An ontology that describes phenotypic traits in plants. Each trait is a distinguishable feature, characteristic, quality or phenotypic feature of a developing or mature plant. Plant Trait Ontology plant_trait_ontology 1.2 cooperl definition term replaced by Terms_used_for_leek Terms_used_for_squash Terms_used_for_soybean Term_used_for_barley Terms_used_for_sugarcane Terms_used_for_the_Solanaceae Terms_used_for_wheat Terms_used_for_maize_or_corn subset_property has_alternative_id has_broad_synonym database_cross_reference has_exact_synonym has_narrow_synonym has_obo_format_version has_obo_namespace has_related_synonym in_subset shorthand BFO:0000050 plant_trait_ontology part_of part_of part of BFO:0000051 plant_trait_ontology has_part has_part has part BFO:0000066 plant_trait_ontology occurs_in occurs_in occurs in RO:0000052 plant_trait_ontology inheres_in inheres_in inheres in plant_trait_ontology evaluation_location evaluation location plant_trait_ontology from_country from country plant_trait_ontology has_absolute_phenotype has absolute phenotype plant_trait_ontology has_dividend_entity has dividend entity plant_trait_ontology has_dividend_quality has dividend quality plant_trait_ontology has_divisor_entity has divisor entity plant_trait_ontology has_divisor_quality has divisor quality plant_trait_ontology has_phenotype_score has phenotype score plant_trait_ontology has_phenotype_variable has phenotype variable plant_trait_ontology has_ratio_quality has ratio quality plant_trait_ontology has_relative_phenotype has relative phenotype plant_trait_ontology relative_to relative to Sensitivity to the carbon content in the growth medium. It plays an important role in the synthesis of various inorganic and organic metabolites such as carbohydrates, lipids, amino acids and peptides and plays a role in various metabolic processes. plant_trait_ontology CBSN (related) carbon deficiency (related) TO:0000001 carbon sensitivity Sensitivity to the carbon content in the growth medium. It plays an important role in the synthesis of various inorganic and organic metabolites such as carbohydrates, lipids, amino acids and peptides and plays a role in various metabolic processes. Gramene:pankaj_jaiswal OBSOLETE. An epigenetic trait is a distinguishable feature or a characteristic or a quality of character or a phenotypic feature of a developing or developed individual but have arisen as a result of mechanisms regulating the expression of the genes rather than differences in the gene sequence. plant_trait_ontology TO:0000002 OBSOLETE epigenetic trait true OBSOLETE. An epigenetic trait is a distinguishable feature or a characteristic or a quality of character or a phenotypic feature of a developing or developed individual but have arisen as a result of mechanisms regulating the expression of the genes rather than differences in the gene sequence. Gramene:pankaj_jaiswal ISBN:0198506732 Plant sensitivity to soils with alkali conditions (pH>7). plant_trait_ontology AlkS (related) alkali sensitivity (related) TO:0000003 Observed by general growth conditions in relation to standard resistant and susceptible checks. Since some soil problems are very heterogeneous in the field, several replications may be needed to obtain precise reading. Leaf is counted as discolored or dead if more than half of its area is discolored or dead. alkali soil sensitivity Plant sensitivity to soils with alkali conditions (pH>7). RiceSES:SES TO:moorel Trait of a plant in which the action of the cytotoxic gene used to introduce male sterility is suppressed by the application of a chemical to the plant. Reversion of the sterility allows the RMS parent to be self-fertilized, a step that overcomes the need to remove fertile sib plants prior to making the hybrid cross. plant_trait_ontology RMS (related) TO:0000004 reversible male sterility Trait of a plant in which the action of the cytotoxic gene used to introduce male sterility is suppressed by the application of a chemical to the plant. Reversion of the sterility allows the RMS parent to be self-fertilized, a