during which the chalazal and micropilar domains are established. TAIR_curator:Katica_Ilic Stage of endosperm development during which the functional specialization of the maturing endosperm occurs. plant_structure_development_stage PO:0001042 functional specialization of the endosperm stage Stage of endosperm development during which the functional specialization of the maturing endosperm occurs. TAIR_curator:Katica_Ilic true Stage of calyx development defined by differentiation and expansion of sepal. plant_structure_development_stage PO:0001044 sepal differentiation and expansion stage Stage of calyx development defined by differentiation and expansion of sepal. POC:Felipe_Zapata Stage of calyx development when sepal is fully expanded. plant_structure_development_stage PO:0001045 fully expanded sepal stage Stage of calyx development when sepal is fully expanded. POC:Felipe_Zapata A phyllome development stage (PO:0025579) that has as a primary participant a lemma (PO:0009037). GRO:0007204 PO_GIT:548 plant_structure_development_stage spikelet stage SP3 (related) PO:0001047 lemma development stage A phyllome development stage (PO:0025579) that has as a primary participant a lemma (PO:0009037). Gramene:Anuradha_Pujar POC:Felipe_Zapata POC:Laura_Moore spikelet stage SP3 (related) GRO:0007204 A phyllome development stage (PO:0025579) that has as a primary participant a palea (PO:0009038). GRO:0007207 PO_GIT:548 plant_structure_development_stage spikelet stage SP4 (related) PO:0001048 palea development stage A phyllome development stage (PO:0025579) that has as a primary participant a palea (PO:0009038). Gramene:Anuradha_Pujar POC:Felipe_Zapata POC:Laura_Moore spikelet stage SP4 (related) GRO:0007207 A phyllome development stage (PO:0025579) that has as a primary participant a lodicule (PO:0009036). GRO:0007203 PO_GIT:548 plant_structure_development_stage spikelet stage SP5 (related) PO:0001049 lodicule development stage A phyllome development stage (PO:0025579) that has as a primary participant a lodicule (PO:0009036). Gramene:Anuradha_Pujar POC:Felipe_Zapata POC:Laura_Moore spikelet stage SP5 (related) GRO:0007203 A phyllome development stage (PO:0025579) during which the development of vascular leaves (PO:0009025) and non-vascular leaves (PO:0025075) occurs. PO:0007040 GRO:0007138 PO_GIT:555 plant_structure_development_stage leaf development (related) leaf development in Arabidopsis (related) PO:0001050 leaf development stage A phyllome development stage (PO:0025579) during which the development of vascular leaves (PO:0009025) and non-vascular leaves (PO:0025075) occurs. POC:Brian_Atkinson POC:curators TAIR_curator:Tanya_Berardini leaf development (related) GRO:0007138 A vascular leaf development stage (PO:0025570) which begins with the onset of the vascular leaf anlagen formation stage (PO:0001003) and ends with the termination of the vascular leaf primordium polarity determination stage (PO:0001052). PO_GIT:556 plant_structure_development_stage leaf initiation in Arabidopsis (related) PO:0001051 Localized cell divisions in the peripheral zone (PO:0000225) transition from anticlinal to periclinal divisions. vascular leaf initiation stage A vascular leaf development stage (PO:0025570) which begins with the onset of the vascular leaf anlagen formation stage (PO:0001003) and ends with the termination of the vascular leaf primordium polarity determination stage (PO:0001052). PMID:9254931 POC:Brian_Atkinson POC:Laurel_Cooper A vascular leaf development stage (PO:0025570) during which vascular leaf size increases primarily through cell expansion. PO_GIT:557 plant_structure_development_stage leaf expansion stage in Arabidopsis (related) PO:0001052 During this stage leaf shaping (GO:0010358) occurs which is defined as the developmental process that pertains to the organization of a leaf in three-dimensional space once the structure has initially formed. vascular leaf expansion stage A vascular leaf development stage (PO:0025570) during which vascular leaf size increases primarily through cell expansion. POC:Brian_Atkinson POC:Laurel_Cooper TAIR_curator:Katica_Ilic A vascular leaf development stage (PO:0025570) that begins when the vascular leaf (PO:0009025) is fully expanded and ends with the onset of the vascular leaf senescence stage (PO:0001054). GRO:0007167 PO_GIT:558 plant_structure_development_stage fully expanded leaf stage in Arabidopsis (related) leaf stage PX (related) PO:0001053 vascular leaf post-expansion stage A vascular leaf development stage (PO:0025570) that begins when the vascular leaf (PO:0009025) is fully expanded and ends with the onset of the vascular leaf senescence stage (PO:0001054). POC:Brian_Atkinson TAIR_curator:Katica_Ilic leaf stage PX (related) GRO:0007167 A vascular leaf development stage (PO:0025570) that begins with the formation of a abscission zone at the base of a vascular leaf (PO:0009025) and ends with leaf separation and death. PO_GIT:559 plant_structure_development_stage leaf senescence stage in Arabidopsis (related) PO:0001054 vascular leaf senescent stage A vascular leaf development stage (PO:0025570) that begins with the formation of a abscission zone at the base of a vascular leaf (PO:0009025) and ends with leaf separation and death. POC:Brian_Atkinson POC:Laurel_Cooper TAIR_curator:Tanya_Berardini Stage of lemma development that begins when the lemma primordia arise. plant_structure_development_stage PO:0001055 The lemma primordium forms in 1/2 alternate phylotaxy in rice spikelet. lemma primordia visible stage Stage of lemma development that begins when the lemma primordia arise. POC:Felipe_Zapata Stage of lemma development defined by differentiation and expansion of lemma. plant_structure_development_stage PO:0001056 lemma differentiation and expansion stage Stage of lemma development defined by differentiation and expansion of lemma. POC:Felipe_Zapata Stage of lemma development when lemma is fully expanded. plant_structure_development_stage PO:0001057 fully expanded lemma stage Stage of lemma development when lemma is fully expanded. POC:Felipe_Zapata Stage of palea development that begins when the palea primordia arise. plant_structure_development_stage PO:0001058 The palea primordium forms in 1/2 alternate phylotaxy in rice spikelet. palea primordia visible stage Stage of palea development that begins when the palea primordia arise. POC:Felipe_Zapata Stage of microgametophyte development during which the small generative cell moves inward, becoming completely surrounded by the cytoplasm of the vegetative cell. GRO:0007227 PO_GIT:509 plant_structure_development_stage stamen stage ST6-3 (related) PO:0001059 J bicellular pollen stage Stage of microgametophyte development during which the small generative cell moves inward, becoming completely surrounded by the cytoplasm of the vegetative cell. TAIR_curator:Katica_Ilic stamen stage ST6-3 (related) GRO:0007227 Stage of palea development defined by differentiation and expansion of palea. plant_structure_development_stage PO:0001070 palea differentiation and expansion stage Stage of palea development defined by differentiation and expansion of palea. POC:Felipe_Zapata Stage of palea development when palea is fully expanded. plant_structure_development_stage PO:0001071 fully expanded palea stage Stage of palea development when palea is fully expanded. POC:Felipe_Zapata Stage of lodicule development that begins when the lodicule primordia arise. plant_structure_development_stage PO:0001072 Two lodicules form on the side of the lemma in rice spikelet. lodicule primordia visible stage Stage of lodicule development that begins when the lodicule primordia arise. POC:Felipe_Zapata Stage of microgametophyte development during which the generative cell undergoes a mitotic division to form two male gametes, the sperm cells. plant_structure_development_stage PO:0001074 N second mitotic division stage in germinating pollen Stage of microgametophyte development during which the generative cell undergoes a mitotic division to form two male gametes, the sperm cells. TAIR_curator:Katica_Ilic true Stage of lodicule development defined by differentiation and expansion of lodicule. plant_structure_development_stage PO:0001077 lodicule differentiation and expansion stage Stage of lodicule development defined by differentiation and expansion of lodicule. POC:Felipe_Zapata A plant embryo development stage (PO:0007631) that occurs during the interval between the beginning of rapid elongation of the plant embryo axis (PO:0019018) and plant embryo cotyledons (PO:0025470), and the onset of a plant embryo true leaf formation stage (PO:0001095), when present, or a mature plant embryo stage (PO:0001081). PO:0001076 PO_GIT:400 plant_structure_development_stage curled cotyledon stage in Arabidopsis (related) torpedo stage in Arabidopsis (related) PO:0001078 During this stage, the plant embryo (PO:0009009) continues to undergo a process of developmental growth (as a result of both cell division (GO:0051301) and cell expansion (GO:0016049), which ends with the onset of a mature plant embryo stage (PO:0001081). For species that develop true leaves in the plant embryo, (vascular leaves (PO:0009025) that develop after the cotyledons (PO:0020030) or coleoptile (PO:0020033)), growth may continue in the plant embryo true leaf formation stage (PO:0001095). For other species, the plant embryo transitions directly from a plant embryo cotyledonary stage (PO:0001078) to a mature plant embryo stage (PO:0001081). plant embryo cotyledonary stage A plant embryo development stage (PO:0007631) that occurs during the interval between the beginning of rapid elongation of the plant embryo axis (PO:0019018) and plant embryo cotyledons (PO:0025470), and the onset of a plant embryo true leaf formation stage (PO:0001095), when present, or a mature plant embryo stage (PO:0001081). GO:0016049 GO:0051301 POC:Laurel_Cooper POC:Ramona_Walls TAIR_curator:Katica_Ilic Stage of lodicule development when lodicule is fully expanded. plant_structure_development_stage PO:0001079 fully expanded lodicule stage Stage of lodicule development when lodicule is fully expanded. POC:Felipe_Zapata A plant embryo development stage (PO:0007631) during the interval between when a plant embryo (PO:0009009) has stopped developmental growth involved in morphogenesis (GO:0060560) and one of the following: the beginning of the seed germination stage (PO:0007057) in seed plants, formation of the first vascular leaf (PO:0009025) in pteridophytes, the beginning of development of a sporangium (PO:0025094) in bryophytes, or the beginning of the formation of a plant organ (PO:0009008) such as a root (PO:0009005), shoot axis (PO:0025029), or vascular leaf (PO:0009025) in a cultured plant embryo (PO:0000010). GRO:0007176 GRO:0007177 PO_GIT:400 plant_structure_development_stage embryo stage EM10 (related) embryo stage EM9 (related) mature (stage) in Arabidopsis (related) PO:0001081 In some seed plants, this occurs some time after the fruit ripening stage (PO:0025502) and after the dispersal of the seed (PO:0009010). This stage may be very short in plants that do not enter a plant embryo dormant stage (PO:0025377). mature plant embryo stage A plant embryo development stage (PO:0007631) during the interval between when a plant embryo (PO:0009009) has stopped developmental growth involved in morphogenesis (GO:0060560) and one of the following: the beginning of the seed germination stage (PO:0007057) in seed plants, formation of the first vascular leaf (PO:0009025) in pteridophytes, the beginning of development of a sporangium (PO:0025094) in bryophytes, or the beginning of the formation of a plant organ (PO:0009008) such as a root (PO:0009005), shoot axis (PO:0025029), or vascular leaf (PO:0009025) in a cultured plant embryo (PO:0000010). APweb:Glossary POC:Laurel_Cooper POC:Ramona_Walls TAIR_curator:Katica_Ilic embryo stage EM10 (related) GRO:0007177 embryo stage EM9 (related) GRO:0007176 A reproductive shoot system development stage (PO:0025530) that has as primary participant a inflorescence (PO:0009049). GRO:0007157 PO_GIT:517 plant_structure_development_stage panicle development (related) PO:0001083 inflorescence development stage A reproductive shoot system development stage (PO:0025530) that has as primary participant a inflorescence (PO:0009049). POC:Laurel_Cooper panicle development (related) GRO:0007157 A plant embryo development stage (PO:0007631) that occurs during the interval between the beginning of elongation of the plant embryo axis (PO:0019018), with the formation of a plant embryo coleoptile (PO:0025286), a plant embryo shoot apical meristem (PO:0006362) and root apical meristem (PO:0020147), and ends with the onset of a plant embryo true leaf formation stage (PO:0001095), when present, or a mature plant embryo stage (PO:0001081). GRO:0007169 PO_GIT:400 plant_structure_development_stage SAM and radicle formation stage (related) embryo stage EM5 (related) PO:0001094 This stage occurs in grasses and other monocots. plant embryo coleoptilar stage A plant embryo development stage (PO:0007631) that occurs during the interval between the beginning of elongation of the plant embryo axis (PO:0019018), with the formation of a plant embryo coleoptile (PO:0025286), a plant embryo shoot apical meristem (PO:0006362) and root apical meristem (PO:0020147), and ends with the onset of a plant embryo true leaf formation stage (PO:0001095), when present, or a mature plant embryo stage (PO:0001081). MaizeGDB:67376 PMID:20044449 POC:Laurel_Cooper TAIR_curator:Katica_Ilic embryo stage EM5 (related) GRO:0007169 A plant embryo development stage (PO:0007631) that occurs during the interval between the beginning of the formation of the first vascular leaf primordium (PO:0000017) in the plant embryo proper (PO:0000001), and the onset of a mature plant embryo stage (PO:0001081). GRO:0007172 PO_GIT:400 plant_structure_development_stage embryo stage EM6 (related) PO:0001095 A true leaf is vascular leaf (PO:0009025) that forms after the formation of the cotyledons (PO:0020030) or a coleoptile (PO:0020033). Not all species form true leaves in the plant embryo development stage (PO:0007631). If it occurs, a plant embryo true leaf formation stage is preceded by either a plant embryo cotyledonary stage (PO:0001078) or a plant embryo coleoptilar stage (PO:0001094), depending upon the species. plant embryo true leaf formation stage A plant embryo development stage (PO:0007631) that occurs during the interval between the beginning of the formation of the first vascular leaf primordium (PO:0000017) in the plant embryo proper (PO:0000001), and the onset of a mature plant embryo stage (PO:0001081). POC:Laurel_Cooper TAIR_curator:Katica_Ilic embryo stage EM6 (related) GRO:0007172 One cell stage that takes place following the fertilization, produced by the fusion of sperm cell nucleus and one or more polar nuclei. plant_structure_development_stage PO:0001096 primary endosperm cell stage One cell stage that takes place following the fertilization, produced by the fusion of sperm cell nucleus and one or more polar nuclei. TAIR_curator:Katica_Ilic A sporophyte development stage (PO:0007134) that occurs during the interval between fertilization and the first cell division of the plant zygote (PO:0000423). zygote stage (broad) GRO:0007168 PO_GIT:399 plant_structure_development_stage embryo stage EM1 (related) one cell stage (related) zygote in Arabidopsis (related) PO:0001097 Precedes the sporophyte vegetative stage (PO:0007134). Refers to the GO biological process term fertilization (GO:0009566). plant zygote stage A sporophyte development stage (PO:0007134) that occurs during the interval between fertilization and the first cell division of the plant zygote (PO:0000423). POC:curators embryo stage EM1 (related) GRO:0007168 OBSOLETE. Stage of endosperm development during wich the formation of starchy endosperm occurs. plant_structure_development_stage PO:0001098 OBSOLETE formation of starchy endosperm true OBSOLETE. Stage of endosperm development during wich the formation of starchy endosperm occurs. TAIR_curator:Katica_Ilic Differentiation of aleurone layer, the outermost endosperm tissue, and the internal starchy tissue. plant_structure_development_stage PO:0001099 formation of aleurone and starchy layers stage Differentiation of aleurone layer, the outermost endosperm tissue, and the internal starchy tissue. TAIR_curator:Katica_Ilic A multi-tissue plant structure development stage (PO:0025571) that has as primary participant a seed (PO:0009010). PO_GIT:568 plant_structure_development_stage seed development in Arabidopsis (related) PO:0001170 Includes the stages of seed development, from fertilization to the dry or quiescent state. May have as part an embryo development stage. seed development stage A multi-tissue plant structure development stage (PO:0025571) that has as primary participant a seed (PO:0009010). POC:Laurel_Cooper POC:Ramona_Walls TAIR_curator:Katica_Ilic true A plant embryo development stage (PO:0007631) that occurs during the interval between the first cell division of a plant zygote (PO:0000423) and the onset of the plant globular embryo stage (PO:0001185). GRO:0007171 PO_GIT:400 plant_structure_development_stage eight-celled stage in Arabidopsis (related) embryo stage EM2 (related) two-celled stage in Arabidopsis (related) PO:0001180 In the case of a nucellar (adventitious) plant embryo (PO:0004537), somatic plant embryo (PO:0025302), microspore-derived cultured plant embryo (PO:0025305), or other embryos that arise through apogamy, the plant proembryo stage (PO:0001180) begins after the division of a single cell that is not a zygote. The plant proembryo stage occurs prior to the differentiation of the three main tissue systems (vascular system (PO:0000034) epidermis (PO:0005679); and the portion of ground tissue (PO:0025059)). plant proembryo stage A plant embryo development stage (PO:0007631) that occurs during the interval between the first cell division of a plant zygote (PO:0000423) and the onset of the plant globular embryo stage (PO:0001185). APweb:Glossary POC:Laurel_Cooper TAIR_curator:Katica_Ilic embryo stage EM2 (related) GRO:0007171 A plant embryo development stage (PO:0007631) that occurs during the interval between when a plant embryo proper (PO:0000001) increases in diameter through cell division, but retains radial symmetry (with the concomitant formation of a protoderm (PO:0006210)), and the onset of a plant embryo bilateral stage (PO:0004507). GRO:0007170 GRO:0007173 PO_GIT:400 plant_structure_development_stage dermatogen stage in Arabidopsis (related) embryo stage EM3 (related) embryo stage EM4 (related) globular stage in Arabidopsis (related) late globular stage in Arabidopsis (related) mid-globular stage in Arabidopsis (related) PO:0001185 During the plant embryo globular stage, differentiation of the three main tissue systems (vascular system (PO:0000034); epidermis (PO:0005679); and the portion of ground tissue (PO:0025059)) occurs. plant embryo globular stage A plant embryo development stage (PO:0007631) that occurs during the interval between when a plant embryo proper (PO:0000001) increases in diameter through cell division, but retains radial symmetry (with the concomitant formation of a protoderm (PO:0006210)), and the onset of a plant embryo bilateral stage (PO:0004507). POC:Laurel_Cooper POC:curators TAIR_curator:Katica_Ilic embryo stage EM3 (related) GRO:0007170 embryo stage EM4 (related) GRO:0007173 Stage of calyx development that begins when the developing sepals enclose the floral meristem. plant_structure_development_stage stage 4 flower in Arabidopsis (related) PO:0001378 sepals enclosing meristem stage Stage of calyx development that begins when the developing sepals enclose the floral meristem. ISBN:0387940898 Stage of calyx development that begins when the sepals enclose the floral bud. sepals enclosing floral bud (exact) plant_structure_development_stage stage 6 flower in Arabidopsis (related) PO:0001380 sepals enclosing flower bud stage Stage of calyx development that begins when the sepals enclose the floral bud. ISBN:0387940898 A portion of shoot system epidermis (PO:0006035) that has as parts two guard cells (PO:0000293) and a stomatal pore (PO:0008032). May also contain subsidiary cells (PO:0000284). stoma (broad) stomata (broad) PO_GIT:231 complejo estom&#225tico (Spanish, exact) stomatal apparatus (exact) stomate (exact) 気孔装置 (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy PO:0002000 stomatal complex A portion of shoot system epidermis (PO:0006035) that has as parts two guard cells (PO:0000293) and a stomatal pore (PO:0008032). May also contain subsidiary cells (PO:0000284). ISBN:0471245208 complejo estom&#225tico (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo stomatal apparatus (exact) FNA:5def9af3-483f-41c5-93e3-fa66839b22f6 stomate (exact) FNA:1d7d0bb6-be7e-43e4-8730-6e31b43915b4 気孔装置 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki OBSOLETE. A soft protuberance on an epidermal cell of the stigma. PO:0025166 PO:0025167 PO:0025168 PO_GIT:219 papila (Spanish, exact) 乳頭状突起 (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy PO:0002001 This terms was made obsolete because it is a sub-cellular compartment. Plant cell papilla (GO:0090395), leaf papilla (GO:0090396), and stigma papilla (GO:0090397) have been added to GO. To annotate to a cell that has a papilla, consider papilla cell (PO:0025166), leaf papilla cell (PO:0025167), or stigma papilla cell (PO:0025168). OBSOLETE papillae true OBSOLETE. A soft protuberance on an epidermal cell of the stigma. ISBN:0471245208 papila (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo 乳頭状突起 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki A native plant cell (PO:0025606) that is the lower-most cell formed after the first division of the plant zygote (PO:0000423) and is part of a plant embryo (PO:0009009). PO_GIT:281 c&#233lula basal (Spanish, exact) embryonic basal cell (exact) 胚基底細胞 (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy PO:0002002 The zygote divides to form an embryo apical cell and an embryo basal cell. embryo basal cell A native plant cell (PO:0025606) that is the lower-most cell formed after the first division of the plant zygote (PO:0000423) and is part of a plant embryo (PO:0009009). ISBN:0471245208 POC:Laurel_Cooper c&#233lula basal (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo 胚基底細胞 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki A tracheary element (PO:0000290) that is part of a xylem vessel (PO:0025417) and has as parts perforation plates. PO_GIT:440 miembro de vaso (Spanish, exact) vessel element (exact) vessel member (exact) vessel segment (exact) 木質部道管状要素 (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy PO:0002003 Commonly thick walled, with pointed ends and bordered pits that have lenticular to slit-like apertures. If both libriform fibers (PO:0004520) and fiber tracheids are present, the libriform fibers usually have thicker walls. Fiber tracheids have bordered pits with smaller pit cavities than the vessel members (PO:0002003) or tracheids (PO:0000301) of the same wood and a distinct pit cavity leading from the pit cavity to the cell lumen through the thick cell wall. xylem vessel member A tracheary element (PO:0000290) that is part of a xylem vessel (PO:0025417) and has as parts perforation plates. ISBN:0471245208 miembro de vaso (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo 木質部道管状要素 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki A cardinal part of multi-tissue plant structure (PO:0025498) which is composed of the shriveled remains of the silk (PO:0006488), and the base of the style (PO:0009074), and is located on the distal end of a developing or mature kernel (caryopsis fruit; PO:0030104). PO_GIT:656 cicatriz sedosa (Spanish, exact) シルクの痕跡 (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy PO:0002004 silk scar A cardinal part of multi-tissue plant structure (PO:0025498) which is composed of the shriveled remains of the silk (PO:0006488), and the base of the style (PO:0009074), and is located on the distal end of a developing or mature kernel (caryopsis fruit; PO:0030104). Gramene:Chih-Wei_Tung POC:Laurel_Cooper cicatriz sedosa (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo シルクの痕跡 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki A region of the root between the meristem and the region of rapid elongation in which isodiametric growth (cell expansion) occurs. PO_GIT:70 zona de transici&#243n (Spanish, exact) 移行領域、移行帯、移行域 (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy PO:0003000 transition zone A region of the root between the meristem and the region of rapid elongation in which isodiametric growth (cell expansion) occurs. DOI:10.1007/s003440010013 zona de transici&#243n (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo 移行領域、移行帯、移行域 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki true true OBSOLETE. A zone of small, densely cytoplasmic cells that are dividing and expanding in size located behind the zone of cell division in the primary root. PO:0025257 zona de elongaci&#243n obsoleta de la ra&#237z primary (Spanish, exact) plant_anatomy PO:0003003 This term was made obsolete because the definition was not correct. A new term with the same name and correct definitions was created to replace it. obsolete primary root elongation zone true OBSOLETE. A zone of small, densely cytoplasmic cells that are dividing and expanding in size located behind the zone of cell division in the primary root. TAIR_curator:Katica_Ilic zona de elongaci&#243n obsoleta de la ra&#237z primary (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo OBSOLETE. The root of particular parasitic plants that becomes cemented to the host axis and intrudes into the tissues of the host. ra&#237z haustorial (Spanish, exact) 吸器根(寄生植物の根) (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy PO:0003004 Term is specific for parasitic plants only. OBSOLETE haustorial root true OBSOLETE. The root of particular parasitic plants that becomes cemented to the host axis and intrudes into the tissues of the host. ra&#237z haustorial (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo 吸器根(寄生植物の根) (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki A shoot-borne root (PO:0000042) that forms at a shoot axis node (PO:0005004). PO:0003008 PO:0003009 adventitious nodal root (broad) PO_GIT:163 ra&#237z nodosa (Spanish, exact) 節根 (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy nodal root (related) PO:0003005 shoot-borne nodal root A shoot-borne root (PO:0000042) that forms at a shoot axis node (PO:0005004). POC:Laurel_Cooper ra&#237z nodosa (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo 節根 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki true true true true true A vascular system (PO:0000034) that includes the totality of the portions of vascular tissue in their specific arrangement in a root (PO:0009005). PO_GIT:41 sistema vascular de la ra&#237z (Spanish, exact) 根維管系 (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy root vein (related) PO:0003011 This term was brought back from OBSOLETE node (original reason for OBSOLETE: synonym of term stele). Since stele encompasses both vascular system and the pith, in roots with pith, vascular system and stele are not synonymous. root vascular system A vascular system (PO:0000034) that includes the totality of the portions of vascular tissue in their specific arrangement in a root (PO:0009005). ISBN:0471245208 POC:curators sistema vascular de la ra&#237z (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo 根維管系 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki true true OBSOLETE. The portion of the lateral root located behind the zone of cell division that includes small, densely cytoplasmic cells that are dividing and expanding in size. PO:0025256 zona de elongaci&#243n obsoleta de la ra&#237z lateral (Spanish, exact) plant_anatomy PO:0003014 This term was made obsolete because the definition was not correct. A new term with the same name and correct definitions was created to replace it. obsolete lateral root elongation zone true OBSOLETE. The portion of the lateral root located behind the zone of cell division that includes small, densely cytoplasmic cells that are dividing and expanding in size. TAIR_curator:Katica_Ilic zona de elongaci&#243n obsoleta de la ra&#237z lateral (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo A root differentiation zone that is part of a primary root. zona de diferenciaci&#243n de la ra&#237z primary (Spanish, exact) 一次根分化帯(層) (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy PO:0003015 primary root differentiation zone A root differentiation zone that is part of a primary root. POC:Ramona_Walls TAIR_curator:Katica_Ilic zona de diferenciaci&#243n de la ra&#237z primary (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo 一次根分化帯(層) (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki A root differentiation zone that is part of a lateral root. zona de diferenciaci&#243n de la ra&#237z lateral (Spanish, exact) 側根分裂帯(層) (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy PO:0003016 lateral root differentiation zone A root differentiation zone that is part of a lateral root. POC:Ramona_Walls TAIR_curator:Katica_Ilic zona de diferenciaci&#243n de la ra&#237z lateral (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo 側根分裂帯(層) (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki A root cap that is part of a primary root tip. PO_GIT:194 caliptra de la ra&#237z primary (Spanish, exact) 主根の根冠 (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy PO:0003017 root cap of primary root A root cap that is part of a primary root tip. POC:Ramona_Walls TAIR_curator:Katica_Ilic caliptra de la ra&#237z primary (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo 主根の根冠 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki A root cap that is part of a lateral root tip. PO_GIT:194 caliptra de la ra&#237z lateral (Spanish, exact) 側根の根冠 (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy PO:0003018 root cap of lateral root A root cap that is part of a lateral root tip. POC:Ramona_Walls TAIR_curator:Katica_Ilic caliptra de la ra&#237z lateral (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo 側根の根冠 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki A central root cap that is part of a root cap of lateral root. PO_GIT:194 caliptra de la ra&#237z central de la ra&#237z lateral (Spanish, exact) 側根の中心根冠 (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy PO:0003019 central root cap of lateral root A central root cap that is part of a root cap of lateral root. POC:curators TAIR_curator:Katica_Ilic caliptra de la ra&#237z central de la ra&#237z lateral (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo 側根の中心根冠 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki A lateral root cap that is part of a root cap of lateral root. PO_GIT:194 caliptra de la ra&#237z lateral de la ra&#237z lateral (Spanish, exact) 側根の側根冠 (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy PO:0003020 lateral root cap of lateral root A lateral root cap that is part of a root cap of lateral root. POC:curators TAIR_curator:Katica_Ilic caliptra de la ra&#237z lateral de la ra&#237z lateral (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo 側根の側根冠 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki A central root cap that is part of a root cap of primary root. PO_GIT:194 caliptra de la ra&#237z central de la ra&#237z primaria (Spanish, exact) 一次根の中心根冠 (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy PO:0003021 central root cap of primary root A central root cap that is part of a root cap of primary root. POC:curators TAIR_curator:Katica_Ilic caliptra de la ra&#237z central de la ra&#237z primaria (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo 一次根の中心根冠 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki A lateral root cap (PO:0020131) that is part of a root cap (PO:0020123) of a primary root (PO:0020127). PO_GIT:194 caliptra de la ra&#237z lateral de la ra&#237z primaria (Spanish, exact) 一次根の側根冠 (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy PO:0003022 lateral root cap of primary root A lateral root cap (PO:0020131) that is part of a root cap (PO:0020123) of a primary root (PO:0020127). PO:cooperl POC:curators TAIR_curator:Katica_Ilic caliptra de la ra&#237z lateral de la ra&#237z primaria (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo 一次根の側根冠 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki A cardinal organ part (PO:0025001) that is an outgrowth of a root (PO:0009005) and is inhabited by nitrogen-fixing bacteria. nodule (broad) FNA:b62e2f23-dffc-474a-a7bd-f919ea99b51c PO_GIT:235 n&#243dulo de la ra&#237z (Spanish, exact) 根粒 (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy PO:0003023 Root nodules are a symbiosis between a plant (often, but not exclusively, of the Fabaceae) and bacteria of the genus Rhizobium, Bradyrhizobium, or Azorhizobium. root nodule A cardinal organ part (PO:0025001) that is an outgrowth of a root (PO:0009005) and is inhabited by nitrogen-fixing bacteria. POC:Ramona_Walls nodule (broad) FNA:b62e2f23-dffc-474a-a7bd-f919ea99b51c n&#243dulo de la ra&#237z (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo 根粒 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki A branch (PO:0025073) that is prostrate or trailing, and produces adventitious nodal roots (PO:0003005) and sometimes erect shoots. PO_GIT:388 estol&#243n (Spanish, exact) ストロン、ほふく茎 (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy runner (related) PO:0003024 The stolon develops from an axillary bud (PO:0004709) and produces adventitious roots (PO:0003005) at the nodes and a terminal aerial stem. That stem then sends out one or more stolons from its axillary buds and the process is reiterated. Stolons may be above ground, as with strawberries, or below ground as in potatoes. stolon A branch (PO:0025073) that is prostrate or trailing, and produces adventitious nodal roots (PO:0003005) and sometimes erect shoots. APweb:Glossary POC:curators estol&#243n (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo ストロン、ほふく茎 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki OBSOLETE. An embryonic plant cell that is the uppermost cell formed after the first division of the zygote. PO:0025284 PO_GIT:303 c&#233lula apical (Spanish, exact) plant_anatomy PO:0004000 This term was originally named apical cell. It was made obsolete to avoid confusion with the new term apical cell (PO:0030007). This term is replaced by embryonic apical cell (PO:0025284). OBSOLETE apical cell true OBSOLETE. An embryonic plant cell that is the uppermost cell formed after the first division of the zygote. ISBN:0471245208 c&#233lula apical (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo An enlarged more or less thin-walled leaf pavement cell, present, with other similar cells, in longitudinal rows in leaves of monocots. PO_GIT:256 c&#233lula bulliforme (Spanish, exact) 泡状細胞 (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy motor cell (related) PO:0004001 Also called motor cell because of its presumed participation in the mechanism of rolling and unrolling of leaves. If you are annotating to this term, please add an additional annotation to vascular leaf (PO:0009025) or non-vascular leaf (PO:0025075), depending on the species. All annotations for angiosperms, gymnosperms, and pteridophytes should go to vascular leaf and all annotations for bryophytes should go to non-vascular leaf. bulliform cell An enlarged more or less thin-walled leaf pavement cell, present, with other similar cells, in longitudinal rows in leaves of monocots. ISBN:0471245208 c&#233lula bulliforme (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo 泡状細胞 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki OBSOLETE. An axial parenchyma or a ray cell physiologically associated with a tracheary element. Also a cell next to a stoma. c&#233lula de contacto (Spanish, exact) 接触細胞 (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy PO:0004002 Not used in current plant literature. OBSOLETE contact cell true OBSOLETE. An axial parenchyma or a ray cell physiologically associated with a tracheary element. Also a cell next to a stoma. ISBN:0471245208 c&#233lula de contacto (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo 接触細胞 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki A portion of ground tissue (PO:0025059) centrifugally derived from cork cambium (PO:0005599), non-living at maturity, and having suberized walls. PO:0005049 PO_GIT:445 felema (Spanish, exact) portion of phellem tissue (exact) コルク組織(=cork tissue) (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy cork (related) PO:0004003 Protective in function because the walls are highly impervious to water. phellem A portion of ground tissue (PO:0025059) centrifugally derived from cork cambium (PO:0005599), non-living at maturity, and having suberized walls. ISBN:0471245208 POC:curators felema (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo コルク組織(=cork tissue) (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki OBSOLETE. A compact layer of cells, often secretory in function, covering a free surface or lining a cavity. c&#233lula del epitelio (Spanish, exact) 上皮細胞 (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy PO:0004004 Functional term OBSOLETE epithelium cell true OBSOLETE. A compact layer of cells, often secretory in function, covering a free surface or lining a cavity. ISBN:0471245208 c&#233lula del epitelio (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo 上皮細胞 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki OBSOLETE. A specialized cells or ducts resembling vessels; they form branched networks of latex-secreting cells in the phloem and other parts of plants. PO:0025031 PO_GIT:129 c&#233lula latic&#237fera (Spanish, exact) 乳細胞 (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy PO:0004005 Obsoleted: Too general definition of the term. Replaced by laticifer cell (PO:0025031). OBSOLETE laticiferous cell true OBSOLETE. A specialized cells or ducts resembling vessels; they form branched networks of latex-secreting cells in the phloem and other parts of plants. c&#233lula latic&#237fera (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo 乳細胞 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki A chlorenchyma cell that is part of a mesophyll. c&#233lula del mes&#243filo (Spanish, exact) 葉肉細胞 (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy PO:0004006 mesophyll cell A chlorenchyma cell that is part of a mesophyll. POC:curators TAIR_curator:Katica_Ilic c&#233lula del mes&#243filo (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo 葉肉細胞 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki OBSOLETE. A cell within the phellem (cork) but distinct from the cork cell in having no suberin in its walls. c&#233lula del feloide (Spanish, exact) コルク様(スベリン無)細胞 (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy PO:0004007 Not used in current plant literature. Confusing definition. OBSOLETE phelloid cell true OBSOLETE. A cell within the phellem (cork) but distinct from the cork cell in having no suberin in its walls. ISBN:0471245208 c&#233lula del feloide (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo コルク様(スベリン無)細胞 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki OBSOLETE. A chloroplast-containing cell engaged in photosynthesis. c&#233lula fotosintetizadora (Spanish, exact) 光合成細胞 (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy PO:0004008 Functional characterization is not part of the criteria. OBSOLETE photosynthetic cell true OBSOLETE. A chloroplast-containing cell engaged in photosynthesis. ISBN:0471245208 c&#233lula fotosintetizadora (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo 光合成細胞 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki Cells with deposits of silica in them. One of the two types of short cells in the epidermis of grasses and bamboos. It is usually paired with epidermal cork cell. c&#233lula sil&#237cica (Spanish, exact) ケイ酸細胞、珪酸細胞 (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy PO:0004009 One of two types of short cells in the epidermis of grasses. If you are annotating to this term, please add an additional annotation to vascular leaf (PO:0009025). silica cell Cells with deposits of silica in them. One of the two types of short cells in the epidermis of grasses and bamboos. It is usually paired with epidermal cork cell. ISBN:0471245208 c&#233lula sil&#237cica (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo ケイ酸細胞、珪酸細胞 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki A native plant cell (PO:0025606) synthesizing protoplasm and producing new cells by division and with only a primary cell wall. CL:0000034 PO_GIT:272 c&#233lula meristem&#225tica (Spanish, exact) stem cell (exact) 分裂組織細胞 (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy PO:0004010 meristematic cell A native plant cell (PO:0025606) synthesizing protoplasm and producing new cells by division and with only a primary cell wall. ISBN:0471245208 POC:Laurel_Cooper c&#233lula meristem&#225tica (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo 分裂組織細胞 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki A meristematic cell (PO:0004010) that by division gives rise to two cells, one of which remains meristematic, while the other is added to the plant body. PO:0000070 PO_GIT:272 c&#233lula inicial (Spanish, exact) initial (exact) meristemoid (exact) 始原細胞 (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy stem cell (related) PO:0004011 Initial cells are often part of a portion of tissue that is composed mostly of somewhat older, differentiating cells. The division of an initial cell is often uneven, with the smaller daughter cell remaining meristematic. initial cell A meristematic cell (PO:0004010) that by division gives rise to two cells, one of which remains meristematic, while the other is added to the plant body. ISBN:0471245208 c&#233lula inicial (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo 始原細胞 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki OBSOLETE. Cell that produces secreted substances. c&#233lula secretora (Spanish, exact) 分泌細胞 (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy PO:0004012 This is a functional term. OBSOLETE secretory cell true OBSOLETE. Cell that produces secreted substances. TAIR_curator:Katica_Ilic c&#233lula secretora (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo 分泌細胞 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki A native plant cell (PO:0025606) that is part of a portion of epidermis (PO:0005679). PO_GIT:591 c&#233lula epid&#233rmica (Spanish, exact) 表皮細胞 (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy PO:0004013 plant epidermal cell A native plant cell (PO:0025606) that is part of a portion of epidermis (PO:0005679). POC:Laurel_Cooper POC:curators c&#233lula epid&#233rmica (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo 表皮細胞 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki A vascular leaf expansion stage (PO:0001052) at which a leaflet primordium (PO:0025481) is initiated on the leaf rachis (PO:0020055) of a compound leaf (PO:0020043). PO_GIT:562 plant_structure_development_stage PO:0004500 formation of vascular leaflet primordia stage A vascular leaf expansion stage (PO:0001052) at which a leaflet primordium (PO:0025481) is initiated on the leaf rachis (PO:0020055) of a compound leaf (PO:0020043). POC:Brian_Atkinson TAIR_curator:Katica_Ilic Stage of gynoecium development defined by differentiation and expansion of carpels. GRO:0007181 plant_structure_development_stage ovule stage OV1 (related) PO:0004501 gynoecium differentiation and expansion stage Stage of gynoecium development defined by differentiation and expansion of carpels. TAIR_curator:Katica_Ilic ovule stage OV1 (related) GRO:0007181 Stage of gynoecium development defined by the closure of the carpel(s). plant_structure_development_stage PO:0004502 Closure of the carpel can occur in various ways, by fusion or secretion. closure of carpel(s) stage Stage of gynoecium development defined by the closure of the carpel(s). TAIR_curator:Katica_Ilic Epidermal cells at the top of developing style differentiate stigma. plant_structure_development_stage PO:0004503 stigma cell differentiation stage Epidermal cells at the top of developing style differentiate stigma. TAIR_curator:Katica_Ilic Stage of ovule development defined by differentiation and expansion of ovules. plant_structure_development_stage PO:0004504 ovule differentiation and expansion stage Stage of ovule development defined by differentiation and expansion of ovules. TAIR_curator:Katica_Ilic The earliest stage of seed development immediately following double fertilization. PO_GIT:568 plant_structure_development_stage PO:0004505 fertilized ovule stage The earliest stage of seed development immediately following double fertilization. TAIR_curator:Katica_Ilic Stage of seed development characterized by seed growth and differentiation. PO_GIT:568 plant_structure_development_stage PO:0004506 developing seed stage Stage of seed development characterized by seed growth and differentiation. TAIR_curator:Katica_Ilic A plant embryo development stage (PO:0007631) that occurs during the interval between the transition from radial to bilateral symmetry in a plant embryo proper (PO:0000001) and the onset of either the plant embryo cotyledonary stage (PO:0001078) or the plant embryo coleoptilar stage (PO:0001094). PO:0001043 PO:0001177 PO_GIT:400 plant_structure_development_stage heart stage in Arabidopsis (related) heart-shape stage (related) transition stage in maize (related) triangle stage in Arabidopsis (related) PO:0004507 A plant embryo bilateral stage is commonly known as the heart stage in dicotyledonous plants and the transition stage in monocots. Preceded by a plant embryo globular stage (PO:0001185). plant embryo bilateral stage A plant embryo development stage (PO:0007631) that occurs during the interval between the transition from radial to bilateral symmetry in a plant embryo proper (PO:0000001) and the onset of either the plant embryo cotyledonary stage (PO:0001078) or the plant embryo coleoptilar stage (PO:0001094). PMID:24784759 POC:Laurel_Cooper POC:Ramona_Walls TAIR_curator:Katica_Ilic A trichome (PO:0000282) that secretes or sequesters a portion of plant substance (PO:0025161). PO_GIT:207 PO_GIT:53 tricoma gl&#225ndular (Spanish, exact) 腺毛 (Japanese, exact) secretory trichome (narrow) plant_anatomy PO:0004509 glandular trichome A trichome (PO:0000282) that secretes or sequesters a portion of plant substance (PO:0025161). POC:curators tricoma gl&#225ndular (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo 腺毛 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki true A trichome that develops from seed coat epidermis. seed hair (exact) tricoma de la semilla (Spanish, exact) 種子毛(毛茸、糸状体、毛状突起体) (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy pubescence (related) PO:0004511 seed trichome A trichome that develops from seed coat epidermis. POC:curators tricoma de la semilla (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo 種子毛(毛茸、糸状体、毛状突起体) (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki A portion of secondary xylem (PO:0005848) that lacks living secondary xylem parenchyma cells (PO:0004525). duramen (Spanish, exact) 心材 (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy PO:0004512 Heartwood has ceased to function in storage and conduction, and the reserve materials have been removed or converted into heartwood substances. It is generally darker colored than sapwood (PO:0004513) and is found in the center of a shoot axis (PO:0025029) or root (PO:0009005), interior to the sapwood. Heartwood forms at the end of a cell death stage of secondary xylem (PO:0025466). heartwood A portion of secondary xylem (PO:0005848) that lacks living secondary xylem parenchyma cells (PO:0004525). ISBN:0471245208 POC:curators duramen (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo 心材 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki A portion of secondary xylem (PO:0005848) that has as parts living secondary xylem parenchyma cells (PO:0004525). albura (Spanish, exact) 液材、辺材 (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy PO:0004513 Sapwood contains reserve materials and may function in the conduction of water and minerals (xylem sap (PO:0025539)). It is generally lighter colored than the heartwood (PO:0004512) and is located between the heartwood and the vascular cambium (PO:0005598) of a shoot axis (PO:0025029) or root (PO:0009005). Sapwood forms during a secondary xylem development stage (PO:0025427). sapwood A portion of secondary xylem (PO:0005848) that has as parts living secondary xylem parenchyma cells (PO:0004525). ISBN:0471245208 POC:curators albura (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo 液材、辺材 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki A portion of secondary xylem (PO:0005848) that has as parts a single layer of early wood (PO:0004515) and a single layer of late wood (PO:0004516) from the same growth season and is part of a shoot axis (PO:0025029) or root (PO:0009005). anillo de crecimiento (Spanish, exact) growth layer (exact) 年輪(=annual ring) (Japanese, exact) annual ring (narrow) false annual ring (narrow) tree ring (narrow) plant_anatomy PO:0004514 Appears as a ring in a transverse section of plant axis (PO:0025004). May be an annual ring (one growth ring per year) or a false annual ring (more or less than one growth ring per year). growth ring A portion of secondary xylem (PO:0005848) that has as parts a single layer of early wood (PO:0004515) and a single layer of late wood (PO:0004516) from the same growth season and is part of a shoot axis (PO:0025029) or root (PO:0009005). ISBN:0471245208 POC:curators anillo de crecimiento (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo 年輪(=annual ring) (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki A portion of secondary xylem (PO:0005848) that is a part of a growth ring (PO:0004514) formed during the early part of a growing season, has lower density than late wood (PO:0004516) of the same growth ring, and has as parts early wood tracheary elements (PO:0025461) with generally larger lumens than the late wood tracheary elements (PO:0025462) of the same growth ring. PO_GIT:451 earlywood (exact) madera temprana (Spanish, exact) 早材 (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy spring wood (related) PO:0004515 The transition from early wood to late wood may be gradual and is not always easy to distinguish. early wood A portion of secondary xylem (PO:0005848) that is a part of a growth ring (PO:0004514) formed during the early part of a growing season, has lower density than late wood (PO:0004516) of the same growth ring, and has as parts early wood tracheary elements (PO:0025461) with generally larger lumens than the late wood tracheary elements (PO:0025462) of the same growth ring. ISBN:0471245208 POC:curators madera temprana (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo 早材 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki A portion of secondary xylem (PO:0005848) that is a part of a growth ring (PO:0004514) formed during the later part of a growing season, has higher density than early wood (PO:0004515) of the same growth ring, and has as parts late wood tracheary elements (PO:0025462) with generally smaller lumens than the early wood tracheary elements (PO:0025461) of the same growth ring. PO_GIT:451 latewood (exact) madera tard&#237a (Spanish, exact) 晩材 (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy summer wood (related) PO:0004516 The transition from early wood to late wood may be gradual and is not always easy to distinguish. late wood A portion of secondary xylem (PO:0005848) that is a part of a growth ring (PO:0004514) formed during the later part of a growing season, has higher density than early wood (PO:0004515) of the same growth ring, and has as parts late wood tracheary elements (PO:0025462) with generally smaller lumens than the early wood tracheary elements (PO:0025461) of the same growth ring. ISBN:0471245208 POC:curators madera tard&#237a (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo 晩材 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki A portion of secondary xylem (PO:0005848) that includes the last-formed late wood (PO:0004516) of one growth ring (PO:0004514) and the earliest-formed early wood (PO:0004515) of the next growth ring. PO_GIT:453 l&#237mite del anillo de crecimiento (Spanish, exact) 年輪境界線 (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy PO:0004517 Used to describe the boundary area between two adjacent growth rings, which may be distinct or indistinct. growth ring boundary A portion of secondary xylem (PO:0005848) that includes the last-formed late wood (PO:0004516) of one growth ring (PO:0004514) and the earliest-formed early wood (PO:0004515) of the next growth ring. POC:curators l&#237mite del anillo de crecimiento (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo 年輪境界線 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki A portion of plant tissue (PO:0009007) outside the vascular cambium (PO:0005598) or the xylem (PO:0005352); in older trees may be divided into dead outer bark and living inner bark, which consists of secondary phloem (PO:0005043). corteza (Spanish, exact) portion of bark tissue (exact) 樹皮 (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy PO:0004518 bark A portion of plant tissue (PO:0009007) outside the vascular cambium (PO:0005598) or the xylem (PO:0005352); in older trees may be divided into dead outer bark and living inner bark, which consists of secondary phloem (PO:0005043). ISBN:0471245208 POC:curators corteza (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo 樹皮 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki A fiber cell (PO:0025407) that is part of a portion of phloem (PO:0005417) tissue. PO_GIT:443 fibra del floema (Spanish, exact) phloem fiber (exact) 師部繊維 (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy PO:0004519 phloem fiber cell A fiber cell (PO:0025407) that is part of a portion of phloem (PO:0005417) tissue. ISBN:0471245208 fibra del floema (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo 師部繊維 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki A xylem fiber cell (PO:0000274) with simple pits. PO_GIT:443 fibra libriforme (Spanish, exact) libriform fiber (exact) 真性木繊維 (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy PO:0004520 Libriform fiber cells have simple (unbordered) pits while fiber tracheids (PO:0000355) have bordered pits. Many intermediate forms exist and are generally classified as fiber tracheids (PO:0000355). If both libriform fiber cells and fiber tracheids are present, the libriform fiber cells usually have thicker walls. Libriform fiber cells have a slit-like aperture toward the cell lumen, but no pit cavity. libriform fiber cell A xylem fiber cell (PO:0000274) with simple pits. ISBN:0471245208 fibra libriforme (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo 真性木繊維 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki A plant fiber cell (PO:0025407) with thin transverse walls (septa), which are formed when mitosis occurs within the cell after development of a secondary cell wall (GO:0009531). PO_GIT:443 fibra septada (Spanish, exact) septate fiber (exact) 隔壁繊維細胞 (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy PO:0004521 A septate fiber septum is composed of the adjacent primary cell walls of two internal cells that arise from mitosis within the septate fiber cell after it has formed a secondary cell wall (GO:0009531). septate fiber cell A plant fiber cell (PO:0025407) with thin transverse walls (septa), which are formed when mitosis occurs within the cell after development of a secondary cell wall (GO:0009531). ISBN:0471245208 POC:curators fibra septada (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo 隔壁繊維細胞 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki Cambium at the outer margin of the xylem cylinder. cambium vascular externo (Spanish, exact) 外側維管 形成層 (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy PO:0004522 outer vascular cambium Cambium at the outer margin of the xylem cylinder. POC:curators cambium vascular externo (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo 外側維管 形成層 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki Cambium occurring within xylem. cambium vascular interno (Spanish, exact) 材内維管形成層 (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy PO:0004523 included vascular cambium Cambium occurring within xylem. POC:curators cambium vascular interno (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo 材内維管形成層 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki A portion of secondary phloem tissue produced by included vascular cambium. floema incluido (Spanish, exact) floema interno (Spanish, exact) 材内師部 (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy PO:0004524 included phloem A portion of secondary phloem tissue produced by included vascular cambium. POC:curators floema incluido (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo floema interno (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo 材内師部 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki A parenchyma cell (PO:0000074) that is part of a portion of secondary xylem parenchyma (PO:0004532). PO_GIT:456 c&#233lula parenquim&#225tica de la madera (Spanish, exact) wood parenchyma cell (exact) 二次木部柔組織細胞 (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy PO:0004525 secondary xylem parenchyma cell A parenchyma cell (PO:0000074) that is part of a portion of secondary xylem parenchyma (PO:0004532). ISBN:0471245208 c&#233lula parenquim&#225tica de la madera (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo 二次木部柔組織細胞 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki A secondary xylem parenchyma cell (PO:0004525) that is part of a portion of axial secondary xylem parenchyma (PO:0004533). PO_GIT:456 axial wood parenchyma cell (exact) c&#233lula parenquim&#225tica axial de la madera (Spanish, exact) 軸方向二次木部柔組織細胞 (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy PO:0004526 axial secondary xylem parenchyma cell A secondary xylem parenchyma cell (PO:0004525) that is part of a portion of axial secondary xylem parenchyma (PO:0004533). ISBN:0471245208 c&#233lula parenquim&#225tica axial de la madera (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo 軸方向二次木部柔組織細胞 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki A parenchyma cell (PO:0000074) that develops from a ray initial (PO:0000082) and is part of a portion of ray secondary xylem parenchyma (PO:0004534). PO_GIT:456 c&#233lula parenquim&#225tica de rayo de la madera (Spanish, exact) ray wood parenchyma cell (exact) 放射状二次木部柔組織細胞 (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy PO:0004527 ray secondary xylem parenchyma cell A parenchyma cell (PO:0000074) that develops from a ray initial (PO:0000082) and is part of a portion of ray secondary xylem parenchyma (PO:0004534). ISBN:0471245208 c&#233lula parenquim&#225tica de rayo de la madera (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo 放射状二次木部柔組織細胞 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki A ray secondary xylem parenchyma cell (PO:0004527) that is oriented with its longest dimension parallel to the plant axis (PO:0025004) in which it is found. upright cell (broad) PO_GIT:456 rayo par&#233nquim&#225tico vertical de la madera (Spanish, exact) upright ray wood parenchyma cell (exact) 直立放射状二次木部柔組織細胞 (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy PO:0004528 upright ray secondary xylem parenchyma cell A ray secondary xylem parenchyma cell (PO:0004527) that is oriented with its longest dimension parallel to the plant axis (PO:0025004) in which it is found. ISBN:0471245208 rayo par&#233nquim&#225tico vertical de la madera (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo 直立放射状二次木部柔組織細胞 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki A ray secondary xylem parenchyma cell (PO:0004527) that is oriented with its longest dimension radial to the plant axis (PO:0025004) in which it is found. procumbent cell (broad) PO_GIT:456 c&#233lula procumbente del rayo de la madera (Spanish, exact) procumbent ray wood parenchyma cell (exact) 平伏放射二次木部柔組織細胞 (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy PO:0004529 procumbent ray secondary xylem parenchyma cell A ray secondary xylem parenchyma cell (PO:0004527) that is oriented with its longest dimension radial to the plant axis (PO:0025004) in which it is found. ISBN:0471245208 c&#233lula procumbente del rayo de la madera (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo 平伏放射二次木部柔組織細胞 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki Empty upright ray cell of approximately the same height as the procumbent ray cell and occurring in indeterminate horizontal series usually interspersed among the procumbent cells. PO_GIT:456 c&#233lula de baldoza B (Spanish, exact) タイル細胞 (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy PO:0004530 tile cell Empty upright ray cell of approximately the same height as the procumbent ray cell and occurring in indeterminate horizontal series usually interspersed among the procumbent cells. POC:curators c&#233lula de baldoza B (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo タイル細胞 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki Cell on the margin of, and tending to form a sheath around, the procumbent cells of a multi-seriate ray as seen in tangential section. PO_GIT:456 c&#233lula de la vaina (Spanish, exact) 鞘細胞 (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy PO:0004531 sheath cell Cell on the margin of, and tending to form a sheath around, the procumbent cells of a multi-seriate ray as seen in tangential section. POC:curators c&#233lula de la vaina (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo 鞘細胞 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki A portion of parenchyma (PO:0005421) tissue that is part of a portion of secondary xylem (PO:0005848) and has as parts secondary xylem parenchyma cells (PO:0004525). PO_GIT:455 par&#233nquima de la madera (Spanish, exact) wood parenchyma (exact) 二次木部柔組織 (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy PO:0004532 secondary xylem parenchyma A portion of parenchyma (PO:0005421) tissue that is part of a portion of secondary xylem (PO:0005848) and has as parts secondary xylem parenchyma cells (PO:0004525). ISBN:0471245194 par&#233nquima de la madera (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo 二次木部柔組織 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki A portion of secondary xylem parenchyma (PO:0004532) that is part of an axial system (PO:0025410) and has as parts axial secondary xylem parenchyma cells (PO:0004526). PO_GIT:455 axial wood parenchyma (exact) par&#233nquima axial de la madera (Spanish, exact) 軸方向二次木部柔組織 (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy PO:0004533 axial secondary xylem parenchyma A portion of secondary xylem parenchyma (PO:0004532) that is part of an axial system (PO:0025410) and has as parts axial secondary xylem parenchyma cells (PO:0004526). ISBN:0471245194 par&#233nquima axial de la madera (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo 軸方向二次木部柔組織 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki A portion of secondary xylem parenchyma (PO:0004532) that is part of a ray system (PO:0025411) and has as parts ray secondary xylem parenchyma cells (PO:0004527). ray (broad) PO_GIT:455 par&#233nquima de rayo de la madera (Spanish, exact) ray wood parenchyma (exact) 放射状二次木質部柔組織 (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy PO:0004534 Occurs in bands or rays of variable width and height that extend radially in the secondary xylem (PO:0005848) and secondary phloem (PO:0005043) of a plant axis (PO:0025004). ray secondary xylem parenchyma A portion of secondary xylem parenchyma (PO:0004532) that is part of a ray system (PO:0025411) and has as parts ray secondary xylem parenchyma cells (PO:0004527). ISBN:0471245194 par&#233nquima de rayo de la madera (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo 放射状二次木質部柔組織 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki A portion of placenta tissue (PO:0025078) that is part of a fruit (PO:0009001) and to which seeds (PO:0009010) are attached. PO_GIT:144 placenta del fruto (Spanish, exact) 果実の胎座 (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy PO:0004535 If you are annotating to this term, please add an additional annotation to the specific type of fruit (PO:0009001), such as achene fruit (PO:0030107), berry fruit (PO:0030108), capsule fruit (PO:0030091), caryopsis fruit (PO:0030104), drupe fruit (PO:0030103), follicle fruit (PO:0030105), legume fruit (PO:0030100), nut fruit (PO:0030102), samara fruit (PO:0030099), schizocarp fruit (PO:0030098), silique fruit (PO:0030106), or their subclasses, depending on the species. fruit placenta A portion of placenta tissue (PO:0025078) that is part of a fruit (PO:0009001) and to which seeds (PO:0009010) are attached. POC:curators placenta del fruto (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo 果実の胎座 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki A fruit pedicel (PO:0030114) that bears a fruit (PO:0009001) in an infructescence (PO:0006342). PO_GIT:487 PO_GIT:49 pedicelo del fruto (Spanish, exact) 果柄 (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy PO:0004536 An infructescence fruit pedicel is the ultimate shoot axis (PO:0025029) in an infructescence (PO:0006342). infructescence fruit pedicel A fruit pedicel (PO:0030114) that bears a fruit (PO:0009001) in an infructescence (PO:0006342). NYBG:Brandon_Sinn NYBG:Dario_Cavaliere POC:Laurel_Cooper POC:Ramona_Walls pedicelo del fruto (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo 果柄 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki A somatic plant embryo derived directly from nucellus cells. adventitious embryo (broad) PO_GIT:337 embri&#243n adventicio (Spanish, exact) nucellar embryo (exact) 珠心由来の不定胚 (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy PO:0004537 Common in Citrus. nucellar plant embryo A somatic plant embryo derived directly from nucellus cells. POC:curators embri&#243n adventicio (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo 珠心由来の不定胚 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki A root nodule characterized by a persistent meristem, presence of vascular transfer cells, and cell division in the inner cortex with non-dividing infected cells and bacteria. n&#243dulo indeterminable (Spanish, exact) 無限型根粒 (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy PO:0004538 Nodule is persistent and may continue to grow after a physiological stress. indeterminate nodule A root nodule characterized by a persistent meristem, presence of vascular transfer cells, and cell division in the inner cortex with non-dividing infected cells and bacteria. ISBN:1842460137 POC:curators n&#243dulo indeterminable (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo 無限型根粒 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki A root nodule characterized by a dividing infected cells and bacteria, vascular transfer cells absent and cell division is in the outer cortex. n&#243dulo determinado (Spanish, exact) 有限型根粒 (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy PO:0004539 Nodules are not persistent. determinate nodule A root nodule characterized by a dividing infected cells and bacteria, vascular transfer cells absent and cell division is in the outer cortex. POC:curators n&#243dulo determinado (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo 有限型根粒 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki A columella (PO:0025230) that forms the central axis of a fruit. FNA:7024e4e1-69de-473c-94b9-e184f1576141 FNA:8712ee90-8b17-4bb5-b929-35644b8b4ff6 PO_GIT:238 columela del fruto (Spanish, exact) fruit carpophore (exact) 果実柱軸 (Japanese, exact) fruit columellae (narrow, plural) fruit columellas (narrow, plural) plant_anatomy PO:0004540 If you are annotating to this term, please add an additional annotation to the specific type of fruit (PO:0009001), such as achene fruit (PO:0030107), berry fruit (PO:0030108), capsule fruit (PO:0030091), caryopsis fruit (PO:0030104), drupe fruit (PO:0030103), follicle fruit (PO:0030105), legume fruit (PO:0030100), nut fruit (PO:0030102), samara fruit (PO:0030099), schizocarp fruit (PO:0030098), silique fruit (PO:0030106), or their subclasses, depending on the species. fruit columella A columella (PO:0025230) that forms the central axis of a fruit. POC:curators columela del fruto (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo fruit carpophore (exact) FNA:93b5938d-aeac-4e64-9190-db4c8a2ed341 果実柱軸 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki fruit columellae (narrow, plural) FNA:8712ee90-8b17-4bb5-b929-35644b8b4ff6 fruit columellas (narrow, plural) FNA:7024e4e1-69de-473c-94b9-e184f1576141 true A swollen shoot axis (PO:0025029) that grows horizontally at or below the substrate surface and produces shoots above and roots or rhizoids below. FNA:7a04b02c-8ac5-410a-99cd-b68ba80e8f14 PO_GIT:142 rizoma (Spanish, exact) 根茎=root stock (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy rootstock (related) PO:0004542 In ferns and many monocots, a rhizome is a primary axis (stem), while in other species, it is a branch. Usually produces scale-like leaves. rhizome A swollen shoot axis (PO:0025029) that grows horizontally at or below the substrate surface and produces shoots above and roots or rhizoids below. POC:curators rizoma (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo 根茎=root stock (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki rootstock (related) FNA:7a04b02c-8ac5-410a-99cd-b68ba80e8f14 A shoot axis (PO:0025029) that develops from a branch (PO:0025073) and is radially enlarged for storage. diaspore (broad) PO_GIT:127 shoot axis branch tuber (exact) tub&#233rculo (Spanish, exact) tuber branch (exact) シュート軸塊茎 (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy PO:0004543 Functions in storage of photosynthate metabolites. This term should be used for tubers derived from branches, as found in Solanum spp. (e.g. potato) or Dioscorea spp. (e.g. yam) and other species. Use the term tuberous root tuber (PO:0025476) for tubers derived from roots, such as those found in Cassava, Ipomoea, or Hemerocallis. shoot axis tuber A shoot axis (PO:0025029) that develops from a branch (PO:0025073) and is radially enlarged for storage. POC:Laurel_Cooper POC:curators shoot axis branch tuber (exact) POC:curators tub&#233rculo (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo シュート軸塊茎 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki A shoot system that is initiated from a root. sucker (broad) turion (broad) FNA:da7c2bd5-34b4-42aa-a036-7b5f71f66d36 sistema de epiblasto (epiblastema) que nace en la ra&#237z (Spanish, exact) 根由来苗条系 (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy sucker shoot (related) PO:0004544 root-borne shoot system A shoot system that is initiated from a root. POC:curators turion (broad) FNA:da7c2bd5-34b4-42aa-a036-7b5f71f66d36 sistema de epiblasto (epiblastema) que nace en la ra&#237z (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo 根由来苗条系 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki A shoot system that is initiated from a shoot. sucker (broad) turion (broad) FNA:da7c2bd5-34b4-42aa-a036-7b5f71f66d36 sistema de epiblasto (epiblastema) que nace en el epiblasto (epiblastema) (Spanish, exact) シュート由来苗条系 (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy branch (related) PO:0004545 shoot-borne shoot system A shoot system that is initiated from a shoot. POC:curators turion (broad) FNA:da7c2bd5-34b4-42aa-a036-7b5f71f66d36 sistema de epiblasto (epiblastema) que nace en el epiblasto (epiblastema) (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo シュート由来苗条系 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki A shoot-borne shoot system (PO:0004546) developing from a stem (PO:0009047). PO_GIT:135 stem sucker (exact) tallo epic&#243rmico (Spanish, exact) 後生枝 (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy PO:0004546 epicormic shoot system A shoot-borne shoot system (PO:0004546) developing from a stem (PO:0009047). POC:curators tallo epic&#243rmico (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo 後生枝 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki A shoot axis tuber (PO:0004543) that develops below ground. PO_GIT:615 tub&#233rculo subterr&#225neo (Spanish, exact) 地下塊茎 (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy PO:0004547 Functions in storage of photosynthate metabolites. This term should be used for tubers derived from branches, as found in Solanum spp. (e.g. potato) or Dioscorea spp. (e.g. yam) and other species. Use the term tuberous root tuber (PO:0025476) for tubers derived from roots, such as those found in Cassava, Ipomoea, or Hemerocallis. subterranean shoot axis tuber A shoot axis tuber (PO:0004543) that develops below ground. POC:Laurel_Cooper POC:curators tub&#233rculo subterr&#225neo (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo 地下塊茎 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki A shoot axis tuber (PO:0004543) that develops above ground. bulbil (broad) tub&#233rculo a&#233reo (Spanish, exact) むかご(珠芽)propagule (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy PO:0004548 aerial tuber A shoot axis tuber (PO:0004543) that develops above ground. POC:curators tub&#233rculo a&#233reo (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo むかご(珠芽)propagule (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki A portion of ground tissue (PO:0025059) directly internal to an anther wall endothecium (PO:0020002) that develops from an anther wall secondary parietal cell layer (PO:0006007). PO_GIT:358 PO_GIT:49 capa media (Spanish, exact) 葯壁中間層 (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy PO:0004700 May be a single or double layer. Usually crushed by the endothecium and therefore almost invariably degenerates early during anther development. In some angiosperms, including <i>Arabidopsis</i>, it develops from an anther wall outer secondary parietal cell layer. In other angiosperms, it develops directly from an anther wall primary parietal cell layer, while in still others, two layers of the middle layer may develop from both an anther wall outer secondary parietal cell layer and an anther wall inner secondary parietal cell layer. anther wall middle layer A portion of ground tissue (PO:0025059) directly internal to an anther wall endothecium (PO:0020002) that develops from an anther wall secondary parietal cell layer (PO:0006007). ISBN:9780003686647 POC:curators capa media (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo 葯壁中間層 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki Shoot system in which the internodes elongate little or at all, bearing reproductive structures and/or leaves. epiblasto (epiblastema) corto (Spanish, exact) short-shoot (exact) spur (exact) 短枝 (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy brachyblast (related) bud spur (related) PO:0004701 short shoot Shoot system in which the internodes elongate little or at all, bearing reproductive structures and/or leaves. APweb:Glossary epiblasto (epiblastema) corto (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo short-shoot (exact) FNA:e74a799b-dc5e-41a6-916e-04f4fbc934ca spur (exact) FNA:16693ccc-e00f-4db8-b56e-06e5b43a2532 短枝 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki Shoot system in which all or most of the internodes elongate. epiblasto (epiblastema) largo (Spanish, exact) 長枝 (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy PO:0004702 long shoot Shoot system in which all or most of the internodes elongate. APweb:Glossary epiblasto (epiblastema) largo (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo 長枝 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki A phyllome primordium (PO:0025128) that develops from a carpel anlagen (PO:0006005) and is committed to the development of a carpel (PO:0009030). PO_GIT:465 PO_GIT:466 carpel primordia (exact, plural) portion of carpel primordium tissue (exact) primordio de carpelo (Spanish, exact) 心皮原基(可視的) (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy PO:0004703 carpel primordium A phyllome primordium (PO:0025128) that develops from a carpel anlagen (PO:0006005) and is committed to the development of a carpel (PO:0009030). POC:curators carpel primordia (exact, plural) primordio de carpelo (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo 心皮原基(可視的) (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki A phyllome primordium (PO:0025128) that develops from a sepal anlagen (PO:0025485) and is committed to the development of a sepal (PO:0009031). PO_GIT:465 PO_GIT:466 portion of sepal primordium tissue (exact) primordio de s&#233palo (Spanish, exact) sepal primordia (exact, plural) がく片原基(可視的) (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy PO:0004704 sepal primordium A phyllome primordium (PO:0025128) that develops from a sepal anlagen (PO:0025485) and is committed to the development of a sepal (PO:0009031). POC:curators primordio de s&#233palo (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo sepal primordia (exact, plural) がく片原基(可視的) (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki A phyllome primordium (PO:0025128) that develops from a stamen anlagen (PO:0025486) and is committed to the development of a stamen (PO:0009029). PO_GIT:465 PO_GIT:466 portion of stamen primordium tissue (exact) primordio de estambre (Spanish, exact) stamen primordia (exact, plural) 雄蕊原基(可視的) (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy PO:0004705 stamen primordium A phyllome primordium (PO:0025128) that develops from a stamen anlagen (PO:0025486) and is committed to the development of a stamen (PO:0009029). POC:curators primordio de estambre (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo stamen primordia (exact, plural) 雄蕊原基(可視的) (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki OBSOLETE. A primordium that will develop into a flower. PO:0000229 PO:0025477 PO_GIT:465 primordio de flor (Spanish, exact) 花原基(可視的) (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy PO:0004706 This term was made obsolete because it is ambiguous. Use flower meristem (PO:0000229) or floral structure primordium (PO:0025477) instead. If annotating to a primordium of a floral structure, it is better to use the more specific term, such as petal primordium (PO:0000021) or anther primordium (PO:0006089). OBSOLETE flower primordium true OBSOLETE. A primordium that will develop into a flower. POC:curators primordio de flor (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo 花原基(可視的) (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki A dehiscence zone (PO:0025092) that is part of a fruit. zona de dehiscencia del fruto (Spanish, exact) 裂開果帯 (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy PO:0004707 Upon fruit maturation by drying, undergoes cell separation, allowing the valves to detach from the replum and seeds to be dispersed. If you are annotating to this term, please add an additional annotation to the specific type of fruit (PO:0009001), such as achene fruit (PO:0030107), berry fruit (PO:0030108), capsule fruit (PO:0030091), caryopsis fruit (PO:0030104), drupe fruit (PO:0030103), follicle fruit (PO:0030105), legume fruit (PO:0030100), nut fruit (PO:0030102), samara fruit (PO:0030099), schizocarp fruit (PO:0030098), silique fruit (PO:0030106), or their subclasses, depending on the species. fruit dehiscence zone A dehiscence zone (PO:0025092) that is part of a fruit. POC:curators zona de dehiscencia del fruto (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo 裂開果帯 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki A stem node (PO:0020141) that is part of a plant embryo axis (PO:0019018) where the scutellum (PO:0020110) is attached. PO_GIT:145 nodo escutelar (Spanish, exact) 胚盤節 (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy PO:0004708 Found in grasses where no hypocotyl is present. The scutellar node may represent a reduction of the hypocotyl and cotyledonary node. scutellar node A stem node (PO:0020141) that is part of a plant embryo axis (PO:0019018) where the scutellum (PO:0020110) is attached. ISBN:0471244554 POC:Laurel_Cooper nodo escutelar (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo 胚盤節 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki A bud (PO:0000055) that develops from an axillary bud meristem (PO:0000232). PO_GIT:124 yema axilar (Spanish, exact) 腋芽 (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy PO:0004709 axillary bud A bud (PO:0000055) that develops from an axillary bud meristem (PO:0000232). POC:curators yema axilar (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo 腋芽 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki An axillary bud that develops into a flower. PO_GIT:124 PO_GIT:128 axillary floral bud (exact) yema de flor axilar (Spanish, exact) 腋花芽 (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy PO:0004710 axillary flower bud yema de flor axilar (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo 腋花芽 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki An axillary bud that develops into a flower. POC:curators An axillary reproductive bud that develops into an inflorescence. PO_GIT:124 PO_GIT:128 yema de inflorescencia axilar (Spanish, exact) 腋花序芽 (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy PO:0004711 axillary inflorescence bud An axillary reproductive bud that develops into an inflorescence. POC:curators yema de inflorescencia axilar (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo 腋花序芽 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki An axillary bud (PO:0004712) that develops into a shoot system (PO:0009006) that has as organ parts only vegetative organs. PO_GIT:124 PO_GIT:128 yema vegetativa axilar (Spanish, exact) 腋枝芽 (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy PO:0004712 axillary vegetative bud An axillary bud (PO:0004712) that develops into a shoot system (PO:0009006) that has as organ parts only vegetative organs. POC:curators yema vegetativa axilar (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo 腋枝芽 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki A bud that develops from a shoot apical meristem. PO_GIT:124 yema terminal (Spanish, exact) 頂芽 (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy PO:0004713 terminal bud A bud that develops from a shoot apical meristem. POC:curators yema terminal (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo 頂芽 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki A terminal bud that develops into a flower. PO_GIT:124 PO_GIT:128 terminal floral bud (exact) yema floral terminal (Spanish, exact) 頂花芽 (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy PO:0004714 terminal flower bud A terminal bud that develops into a flower. POC:curators yema floral terminal (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo 頂花芽 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki A terminal reproductive bud develops into an inflorescence. PO_GIT:124 PO_GIT:128 yema de inflorescencia terminal (Spanish, exact) 花序頂芽 (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy PO:0004715 terminal inflorescence bud A terminal reproductive bud develops into an inflorescence. POC:curators yema de inflorescencia terminal (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo 花序頂芽 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki A terminal bud (PO:0004713) that develops into a shoot system (PO:0009006) that has as organ parts only vegetative organs. PO_GIT:124 yema vegetativa terminal (Spanish, exact) 栄養成長型頂芽 (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy PO:0004716 terminal vegetative bud A terminal bud (PO:0004713) that develops into a shoot system (PO:0009006) that has as organ parts only vegetative organs. POC:curators yema vegetativa terminal (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo 栄養成長型頂芽 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki A more or less rectangular leaf pavement cell in which the proximodistal dimension is several times longer than the transverse dimension. c&#233lula larga (Spanish, exact) 長細胞 (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy PO:0004717 In the leaf epidermis of Poaceae and Joinvilleaceae, long cells and short cells often alternate in longitudinal rows. If you are annotating to this term, please add an additional annotation to vascular leaf (PO:0009025) or non-vascular leaf (PO:0025075), depending on the species. All annotations for angiosperms, gymnosperms, and pteridophytes should go to vascular leaf and all annotations for bryophytes should go to non-vascular leaf. long cell A more or less rectangular leaf pavement cell in which the proximodistal dimension is several times longer than the transverse dimension. POC:curators c&#233lula larga (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo 長細胞 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki An isodiametric leaf pavement cell. c&#233lula corta (Spanish, exact) 短細胞 (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy PO:0004718 In the leaf epidermis of Poaceae and Joinvilleaceae, long cells and short cells often alternate in longitudinal rows. If you are annotating to this term, please add an additional annotation to vascular leaf (PO:0009025) or non-vascular leaf (PO:0025075), depending on the species. All annotations for angiosperms, gymnosperms, and pteridophytes should go to vascular leaf and all annotations for bryophytes should go to non-vascular leaf. short cell An isodiametric leaf pavement cell. POC:curators c&#233lula corta (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo 短細胞 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki A canal (PO:0025132) that is a longitudinal groove in the testa through a prominent hilum (PO:0020063) of a seed (PO:0009010). surco del hilium (Spanish, exact) へそ(種子)溝 (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy faboid split (related) PO:0004719 hilum groove A canal (PO:0025132) that is a longitudinal groove in the testa through a prominent hilum (PO:0020063) of a seed (PO:0009010). POC:curators surco del hilium (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo へそ(種子)溝 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki true A portion of cortex (PO:0005708) that is part of a higher order inflorescence axis (PO:0009081), also called a paraclade. PO_GIT:115 PO_GIT:49 cortex (corteza) del paraclado (Spanish, exact) inflorescence branch cortex (exact) portion of paraclade cortex tissue (exact) 側生分枝皮層 (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy PO:0004721 paraclade cortex A portion of cortex (PO:0005708) that is part of a higher order inflorescence axis (PO:0009081), also called a paraclade. POC:Laurel_Cooper POC:curators TAIR_curator:Katica_Ilic cortex (corteza) del paraclado (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo 側生分枝皮層 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki A portion of cortex (PO:0005708) that is part of a pedicel (PO:0030112). PO_GIT:115 cortex (corteza) del pedicelo (Spanish, exact) portion of pedicel cortex tissue (exact) 小花柄皮層 (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy PO:0004722 pedicel cortex A portion of cortex (PO:0005708) that is part of a pedicel (PO:0030112). POC:Laurel_Cooper POC:curators TAIR_curator:Katica_Ilic cortex (corteza) del pedicelo (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo 小花柄皮層 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki A phyllome vascular system (PO:0025206) that includes the totality of the portions of vascular tissue in their specific arrangement in a sepal (PO:0009031). PO_GIT:41 sistema vascular del s&#233palo (Spanish, exact) がく片維管系 (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy PO:0004723 sepal vascular system A phyllome vascular system (PO:0025206) that includes the totality of the portions of vascular tissue in their specific arrangement in a sepal (PO:0009031). POC:Ramona_Walls sistema vascular del s&#233palo (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo がく片維管系 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki A cardinal organ part (PO:0025001) that is the part of a plant axis (PO:0025004) where a radicle (PO:0020031) joins a hypocotyl (PO:0020100). PO_GIT:250 embryo axis transition zone (exact) union del hipoc&#243tile con la ra&#237z (Spanish, exact) 胚軸-根合流点 (Japanese, exact) Poaceae crown (narrow) plant_anatomy PO:0004724 hypocotyl-root junction A cardinal organ part (PO:0025001) that is the part of a plant axis (PO:0025004) where a radicle (PO:0020031) joins a hypocotyl (PO:0020100). ISBN:9780881928501 POC:Ramona_Walls embryo axis transition zone (exact) ISBN:9780881928501 union del hipoc&#243tile con la ra&#237z (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo 胚軸-根合流点 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki A portion of vascular leaf primordium (PO:0000017) that is distal to the axis of the shoot apical meristem (PO:0020148) and develops into the abaxial side of the leaf lamina (PO:0020039). PO_GIT:571 lado abaxial del primordio de hoja (Spanish, exact) 葉原基の裏側、背軸側 (Japanese, exact) (exact) plant_anatomy PO:0004725 While the abaxial side of the leaf is usually the lower surface, the vascular leaves (PO:0009025) of some plants may not have an obvious adaxial or abaxial side such as the leaves of many xerophytic (arid-adapted) species. The adaxial and abaxial side may appear considerably more rounded and this could be due to early activity of the vascular leaf adaxial meristem (PO:0025401) and/or leaf abaxial meristem (PO:0025401). In other cases, such as Alstromeria, the leaves may be twisted or resupinate. vascular leaf primordium abaxial side A portion of vascular leaf primordium (PO:0000017) that is distal to the axis of the shoot apical meristem (PO:0020148) and develops into the abaxial side of the leaf lamina (PO:0020039). POC:Brian_Atkinson POC:Laurel_Cooper POC:curators lado abaxial del primordio de hoja (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo 葉原基の裏側、背軸側 (Japanese, exact) (exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki A portion of vascular leaf primordium (PO:0000017) that is proximal to the axis of the shoot apical meristem (PO:0020148) and develops into the adaxial side of the leaf lamina (PO:0020039). PO_GIT:570 lado adaxial del primordio de la hoja (Spanish, exact) 葉原基(可視的)の表側、向軸側 (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy PO:0004726 While the adaxial side of the leaf is usually the upper surface, the vascular leaves (PO:0009025) of some plants may not have an obvious adaxial or abaxial side such as the leaves of many xerophytic (arid-adapted) species. The adaxial and abaxial side may appear considerably more rounded and this could be due to early activity of the vascular leaf adaxial meristem (PO:0025401) and/or leaf abaxial meristem (PO:0025401). In other cases, such as Alstromeria, the leaves may be twisted or resupinate. vascular leaf primordium adaxial side A portion of vascular leaf primordium (PO:0000017) that is proximal to the axis of the shoot apical meristem (PO:0020148) and develops into the adaxial side of the leaf lamina (PO:0020039). POC:Brian_Atkinson POC:Laurel_Cooper POC:curators lado adaxial del primordio de la hoja (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo 葉原基(可視的)の表側、向軸側 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki An axillary shoot system (PO:0006343) that is part of a stem base (PO:0008039). PO_GIT:496 epiblasto (epiblastema) axilar basal (Spanish, exact) 基底腋枝系 (Japanese, exact) (exact) tiller (narrow) plant_anatomy basal axillary branch (related) ratoon (related) PO:0005001 Called a tiller in the Poaceae. basal axillary shoot system An axillary shoot system (PO:0006343) that is part of a stem base (PO:0008039). Gramene:Anuradha_Pujar POC:Laurel_Cooper epiblasto (epiblastema) axilar basal (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo 基底腋枝系 (Japanese, exact) (exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki An axillary branch that forms from a leaf above the very base of the shoot. epiblasto (epiblastema) axilar caulinar (Spanish, exact) 茎生腋枝 (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy cauline axillary branch (related) PO:0005002 The genetic distinction between cauline axillary branches and tillers may or may not be unique to the Poaceae. There are no data for other plant families. cauline axillary shoot An axillary branch that forms from a leaf above the very base of the shoot. Gramene:Anuradha_Pujar epiblasto (epiblastema) axilar caulinar (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo 茎生腋枝 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki A trichome that is part of a shoot axis epidermis. eje de tricoma del epiblasto (epiblastema) (Spanish, exact) シュート軸毛(毛茸、糸状体) (Japanese, exact) branch trichome (narrow) stem trichome (narrow) plant_anatomy PO:0005003 Can occur on a stem or branch. shoot axis trichome A trichome that is part of a shoot axis epidermis. PMID:17217456 POC:curators eje de tricoma del epiblasto (epiblastema) (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo シュート軸毛(毛茸、糸状体) (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki A cardinal organ part (PO:0025001) of a shoot axis (PO:0025029) where a bud (PO:0000055) may form and develop into a branch (PO:0025073), leaf (PO:0025034), flower (PO:0004541), inflorescence (PO:0009049) or nodal root (PO:0003005). PO_GIT:145 nodo del epiblasto (epiblastema) (Spanish, exact) シュート 節 (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy PO:0005004 shoot axis node A cardinal organ part (PO:0025001) of a shoot axis (PO:0025029) where a bud (PO:0000055) may form and develop into a branch (PO:0025073), leaf (PO:0025034), flower (PO:0004541), inflorescence (PO:0009049) or nodal root (PO:0003005). Gramene:Pankaj_Jaiswal POC:Laurel_Cooper POC:curators nodo del epiblasto (epiblastema) (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo シュート 節 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki A cardinal organ part (PO:0025001) of a shoot axis (PO:0025029) that is between two shoot axis nodes (PO:0005004). PO_GIT:146 internodo del epiblasto (epiblastema) (Spanish, exact) シュート節間 (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy PO:0005005 shoot axis internode A cardinal organ part (PO:0025001) of a shoot axis (PO:0025029) that is between two shoot axis nodes (PO:0005004). POC:Laurel_Cooper POC:curators internodo del epiblasto (epiblastema) (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo シュート節間 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki A portion of secretory tissue (PO:0005656) that has as parts articulated laticifer cells (PO:0006221). PO_GIT:129 latic&#237fero articulado (Spanish, exact) portion of articulated laticifer tissue (exact) 連合乳管(有節乳管) (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy PO:0005006 The articulated laticifer cells are joined longitudinally to form a tube, with cross-walls that may be partially to fully perforated. articulated laticifer A portion of secretory tissue (PO:0005656) that has as parts articulated laticifer cells (PO:0006221). Gramene:Pankaj_Jaiswal ISBN:0471245208 POC:curators latic&#237fero articulado (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo 連合乳管(有節乳管) (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki OBSOLETE. A structure consisting of long multinucleate tubes in which latex is found, having no cross walls. PO:0006222 PO_GIT:129 latic&#237fero no articulado (Spanish, exact) 無節乳管、単乳管 (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy PO:0005007 This term was made obsolete because a nom-articulated laticifer is not a tissue type but consists of a single cell. Use non-articulated laticifer cell (PO:0006222) instead. OBSOLETE non-articulated laticifer true OBSOLETE. A structure consisting of long multinucleate tubes in which latex is found, having no cross walls. APweb:Glossary Gramene:Pankaj_Jaiswal latic&#237fero no articulado (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo 無節乳管、単乳管 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki OBSOLETE. A thin partition or membrane that divides a cavity or a mass of tissue in the fruit that is derived from the carpel septum. PO:0025267 PO:0025268 septo de fruto (Spanish, exact) plant_anatomy PO:0005008 This term was made obsolete because it was ambiguous. It has been replaced by the more precise terms fruit septum (PO:0025268) and fruit replum (PO:0025267). Annotations for Arabidopsis should go to fruit replum. obsolete fruit septum true OBSOLETE. A thin partition or membrane that divides a cavity or a mass of tissue in the fruit that is derived from the carpel septum. Gramene:Chih-Wei_Tung septo de fruto (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo OBSOLETE. A thin partition or membrane that divides multilocular ovary. Often found in species with syncarpous (multiple carpels fused) pistil. PO:0025262 PO:0025272 septo del carpelo (Spanish, exact) 心皮隔壁 (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy PO:0005009 Carpel septum was made obsolete because it was ambiguous. It has been replaced by the more precise terms ovary septum (PO:0025262) and ovary replum (PO:0025272). Annotations for Arabidopsis should go to ovary replum (PO:0025272). OBSOLETE carpel septum true OBSOLETE. A thin partition or membrane that divides multilocular ovary. Often found in species with syncarpous (multiple carpels fused) pistil. Gramene:Chih-Wei_Tung Gramene:Pankaj_Jaiswal septo del carpelo (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo 心皮隔壁 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki A septum (PO:0000030) that is part of an anther dehiscence zone (PO:0005011). anther dissepiment (broad) FNA:978c1c40-4dee-4bb1-99f6-b2360d1b77b4 septo de la antera (Spanish, exact) 葯隔壁 (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy PO:0005010 anther septum A septum (PO:0000030) that is part of an anther dehiscence zone (PO:0005011). Gramene:Chih-Wei_Tung Gramene:Pankaj_Jaiswal POC:Laurel_Cooper anther dissepiment (broad) FNA:978c1c40-4dee-4bb1-99f6-b2360d1b77b4 septo de la antera (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo 葯隔壁 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki A dehiscence zone (PO:0025092) that is part of an anther (PO:0009066). zona de dehiscencia de la antera (Spanish, exact) 開葯帯 (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy PO:0005011 Extends along the entire length of the anther and is observed as an indentation between the locules of each theca. Upon anther maturation, cell separation within the dehiscence zone allows the anther wall to break open and pollen to be released. anther dehiscence zone A dehiscence zone (PO:0025092) that is part of an anther (PO:0009066). POC:curators zona de dehiscencia de la antera (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo 開葯帯 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki A shoot axis vascular system (PO:0000039) that includes the totality of the portions of vascular tissue in their specific arrangement in a pedicel (PO:0030112). PO_GIT:41 sistema vascular del pedicelo (Spanish, exact) 小花柄維管系 (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy PO:0005012 pedicel vascular system A shoot axis vascular system (PO:0000039) that includes the totality of the portions of vascular tissue in their specific arrangement in a pedicel (PO:0030112). PMID:17217456 POC:Ramona_Walls sistema vascular del pedicelo (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo 小花柄維管系 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki A portion of stem epidermis (PO:0025178) which is the outermost primary cell layer of the hypocotyl (PO:0020100). epidermis del hipoc&#243tile (Spanish, exact) 胚軸 表皮 (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy PO:0005013 hypocotyl epidermis A portion of stem epidermis (PO:0025178) which is the outermost primary cell layer of the hypocotyl (PO:0020100). PMID:15368128 TAIR_curator:Donghui_Li epidermis del hipoc&#243tile (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo 胚軸 表皮 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki A portion of cortex (PO:0005708) that is part of a plant embryo (PO:0009009). PO_GIT:9 cortex (corteza) del emrbion (Spanish, exact) 胚皮層 (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy PO:0005014 Can occur in the hypocotyl and root. embryo cortex A portion of cortex (PO:0005708) that is part of a plant embryo (PO:0009009). PMID:16543410 POC:curators TAIR_curator:Donghui_Li cortex (corteza) del emrbion (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo 胚皮層 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki A portion of endodermis (PO:0000252) that is part of an plant embryo (PO:0009009). PO_GIT:10 endodermis del embri&#243n (Spanish, exact) 胚内胚葉 (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy PO:0005015 embryo endodermis A portion of endodermis (PO:0000252) that is part of an plant embryo (PO:0009009). PMID:16543410 endodermis del embri&#243n (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo 胚内胚葉 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki OBSOLETE. A false septum formed by the ingrowth from the placenta of an ovary rather than from the carpel walls. This is formed post fertilization. PO:0025267 PO:0025272 PO_GIT:279 repla (exact, plural) replum (replo) (Spanish, exact) 隔膜 (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy PO:0005016 This term was made obsolete to avoid confusion with the new terms fruit replum and ovary replum. Consider ovary replum (PO:0025272) or fruit replum (PO:0025267). OBSOLETE replum true OBSOLETE. A false septum formed by the ingrowth from the placenta of an ovary rather than from the carpel walls. This is formed post fertilization. Gramene:Pankaj_Jaiswal PMID:13678595 PMID:15035986 repla (exact, plural) FNA:b859a80d-5ce9-421f-a5c9-a64cdb01860b replum (replo) (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo 隔膜 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki A shoot system vascular system (PO:0025205) that includes the totality of the portions of vascular tissue in their specific arrangement in a flower (PO:0009046). PO_GIT:41 sistema vascular de la flor (Spanish, exact) 花維管 系 (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy PO:0005017 Because a vascular system is defined as the totality of the portions of vascular tissue in a plant structure, the vascular systems of floral parts are part of the flower vascular system. flower vascular system A shoot system vascular system (PO:0025205) that includes the totality of the portions of vascular tissue in their specific arrangement in a flower (PO:0009046). POC:Ramona_Walls sistema vascular de la flor (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo 花維管 系 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki A phyllome vascular system (PO:0025206) that includes the totality of the portions of vascular tissue in their specific arrangement in a stamen (PO:0009029). PO_GIT:41 sistema vascular del estambre (Spanish, exact) 雄蕊維管系 (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy PO:0005018 stamen vascular system A phyllome vascular system (PO:0025206) that includes the totality of the portions of vascular tissue in their specific arrangement in a stamen (PO:0009029). POC:Ramona_Walls sistema vascular del estambre (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo 雄蕊維管系 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki A phyllome vascular system (PO:0025206) that includes the totality of the portions of vascular tissue in their specific arrangement in a carpel (PO:0009030). PO_GIT:41 sistema vascular del carpelo (Spanish, exact) 心皮維管系 (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy PO:0005019 carpel vascular system A phyllome vascular system (PO:0025206) that includes the totality of the portions of vascular tissue in their specific arrangement in a carpel (PO:0009030). POC:Ramona_Walls sistema vascular del carpelo (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo 心皮維管系 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki A portion of vascular tissue (PO:0009015) that is a unit strand of the vascular system (PO:0000034) and has as part xylem (PO:0005352) or phloem (PO:0005417). PO_GIT:431 haz vascular (Spanish, exact) vein (exact) 維管束 (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy PO:0005020 May also contain portions of ground tissue (PO:0025059). The bundle sheath (PO:0006023) can also be part of a vascular bundle, if it is present. vascular bundle A portion of vascular tissue (PO:0009015) that is a unit strand of the vascular system (PO:0000034) and has as part xylem (PO:0005352) or phloem (PO:0005417). POC:curators haz vascular (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo 維管束 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki A phyllome margin (PO:0025018) which is part of a sepal (PO:0009031). margen del s&#233palo (Spanish, exact) がく片縁 (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy PO:0005021 sepal margin A phyllome margin (PO:0025018) which is part of a sepal (PO:0009031). PMID:15269176 POC:Laurel_Cooper TAIR_curator:Donghui_Li margen del s&#233palo (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo がく片縁 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki A portion of plant tissue (PO:0009007) that is composed of plant ovary outer epidermis (PO:0005023), plant ovary inner epidermis (PO:0005024), and a plant ovary wall middle layer (PO:0005025) PO_GIT:280 pared del ovario (Spanish, exact) 子房壁 (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy PO:0005022 plant ovary wall A portion of plant tissue (PO:0009007) that is composed of plant ovary outer epidermis (PO:0005023), plant ovary inner epidermis (PO:0005024), and a plant ovary wall middle layer (PO:0005025) Gramene:Pankaj_Jaiswal PMID:10332605 POC:Laurel_Cooper pared del ovario (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo 子房壁 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki A portion of plant ovary epidermis (PO:0006063) which is the outer surface of a plant ovary (PO:0009072). PO_GIT:280 epidermis externo del ovario (Spanish, exact) 子房の裏側 背軸側の表皮 (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy plant ovary abaxial epidermis (related) PO:0005023 plant ovary outer epidermis A portion of plant ovary epidermis (PO:0006063) which is the outer surface of a plant ovary (PO:0009072). Gramene:Pankaj_Jaiswal POC:Laurel_Cooper epidermis externo del ovario (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo 子房の裏側 背軸側の表皮 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki A portion of plant ovary epidermis (PO:0006063) which is the inner surface of a plant ovary (PO:0009072). PO_GIT:280 epidermis interno del ovario (Spanish, exact) 子房の表側、向軸側の表皮 (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy plant ovary adaxial epidermis (related) PO:0005024 plant ovary inner epidermis A portion of plant ovary epidermis (PO:0006063) which is the inner surface of a plant ovary (PO:0009072). Gramene:Pankaj_Jaiswal POC:Laurel_Cooper epidermis interno del ovario (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo 子房の表側、向軸側の表皮 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki A portion of chlorenchyma tissue (PO:0005426) that is part of the plant ovary wall (PO:0005022) and is composed of mesophyll cells (PO:0004006). PO_GIT:280 PO_GIT:49 capa media de la pared del ovario (Spanish, exact) middle layer of plant ovary wall (exact) 子房壁の中間層 (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy PO:0005025 In some species, such as Arabidopsis, there may be a distinct subepidermal adaxial cell layer. The cells in the mesophyll layer(s) may not differentiate similar to the spongy and palisade cells found in the leaf mesophyll. plant ovary wall middle layer A portion of chlorenchyma tissue (PO:0005426) that is part of the plant ovary wall (PO:0005022) and is composed of mesophyll cells (PO:0004006). Gramene:Pankaj_Jaiswal PMID:10332605 capa media de la pared del ovario (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo 子房壁の中間層 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki Multinucleate cell developed by a series of events involving kayokinesis but not cytokinesis of the initial feeding cell. The events are induced by root knot nematodes (e.g., Meloidogyne sp. ) entering the feeding cells (any cells) of the root vascular system. c&#233lula gigante de la ra&#237z (Spanish, exact) 根巨大細胞 (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy PO:0005026 root giant cell Multinucleate cell developed by a series of events involving kayokinesis but not cytokinesis of the initial feeding cell. The events are induced by root knot nematodes (e.g., Meloidogyne sp. ) entering the feeding cells (any cells) of the root vascular system. Gramene:Pankaj_Jaiswal PMID:15053756 c&#233lula gigante de la ra&#237z (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo 根巨大細胞 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki Multinucleate cell developed by a series of events involving fusion with the neighboring dividing cells. The events are induced by cyst nematodes (e.g. <i>Heterodera schachtii</i>) entering the feeding cells (any cells) of the root vascular system. c&#233lula ??? de la ra&#237z (Spanish, exact) 根融合細胞 (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy PO:0005027 root syncytium cell Multinucleate cell developed by a series of events involving fusion with the neighboring dividing cells. The events are induced by cyst nematodes (e.g. <i>Heterodera schachtii</i>) entering the feeding cells (any cells) of the root vascular system. Gramene:Pankaj_Jaiswal PMID:15053756 c&#233lula ??? de la ra&#237z (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo 根融合細胞 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki A shoot system vascular system (PO:0025205) that includes the totality of the portions of vascular tissue in their specific arrangement in an inflorescence (PO:0009049). PO_GIT:41 sistema vascular de inflorescencia (Spanish, exact) 花序維管系 (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy PO:0005028 inflorescence vascular system A shoot system vascular system (PO:0025205) that includes the totality of the portions of vascular tissue in their specific arrangement in an inflorescence (PO:0009049). POC:Ramona_Walls sistema vascular de inflorescencia (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo 花序維管系 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki A primordium (PO:0025127) that develops from a root anlagen (PO:0025433) and is committed to the development of a root (PO:0009005). PO_GIT:467 portion of root primordium tissue (exact) primordio de ra&#237z (Spanish, exact) root primordia (exact, plural) 根原基(可視的) (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy PO:0005029 A root primordium may arise from cells of a pericycle (PO:0006203) in a root in most seed plant (pericyclic lateral root primordium; PO:0025492), from cells of an endodermis (PO:0000252) in ferns and some seed plants (non-pericyclic lateral root primordium: PO:0025493), or from cells of a shoot axis (PO:0025029), in the case of a basal root primordium (PO:0025479) or shoot-borne root primordium (PO:0025480). Transition from root primordium to root occurs with the formation of a root cap (PO:0020123), shortly after the development of a root apical meristem (PO:0020147). root primordium A primordium (PO:0025127) that develops from a root anlagen (PO:0025433) and is committed to the development of a root (PO:0009005). ISBN:0521288959 POC:curators primordio de ra&#237z (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo root primordia (exact, plural) 根原基(可視的) (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki A glandular trichome (PO:0004509) that synthesizes terpenophenolic resins and prenylflavonoids. meiera 2015-09-22T10:45:31Z PO_GIT:602 plant_anatomy PO:0005030 One of the major chalconoids from hops is xanthohumol (CHEBI:66331). lupulin gland A glandular trichome (PO:0004509) that synthesizes terpenophenolic resins and prenylflavonoids. CHEBI:66331 PMID:18223037 PO:austin_meier A strobilus (PO:0025083) that bears only pollen (PO:0025281). meiera 2015-09-22T10:51:43Z FNA:b2779296-b5a3-41ac-97a3-f53448d492d7 FNA:ebda7bb0-bb12-4160-bbc6-a5edc4fb316c PO_GIT:168 PO_GIT:601 plant_anatomy male cone (related) microstrobili (related, plural) microstrobilus (related) pollen cone (related) PO:0005031 microsporangiate strobilus A strobilus (PO:0025083) that bears only pollen (PO:0025281). POC:Laurel_Cooper POC:austin_meier male cone (related) FNA:b2779296-b5a3-41ac-97a3-f53448d492d7 microstrobili (related, plural) microstrobilus (related) FNA:ebda7bb0-bb12-4160-bbc6-a5edc4fb316c A strobilus (PO:0025083) that bears only plant ovules (PO:0020003). meiera 2015-09-22T10:51:48Z FNA:a116a573-2ca8-4bda-b3e7-d0d89e6e2107 FNA:c98ce1b1-9cda-4790-9149-799e9795b621 FNA:ed33e80e-12e2-41a3-8a0d-655a842189a6 FNA:ff4b92f1-d0aa-4d75-89ba-934aa07fba2d PO_GIT:168 PO_GIT:601 plant_anatomy female cone (related) hop cone (related) macrostrobili (related, plural) macrostrobilus (related) megastrobili (related, plural) megastrobilus (related) ovulate cone (related) PO:0005032 megasporangiate strobilus A strobilus (PO:0025083) that bears only plant ovules (PO:0020003). POC:Laurel_Cooper POC:austin_meier female cone (related) FNA:c98ce1b1-9cda-4790-9149-799e9795b621 macrostrobili (related, plural) FNA:ff4b92f1-d0aa-4d75-89ba-934aa07fba2d macrostrobilus (related) FNA:ed33e80e-12e2-41a3-8a0d-655a842189a6 megastrobili (related, plural) FNA:a116a573-2ca8-4bda-b3e7-d0d89e6e2107 megastrobilus (related) FNA:a116a573-2ca8-4bda-b3e7-d0d89e6e2107 A shoot lateral meristem (PO:0006344) that is part of a shoot axis (PO:0025029) and has a parts multiple layers of meristematic cells (PO:0004010) located near the shoot apical meristem (PO:0020148). PO_GIT:437 PTM (exact) collar meristem (exact) meristema de engrosamiento primario (Spanish, exact) 一次 肥厚(膜)分裂組織 (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy meristematic cap (related) PO:0005039 Contributes to primary thickening of a shoot axis (PO:0025029), adventitious (shoot-borne) root (PO:0000042) formation, and formation of linkages between shot axis (PO:0000039), leaf (PO:0000036), and root (PO:0003011) vascular systems. Contiguous with the shoot apical meristem (PO:0020148) in some species, but not all. Produces more or less distinct vascular bundles (PO:0005020) surrounded by ground tissue (PO:0025059), as opposed to the more or less continuous xylem (PO:0005352) and phloem (PO:0005417) produced by a vascular cambium (PO:0005598). A primary thickening meristem is a multi-layered structure, compared to the single layer of a cambium. Found in many monocotyledons. primary thickening meristem A shoot lateral meristem (PO:0006344) that is part of a shoot axis (PO:0025029) and has a parts multiple layers of meristematic cells (PO:0004010) located near the shoot apical meristem (PO:0020148). ISBN:0471245208 JSTOR:4354165 meristema de engrosamiento primario (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo 一次 肥厚(膜)分裂組織 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki A portion of pith (PO:0006109) that is part of a root stele (PO:0020124). PO_GIT:114 m&#233dula de la ra&#237z (Spanish, exact) 根髄 (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy PO:0005040 root pith A portion of pith (PO:0006109) that is part of a root stele (PO:0020124). ISBN:0080280307 m&#233dula de la ra&#237z (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo 根髄 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki A portion of pith (PO:0006109) that is part of a shoot axis (PO:0025029). m&#233dula del eje del epiblasto (epiblastema) (Spanish, exact) シュート軸髄 (Japanese, exact) branch pith (narrow) stem pith (narrow) plant_anatomy PO:0005041 Can occur in a stem or branch. shoot axis pith A portion of pith (PO:0006109) that is part of a shoot axis (PO:0025029). ISBN:0080280307 m&#233dula del eje del epiblasto (epiblastema) (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo シュート軸髄 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki A portion of phloem (PO:0005417) tissue that develops from a vascular cambium (PO:0005598). PO_GIT:433 floema secundario (Spanish, exact) portion of secondary phloem tissue (exact) 二次師部 (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy PO:0005043 Secondary phloem develops as part of secondary growth (GO:0080117). secondary phloem A portion of phloem (PO:0005417) tissue that develops from a vascular cambium (PO:0005598). ISBN:0471245208 floema secundario (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo 二次師部 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki A peripheral portion of ground tissue (PO:0025059) in a plant axis (PO:0025004) that is composed of cork cambium (phellogen; PO:0005599), phellem (PO:0004003), and phelloderm (PO:0005050). PO_GIT:110 peridermis (Spanish, exact) portion of periderm tissue (exact) portion of peridermal tissue (exact) 周皮 (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy PO:0005046 After secondary growth, the periderm may replace the epidermis in stems and roots, rarely in other organs. In some cases, the epidermis is retained after periderm development. Periderm is derived from lateral meristem and may contain secondary phloem. periderm A peripheral portion of ground tissue (PO:0025059) in a plant axis (PO:0025004) that is composed of cork cambium (phellogen; PO:0005599), phellem (PO:0004003), and phelloderm (PO:0005050). ISBN:0471245208 POC:curators peridermis (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo 周皮 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki A portion of periderm tissue (PO:0005046) that is part of a root (PO:0009005). PO_GIT:110 PO_GIT:112 peridermis de la ra&#237z (Spanish, exact) 根周皮 (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy PO:0005047 root periderm A portion of periderm tissue (PO:0005046) that is part of a root (PO:0009005). POC:curators peridermis de la ra&#237z (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo 根周皮 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki A portion of periderm tissue (PO:0005046) that is part of a shoot axis (PO:0025029). PO_GIT:110 PO_GIT:112 peridermis del eje del epiblasto (epiblastema) (Spanish, exact) シュート軸周皮 (Japanese, exact) branch periderm (narrow) stem periderm (narrow) plant_anatomy PO:0005048 Can occur on a stem or branch. shoot axis periderm A portion of periderm tissue (PO:0005046) that is part of a shoot axis (PO:0025029). POC:curators peridermis del eje del epiblasto (epiblastema) (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo シュート軸周皮 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki true A portion of ground tissue (PO:0025059) often resembling cortical parenchyma produced centripetally by the cork cambium. PO_GIT:445 felodermis (Spanish, exact) portion of phelloderm tissue (exact) コルク皮層 (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy PO:0005050 phelloderm A portion of ground tissue (PO:0025059) often resembling cortical parenchyma produced centripetally by the cork cambium. ISBN:0080374913 felodermis (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo コルク皮層 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki A portion of ground tissue (PO:0025059) that is the outermost layer of a portion of cortex (PO:0005708). PO_GIT:126 hipodermis (Spanish, exact) portion of hypodermal tissue (exact) 真皮 (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy PO:0005051 A layer or layers of cells beneath the epidermis that is distinct in appearance from adjacent tissues. hypodermis A portion of ground tissue (PO:0025059) that is the outermost layer of a portion of cortex (PO:0005708). POC:curators hipodermis (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo 真皮 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki A portion of plant tissue (PO:0009007) that consists of mass of undifferentiated plant cells (PO:0009002). callus (broad) PO_GIT:323 callo (Spanish, exact) portion of plant callus tissue (exact) 植物カルス (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy PO:0005052 Consists primarily of parenchyma cells but may contain other cell types as the callus begins to differentiate. May be formed as a result of wounding or may develop in culture. plant callus A portion of plant tissue (PO:0009007) that consists of mass of undifferentiated plant cells (PO:0009002). Gramene:Pankaj_Jaiswal POC:curators callo (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo 植物カルス (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki OBSOLETE. A secretory structure that produces latex. PO:0005006 PO:0006221 PO:0006222 PO_GIT:129 latic&#237fero (Spanish, exact) 乳管 (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy PO:0005053 This term was made obsolete because its had only one subclass. Consider non-articulated laticifer (PO:0005007), articulated laticifer cell (PO:0006221) or non-articulated laticifer cell (PO:0006222) instead. OBSOLETE laticifer true OBSOLETE. A secretory structure that produces latex. ISBN:0080374913 latic&#237fero (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo 乳管 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki A portion of shoot axis hypodermis (PO:0005057) that is part of a stem cortex (PO:0000223). PO_GIT:126 hipodermis del eje del epiblasto (epiblastema) (Spanish, exact) シュート軸真皮 (Japanese, exact) branch hypodermis (narrow) plant_anatomy PO:0005057 Can occur in a stem or branch. shoot axis hypodermis A portion of shoot axis hypodermis (PO:0005057) that is part of a stem cortex (PO:0000223). ISBN:0080374913 POC:curators hipodermis del eje del epiblasto (epiblastema) (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo シュート軸真皮 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki A portion of endodermis (PO:0000252) that is part of a shoot axis cortex (PO:0000223). PO_GIT:126 endodermis de eje del epiblasto (epiblastema) (Spanish, exact) シュート軸内胚葉 (Japanese, exact) branch endodermis (narrow) stem endodermis (narrow) plant_anatomy PO:0005058 Can occur in a stem or branch. shoot axis endodermis A portion of endodermis (PO:0000252) that is part of a shoot axis cortex (PO:0000223). POC:curators endodermis de eje del epiblasto (epiblastema) (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo シュート軸内胚葉 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki A portion of endodermis that is part of a root cortex. endodermis de la ra&#237z (Spanish, exact) 根内皮 (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy PO:0005059 root endodermis A portion of endodermis that is part of a root cortex. Gramene:Pankaj_Jaiswal endodermis de la ra&#237z (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo 根内皮 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki A portion of endodermis that is part of a vascular leaf. endodermis de la hoja (Spanish, exact) 葉内皮 (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy PO:0005060 Often found in the leaf of Gymnosperms and elsewhere. leaf endodermis A portion of endodermis that is part of a vascular leaf. POC:curators endodermis de la hoja (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo 葉内皮 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki OBSOLETE. Aerenchyma, originating by a combination of two processes, separation and degradation of cell walls. aer&#233nquima esquizo-lis&#237geno (Spanish, exact) 離破生通気組織(schizogenous?) (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy PO:0005349 The term was made obsolete because schizo-lysigenous form is an attribute of regular aerenchyma. OBSOLETE schizo-lysigenous aerenchyma true OBSOLETE. Aerenchyma, originating by a combination of two processes, separation and degradation of cell walls. Gramene:Pankaj_Jaiswal ISBN:0080374913 aer&#233nquima esquizo-lis&#237geno (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo 離破生通気組織(schizogenous?) (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki A portion of vascular tissue (PO:0009015) that has as part one or more tracheary elements (PO:0000290). PO_GIT:434 portion of xylem tissue (exact) xilema (Spanish, exact) 木質部 (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy PO:0005352 Functions in the translocation of water and solutes from roots (PO:0009005) to the shoot system (PO:0009006) and in support. Tracheary elements have lignified cell walls with secondary thickening and are dead at maturity. xylem A portion of vascular tissue (PO:0009015) that has as part one or more tracheary elements (PO:0000290). ISBN:0471245194 xilema (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo 木質部 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki A portion of plant tissue (PO:0009007) that is the outermost layer of endosperm (PO:0009089) in a seed (PO:0009010), its cells being characterized by presence of protein bodies (GO:0042735). PO:0008004 PO_GIT:149 PO_GIT:285 PO_GIT:286 PO_GIT:49 capa de aleurona (Spanish, exact) fruit aleurone layer (exact) 糊粉粒、アリューロン層 (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy PO:0005360 Occurs in cereals and many other taxa. The protein bodies (GO:0042735) contain seed storage proteins and enzymes involved with endosperm digestion (Esau, 1977). aleurone layer A portion of plant tissue (PO:0009007) that is the outermost layer of endosperm (PO:0009089) in a seed (PO:0009010), its cells being characterized by presence of protein bodies (GO:0042735). Gramene:Pankaj_Jaiswal ISBN:0080374913 ISBN:0471245208 capa de aleurona (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo 糊粉粒、アリューロン層 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki A portion of seed storage parenchyma that is part of an endosperm. par&#233nquima endosp&#233rmico (Spanish, exact) 内胚乳、胚乳柔組織 (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy PO:0005415 Often devoid of intercellular spaces. endosperm parenchyma A portion of seed storage parenchyma that is part of an endosperm. ISBN:0080374913 POC:curators par&#233nquima endosp&#233rmico (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo 内胚乳、胚乳柔組織 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki A portion of vascular tissue (PO:0009015) that has as parts sieve elements (PO:0025406). PO_GIT:433 floema (Spanish, exact) portion of phloem tissue (exact) 師部、師管 (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy PO:0005417 Functions in the conduction of organic substances in vascular plants. phloem A portion of vascular tissue (PO:0009015) that has as parts sieve elements (PO:0025406). ISBN:0471245208 POC:curators floema (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo 師部、師管 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki A portion of ground tissue (PO:0025059) composed of polyhedral cells typically with thin, non-lignified cellulosic cell walls and nucleate, living protoplasts. PO_GIT:107 par&#233nquima (Spanish, exact) portion of parenchyma tissue (exact) portion of parenchymatous tissue (exact) 柔組織 (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy PO:0005421 Parenchyma contains relatively unspecialized cells. parenchyma A portion of ground tissue (PO:0025059) composed of polyhedral cells typically with thin, non-lignified cellulosic cell walls and nucleate, living protoplasts. POC:curators par&#233nquima (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo 柔組織 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki A portion of ground tissue (PO:0025059) which comprises living tissue composed of more or less elongated cells with thick, non-lignified primary cell walls. col&#233nquima (Spanish, exact) portion of collenchyma tissue (exact) 厚角組織 (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy supporting tissue (related) PO:0005423 collenchyma A portion of ground tissue (PO:0025059) which comprises living tissue composed of more or less elongated cells with thick, non-lignified primary cell walls. Gramene:Pankaj_Jaiswal col&#233nquima (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo 厚角組織 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki Chloroplast-containing parenchyma tissue. clor&#233nquima (Spanish, exact) portion of chlorenchyma tissue (exact) 同化組織、葉緑組織 (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy PO:0005426 chlorenchyma Chloroplast-containing parenchyma tissue. ISBN:0080374913 clor&#233nquima (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo 同化組織、葉緑組織 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki A portion of ground tissue (PO:0025059) which comprises