step that overcomes the need to remove fertile sib plants prior to making the hybrid cross. PMID:10645437 true Sensitivity to the calcium content in the growth medium. Plays an important role in cell wall synthesis and enzyme activities. plant_trait_ontology CALSN (related) calcium deficiency (related) TO:0000006 calcium sensitivity Sensitivity to the calcium content in the growth medium. Plays an important role in cell wall synthesis and enzyme activities. Gramene:pankaj_jaiswal Response by the plant in terms of sensitivity to sulfur content in the growth medium. It is important for synthesis of some amino acid residues. plant_trait_ontology SFSN (related) sulfur deficiency (related) TO:0000007 sulfur sensitivity Response by the plant in terms of sensitivity to sulfur content in the growth medium. It is important for synthesis of some amino acid residues. Gramene:pankaj_jaiswal Sensitivity to the potassium ion content in the growth medium. It plays an important role in controlling water by osmosis and also in the metal ion homeostasis. plant_trait_ontology KSN (related) potassium deficiency (related) TO:0000008 potassium sensitivity Sensitivity to the potassium ion content in the growth medium. It plays an important role in controlling water by osmosis and also in the metal ion homeostasis. Gramene:pankaj_jaiswal Male sterility affected by photoperiod. plant_trait_ontology PGMS (related) PPDSNGMS (related) photoperiod sensitive genic male sterility (related) TO:0000009 genic male sterility-photoperiod sensitive Male sterility affected by photoperiod. Gramene:pankaj_jaiswal RiceSES:SES Sensitivity to the magnesium content in the growth medium. It is important for chlorophyll biosynthesis and metal ion homeostasis. plant_trait_ontology MGSN (related) magnesium deficiency (related) TO:0000010 magnesium sensitivity Sensitivity to the magnesium content in the growth medium. It is important for chlorophyll biosynthesis and metal ion homeostasis. Gramene:pankaj_jaiswal Sensitivity to the nitrogen content in the growth medium. It is important for protein synthesis, chlorophyll etc. plant_trait_ontology NISN (related) nitrogen deficiency (related) TO:0000011 nitrogen sensitivity Sensitivity to the nitrogen content in the growth medium. It is important for protein synthesis, chlorophyll etc. Gramene:pankaj_jaiswal Sensitivity to the molecular hydrogen or hydrogen ion content in the growth medium. It plays an important role in the synthesis of various inorganic and organic metabolites such as carbohydrates, lipids, amino acids and peptides and plays a role in the energy metabolism, osmolarity, etc. plant_trait_ontology hydrogen ion sensitivity (related) molecular hydrogen sensitivity (related) TO:0000012 hydrogen sensitivity Sensitivity to the molecular hydrogen or hydrogen ion content in the growth medium. It plays an important role in the synthesis of various inorganic and organic metabolites such as carbohydrates, lipids, amino acids and peptides and plays a role in the energy metabolism, osmolarity, etc. Gramene:pankaj_jaiswal A microbial disease response (TO:0000112) trait which is the response to damage to a plant structure (PO:0009011) caused by an infection by a mycoplasma (NCBITaxon:2093). plant_trait_ontology MLO (related) MLORS (related) TO:0000013 Plant structure (PO:0009011) includes the whole plant (PO:0000003), as well as parts of a plant. Plants can exhibit varying degrees of resistance or susceptibility to mycoplasma infections. Mycoplasma infections are often associated with an insect vector. mycoplasma disease response A microbial disease response (TO:0000112) trait which is the response to damage to a plant structure (PO:0009011) caused by an infection by a mycoplasma (NCBITaxon:2093). Gramene:pankaj_jaiswal NCBITaxon:2093 RiceSES:SES TO:Laurel_Cooper Average weight of the panicle from the plants or tillers in a given study. plant_trait_ontology PNWT (related) TO:0000014 panicle weight Average weight of the panicle from the plants or tillers in a given study. Gramene:pankaj_jaiswal Sensitivity to the molecular oxygen or reactive oxygen ion content in the growth medium. It plays an important role in the synthesis of various inorganic and organic metabolites such as carbohydrates, lipids, aminoacids and peptides and plays a role in the energy metabolism. plant_trait_ontology oxygen deficiency (related) TO:0000015 oxygen sensitivity Sensitivity to the molecular oxygen or reactive oxygen ion content in the growth medium. It plays an important role in the synthesis of various inorganic and organic metabolites such as carbohydrates, lipids, aminoacids and peptides and plays a role in the energy metabolism. Gramene:pankaj_jaiswal Sensitivity to the cobalt content in the growth medium. plant_trait_ontology COSN (related) TO:0000016 cobalt sensitivity Sensitivity to the cobalt content in the growth medium. Gramene:pankaj_jaiswal A plant trait (TO:0000387) which is a morphological quality of a plant anatomical entity (PO:0025131) or a constituent cellular component (GO:0005575) contained therein. TO_GIT:54 plant_trait_ontology plant architecture trait (related) plant structure trait (related) TO:0000017 Includes traits of plant structures (PO:0009011) such as plant cell (PO:0009002), plant organ (PO:0009008), portion of plant tissue (PO:0009007), vascular system (PO:0000034), whole plant (PO:0000003) and seed (PO:0009010), as well as those of plant anatomical spaces (PO:0025117) and portions of plant substance (PO:0025161). plant morphology trait A plant trait (TO:0000387) which is a morphological quality of a plant anatomical entity (PO:0025131) or a constituent cellular component (GO:0005575) contained therein. GO:0005575 Gramene:pankaj_jaiswal PO:0025131 TO:Laurel_Cooper Sensitivity to the boron content in the growth medium. It plays an important role in cell division. plant_trait_ontology BOSN (related) boron deficiency (related) TO:0000018 boron sensitivity Sensitivity to the boron content in the growth medium. It plays an important role in cell division. Gramene:pankaj_jaiswal Average height measurements of 10 seedlings, in centimeters from the base of the shoot to the tip of the tallest leaf blade. plant_trait_ontology SH (related) TO:0000019 seedling height Average height measurements of 10 seedlings, in centimeters from the base of the shoot to the tip of the tallest leaf blade. RiceSES:SES plant_trait_ontology BSDVRS (related) TO:0000020 black streak dwarf virus resistance Sensitivity to the copper ion content in the growth medium. Plays a role as cofactor in synthesis of some enzymes important in photosynthesis. plant_trait_ontology CUSN (related) TO:0000021 copper sensitivity Sensitivity to the copper ion content in the growth medium. Plays a role as cofactor in synthesis of some enzymes important in photosynthesis. Gramene:pankaj_jaiswal Causal agent: Oebalus pugnax. plant_trait_ontology SBUGRS (related) TO:0000022 stink bug resistance Causal agent: Oebalus pugnax. Gramene:pankaj_jaiswal Causal agent: species of Sarocladium, Bipolaris, Alternaria, Gerlachia, Fusarium, Phoma, Curvularia, Trichoconiella and Psaudomonas etc. Symptoms: darkening of glumes of spikelets, brown color to black including rotten glumes caused by one or more pathogens. Intensity ranges from sporadic discoloration to discoloration of the whole glume. Severity of grain discoloration can be estimated by counting of grains with more than 25% of glume surface affected. plant_trait_ontology Gd (related) grain discoloration (related) TO:0000023 fungal infection related grain discoloration Causal agent: species of Sarocladium, Bipolaris, Alternaria, Gerlachia, Fusarium, Phoma, Curvularia, Trichoconiella and Psaudomonas etc. Symptoms: darkening of glumes of spikelets, brown color to black including rotten glumes caused by one or more pathogens. Intensity ranges from sporadic discoloration to discoloration of the whole glume. Severity of grain discoloration can be estimated by counting of grains with more than 25% of glume surface affected. Gramene:pankaj_jaiswal RiceSES:SES A ligule morphology trait (TO:0002748) which is a length of a ligule measured in millimeters from the base of the leaf collar to the tip of the ligule (PO:0020105). PATO:0000122 plant_trait_ontology LIGLG (related) LgL (related) TO:0000024 Refer to length PATO:0000122: A 1-D extent quality which is equal to the distance between two points. ligule length A ligule morphology trait (TO:0002748) which is a length of a ligule measured in millimeters from the base of the leaf collar to the tip of the ligule (PO:0020105). PO:0020105 RiceSES:SES TO:Laurel_Cooper Important for nitrate fixation. plant_trait_ontology TO:0000025 molybdenum sensitivity Important for nitrate fixation. Gramene:pankaj_jaiswal Abortion at tri-nucleate stage of microspore development. plant_trait_ontology TNUABR (related) TO:0000026 An example is CMS-boro in rice. aborted tri-nucleate stage Abortion at tri-nucleate stage of microspore development. Gramene:pankaj_jaiswal RiceSES:SES Actual count of the total number of tillers after full heading, Specify if per plant, hill or area. plant_trait_ontology CmN (related) TO:0000027 culm number Actual count of the total number of tillers after full heading, Specify if per plant, hill or area. RiceSES:SES Number of unfilled florets in a grass inflorescence. plant_trait_ontology UNFILGRNB (related) unfilled florets per panicle (related) unfilled grain (related) TO:0000028 unfilled grain number Number of unfilled florets in a grass inflorescence. Gramene:pankaj_jaiswal Sensitivity to the chlorine content in the growth medium. Chloride helps regulate the correct pH (acid/alkaline) balance. This is a major electrolyte in the living cell besides sodium and potassium. It is available to the cell mainly in the form of NaCl and KCl salts. plant_trait_ontology CHLORSN (related) TO:0000029 chlorine sensitivity Sensitivity to the chlorine content in the growth medium. Chloride helps regulate the correct pH (acid/alkaline) balance. This is a major electrolyte in the living cell besides sodium and potassium. It is available to the cell mainly in the form of NaCl and KCl salts. Gramene:pankaj_jaiswal A weed damage response (TO:0000347) trait which is the response of a plant to weed competition from sedge weeds. plant_trait_ontology TO:0000030 Sedges are perennial plants which resemble grasses, and commonly grow in shallow water or moist soils, such as rice production fields. Sedges may be distinguished from grasses by their stem cross-section (solid, triangular) and leaf shape (long, thin-textured, narrow and flat). Common sedge weeds in rice fields include Smallflower Umbrella Sedge (Cyperus difformis), Ricefield Bulrush (Scirpus mucronatus), and River Bulrush (Scirpus fluviatilis). sedge weed response A weed damage response (TO:0000347) trait which is the response of a plant to weed competition from sedge weeds. Gramene:pankaj_jaiswal ISBN:9712200299 TO:Laurel_Cooper plant_trait_ontology TO:0000031 silicon sensitivity plant_trait_ontology TO:0000032 selenium sensitivity plant_trait_ontology TO:0000033 iodine sensitivity Sensitivity to the chromium content in the growth medium. plant_trait_ontology CHRSN (related) TO:0000034 chromium sensitivity Sensitivity to the chromium content in the growth medium. Gramene:pankaj_jaiswal plant_trait_ontology TO:0000035 incompatibility trait plant_trait_ontology HYBIC (related) TO:0000036 hybrid incompatibility OBSOLETE. Determines the extent of male sterility of a male sterile line. Can be determined by either pollen sterility or spikelet fertility plant_trait_ontology degree of male sterility of male sterile lines (related) male sterility measure (related) TO:0000037 OBSOLETE male sterility extent true OBSOLETE. Determines the extent of male sterility of a male sterile line. Can be determined by either pollen sterility or spikelet fertility Gramene:pankaj_jaiswal RiceSES:SES plant_trait_ontology TO:0000038 fluorine sensitivity OBSOLETE. Defines the components that determine the over all yield from a plant plant_trait_ontology TO:0000039 OBSOLETE yield component true OBSOLETE. Defines the components that determine the over all yield from a plant Gramene:pankaj_jaiswal A panicle morphology trait (TO:0000847) which is the measurement in centimeters from panicle base to tip. plant_trait_ontology PNLG (related) PnL (related) TO:0000040 Evaluated at growth stage:8 in rice. panicle length A panicle morphology trait (TO:0000847) which is the measurement in centimeters from panicle base to tip. RiceSES:SES A grain length (TO:0000734) monitored after dehulling but before polishing. The grain should contain pericarp (PO:0009084). PATO:0000122 plant_trait_ontology BRWLG (related) Len (related) TO:0000041 Refer to length (PATO:0000122): A 1-D extent quality which is equal to the distance between two points. brown rice length A grain length (TO:0000734) monitored after dehulling but before polishing. The grain should contain pericarp (PO:0009084). PO:0009084 RiceSES:SES TO:moorel plant_trait_ontology F1HYBIC (related) TO:0000042 f1-hybrid incompatibility A plant axis morphology trait (TO:0000738) which is a quality of a root (PO:0025025). TO_GIT:58 plant_trait_ontology TO:0000043 root morphology trait A plant axis morphology trait (TO:0000738) which is a quality of a root (PO:0025025). Gramene:pankaj_jaiswal PO:0025025 TO:Laurel_Cooper Trait is monitored by counting number of flowers or florets that have completed anthesis on a given day and showing exserted stigma. Trait expressed as percent stigma exsertion. plant_trait_ontology STIEX (related) stigma exsertion of male sterile lines (related) TO:0000044 Scale, (%), Stigma exsertion; 1- Above 70, Well exserted; 3- 41-70, Moderately well exserted; 5- 21-40, Just exserted; 7- 11-20, Partly exserted; 9- 0-10, Enclosed. Evaluated at growth stage:6 and 7 in rice. stigma exsertion Trait is monitored by counting number of flowers or florets that have completed anthesis on a given day and showing exserted stigma. Trait expressed as percent stigma exsertion. Gramene:pankaj_jaiswal RiceSES:SES Causal agent: Balanasia oryzae-sativae (Ephelis oryzae). Symptoms: a white mycelial mat ties the panicle branches together so that they emerge as single, small, cylindrical rods. plant_trait_ontology UDb (related) TO:0000045 udbatta disease resistance Causal agent: Balanasia oryzae-sativae (Ephelis oryzae). Symptoms: a white mycelial mat ties the panicle branches together so that they emerge as single, small, cylindrical rods. Gramene:pankaj_jaiswal RiceSES:SES plant_trait_ontology F2GST (related) TO:0000046 f2-generation sterility plant_trait_ontology TO:0000047 sporophytic incompatibility Causal agent: Tilletia barclayana. Symptoms: infected grains show minute black pustules or streaks bursting through the glumes. In severe infection, the rupturing glumes produce short beak-like or spur-like outgrowths. plant_trait_ontology KSRS (related) KSm (related) TO:0000048 kernel smut disease resistance Causal agent: Tilletia barclayana. Symptoms: infected grains show minute black pustules or streaks bursting through the glumes. In severe infection, the rupturing glumes produce short beak-like or spur-like outgrowths. Gramene:pankaj_jaiswal plant_trait_ontology GPHIC (related) TO:0000049 gametophytic incompatibility An inflorescence morphology trait (TO:0000373) which is the extent of branching. (PO:0009049). TO:0000263 TO_GIT:96 plant_trait_ontology panicle branching (related) TO:0000050 Branching usually determines the shape and compactness of the inflorescence inflorescence branching An inflorescence morphology trait (TO:0000373) which is the extent of branching. (PO:0009049). Gramene:pankaj_jaiswal PO:0009049 TO:moorel A stem morphology trait (TO:0000361) which is the strength of a stem (PO:0009047). PATO:0001230 plant_trait_ontology CULMSTR (related) Cs (related) STEMSTR (related) culm strength (related) TO:0000051 Refer to strength (PATO:0001230): A quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's power or force. stem strength A stem morphology trait (TO:0000361) which is the strength of a stem (PO:0009047). Gramene:pankaj_jaiswal PO:0009047 RiceSES:SES TO:moorel An inflorescence morphology trait (TO:0000373) which is the extent of primary branching that usually sets the tone for shape and compactness of the inflorescence (PO:0009049) (rice panicle). plant_trait_ontology PBR (related) primary branching of panicle (related) TO:0000052 primary branching of inflorescence An inflorescence morphology trait (TO:0000373) which is the extent of primary branching that usually sets the tone for shape and compactness of the inflorescence (PO:0009049) (rice panicle). Gramene:pankaj_jaiswal PO:0009049 TO:moorel Observed under a microscope at magnification 10x10 after staining with 1% iodine potassium iodide (IKI) solution. Samples for pollen are collected from anthers and fixed in 70% alcohol. Two to three anthers are extracted from each floret and pollen grains are squeezed out into the IKI solution drop. At least three fields are used to count the sterile pollen grains; unstained withered, unstained spherical and partially stained round and fertile, from stained round pollen grains. Percentage sterility is calculated as = (unstained withered+unstained spherical+partially stained) x 100/total number of pollen grains in the field including the fertile. plant_trait_ontology TO:0000053 pollen sterility Observed under a microscope at magnification 10x10 after staining with 1% iodine potassium iodide (IKI) solution. Samples for pollen are collected from anthers and fixed in 70% alcohol. Two to three anthers are extracted from each floret and pollen grains are squeezed out into the IKI solution drop. At least three fields are used to count the sterile pollen grains; unstained withered, unstained spherical and partially stained round and fertile, from stained round pollen grains. Percentage sterility is calculated as = (unstained withered+unstained spherical+partially stained) x 100/total number of pollen grains in the field including the fertile. Gramene:pankaj_jaiswal RiceSES:SES A biotic plant stress trait (TO:0000179) which is the response to damage to a plant structure (PO:0009011) caused by an animal (NCBITaxon:33208). plant_trait_ontology pest resistance (related) TO:0000054 Animals include vertebrates and invertebrates such as insects, arachnids and nematodes. animal damage response trait A biotic plant stress trait (TO:0000179) which is the response to damage to a plant structure (PO:0009011) caused by an animal (NCBITaxon:33208). Gramene:pankaj_jaiswal NCBITaxon:33208 PO:0009011 TO:cooper A leaf lamina morphology trait (TO:0000829) which is the extent of pubescence (presence of hairs) on a leaf lamina (PO:0020039). PATO:0001320 plant_trait_ontology LBP (related) LFLHR (related) LFLPUBES (related) leaf blade pubescence (related) TO:0000055 Refer to pubescent hair (PATO:0001320): A pilosity quality of being covered with short hairs or soft down. leaf lamina pubescence A leaf lamina morphology trait (TO:0000829) which is the extent of pubescence (presence of hairs) on a leaf lamina (PO:0020039). RiceSES:SES A stem morphology trait (TO:0000361) which is the color of a stem (PO:0009047). PATO:0000014 plant_trait_ontology TO:0000056 Refer to color (PATO:0000014): A composite chromatic quality composed of hue, saturation and intensity parts. stem color A stem morphology trait (TO:0000361) which is the color of a stem (PO:0009047). Gramene:pankaj_jaiswal PO:0009047 TO:moorel A moisture content trait (TO:0000228) which is the amount of moisture of the caryopsis fruit (PO:0030104). plant_trait_ontology TO:0000057 grain moisture content A moisture content trait (TO:0000228) which is the amount of moisture of the caryopsis fruit (PO:0030104). TO:malaporte A chemical stress sensitivity (TO:0000482) which is the tolerance exhibited by a plant towards the applied herbicide. PECO:0007183 plant_trait_ontology herbicide tolerance (related) weedicide tolerance (related) TO:0000058 It is expected that the herbicide application must not affect the agronomic yield, if any. herbicide sensitivity A chemical stress sensitivity (TO:0000482) which is the tolerance exhibited by a plant towards the applied herbicide. Gramene:pankaj_jaiswal TO:moorel Color of the stem node. plant_trait_ontology NDCL (related) TO:0000059 node color true true Color of the stem node. Gramene:pankaj_jaiswal Abortion at uni-nucleate stage of microspore development. plant_trait_ontology UNUABR (related) TO:0000060 An example is CMS-WA in rice. aborted uni-nucleate stage Abortion at uni-nucleate stage of microspore development. Gramene:pankaj_jaiswal RiceSES:SES plant_trait_ontology brittle node (related) TO:0000061 node shattering plant_trait_ontology TO:0000062 phenol reaction plant_trait_ontology MIRP (related) disease mimic response (related) lesion mimic (related) TO:0000063 mimic response A whole plant morphology trait (TO:0000398) which is a quality of a plant embryo (PO:0009009). TO_GIT:140 plant_trait_ontology TO:0000064 plant embryo morphology trait A whole plant morphology trait (TO:0000398) which is a quality of a plant embryo (PO:0009009). PO:0009009 TO:moorel A root morphology trait (TO:0000043) which is the color of a root (PO:0009005). plant_trait_ontology RTCL (related) TO:0000065 root color A root morphology trait (TO:0000043) which is the color of a root (PO:0009005). Gramene:pankaj_jaiswal OBSOLETE. plant_trait_ontology TO:0000066 OBSOLETE spot disease true Temperature sensitive male sterility, affected by environment. plant_trait_ontology TGMS (related) thermo sensitive genic male sterility (related) TO:0000067 genic male sterility-thermo sensitive Temperature sensitive male sterility, affected by environment. Gramene:pankaj_jaiswal RiceSES:SES Measure of percentage of plants that lodged. plant_trait_ontology LOI (related) Lg (related) TO:0000068 lodging incidence Measure of percentage of plants that lodged. RiceSES:SES A leaf color (TO:0000326) trait where the leaf (PO:0009025) has areas of green and non-green tissue. plant_trait_ontology albino leaf striping (related) leaf stripes (related) TO:0000069 variegated leaf A leaf color (TO:0000326) trait where the leaf (PO:0009025) has areas of green and non-green tissue. TO:Laurel_Cooper Variegated leaf necrosis or scorching observed in response to stresses like drought, insecticides and cold temperature as evidenced by chlorotic and/or necrotic tissue. plant_trait_ontology VLFNEC (related) ragged leaf (related) TO:0000070 In maize this trait is observed for chlorotic tissue between veins or older leaves, causing holes and torn appearance. variegated leaf necrosis Variegated leaf necrosis or scorching observed in response to stresses like drought, insecticides and cold temperature as evidenced by chlorotic and/or necrotic tissue. Gramene:pankaj_jaiswal The anthocyanin content in a plant or plant part. plant_trait_ontology ANTHCN (related) TO:0000071 Anthocyanin is the red to purple pigments composed of soluble glycosides of anthocyanidins, present in leaves and floral tissue. Usually the pigment is produced under stress conditions. Amounts of anthocyanin produced depend on stored sugar and sunlight. The more stored sugar in the leaf and brighter the autumn days, the more intense red. Anthocyanin production also increases as phosphates move out of the leaves; the lack of phosphates in young leaves can also lead to the production of anthocyanin. anthocyanin content The anthocyanin content in a plant or plant part. ISBN:198506732 An awn morphology trait (TO:0002718) which is the length of awn (PO:0025349). PATO:0000122 plant_trait_ontology AWNLG (related) An (related) awning (related) TO:0000072 Refer to length PATO:0000122: A 1-D extent quality which is equal to the distance between two points. awn length An awn morphology trait (TO:0002718) which is the length of awn (PO:0025349). PO:0025349 RiceSES:SES TO:moorel Sensitivity to the manganese content in the growth medium. It is important for activation of some enzymes and role in metal ion homeostasis. plant_trait_ontology MNSN (related) TO:0000073 manganese sensitivity Sensitivity to the manganese content in the growth medium. It is important for activation of some enzymes and role in metal ion homeostasis. Gramene:pankaj_jaiswal