supporting tissue composed of plant fiber cells (PO:0025407) or sclereid cells (PO:0025418). escler&#233nquima (Spanish, exact) portion of sclerenchyma tissue (exact) portion of sclerenchymatous tissue (exact) 厚膜組織 (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy PO:0005427 sclerenchyma A portion of ground tissue (PO:0025059) which comprises supporting tissue composed of plant fiber cells (PO:0025407) or sclereid cells (PO:0025418). ISBN:0080374913 escler&#233nquima (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo 厚膜組織 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki A lateral meristem (PO:0020145) that has as part a single layer of cambial initial cells (PO:0000295) and their derivatives, arranged orderly in radial files. PO_GIT:437 cambium (Spanish, exact) 形成層 (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy PO:0005597 This term is applied to only two types of meristems: vascular cambium (PO:0005598) and cork cambium/phellogen (PO:0005599). cambium A lateral meristem (PO:0020145) that has as part a single layer of cambial initial cells (PO:0000295) and their derivatives, arranged orderly in radial files. ISBN:047125208 cambium (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo 形成層 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki A cambium (PO:0005597) that is located between and gives rise to secondary xylem (PO:0005848) and secondary phloem (PO:0005043). PO_GIT:437 cambium vascular (Spanish, exact) 維管束形成層 (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy PO:0005598 A vascular cambium produces cells in both directions, centrifugally and centrifically, leading to an increase in the cross-sectional area of a plant axis (PO:0025004). vascular cambium A cambium (PO:0005597) that is located between and gives rise to secondary xylem (PO:0005848) and secondary phloem (PO:0005043). ISBN:047125208 cambium vascular (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo 維管束形成層 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki A cambium (PO:0005597) that is part of a periderm (PO:0005046) and produces phellem (PO:0004003) and phelloderm (PO:0005050). PO_GIT:437 PO_GIT:445 cambium de corcho (Spanish, exact) phellogen (exact) コルク形成層 (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy PO:0005599 Cork cambium is located between the phellem and phelloderm and produces phellem toward the outside and phelloderm toward the inside of a plant axis (PO:0025004). cork cambium A cambium (PO:0005597) that is part of a periderm (PO:0005046) and produces phellem (PO:0004003) and phelloderm (PO:0005050). ISBN:047125208 cambium de corcho (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo コルク形成層 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki OBSOLETE. A form of collenchyma in which the primary wall thickening is most prominent in the angles where three or more cells are joined. col&#233nquima angular (Spanish, exact) 角隅厚角組織 (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy PO:0005621 The term was made obsolete because angular form is a common attribute of ordinary collenchyma. OBSOLETE angular collenchyma true OBSOLETE. A form of collenchyma in which the primary wall thickening is most prominent in the angles where three or more cells are joined. Gramene:Pankaj_Jaiswal ISBN:0080374913 col&#233nquima angular (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo 角隅厚角組織 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki OBSOLETE. A collenchyma characterized by intercellular spaces and cell wall thickenings facing the intercellular spaces. col&#233nquima lacunar (Spanish, exact) 間隙厚角組織 (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy PO:0005632 The term was made obsolete because the lacunar form is an attribute of regular collenchyma. OBSOLETE lacunar collenchyma true OBSOLETE. A collenchyma characterized by intercellular spaces and cell wall thickenings facing the intercellular spaces. Gramene:Pankaj_Jaiswal ISBN:0080374913 col&#233nquima lacunar (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo 間隙厚角組織 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki OBSOLETE. A collenchyma in which cell wall thickenings are deposited mainly on tangential walls. col&#233nquima laminar (Spanish, exact) ラメラ厚角組織 (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy plate collenchyma (related) tangential collenchyma (related) PO:0005633 The term was made obsolete because lamellar form is an attribute of regular collenchyma. OBSOLETE lamellar collenchyma true OBSOLETE. A collenchyma in which cell wall thickenings are deposited mainly on tangential walls. Gramene:Pankaj_Jaiswal ISBN:0080374913 col&#233nquima laminar (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo ラメラ厚角組織 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki The chloroplast-containing, photosynthetic parenchymatous tissue situated between the two epidermal layers of the foliage leaf. mes&#243filo de la hoja (Spanish, exact) 葉の葉肉 (Japanese, exact) (exact) plant_anatomy foliage leaf mesophyll (related) leaf parenchyma (related) PO:0005645 If you are annotating to this term, please add an additional annotation to vascular leaf (PO:0009025) or non-vascular leaf (PO:0025075), depending on the species. All annotations for angiosperms, gymnosperms, and pteridophytes should go to vascular leaf and all annotations for bryophytes should go to non-vascular leaf. leaf mesophyll The chloroplast-containing, photosynthetic parenchymatous tissue situated between the two epidermal layers of the foliage leaf. Gramene:Pankaj_Jaiswal ISBN:0080374913 mes&#243filo de la hoja (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo 葉の葉肉 (Japanese, exact) (exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki Leaf mesophyll parenchyma characterized by little elongated cells, that are not closely packed and have conspicuous intercellular spaces. mes&#243filo esponjoso (Spanish, exact) 海綿状葉肉 (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy spongy parenchyma (related) PO:0005647 If you are annotating to this term, please add an additional annotation to vascular leaf (PO:0009025) or non-vascular leaf (PO:0025075), depending on the species. All annotations for angiosperms, gymnosperms, and pteridophytes should go to vascular leaf and all annotations for bryophytes should go to non-vascular leaf. spongy mesophyll Leaf mesophyll parenchyma characterized by little elongated cells, that are not closely packed and have conspicuous intercellular spaces. Gramene:Pankaj_Jaiswal ISBN:0080374913 mes&#243filo esponjoso (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo 海綿状葉肉 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki Parenchyma containing closely packed elongated chlorenchymatous cells oriented perpendicular to the leaf surface and which are active in photosynthesis. mes&#243filo en empalizada (Spanish, exact) 柵状葉肉 (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy palisade parenchyma (related) PO:0005648 If you are annotating to this term, please add an additional annotation to vascular leaf (PO:0009025) or non-vascular leaf (PO:0025075), depending on the species. All annotations for angiosperms, gymnosperms, and pteridophytes should go to vascular leaf and all annotations for bryophytes should go to non-vascular leaf. palisade mesophyll Parenchyma containing closely packed elongated chlorenchymatous cells oriented perpendicular to the leaf surface and which are active in photosynthesis. Gramene:Pankaj_Jaiswal ISBN:0080374913 mes&#243filo en empalizada (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo 柵状葉肉 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki A portion of plant tissue (PO:0009007) that form specialized structures producing a secretion. PO_GIT:659 porci&#243n del tejido secretor (Spanish, exact) 分泌組織の一部 (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy gland (related) PO:0005656 The synonym gland does not imply non-secretory 'glands'. portion of secretory tissue A portion of plant tissue (PO:0009007) that form specialized structures producing a secretion. Gramene:Pankaj_Jaiswal ISBN:0471245208 POC:Laurel_Cooper porci&#243n del tejido secretor (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo 分泌組織の一部 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki A cardinal organ part that releases water through a hydathode pore. PO_GIT:326 hidatodo (Spanish, exact) 排水組織 (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy PO:0005660 Hydathodes may have one or more pores that are similar to stomata but lack the ability to open and close. Hydathodes are involved in the release of water or xylem sap through pores via guttation or secretion. Generally, hydathodes are located at the end of a minor vein in a phyllome. In many plants, hydathodes includes a portion of thin-walled parenchyma between the tracheary elements and the pore, known as an epithem. In some plants, hydathodes are associated with secretory tissue. hydathode A cardinal organ part that releases water through a hydathode pore. ISBN:0471244554 hidatodo (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo 排水組織 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki A specialized tissue where excess salt absorbed in water from the soil is concentrated, being stores or excreted. gl&#225ndula de sal (Spanish, exact) 塩腺 (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy PO:0005661 A crust of salt forms on leaves which tastes bad and the white surfaces act to reflect light. Example, as is Mangrove vegetation. salt gland A specialized tissue where excess salt absorbed in water from the soil is concentrated, being stores or excreted. Gramene:Pankaj_Jaiswal ISBN:0471245208 gl&#225ndula de sal (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo 塩腺 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki A canal (PO:0025132) of schizogenous origin, lined with secretory resin cells (PO:0025604) and containing plant resin (PO:0025603). PO_GIT:587 canal de resina (Spanish, exact) 樹脂道 (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy resin duct (related) PO:0005665 resin canal A canal (PO:0025132) of schizogenous origin, lined with secretory resin cells (PO:0025604) and containing plant resin (PO:0025603). Gramene:Pankaj_Jaiswal ISBN:0080374913 PMID:11337413 POC:Laurel_Cooper canal de resina (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo 樹脂道 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki A gland or a cavity lined with cells that secrete oils. gl&#225ndula aceitosa (Spanish, exact) 油胞、油腺 (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy oil cavity (related) PO:0005669 Oil glands are schizogenous. oil gland A gland or a cavity lined with cells that secrete oils. Gramene:Pankaj_Jaiswal ISBN:0471245208 gl&#225ndula aceitosa (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo 油胞、油腺 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki A portion of plant tissue (PO:0009007) composed of plant epidermal cells (PO:0004013) that develops from the protoderm (PO:0006210) and covers the surface of a plant structure (PO:0009011). PO_GIT:109 dermal tissue (exact) epidermal layer (exact) epidermides (exact, plural) epidermis (Spanish, exact) epidermises (exact, plural) portion of epidermal tissue (exact) 表皮 (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy multiseriate epidermis (related) PO:0005679 The epidermis can be composed of one or more layers of cells. In some species of vascular plants, the epidermis, which is a primary tissue, is replaced by periderm, which is secondary tissue, later in development. The epidermis can also include trichomes, stomatal pores, root hairs, and rhizoids. plant epidermis A portion of plant tissue (PO:0009007) composed of plant epidermal cells (PO:0004013) that develops from the protoderm (PO:0006210) and covers the surface of a plant structure (PO:0009011). POC:curators epidermides (exact, plural) FNA:35df04e5-fde5-465e-b79e-ae7d5e1537bb epidermis (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo epidermises (exact, plural) FNA:0d1bd0e6-c039-4de3-a162-68299a2f342a 表皮 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki A portion of parenchyma tissue containing particularly large intercellular spaces of schizogenous or lysigenous origin. aer&#233nquima (Spanish, exact) 通気組織 (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy portion of aerenchyma tissue (related) PO:0005702 As applied to an intercellular space, originating by one or a combination of two processes, separation and degradation of cell walls. aerenchyma A portion of parenchyma tissue containing particularly large intercellular spaces of schizogenous or lysigenous origin. Gramene:Pankaj_Jaiswal ISBN:0080374913 aer&#233nquima (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo 通気組織 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki OBSOLETE. Aerenchyma originating by rupture of cells. aer&#233nquima XXXX (Spanish, exact) rhexigenous通気組織 (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy PO:0005704 The term was made obsolete because rhexigenous form is an attribute of regular aerenchyma. OBSOLETE rhexigenous aerenchyma true OBSOLETE. Aerenchyma originating by rupture of cells. Gramene:Pankaj_Jaiswal ISBN:0080374913 aer&#233nquima XXXX (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo rhexigenous通気組織 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki OBSOLETE. Aerenchyma originating by dissolution of cells. aer&#233nquima lis&#237geno (Spanish, exact) 破生通期組織 (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy PO:0005706 The term was made obsolete because lysigenous form is an attribute of regular aerenchyma. OBSOLETE lysigenous aerenchyma true OBSOLETE. Aerenchyma originating by dissolution of cells. Gramene:Pankaj_Jaiswal ISBN:0080374913 aer&#233nquima lis&#237geno (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo 破生通期組織 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki A maximal portion of ground tissue (PO:0025059) between the vascular system (PO:0000034) and the epidermis (PO:0005679) in a plant. PO_GIT:115 cortex (corteza) (Spanish, exact) portion of cortex tissue (exact) 皮層 (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy PO:0005708 cortex A maximal portion of ground tissue (PO:0025059) between the vascular system (PO:0000034) and the epidermis (PO:0005679) in a plant. POC:curators cortex (corteza) (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo 皮層 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki OBSOLETE. Meristematic tissue consisting of apical initials, together with cells derived from them and which are still close to the initial. promeristema (Spanish, exact) 前分裂組織 (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy PO:0005752 OBSOLETE promeristem true OBSOLETE. Meristematic tissue consisting of apical initials, together with cells derived from them and which are still close to the initial. Gramene:Pankaj_Jaiswal ISBN:0080374913 promeristema (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo 前分裂組織 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki The sub-epidermal layer or layers of cells of the root similar in structure and cytochemical characteristics of the endodermis, the outermost layer or layers of cells of the cortex. exodermis (Spanish, exact) 外皮 (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy root hypodermis (related) PO:0005772 The cell walls are thickened and contain suberin. Absent in pteridophytes, fibrous in Phoenix and accompanied by sclerenchyma in Ananas. exodermis The sub-epidermal layer or layers of cells of the root similar in structure and cytochemical characteristics of the endodermis, the outermost layer or layers of cells of the cortex. Gramene:Pankaj_Jaiswal ISBN:0080374913 exodermis (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo 外皮 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki A portion of xylem (PO:0005352) tissue that develops from a vascular cambium (PO:0005598). PO_GIT:164 PO_GIT:434 portion of secondary xylem tissue (exact) wood (exact) xilema secundario (Spanish, exact) 二次木部 (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy PO:0005848 Secondary xylem develops as part of secondary growth (GO:0080117). Secondary xylem is the wood of gymnosperm and dicot angiosperm trees, shrubs, and lianas. May be organized into axial (PO:0025410) and ray (PO:0025411) systems. Secondary xylem is often part of a shoot axis (PO:0025029) or a root (PO:0009005) but may occur in other organs. Some monocots have a primary thickening meristem (PO:0005039), located near the shoot apical meristem (PO:0020148), that gives the appearance of secondary growth and may produce lignified tissue that appears woody but is not composed of secondary xylem. Tracheary elements in secondary xylem (PO:0000290) have lignified cell walls with secondary thickening and are dead at maturity. secondary xylem A portion of xylem (PO:0005352) tissue that develops from a vascular cambium (PO:0005598). ISBN:0471245194 xilema secundario (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo 二次木部 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki A portion of xylem (PO:0005352) tissue that develops from the procambium (PO:0025275). PO_GIT:434 portion of primary xylem tissue (exact) xilema primario (Spanish, exact) 一次木部 (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy PO:0005849 Primary xylem develops as part of primary growth (request for primary growth has been made to GO) and is not differentiated into axial (PO:0025410) and ray (PO:0025411) systems. Tracheary elements (PO:0000290) have lignified cell walls with secondary thickening and are dead at maturity. primary xylem A portion of xylem (PO:0005352) tissue that develops from the procambium (PO:0025275). ISBN:0122151704 ISBN:0471245194 xilema primario (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo 一次木部 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki A collective phyllome structure that encloses a fruit of the Poaceae (caryopsis) and develops from a dried lemma and palea. PO_GIT:239 Poaceae hull (exact) pl&#250mula de Poaceae (Spanish, exact) イネ科植物 籾殻、外皮 (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy PO:0006000 caryopsis hull A collective phyllome structure that encloses a fruit of the Poaceae (caryopsis) and develops from a dried lemma and palea. POC:Ramona_Walls pl&#250mula de Poaceae (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo イネ科植物 籾殻、外皮 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki